ROCK ON | Prop Hunt #15

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Marga wait wait wait beyond my team join you join props throwing hunters it's about switching like there you go whatever oh you can go to someone can go to spectators way house team press f1 go to spectators then change team - I'm gonna join okay someone else I just did my props all right now mark join me I guess okay I can't it says there we go there we go gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta got it oh my god who's still playing anyone I'm playing its well wrong way just end it yeah wait oh hey hey then what is that thing oh I didn't play this one this is totally different it looked like a dude you look like a boob dang alright um my views on sexual things like vaginas and boobs that are a bit distorted unfortunately my own now mine yeah we win yeah you're gonna lose it's so dark and it's already round 4 shut up wait why is it round 4 I'm confused I know idea what it be funny people just had like 10-minute of short-term memory loss it would be till we forgot that we over anything on video like well commonly we all did that for the last 10 minutes yeah thank you this oh man someone starts up you kidding me I climbed up the ladder right into my face I was trying to get away from you people oh never fine just saying I have evil eyes I will ever find me Oh yummy all right I have never either yummy are we gonna make this out of an eagle when you find me oh wait I can they're not even close what are you mark what yes my oat make you do that throw your potato ball directly at me that's stupid you're stupid I thought your stupid potatoes I do like potatoes but that's nothing you like potatoes oh yeah can you say potato you say potatoes normally potatoes potatoes they say when you say potatoes I'm gonna say tomato paedo tomato potato wait wha tomahto tomahto I'm so confused Sheree Komodo I guess we can't sing the song then I was just gonna sing the song with someone what's the song oh oh you guys are so cute oh my gosh I'm almost there that was a mistake mistake don't leave me alone here he's running down the road you should really be careful done you should look both ways when running crossroads oh you a car no no stop somewhere how's the car be won't you so you're a little horny what are you trying to stop ha ha ha ha too many windows ha ha ha docking tables over I'll get through these tables my god that was my brother you just ran into oh wait Marilee a chair I bet he's upstairs on that thingy I'm looking out for him I'm looking out bro I see you know what the other person's behind a tree you guys better leave me alone or before I boil myself I'm in a traffic jam and I thought I saw someone so someone said oh my gosh I hurt someone's in a tram huh yeah yeah Bob are you sure that yamimash wasn't the secret element to your team and that you're really bad I'm sure I am bad I any hints or anything I've given you a few look I've never sucked never find a cone all your problems okay listen I'm a plant okay I'm up the plans down there he died he fell and died grabbing me but it didn't work well done well done in our lives down to the basement how the hell's the pressure oh wait wait wait someone else who's it Bob do I look right do I look correct oh my god yeah yeah okay good all right I thought I was gonna die instantaneously okay can I pick anything up like II does not work on this team maybe we're just all of those props everything everything I figured out the cheat that lets me become everything we are everywhere is quite something Oh why are you throwing my brother's around up there on the table there why throwing my bris around my braised yeah why don't you uh those are my breads get a nice ice cream eirick um love these I just I know which one you are mm-hmm get a um what I don't have anything clever for mine maybe you should stop keeping your emotions all box oh I I don't like it but I'm kind of useless I don't know why people keep me around you're all mates yeah yeah why don't you stop and smell the flowers oh man flowers I'm in some flowers right now actually this [Laughter] what was that person's I didn't lose the hell for breaking that plan just shooting it shooting what sound I I guess it's in the game hey look up look up top there's a round roll it around upstairs I got a big clue come on you guys are so stupid I'm a potted plant I potted plants okay I'm just gonna shoot my rock and hope for the best okay that's all part of - yes way to shoot your rocket what way to shoot your rocket at what a lot of stuff I don't know kill yourself sorry you gotta get one of us wait I think go divider I think they're up there turn around [Laughter] [Music] wait you kind of suck at this game go away I kept hoping I would magically become invisible it didn't work now hey mark where are you in the open the whole time no not a single bit and the funny thing is they destroyed basically everything around me I was like man right over there yeah good Jodi don't satisfy that one wait I get health somehow from killing me yeah you always gain health when you kills we do that - two points pretty cool Ashley yeah why do I have negative two points oh no oh god I'm screwed guys I'm screwed he's boy he's bull bull pooping us fighting kill me this round there's something's gone wrong something's wrong with you because I'm about to find you and kill me down there with all those chairs yes well I'm coming for you Wade why can't I pick you up joke you know it's gone up the ladder a barrel coming awfully close I know I'm not that thing that you just threw around there now that's not me Silent Bob this current section is clear up here I'm not there I'm good I don't know if you guys could handle me Mike second-guessing himself no I'm just checking everything very thorough that's fine you can do that okay yeah whatever you're not up there no I'm not up there yep okay hello that's what you believe oh my yeah I know right that's very clever though oh no I glitched so I'm kind of screwed icon dude is that you know that what you see him I like it there yummy I like it thank you I like don't do I don't even know what I am it's very confusing I'm not quite sure what you are oh ma can you please shoot hey you can't fool me I know when you're lying on the other side my left foot singing the song in the Sun thinking the song in the Sun it's all the dark for sunlight oh my gosh of your heart of my heart yes only I'm not here my heart is not here a red blood pounding vessel will go on it is for you mock what's for me Israelite blood vessel wait wait what is your red blood pounding vessel yeah your zone your blood pounding zone I I did not realize you guys were gonna be in the open yet I I'm in a bad way Oh Jude would you like some assistance oh well I sort of got stuck and then I realized I probably should not be a car and being a little uh being a little paranoid about them cheers a little lion he's not no car just gonna throw a chair yeah luckily I'm not but being a little preoccupied with them cheers yeah yeah yeah are you looking at those green landmine thingies all right I'm gonna steadily go down screw it just jump off just screw it I fall anyway really did you know how well you have to do is go back where you were and kill me and you'll get all that life back really okay so bad thanks dumb fall for the trolling they always do this who always does what everyone everyone trolls me oh come on your wave yamimash already checked all those chairs yeah super obsessed with those chairs and tables now crap I'll tell you a hint I'm not a chair or a table I didn't believe you no I applauded play I don't believe me yeah a car or an orange barrel so what the hell are you then that's pretty much every there's lurking of all things left we're all the way above looking down upon he pours both of you are up yeah I think so okay is that you right there mark it might be okay all right I think we're in this area I know you guys uh ah come on what I can't just missed every single brother oh god damn it happen wait wait do you see me the whole time or did you see me just at the end there I saw you right at the end yeah I move just a little bit more to get a better view of what was going on I could have stayed there it amazing were you a green thing mark I was a green thing and I was moving to get guys so chair oh you I wish I could be a car I'm so mad can't you know you can't be a car oh the boats in the basement can you oh yeah it's off limit oh yeah the basements off limits I I meant that's what I why does it say hunters win it always says hunters win hey Ben that was I hunter [Laughter] next to each other that was haha I thought the game hadn't started yet you guys get lucky it was stocky stocky huh love me long time suckie suckie yeah [Music] what is it Oh God steel coat what oh god I'm still bone I'm questioning my decision but I guess the basement I saw you wait I see you down there in the coming up the stair the ladder it's called a ladder anyway I'm gonna try and replicate I think it was Bob did so let's see if it works for me really what a waste of effort you guys are all over my area would you just move on and search somewhere else yeah come on I I ain't movin until I am a hundred percent certain you're not huh well how are you ever gonna be a hundred I don't like that I can't pick things up and chew everything it's on death oh don't leave I was joking it's much funnier for me when you walk around me the whole time I'm just saying I end up just at old tables and chairs I can't even move right now so I'm kind of just stuck here for the rest of it I hope mark dies so he can see my really cheap ass spot should I you want me to try to do you want me to try to mess with him well you know make it fun make it fun I can make it fun oh no not me I'm on 5 HP oh no not me potato balls 5 8 we taught you anything else if I fool oh hey hey hey very well Tommy over here [Laughter] so mark is still alive even yeah Lisa give you a hint I'll give you a hint I'm on the street I sincerely am breathing I try everything was trying to get on the ladder and I didn't do it where what are you wait or Bob what are you a see it's spot right wait I know what he is wait I think it's not garage one you are a big the orange thing I wait no you're not nothing I do not know what you are Bob I don't either is this like ready and fast like sitting in the open here on the street I'm not oh your that oh my god right then wait no wait no that's nice sorry I'm not yellow I'm not orange I'm not black or red a little great colored I'm not asphalt colored either but I am greyish yeah great gray ish yeah great I'll use my camera to look around for this dude I don't think that's never gonna know like you are like sort of like cement colored yeah actually seriously how could be I didn't either until I tried it and got stuck Bob move nope you're not moving oh wait wait one do you're okay look straight ahead no turn around no no no okay OOP turn a little to your right okay to shoot a rocket for God's sake [Music] can't even move oh wait no you moved a little bit no cheating Bob there's no cheating in the open it's what I have a clue yes cement colored on the street [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,890,355
Rating: 4.9633503 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod (Video Game), Prop Hunt, Prop Hunt Markiplier
Id: 74Bm5hbdKYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2014
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