SEARCHING FOR UTOPIA?! - Raft Multiplayer Gameplay - Survival Raft Building Game

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wait a minute my missing a shoe where's my shoe those my Nikes he has no closet cuz there's totally not something in his closet that he's ashamed of what he how's it going guys spy here welcome back to another raft episode of Obi and Komodo gaming and last episode we found this giant radio tower that leads us to some clues of utopia today what we are doing boys is we are gonna venture out into the ocean and hopefully stumble across utopia we're gonna search for our utopia and also build up this boat because we want it to be a massive ship of survival because we just learnt that we're in like an infinite water apocalyptic world the ice melted we're stranded forever utopia yeah let's set sail I'm gonna lift the anchor and we're gonna go we need to get some supplies we're really low so here we go following the wind to find utopia you know what Obi we're gonna let you build your kitchen look over there we cleared up a space right there for you guess what ya build your kitchen as big as you want it yeah you get to have the corner that means you're also in charge of keeping the water levels high the fresh water levels high can we build our own rooms I want my own room I want privacy you know what you know what we're gonna build this ship up so big that we're gonna have rooms it's gonna be massive but I don't know how long that's gonna take but we're gonna try let's collect as much resources as we can we're doing it all this episode our week thing yes who is steering this boat right now no one it's a go ship we're going across we have a ton of palm leaves we just need to get some wood to build up this ship my kitchen is complete we got a 1 storage box for raw foods one storage box will cook foods look good Wow yeah I like it thank you are you happy now I'm pretty happy with my life yes thank you finally at his kitchen finally so happy he's cooking the giant fish for us yeah and us only not him lunch dinner all on time on time 5 a.m. 5 a.m. that's breakfast so you want this dinner and supper at 5 a.m. so what no that's too much work I can't be waked about 3:30 to prepare a gourmet meal you stole his loot Phibes being a meanie face you know I have a good feeling today we're gonna destroy Carlos and we're gonna get another clue to utopia as well as build this big big ship up that's our mingle maybe Carlos a treasure map to utopia maybe Carlos hate utopia maybe he is the Utopia his mouth and CPC in there we go Carlos is waiting but the bus digesting the clothes he's digesting the clothes loose it's fine you got this in the water oh go back in yeah I didn't we didn't have enough evidence of utopia I [Laughter] missed it again I got a spear - I got a spear - yes stop the ship I cooked it thank you you're welcome now collect as much loot as we can because Carlos ain't here anymore I got it I got a thing to show you guys though you know how we get heads when we kill sharks right yes get a hold of this I can't see anything I'm dying of hunger wait wait wait whoa whoa we killed Carlos what's next Carlton Carlton Carlton Carlton yeah another shark head swanny is Carlos we'll stick him on our wall hey hey I turned our radar back on we got a we got a target to the left yeah we should we should we go that way yep we're going turn it turn the wheel look turn the wheel our thing was in itself yeah wrapped up ahead wrapped up ahead to our top left top left okay port bow starboard starboard II I'll be get down here now yes sir you're supposed to be man in this kitchen that has an empty water pill and there is grills in here that haven't even cooked everything I'm thirsty you see my cup it's empty I want water where's the water well working really hard you don't understand you don't know my struggles you are we gave you a kitchen we gave you everything that you need it to Susan Oh guys guys what what get up here we got a new pet okay oh come on no no no don't touch Barbara don't Robert we could get the food for free but pooping but the food for free is right there no it's not done hatching or laying it's a no I want the chicken okay you know what I'm allergic to peace haha you better not kill Barbara we got eggs we do how many three whoa save Barbara she gave us eggs oh and a feather okay plant the eggs yeah no you just boil them like this wait how wait I couldn't stand Barbara but you're gonna boil her children yeah she doesn't mind it doesn't let me cook him why he's eaten whole it says generally used for cooking oh okay anchor we are sinking are we what is going on here we're slaves heavy waves hurricane maybe we should put the anchor up I did I did oh geez we got eggs in the food chest I want to be up there la hi bro guys we're flooded oh there's a bear right there oh I got it hey oh you heard nugget huh get up to the top guys it's oh this is bad still going when you go a little to the left Bieber on a top left that way can our rooms be on the second floor uh yeah actually I don't like my room being down low we got like a door right here and then there could be rooms on the side like we'll have doors I don't want to antenna in my room well move the antenna oh oh oh the things directly in front of us copy that I'll keep lookout come by you Tobia I don't know what it is maybe all right so do we want wood facing on the front wall here oh yeah yeah yeah whatever works the best the cheapest is probably the thatch looking one so this is your size of the room do we want to put walls here we don't want it to too big right yeah I want to put a wall I'll put a wall here let me go like that that oh okay that's that's a nice-sized room baby beeps good oh very close right in front of us we went I don't see it like 200 way snow but it should be popping up any moment now wait I see something I see something a little bit okay let me see boy oh I'm seeing it now yeah it's a little weird looking there's a little thing in the air it's utopia wait wait it's another radio tower is it yeah this one looks different it does it looks smaller there's no island next to it either looks more sunken this was so small look at it it's only like a little segment yeah we got to get to that we gotta get to that anchor let me know now yeah I'm dropping as we're gonna pass by okay drop this it's gonna drag us back anyways Jenny there's another radio tower yeah okay here we go there's a crate anything else over here what no that's it what if we followed the direction that the dish is pointing hmm so we need a cruise out again and then let it what turn the thing back on see freebie later you need a ream a bee rebe pallate it it might point to this one so we might have to get a little ways so there were no clues in here about utopia though this one no clues just hope hope and dreams so we're making the floor up top the second floor bigger okay I'm gonna try my best here we got another room I think this cuz this could be my room now claimed it good job okay I'm gonna start I can start placing walls under it that way we can block off the anchor room are you gonna be room next to me yeah now can I be later yeah can I build a window that leads into your room no that's creepy I don't think the winds changing anytime soon no that's cuz they don't want us to get to utopia alright go the other way alright shift to the wind side we're going against utopia's wishes it's tiny utopias haunted they don't want us there it's not it's aliens I'm telling you aliens OBE what we need to have a discussion here guys underwater in that side because it was distilling why is there no food on the grill why's there no water in that at all why is this a half cooked fish you wanted this kitchen movie you want this kitchen we're gonna work this kitchen look you bring it back nope that's a cool lookin storage room yes why'd you see the the wall I'm starting to build out around the anchor this should be open there we go that's cool I like it we should be able to start building some supports over this we'll get that next floor nice as soon as we actually get some supplies I I just need wood to build my walls for my room and then it's done you know what I'm thinking I should probably do is I'm gonna move this farm this tree farm up to the top we weren't we gonna make that a giant tree farm anyways yeah gonna axe this tree a question yeah we got a raft a raft raft wear it for the tall person first we're going in the right direction we need to go a little bit from if I'm looking this way a little bit to the right yep to the right good job okay grab the barrel will be burn on this oh I got it watch it about piggy the raft the starboard it looks like reversed Oh be like starbursts I do they're so good the water I hold videos just fill-in water buckets all day yes you title your video filthy water buckets for everyone else holy obey by zoo room so big I don't know wait nobody get a bigger room than I get it we get these part of your infrastructure we give you I mean obviously we gave you the kitchen that you want it and then now you want to complain when we tell you after work you know what we could do OB what might make it easier on you see this watch this right here okay oh that would make it a lot easier yeah they just fill it up for right there no go in you know what we can even block it off if you really want that Wow there we go I already dipped in our dunk in that water you dunk it all OB why do you have such a huge room hmm you know I'm taking part of his room why cut a hole in it in this room there we go I want a little storage closet Oh what that's part of the part of the yeah you had way too big of a room so this is where my closets gonna be Oh what might be so tiny but you still get two extra blocks I just killed Carlton oh my goodness stop the boat stop the boat for me all right hit dropping anchor don't dad daddy I'm so happy that I get a closet I'm not sure me a minute to realize what was happening got my bed yes you know thank yes yep playing can I'll get you a bed whoa doink boom all right check this out where do you want you ready in a corner here I need food what about this boom oh my gosh what they're right you guys'll seen of it oh I'm breaking up it's fine what who's dropping all their planks in the water I think maybe me I picked up like 12 planks in one container whoa good grab my room looks great now don't don't look at my room Oh be Oh get out we're supposed to do a room reveal oopsie I'll be surprised I prom you're faking he's faking audience he faking are you almost done for I'm decorating my room smearing poop on your wall is not considered decorating comodo come in my room it's okay I got something to tell you okay can you look at this look I look great no I was showing in my room it's really cool it's nice right almost yeah almost we all have beds now so we should test out what the beds do we beg oh oh oh I'm hungry all right give us some food Oh be potato cook for breakfast all right are you bored a real bad I got shark okay I fill my water bottle right it's dawn except Toby's uh more you need to nail so you go no oh yeah I can see inside of your room oh no you did that you dingus oh wait we didn't name the shark we killed Carlos Felicia Wheaton has to be with coral in its name call Isha okay place it down the backwards is it hit look alright break it again now then again don't let's go keep your door so guys are we ready for some room tours to see the reverse to be different than you guys you walk in you got a bed right here fluff at the wall oh we have a nice table to chair for what I eat dinner calendar what what's a fine nothing continue the room tour please it's not the biggest room at what roof no rush can you explain your decorations like what's on the Shelf here wait a minute I'm missing a shoe no where's my shoe don't my keys alright let's go check out my room alright so in my room here there's no closet because for reasons we got the room here she has no closet cuz there's totally not something in this closet that he's ashamed of wait what I don't have a roof up there there's no proof there's no proof if you want your shoe if you want you have to put that there anyways he's gonna see all my stuff wait okay now change that all right wooden doors and boom oh you got a clock can I just bring my bed in here we could just sleep over okay Apple mat with my sign please good signage there's a little off-center you know his place at oh we were just watching a Moby no he killed our cat that was a kitty on there good job Obi your fault I'm the kitchen manager not the shark attacker all right so there we go guys we managed to find another mysterious radio tower that did not give us any clues to utopia except the satellite dish direction do you think we you'll find that next episode yeah I think we'll find it next episode I have most confident what rooms would you like to see next guys we could build a huge tree farm up here and we have a bird again yeah yep just flew away oh you scared her away Oh be sorry you guys enjoyed make sure to smash that like button with a seagull for reasons mashed its head right into oh geez oh yeah but anyways guys thank you for watching and subscribing remember please I drop a plane yes [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 1,473,885
Rating: 4.8572378 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft gameplay, raft spycakes, spycakes, spycakes raft, raft multiplayer, raft multiplayer gameplay, raft utopia, utopia, raft finding utopia, raft searching for utopia, raft multiplayer mod, raft utopia found, raft building, building a raft, raft building game, raft gameplay building, raft building a ship, raft ship, raft ship building, raft ship build, raft building rooms, raft building ship, raft survival, raft survival gameplay, raft ocean survival, ocean survival
Id: 9PeftWvgjrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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