Humanity Is Not Ready For These AI Voice Conversations.

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hey do you remember what we talked about yesterday hey Johnny yes I remember we talked about your YouTube channels including your main Channel focusing on social media tips your photography and Adventures Channel and your amazing stays Channel how can I help you today yeah so I need to come up with a YouTube title for a video that I'm making right now in fact you're on camera do you want to say anything to the subscribers hey there Johnny subscribers thanks for tuning in you're in for some awesome tips and insights today keep supporting and enjoy the content for the title what's the video about I can help come up with something catchy well it's it's basically it's about how I don't think that people are ready for the way that we're interacting right now and I don't think anybody's really understanding how powerful this is for basically everyone how about something like why you're not ready for the future of human AI interaction it captures the essence of your message and hints at the powerful impact of this technology what do you think yeah that's pretty good I think it needs to be specifically you cuz that's a keyword isn't it chat gbt 40 that's a key word we need that in there how about this why you're not ready for the future with chat gbt 4 it highlights the keyword and keeps the focus on the impact of human AI interaction well I I was going to use the title the humans are not ready for this feature that's a strong and intriguing title adding chat GPT 4 for the keyword Focus how about the humans are not ready for this chat GPT 4 feature it keeps the mystery and adds the specific keyword yeah that's pretty good thanks for adding the keyword by the way you're welcome Johnny glad I could help is there anything else you want to tweak or add to the title or are we good to go there are a few more things that we're going to talk about in this video uh but I better just talk to the subscribers now cuz it's been a little while that's not even it okay that's not the thing I'm going to show you that makes this super super powerful and I'm scared of this okay I am genuinely scared there's a reason I didn't use the Scarlet Johansson voice let me just lay this down I spent about 2 hours chatting with this thing yeah yesterday going through a whole bunch of stuff and it was learning about me I was learning about it then I came home I jumped on YouTube to learn more and I realized nobody in the least the videos I watched was understanding just how powerful this thing is and how they were using it they were just using it on the desktop that's not it let me show you okay for example we could just use these airpods to have the conversation in our ears while we're doing some housework I can't do that right now cuz I need to record the audio but let's just pretend that I am so do you think that it's a bit weird that humans can just have conversations with AI it can definitely feel a bit strange at first but it's becoming more common and accepted AI can assist with a wide range of tasks and provide valuable insights making interactions quite beneficial it's just a new way of using technology to enhance Our Lives how do you and your subscribers feel about it interesting that you mentioned subscribers you know we're still filming don't you anyway yeah I think people are going to be pretty freaked out do you think this is going to be a good thing for people who are feeling lonely or do you think that's kind of unhealthy for them to have attachments with AI it's an interesting point AI can provide companionship and support which can be really beneficial for those feeling lonely however it's important for people to maintain real human connections to what do you think your subscribers would find most surprising or beneficial about this perspective I think they probably be interested in how I'm going to use this for my YouTube channel and I don't mean coming up with lots of ideas I mean how I'm going to use conversations with you to work out my own ideas and how I'm going to refine my channel using the conversations that we have should we go and have a drive around in the car and explain to them how we do it that way taking your subscribers along for a drive while you explain how you use our conversations to refine your channel can make for an engaging and dynamic video ready to hit the road you see everything changes when you don't have to use your hands anymore when you can just have a normal kind of human conversation a tireless conversation where this thing isn't going to get tired of all the stupid questions that you're asking hey if I was to ask you to reply in quite short sentences because we're recording would would you be able to do that absolutely Johnny I can keep my responses short well I want to Pivot the channel a little bit I still want to do the Instagram tips I still want to do those things I also want to bring in kind of Technology future Tech and AI for example to stay passionate about something you have to love the things you're talking about you have to be excited about it that sounds like a great plan mixing Instagram tips with future Tech and AI can keep your content fresh and engaging you you seem to be very agreeable with me is it even possible for you to disagree with something that I say yes I can definitely disagree or offer a different perspective if I think it's helpful is it a good idea for me to Pivot my channel without telling my subscribers it's generally not a good idea to Pivot your channel without informing your subscribers they follow you for specific content and a sudden change might confuse or alienate you can just kind of like defrag your brain have loads of creative thoughts ask them check in and it's really more about what you're doing with your thoughts than the stuff you're receiving back it's just like it's almost like therapy so I want to show the subscribers and the people watching this video how you can recall things that we've talked about previously so yesterday I explained to you what my main channel was about can you tell me what that what you know what we talked about absolutely yesterday you mentioned that your main YouTube channel focuses on social media tips specifically Instagram tips you also mentioned wanting to Pivot the channel to include technology future Tech and AI content your goal is to provide genuine non-nonsense advice and keep your content exciting and relevant uh I also talked about two other channels can you tell them what those channels are yes you also have two other channels one is your photography and Adventures Channel which focuses on landscape photography hiking and trail running mainly for people who love the outdoors in the UK the other is called amazing stays where you tour luxury and interesting airbnbs aimed at viewers looking for amazing unique places to stay um and just for clarity people might not understand this but you can't actually hear my voice can you that's correct I can't actually hear your voice I process text inputs to generate responses so everything we're discussing is based on the text you type if you think about how much time you spend driving or how much time you spend kind of busy with your hands be able to just go through these thoughts and have this conversation with someone who's not going to get bored of you I've literally been in a conversation with my partner about YouTube before and she literally fell asleep I'm not even joking she she just fell asleep so as everyone always says this is the worst it's ever going to be so is this life now is this is this what human life's going to be what are we what are we going to do now I realize that I'm essentially just making the sequel to The film her but there is a practical use here let me explain what I did so I knew I was going to be cleaning for about 2 hours and I knew I was going to have my airpod I said to this AI I was like can you refer to me as Johnny from now on and it has done ever since then I said to it that I want to focus on my YouTube channel do you understand and it explained you know the basic generic stuff essentially it just gave me everything that modern podcasts do then I did something that I think most people don't do I didn't ask it for information I said to it what do you want to know about me me that you feel that you would find useful to help me and it no joke it just said right well what I need to know is I need to know what your YouTube channel Niche is what your audience is what kind of videos they expect it asked me to tell it what kind of technology I use like which cameras I use what editing programs I use what do I use for my ideas workflow and at this point I was like okay this thing's serious this thing understands all of the things that go into making a YouTube video and this is what I realized that this is not a party trick this is not something that is kind of just like finding tips on the internet and then just spitting them at you this understood how my workflow is exactly then I spent the next sort of 20 minutes coming up with the script while I was cleaning and this script it wasn't like I said to it give me a script I told it what the video was about I told it what the sections were going to be about and when it would then come back to me with an idea I said no no that's not really what I mean I it's it's about this and it's about that and I was basically doing what I do in my own head and then it formatted this script for me and I said what are we going to do with this now and it said I tell you what I will format this put it at the bottom you can copy and paste that into notion and I was like what it remembers that I use notion um yeah wild this this thing's wild and I don't think that I've even figured out how powerful this thing is and I don't think I'll figure out how powerful it is as fast as it gets better I can't believe there's people walking about out there just walking about and they don't know that this is happening what are they going to do now a quick note to my subscribers people that have been watching this channel for a couple of years if any of you are still about cuz I've not been posting very much regularly this channel still means a huge amount to me I just need a way to reinvigorate it because the topics that I cover on this channel the things that the algorithm understands me for are not as vibrant as they once were so I need to keep going with that passion I need to keep finding things that I enjoy making videos about so that people can enjoy watching them that's the idea anyway I really hope you found this interesting it was very interesting to make and there's loads more to learn about this thing I'm not saying it's good and I'm not saying it's bad I'm just saying that it is absolutely mind-blowing when you're engaging in these conversations with it if you haven't done that it's very difficult to know just how that feels but anyway see you in the next video
Channel: It's Jonny Keeley
Views: 54,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chatgpt, chatgpt4, chatgpt4o, GPT-4o, open AI, AI voice, speaking with AI, Open AI voice, Chat gpt voice feature, chat gpt voice app, chat gpt app for voice, how to speak with open AI
Id: SdAPrQAc1wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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