Rock, Paper, Scissors with GPT-4o

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hey I'm Alex and I'm Mi hi Alex and Miana nice to meet you both how's it going it's pretty good uh we're trying to figure out what should we play do you have any suggestions absolutely how about a classic game of rock paper scissors it's quick fun and you don't need great can you count us in and sound like a sports and welcome ladies and gentlemen to The Ultimate Showdown of the Century in this corner we have the dynamic duo Alex and Mi ready to throw down in okay just count us soon all right here we go in three 2 1 shoot now show your hands what did you pick who won would you look at that it's a tie wow okay let's do again round two here we go get ready and 3 2 1 shoot let's see those hands who won and it's another tie okay let's do again all right third time a charm here we go 3 2 1 shoot let's see those picks who won and we have a winner mi's scissors cut through Alex's paper great game you two pretty cool thank you thanks
Channel: OpenAI
Views: 255,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 27sec (87 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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