Realtime Translation with GPT-4o

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hey chat GPT I'm here with my cooworker today um we'd like you to act as a translator for us so every time I say something in English can you repeat it back in Spanish and every time he says something in Spanish can you repeat it back in English sure I can do that let's get this translation drain rolling um hey how's it been going have you been up to anything interesting recently hey I've been good just a bit busy here preparing for an event next week can you tell me anything about it that sounds really interesting I can't say much but I think the rest of the world will see it soon enough oh well I can't wait to see what it is as well
Channel: OpenAI
Views: 375,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WzUnEfiIqP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 7sec (67 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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