FYNN BREAKS OUT OF PRISON AND MAKES JUICE! Prison Boss VR Gameplay Part 2- VR HTC Vive Gameplay

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okay for cigarettes now go on pencils look at this damn pencil okay I'm just gonna bash the paper it's gonna work right come on yeah that's the business house God everybody my name is Finn plant we're back we're playing Prison boss via hey Captain Planet how are you champ I've been playing a bit of this game so we can get up to the next jail that's right because there's multiple jails we're at the point now where I could pretty much bump fists with this guy go jobs sell this job this is the last job that we have to do and we should be out of here so this this is like a giant melon thing all right smash the bus whoa you serious it's gonna cause some trouble people are gonna find me nice we're out how to craft your way to jail are we gonna learn how to make more stuff okay what careers are deprived where can shoot consume you tobacco also the chewy stuff isn't it well the cops in the precinct thinks it's lame it's therefore illegal okay show your stupid bottle with water okay we didn't even have a tap at the last prison that's pretty cool that we have us have this time all right cool that thing is full nice okay get the get this and put it in there what already do we just keep going is that it oh that's gross shake the bottle okay go shake it what congratulations Hey what is the red thing what is that about I'm just gonna throw that away so we fill the bottle fill it full of tobacco and then give it a shake fill the bottle with water again okay making juice it's gonna be heaps easy there we go let's fill that up fill that out this is good I'm doing a good job looking fit doing the jump all right it's full okay now what now what do we do put the fruit in there all right easy done Frank how does that even get in there that is not physically possible look at that cuz it's not possible then you shake it so everything is to do with liquid in this one look at that I'll just dropped it okay that's fine can I drink that I want to drink that that looks delicious can't all right let's just throw it into the abyss do you know what I wish scares me about video games is that they could quite easily just scare me at any point in time like I could be looking over there and then a big scary clown could jump out and scare me alcohol oh man this is the business now okay fill this from water again I feel like in this level I'm gonna be filling lots of water bottles nice cool done done full alright let's keep the tap running who cares forget shake it well alright now I bet we need to add yeast I'll wait for a few days okay I'm gonna wait for a few days and then one okay and then this prisons a bit fancy isn't it this one's different hey where's Captain Planet today who do we have this time welcome to this place I hope you've seen old movies of our prison everything works the same around here do we have a tap where's a tap are we supposed to fill up water bottles okay let's start what are we starting with of course tobacco all right I'm gonna show you guys how to craft tobacco super quick alright so we tuck this in here let's just set up our tobacco so it's ready to go alright tobacco in there ready to go what are you doing there Captain Planet don't worry buddy we don't even have any money I can't do anything for you today because I don't have anyone but what are the jobs we've got got love letters I don't have any pens to write love letters okay that's not happening I'm just gonna make a bunch of cigarettes okay that's what I'm gonna do leave C champ get out of the way I'm gonna start crafting some stuff look at that I feel like I could probably bust out of there what's up there woman I want to know nothing it's just wine okay all right I think I almost hit my head on the fan I have a ceiling fan right above my head to keep me cool let's go to nighttime hopefully there's not more Gardens this is like a dungeon okay I'm gonna go like this all right and then BAM look at this - once - it once yes yes okay start rolling Finn start rolling just keeping an eye out for the guys I'm so sneaky but I'm so smart and fast at rolling cigarettes look at this like a cigarette master yes okay chuck them in there few more look at this so quick before the guards even come God would quick ooh what was she doing man she's quick okay it's alright it's fine it's fine what's that let's just observe her behavior get a bit of an idea about that her she's on the phone oh you see that you see that you guys see that she's on the phone hey hey how's it going she's on the phone she doesn't even care hope it doesn't even see I'm gonna skip to the morning so what I've got my big game plan here is to basically just sell lots of cigarettes and stuff and make a lot of money up front hey hey buddy don't want you want some wanna buy some cigarettes let's do it sell all the cigarette Oh II get beggarly 48 bucks let's do it what can we buy coming buy paper we can all right nice nice let's buy some paper to make some more cigarettes so that would be eight cigarette that would do we need two of those Brian leave oh I just realized I don't really have the space to put all this oh god I did not think about this very well I need to basically do this so quick before the guards actually come that's what I need to do that's fine I can do that don't you worry don't worry I got this down I got this down all right okay here has got to be my little cigarette making station okay you watch what I do this is gonna be amazing you guys are gonna be so amazed guys this get another piece of paper right we'll put it there that's fine close that up close it up get the paper ready okay paper needs to be super ready all right let's go like this bang okay you guys watchin watch watch okay rip the paper straight away rip get another piece of paper rip get that paper out of the way paper it what is going on in the paper go like this here quick yes okay roll it's not rolling whole plan here is to basically make cigarettes before they even come and then we can sell them and then actually buy some drawers so we have places to put stuff there we go there we go all right day time go today let's sell these cigarettes look at that they didn't even come and get me Hey Dude how's it going look at all this stuff I got for you there you go a cheap what sort of furniture you've got for me you've got a nightstand with a door and that's it that's gonna have to be it to begin with boom yes we actually have furniture now let's switch it up let's put it kinda how we had it in the last place I quite like that like this everything is set to start making cigarettes let's do this let's go tonight crank out some more cigarettes it's such an efficient way of making money we this we got a quick I am I've been practicing cool eight cigarettes in one night time passes this I'm so proud at my cigarette making abilities I'd probably go OK in prison now that I think about this you know what I mean just in case anything bad ever happens guys don't worry about me in prison just know that I'll be doing fine with my cigarette making abilities let's start having a look at some jobs jobs Steve Jobs two cigarettes one one love letter right you could probably do with some more furniture still but I don't think we can don't think we can really afford the furniture at the moment it's good all that stuff it's annoying that it lands right there it's so annoying I could probably do the love letters and the cigarettes alright let's do that put them there like this alright guys watch this is gonna be amazing you gotta crank out truth actually for cigarettes right watch this so bang like this rip the paper alright start putting the tobacco down super fast yes keep going keep going and there we go alright do these ones come on Finn alright yep that was good that was good keep going okay for cigarettes now I've got my pencils look at this damn pencil okay I'm just gonna bash the paper it's gonna work right yeah okay I need to put this away it's so slow let go okay quick check this in here check him in judgment close the door I don't think he's saw anything what's he checking mm-hm he's checking the giant hole in the middle we just could good idea champ just make sure the hole still there nobody's falling down it let's just have a bit of a look what is down that Hall what's the hurry what's down the hall hey what's doing the hole is that where you stick all the dead youtubers just gonna get this out and keep working on it oh god they're coming they're coming again alright one pencil it's got a one pencil it it's quickly one pencil on the ground just on the ground so we're doing this keep going keep going on the ground yes okay chuck them in there this is so weird there's the weirdest thing I've ever done okay alright that's good go to the daytime man that was a workout squatting down on the ground right and dirty novels come on dudes I'm an ADA Captain Planet he's a hero what do we got alright we can we can sort out Jon they go Joe cool man probably make some ropes for Billy that wouldn't be a half bad idea what is that what could we do for rogue actually we need to make a lot more money why do I have this what am I doing with this extra one must sell that 11 bucks hell yeah geez we really can't buy much paper can we we need to buy more paper what was the job to get more paper rope man okay do we have enough money to buy some rod we need quite a bit of rope now to get us some rope does he just want one rope he just wants one rope all right we're gonna put this let's put this right here six bucks goes in there thank you very much for these I thought about three you guys saw that right I bought three of these not four here we go let's see if I remember how to make rope okay yeah we go like this go like that cool and then one more yes is that it done that's the rope I think that's easy okay and what else can we make probably just do this get the rope ready okay what else could we do not much else we don't have any paper or anything okay jobs yes take the Rope buddy all right I've grind a little bit and I've got $64 now now Jawad needs 10 cigarettes IRA can we make 10 cigarettes for that guy that should bump us up the next lot of reputation so let's give that a crack tier what though we could try 15 cigarettes and do both in one hit that'd be pretty full-on all right 64 I don't think we'd actually be able to do that we've got the tobacco so we've got how much tobacco do we have here we've got there's two there's four and we could do 12 okay let's go to nine time I've set everything up let's get ready to crank out some cigarettes here we go super fast all right it's gonna be like the Olympics here we go cigarette making in the Olympics it's gonna happen man it's gonna be the new Olympic sport I swear by 2070 come on get on there all right let go that one there we go gotta be super fast Chuck these in there that was slowed it down a little bit you get like a good sort of 30 seconds maybe give me like a minute before the guards come yep nice nice come on Finn I chucked them in there how quick is this guy is he gonna stop Chuck that in there let's just watch and see if he stops because if he doesn't stop oh I think he's gonna he's stopping it it's fine it's fine all right quick quick all right got one more to go one more come on we can do this yes right that's eight all right so we've got two more to go all right I've got a bit of paper sticking out there I'm just gonna stand in front of it hey hey how's it going hey there buddy nothing going on here nothing sauce yeah why are you cheap let's go nice moustache I like it it suits your face suits the whole the whole roundness that is you I think it's beautiful all right got another guy coming around that way all right I'm gonna quickly get this bit of paper cool what's going on over there whoo-hoo I can hear something going on this place is weird this one's a weird shape I can't see him go on that way where is he oh this one's really weird oh there he goes there he goes I could see me going the other way I think they're stopped a talk they're having a chat okay I think we did the 10 let's have a look yes nice okay let's go for this one oh cool these prozis it's Christmas time to us what we get yeah hooker now available more tobacco available okay I forget how to make hooker already desk lamp and tap okay Oh drawers and bottle now available awesome okay we don't have any money though what'll we get we got some paper great great it was so worth it paper and pencil that's that's awesome what does the tap cost tap cost 120 bucks you serious okay don't a lot of bottle costs okay there's fifty bucks let's buy tap what do you guys want that guy wants some hooker and six cigarettes oh we can do that where is this thing gonna go we should we put this yeah let's put the sink here cool I like this spot for the sink this is good feels a little bit high mate hang on no wait you lie that's for like if we want to poop in it we could always move it if you want to poop in it later you know what I mean okay so this time we're gonna try and make the hooker alright but we need to make six cigarettes first we're gonna try and do a job for somebody come on yep get on there get on there nice and we need to fill up our bottle of water alright nice oh I can hear the guards coming I don't know if I'm allowed bottles of water come on yes turn that off which way is he going oh he's going that way all right hang on let's just Chuck that there alright just a cheeky bottle of water no one's gonna care all right close it up super bored cuz I'm not doing anything do you don't you ever feel that way you know what I mean you just stood round in a confined space go a little bit crazy not building anything that I shouldn't be making you know like who would make cigarettes who would make cigarettes am i right that guy looks like he has hair made of cigarettes so let's get our bottle and let's get let's get more of these we do this right okay keep going keep it going and then a little bit more hold that guy's quick that guy's quick I think that's done I think that's done like a what do we do with it now Oh check it shake it shake it come on yes I got that's done that's done okay now we just close that up and then we're good it's gonna have a jug of water there we go oh yes that's good that's good dehydrated hey Captain Planet smack all righty jobs yes we can we can please Oleg there you go buddy how much reputation do we get oh that's pretty good all right one more job and I think we'd go up in reputation too hooker for Romano but that that requires a lot like that's really expensive that's like seventeen bucks geez what are you doing then he wants to bump fists again I don't think I can reach I think you're too far oh okay I can't reach sorry you just you just stay there we need to buy some furniture drawers yes a desk lamp is good for your mental health I don't know about that how much does that desk cost don't want $11 let's just get these pencils out of here for a minute let's sell this crappy desk all right because I'm assuming this is a crappy one right you sell this okay what do we get for this we get for this I don't know let's buy this one okay so we've got some desk which got some drawers we just bought so much which one's the dollars the drawers need the desk okay is this a new desk it's it's the same desk it's literally the same okay let's do these two jobs and be done with it ain't okay so there's them put the paper on this side ready to draw on okay here we go nighttime let's do this nice and quick we're gonna make hooker like really quick okay so go like this will fill up oh gosh Oh God all right put that oh geez stuff was going everywhere it's really difficult okay no fill up okay all right we're filling up the water bottle nice okay hopefully they don't empty out I don't know I don't think they do I think that's fine I don't think the game is that realistic and there we go nice we got two of those let's just turn that off let's get one of these nice I think that's it oh jeez he comes a guy which way is it going please go the other way yes okay that should buy us a little bit more time he's going around the long way come on come on yes shake on all right that should be both of those done yes okay chuck them in there nice one okay get our two pencils I don't know where he is it's gonna be so quick come on come on write those 50 novels yep tuck them in there like that I think we're good I think we could we're done we're done that was insane that was so intense where's Captain Planet here he comes I call him Captain Planet cuz he shaped like a planet clearly he's shaped like a big white planet hey dude big white balding planet I should say hey buddy how'd we do four jobs oh he wanted four of them are you serious okay how much rep do we get for this come on hey we went up a level nice one cool what do we get this time we got apples and more bottles of water okay all right I've been playing this for a little bit over an hour an hour so I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna end the video cuz I'm getting really hard you know feel actually start to feel really claustrophobic sort of stored in this confined space you do feel like the walls are around you and it gets a little bit much I'm just gonna quickly put these away cuz thick they're bothering me okay it's bothering me that there are apples out but if you guys have any other tips on how to craft things really quickly like doing stuff with both hands and things like that because I was getting the cigarette making it down pretty quickly let me know in the comments below give me all the tips but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 974,926
Rating: 4.7872181 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, kid friendly, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, Prison Boss VR, Prison Boss VR gameplay, prison boss, Prison Game, Prison VR, htc vive, vive game, prison vive, VR games, escapist vr, VR HTC Vive Gameplay, virtual reality gameplay, fynn in jail, jail game, virtual reality jail game, family friendly virtual reality game
Id: c_oH9NZ9PNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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