Rock Church - The Third Option - Part 3, Unalienable Honor

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are you doing rock family how you doing rock family welcome to church my name is miles McPherson pastor rock if you just joined us welcome to church we're excited about this message today let me encourage you to hit the share button on whatever device you on we need the world to hear this message I promise you it'll be very appropriate to what's going on in the world we need to pray obviously for our country and our world God is doing something and I'm not saying God's bringing all the violence but he is gonna use all this confusion what the devil is intended to be evil God is going to turn into something good and my prayer and I'm confident that when we come out on the other side to this of this we are going to be better than we were so excited about today listen let's get on our knees and pray as we do regularly here at the Rock Church we get on our knees and we're gonna ask God in a position of humility and submission for his blessing in our life so let's get on our knees wherever you're at whenever we get our knees was telling God we are surrendering to you and I want to encourage you and remind you that this Saturday June 20th we're going to be doing this all over San Diego we have seven locations we pray San Diego calm you can go there we pray San Diego and we're gonna pray for God's mercy and blessing and healing on our land so let's pray that God will prepare our hearts for what we're gonna hear today Lord thank you so much for your faithfulness thank you so much for your goodness even amidst the pain and fear and division and destruction and evil and arrogance we pray that you reveal your powerful hand on our land I thank you for your faithfulness and I pray this message would stir our hearts and teach us what we need to know about ourself and about every person we meet challenged us in Jesus name Amen let's get your Bibles out everybody let's get your Bibles out we always lift our Bibles up on in our church just to declare that this is our truth so if you have it on your phone your tablet whatever it is want to let your Bibles up on the count of three say word one two three word very good very good let's turn to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 first book of the Bible first chapter 26 verse now before I get there I want to ask you your permission to make this a little messy what we see in the world is scary it's as messy as you get I know a lot of people are fearful the lot the culture is changing our life is changing dramatically drastically so I already know you're already scared so I just want to take it not to another level but I just wanted to ask your permission to get in your business and challenge you in something just want to do so if you say no I got to do it anyway because I can't see you so I'm just going to get in your business a little bit and I want you I'm gonna take you take it back here from it I want you to look at these faces on the screen and these faces are symbolic people around the world you have every kind of ethnicity what we call colors actually just shades of brown on the walls here now I want you to look at these faces and they just represent cultures they represent nationalities and I want you to pick just one group of people race of people ethnicity that you probably got the biggest problem with and what I'm going to ask you to do in a minute now then I'm going to ask you to think about the most wicked negative critical self righteous thing that you could think of that's really in your heart about that kind of person now you might think well I'm the church well why are you asking me to think something negative I'm gonna get there in a minute because when we come to church we don't want to act like we don't have sin that we're dealing with which is why we have in church and so when you come to church you know we always act like I'm in church and everything's perfect I look good to praise the Lord and that's all outward facade but in our hearts are evil wickedness not only but we have wickedness at heart so I want you we just want to deal with I want to bring it out into the light we're not gonna ask you to say it out loud we're not gonna ask you to raise your hand and tell everybody around you but I want you in your mind to think about people in your life who get under your skin who you who you just don't like or types of people don't like let me help you out you may think let me let me go back here again come on come on come on come on with me let me go back here again so you may you may you may see a white person go white people are all they're privileged and because you want to generalize okay that maybe or black people all taking advantage the system or or the immigrants are taking advantage of the system or the agents or this whatever it is that you all those stereotypes it in your head that you may whisper behind people's back and you may think in your head all that garbage just want you pick one and I want you to think about it now I'm not trying I want you to make anything up I want you to think to yourself we're not gonna ask you to reveal this in your mind and in your heart what do you have who you resentful for who you who who gets under your skin so I just want you to pick that person out with your close your eyes just for 30 seconds and I want you to think about that just to you what's in your heart and I want you to dwell on it just for 30 seconds or even less just right now let's do that real quick I can't stand blank because of blank eyes closed lord I thank you for the people who are being honest with themself I thank you that even though we all have wickedness in the heart the Bible says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it but I also thank you thank you God that you love us and that if we confess our sin you are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us so I pray for super natural cleansing and as our eyes are closed and our heads about and we're thinking about that person we can't stand while we're in church saying we love you yet we hate man the Bible says you can't love God who you can't see and then you say you hate man who you see we pray that contradiction will be adjusted today and I pray that in this message you would teach us that we have a responsibility to love and honor that very person we just said in our heart we don't like in Jesus name Amen oh snap that very person that you said all that garbage about today we're going to talk about the fact that you and I have a biblical responsibility that we were created to love and honor something about that person in our life so I want to read something to you from the Declaration of Independence i'ma walk over here Declaration of Independence it's a long document but this very this very few sentence I want to read it says we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights I want you to look at that word unalienable unalienable I'm gonna talk today about unalienable honor that they were endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty in the pursuit of happiness today I want to talk about unalienable Honor how we Oh unalienable honor to every person on this planet I want talk about three unalienable facts and three unalienable responsibilities three unalienable facts and three inalienable responsibilities that we have towards every person on this planet a couple of definitions what is unalienable mean I mean no one ever uses that word it's just something that has been freely given something that is unearned they are rights that you have that have been freely given to you matter of fact the Constitution the Declaration of Independence says is freely given to you in theory that's what it was written for it is freely given to you number two honor is placing priceless value on something placing priceless value on something I want to get to all this in a minute and then number three the image of God the ability to live in loving relationship with God and each other so we're gonna look at three onion about facts and three unalienable responsibilities based on those facts letter a it was undeservedly given to all people the image of God was given to you when you did not deserve it God did not owe you anything you weren't so cute he had to give it to you you weren't so rich he had to give it to you he just gave it to you because it was undeservedly given to you the image of God was undeservedly give to you look what it says in Genesis 1:26 2:128 it says God says let us make man in our image in our likeness God just said I'm just gonna do it he just gave it to you for free and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air over all the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and so God created man in his own image because he just wanted to and in the image of God he created a male and female he created them and then God blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply let me tell you something God gave you his image just because just understand you and I do not deserve to have the image of God what does that mean that God gave you the ability like no other creature on earth they have a relationship with him to talk with him to love him to be loved by him to express his love to express his patience to express his kindness to to exploit to see vision that he has given for you to have a spiritual clarity about what life is about and to walk in partnership with him on and on not to have the anointing of God the power of God the encouragement of God the vision of God God said because he decided on his own to give that to you free of charge that means everything you have that's great was given to you you don't you you you have can't take credit for any of it that's fact number one let it be the image of God can acknowledge itself in others it can acknowledge honor in others Romans 2:14 look at this verse it says for when the Gentiles non-believers who do not have the Old Testament law by nature do what the law that law requires they are law unto themselves even though they do not have the law there is something in people that knows right and wrong to a certain degree they show that the work of the law is written in their hearts while their conscience also bears witness take this out Pat Tillman was a football player in the NFL and in 2002 he was a safety play the same position I played in 2002 he left the NFL turned down a multi-million dollar contract and went to be an Army Ranger after 9/11 he saw was going on and he left multi-million dollar contract and went to serve and give his life for our country issues and getting killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan that's honorable and whenever you hear that and you say this guy left a multi-million dollar contract went to went to go to the army in the army to risk his life and Vince Lee gave His life that is honorable and I don't know anybody who wouldn't say it's honorable why because there's a God wrote his law in your heart in other words what God has one of the things one of the things that God has given you he gave you his image you didn't deserve it and that image of God in you can acknowledge it in other people and then there's letter C the image of God that was freely given to us is grieved when it's compromised when it's violated when it's misused when George Floyd was killed the world said that's wrong now the world as an institution didn't say it was wrong the government's didn't say it was wrong companies didn't say it was wrong it was the image of God in you what do you see around the world is the image God and people saying something is not right and so God gave these are facts about the image of God in you and and often when you're feeling pain and about injustice it's not because you are a great person it's because God a great God made you in His image he gave you that greatness he gave you that sense of justice he gave you that sense of fairness but it's all on his terms for his glory so those are three facts about the unalienable gift that God has given you in His image now three responsibilities because those things are true what are three unalienable responsibilities number one remember life liberty and the pursuit of happiness life our God image is a love of people check this out it's awesome this is this is the this is the greatest great verse it says Jesus said to him you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your mind your soul this is the great first and Great Commandment and the second is just like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself God gave you his image God gave you his image and his image is a lover of people his image is not a hater of people it's not a divider it's a unify it's not a discouraged it's an encouragement so God gave you something you didn't deserve you didn't ask for you didn't pay for you can't earn you can't pay him back he gave it to you it's unalienable it has a responsibility to fulfill its purpose to fulfill its dot design you were acting inconsistent with your design when you do what's inconsistent with God's heart and the first thing God says is I want you to love me which is him which is obey Him and I don't want you to love other people which is to help them obey me look out for them I've often said women are complicated and and I really shouldn't generalize even though I've asked thousands women if they're complicated and pretty much most of them if not all of them said yes and one of the things that's complicated about women is that they all have a very unique way of being loved and every girl I've known it's like this date they want you know you tell them they love them at certain times in certain tones they want certain gifts at certain times and they all have a unique way that they want to be loved but here's what makes women complicated and these are women I've expressed them they never tell you you have to figure it out you've got to figure it out I always tell my wife tell me once that one time I walked in my house and my wife I had been in the house like maybe 15 minutes and my wife was behind me and my wife says to me did you notice anything about me and I knew I was busted I had 15 minutes to figure this out and I didn't figure it out I failed the test and as soon as she said that I froze cuz I was like oh I started what did I forget what did I forget I figured if I stood still for long enough I would blend into the furniture and disappear the thing about God is God doesn't want you to guess then how to love him we love God by obeying God that's it God gave you his image and that image has a responsibility to do what he says that's it and you love other people by helping them know God obey God God's Way in a loving kind patient way that's a responsibility we have justice is all about that matter of fact number two is Liberty Life and Liberty our God image is a protector of justice our God image has a responsibility to protect and ensure justice for all people Micah 6:8 look what it says Micah 6:8 he has shown you old man what is good and what does the Lord require of you oh this is so good check this out but to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God the God image says everybody has to have justice why because God is the god of justice he's not a God of justice for some he's a God of justice for all we have been given that inalienable responsibility to ensure equal justice for all people what you see around the world is the image of God crying out saying something has been violated in who we are we have to give equal justice to all people number three the pursuit of happiness the pursuit of happiness our God image is an investor in dreams when I was in high school I had a teacher called mr. Freud for a freedman we call it fry man he was my chemistry teacher and he was cool we got along love the guy loved chemistry I love science but he did something at the end of my I think of sophomore year I applied to a program at MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology it was a summer program for engineering students people aspiring to be engineering students and he wrote this letter that I have to this day 44 years later and when I read the letter I had never had anyone say those things about me and the dreams that I had the potential I had I read I was like and I went to him do you really believe that said he said absolutely he wrote this amazing letter that I have in my scrapbook and I haven't sent my house he was an investor in my dream he was an encourage in my destiny and then when I got to college I I did go to MIT for that summer program was two weeks made amazing friends which I still have to this day 44 years later but what happened was I then I went to the to college I went to a very small college and my coach coach Fenton showed me a an NFL contract it was after my freshman year and he said to me he had tried out in NFL he unfortunately didn't make a team but he showed me his contract and he said you can get one of these he was an investor in my dream he wasn't invested in me pursuing happiness in my way happiness is not I just want to get what I want happiness is me fulfilling the talent and potential that God unalienable inalienable II gave me God gave me his image but he also gave me talent he also gave me potential he also gave me dreams he also gave me vision and we have to do that invest in that and other people God has given and put a yes on every single person let me read 2nd Corinthians to 120 it says for all the promises of God in him are yes and in him amen to the glory of God through us God all his promises on your life oh yes God had a yes on George Floyd God had a yes on Brianna Taylor God had a yes on Ahmad our burry God has a yes on your life God has a yes on your life God has a yes on my life and God's yes on your life in my life it's not something I earned it's not something I definitely deserve only because God gave it to me other than that I'm at the mercy of God other than that you're at the mercy of God and because God gave you made you in the same image that he made me the image of God in you is not inferior or superior to the image of God and me and God has a yes on you God has not cursed anyone and so our responsibility to say Lord you made me in your image to represent you on this earth to love like you to encourage like you to see your image and other people to speak life to people to speak encouragement to people to see your fingerprint in your handprint your power your anointing your purpose your destiny and every person I mean imagine if every person you met you looked for the hand of God in their life I was doing an interview the other day and I was referring to the people who were looting and I said look they're looting but I don't call them looters so once you put a label on someone you can't love them about that label you can't see above that label remember the greatest commandment to love God with your heart mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself once you take that word neighbor out and put a dehumanizing term thug or privilege black this white this Mexican this immigrant this once you once you dehumanize that person by giving them a label that's down here you can't ever see them up here therefore you can't love him right imagine if you put the label neighbor brother sister made in the image of God match is very person you said you saw you told yourself that person was made in the image of God whenever I see homeless people my wife and I will we drive now Street we just saw for him I would say there was a day when that person was a little baby pure as can be and something happened that made image God you know what Jesus said when you feed the hungry when you give someone thirsty something to drink when you give clothes to the naked these are all the people our culture kind of looks down on Jesus said when you help the least of these the people can't pay you back when you help them you help me this is what Jesus said because Jesus is purpose his vision his love his destiny is wrapped up in their lives - we have an unalienable responsibility to seek God and every single person we interact with and to believe in his dream for them his purpose for them his power on their life his plan for their life but we first have to deal with the junk in our heart and I saw and where I began there's stuff in our heart and I wasn't trying to trick you about asking you to think all these negative things but I wanted to stir that up so we can realize what's really in our heart because you can't you you're not gonna be forgiven for stuff unless you say God take it and so if you tell God God take my heart purify my heart purify my thoughts purify what I see what I hear help me look at those people on television the people my neighborhood with your eyes empower me to love them with your heart help me hear what they say with your ears give me the courage to deny myself and to confess my own send my own junk Who am I to blame them when I got junk in my heart but the Bible says he's a great thing that God loves you so much that God has given you his image and His image is designed to forgive and to receive forgiveness his he's giving you the ability to receive his forgiveness and walk in relationship with him so you can reflect his love to people on earth so what if right now you said to God you made me to be like you and I obviously and not like that yet and trust me I'm not like that yet either but every day here's what we got to do gotta take one little step forward to be more like Jesus one little more step and as you look at all those faces behind me I'm gonna go back in one more time as you look at all these faces back here I don't know which one you picked out I don't know which one you have issue with maybe you got issue with everybody they don't look like you but every single one of these people groups was made in the image of God not inferior or superior to you and if you say God I just want to fulfill my unalienable responsibility that you gave me and placed on my life but I can't do that if I'm holding on to my heart so in a minute I'm gonna give you an opportunity to say Lord here's my heart by the way it's your heart so I'm gonna give my heart to you and I want you to take it cleanse it purify it shape it and fill it with your love you know whenever you see the glove that is in the shape of a hand the glove was made in the image of the hand so the hand can fit in it we were made in the image of God so God can live in us God I'm giving you my heart so you can live inside of me how do you do that admit that you're a sinner I'm a sinner dear God I'm a sinner believe that Jesus died for your sin and rose from the dead and confess your sin to him commit to living family I'm a Legion of Prayer it's simply telling God those things that you admit that you're a sinner that you believe he loves you and that you confess your sin thing and you make a commitment to fulfilling your unalienable responsibility to love God with your heart mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself let's pray lord thank you so much for your faithfulness thank you so much for your goodness Lord we live our lives so selfishly sometimes that we think everything revolves around us what we feel our perspective what we think we know when in fact you created us for your glory and you've given us a responsibility that is way above our head to honor you to glorify you and to walk with you as you're listening to my voice I can imagine all the thoughts you have about what's going on in culture and what's gonna happen to your lifestyle what's gonna happen to your friends what's gonna happen to how you make a living and how you relate to people but in the end you belong to God and the safest most eternal thing you can do is make sure you have a relationship with God that is solid that is secure that is clear so if you would like to give you a life to Jesus that you may fulfill the unalienable responsibility to live for him pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart pray dear God I believe you love me and I believe you made me in your image but I admit that I'm a sinner I've strayed away from you I believe that my sin is wrong and that the penalty is death and I confess my sin to Jesus please forgive me I surrender my life to you I want to love you with all my heart mind and soul I want to love my neighbor as myself thank you God in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that pray I want to say congratulations you just began a new journey I don't know what direction life was going before but now you're saying Lord I want to fulfill your purpose for my life it is a journey that's gonna take a lot of twists and turns but you want to hold the hand of God the whole time if you prayed that prayer please text the words saved - five - five - five text the words saved two five two five two five and we want to help you in that journey the rest of you let me tell you something I can't encourage you enough to get in a D group and our group at a church people that you can talk to and talk with about these things we are gonna start a whole thirteen week series on discipleship we're gonna go through the book the third option and we're gonna learn how to walk with integrity in these testing trying times so listen god bless you we love you we'll see you next week we're gonna finish this series next week and pray for our country and we'll see you saturday june 20th right here in san diego go to we pray san diego calm and we are going to be praying all over san diego on the street on our knees god bless you if God spoke to you during that sermon and you feel like you want to ask Christ to be your savior it's as simple as ABC 1 admit and accept that you are a sinner the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and He died for your sin and rose from the dead and then confess yourself as a sinner and say Jesus please forgive me of my sin so if you would like to ask Jesus Christ to be your savior I just want you to just look at me right now and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart knowing that God knows you and loves you very much say dear God I believe that I'm a sinner I know the penalty of my sin is death and I don't want to die and go to hell but I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord that he died and rose from the dead for my sin and I confess myself a sinner and ask him to forgive me of my sin Jesus please forgive me of my sin and fill me with the Spirit of God in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that prayer you just ask Christ to be your savior we want to know and we want to email you some resources so if you just prayed that prayer with me to accept Jesus as your Savior click on the link that just appeared and we want to send you some free resources god bless you and we'll see you in heaven you
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 2,848
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church
Id: tnQRL1JBr60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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