Rock Church - Drew Brees Interview

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I met drew back in 11 years ago we used to go out as as alumni to the charge of practices every Thursday and talk to the team and give a play a game award I played of the game of waterway and it was a great time for us old guys to go out there and meet the young guys to be part of practice and we met drew and Drew has always been a great to me and I won't say it's cuz he's because he's here but he's always been that guy who was just always together and Kenny green coach too was a coach somewhere was at Purdue one of my teammates coached him or a coach at his team and told me when he got hurt don't worry he will be back because that do does not mess around and he's a man of God he's a great family man he's straight he will not be in trouble well you would not see him in the news or anything bad I was sad when he left here really mad but we still wanted our own can I get amen so let let's give you a big hand let's give you a big head how's everybody doing right good to have you here mate good long long time I have all these questions I don't even know where to start first tell us tell us nine nine Pro Bowls Super Bowl MVP tell us where football started for you back it back in the day I I have pictures when I was you know six months old just crawling with a football kind of tucked under my arm so honestly as far back as I could ever remember I feel like football has been in my life I had a football family I grew up in Austin Texas it's kind of a way of life down there Friday Night Lights and all that but my my grandfather was a long time high school football coach in the state of Texas coached 38 years I remember my my childhood spending summers with him basically at training camp my brother and I we're the water boys for his high school football team handing out the green laser light water to the to the players as they come off the field that that hot Texas Sun but no it's I feel like it's it's always been a presence in my life tell us about your family I've got a beautiful wife loving very supporting and understanding wife Brittany we've been married 12 years and we have four just amazing kids that's uh we kind of kind of put them pretty close together here we got three boys and a girl six for two or the boys and then six months is that sweet little girl so I'm I'm in trouble I'm in trouble who owns who owns you at all the kids the most the girl she's only six six months so she can't she can't even bat her eyes you know but she's got me she's uh it's incredibly we make we make that connection every day just the way she looks at you and I I'm so lucky for us it's amazing how a little person that can't talk has no job can't walk can't feed themselves all they do is poop cry and sleep and yet they own you and I've been spit up on so many times but you just you just love it you embrace it just spit up on me that's okay I love you I love you you you went to Purdue talked about coming out of high school were you told you were too small for division one football I was about a lot of people I went to I went to Westlake High School in Austin Texas which was really considered a football powerhouse you know we had a great great system you know so I wouldn't say that there was a lot of guys being offered scholarships out of my high school program although we were very winning program in fact my senior year we were 16 and own on the five eight Division 2 state championship in Texas and yet you know you're very few guys that were offered out of our school I had two offers one to Purdue and one to Kentucky so let's not write there you had two scholarship or two scholarship offers I was 5a player of the year in the state of Texas and had two scholarship offers I was I'm not an impressive guy to look at six foot tall I was about 190 pounds the previous season I had had a torn ACL and had missed the entire you know really offseason into the summer and that was when recruiting was really becoming a we're going after the juniors getting them committed and then you know before their senior years so I'm not sure if a lot of people wrote me off based upon that injury or just felt like I was a system guy but I certainly wasn't type guy and both my parents went to Texas A&M so I wanted to be an Aggie so bad University of Texas was five minutes down the road I used to go to all their games on Saturday nights after we played Friday night and I couldn't even get them to sniff me so there's a football term it's not like sniffing me down Texas Tech turned me down TCU turned me down I mean all the Texas schools and this was this was back in the day when it was the Southwest Conference and you know that was that was our pride down there it was being able to go to one of those schools and so none of them gave me the opportunity but Purdue did and thank God every day for so the people here who get told they can't because education how they look where they grew up what the family is you were told you can and I would imagine when you were Purdue you were told you can't plant in the field is it too small absolutely just as as fuel to fire that chip on your shoulder and you know I think for for a believer for a Christian that's just you know where God I know you have a plan I don't quite understand it right now I really wanted to stay close to home but I felt like going away for college really helped me grow up and mature probably a lot faster than I would have especially staying close to home where you probably have a lot more distractions I was around some unbelievable coaches that really helped mold me were you know father figures for me I got to play in a system that allowed me to throw out 45 50 times a game which in that day and age and the Big Ten was kind of unheard of it was still three yards and a cloud of dust type of offenses now everybody spreads it out and throws it around but at the time I got to play for Joe tiller and it spread off and so really helped me develop as a thrower as a quarterback that offensive system so and I got a great education and to be honest with you I never thought that football would ever take me anywhere I chose Purdue University because of its academic reputation in fact when Purdue first started recruiting me which was right before the state championship game my senior year they came to a practice and I remember my offensive coordinator came over and said you see that coach over there said yeah he's here to see you said really where's he from Purdue I said Ivy League that's awesome Purdue didn't have much of a football presentation at the time they'd had 13 straight losing seasons and I thought that I thought Purdue was an Ivy League school because it had a great academic reputation I said no it's in the big ten just you know just not good now I got it but I went there to give an education I went there to go to the Krannert School of Management get a great education play football because I love the game and then go off and and use that business degree so I never thought so what would you say to the hundreds of people watching thousands well I would imagine all of us have been told what we can't there's anybody who's ever reach any level of success at some point in their life has been told you can't do it for whatever reason not big enough strong enough fast enough smart enough you name it and the bottom line is don't let ever anyone ever tell you what you can't do because in fact in so many cases that adds fuel to the fire and yet I don't look at it as hey I'm trying to do they achieve this to prove people wrong it's to prove those who believe in you right mm-hmm those who have sacrificed so much for you those parents those coaches along the way to prove those people riding to know that the man upstairs has a plan for you he is he is molding you he is shaping you strengthen you into who he is he's meant for you to be and he gave you those talents and those abilities to go forward and and to do those things amen amen amen whenever you whenever you see someone on television you always form an opinion it's a kind of human nature to form an opinion your issues will determine what that opinion is based on what you're here and you may hear one thing about a person and all of a sudden you run and create this fantasy negative about a person and and you're always wrong no matter what opinion you form you're always wrong until you meet the person and so one of the things I want you to get out of this is to get to know you him you're not gonna sit and talk him for a half an hour but to get to realize that he's a person like you who tells the same exact things and that nugget right there you want to take a nugget home that's nugget number one at least nugget number one is that you want to work hard to prove the proof right to the people right who believe in you you will always have people talking about you always and if you ever think somebody who's successful has it easy you know nothing about success and it doesn't it's not true matter of fact the more success you have the more people are gonna attack you amen oh it's true so you just just in case you didn't know tell us okay so you went to Purdue they had 13 straight losing seasons yes and you went there and you went there believing I'm gonna get a good education Joe tillers first year there and so he got the job in early January I I came on my visit in mid-january he offered kind of just as many guys as he could it was in middle only being about 17 scholarships and we were ranked as the last the dead last recruiting class in the Big Ten Conference that year and there was one of those again things chip-on-the-shoulder we all came together as a freshman class and said hey by the time we leave here senior year we're winning big win a Big Ten championship we're going to the Rose Bowl and sure enough four years later we want a Big Ten championship and well you could be around you could have lost all your life and been around the losers all your life at some point you guys you could say I'm gonna change it and some of you have to do that by getting rid of the people in your life we'll move on so so then you you get drafted you matter of fact it gets even better heisman tell us about the Heisman the Heisman hodgman's a dream that you know as a kid being a football fanatic in the state of Texas you know it's when you think about playing at the next level you think about you know that Heisman award that comes at the end of the season is to the nation's best player but in in so many ways that person is just larger than life especially for a high school kid who aspires to be in that position and so just so so honored and humbled when that opportunity came my way I'm in my junior season that I ended up being a Heisman finalist and then again my senior season finished fourth in my junior year and then third my senior year but just to be there to be a part of it to be around those guys to be in that moment was it was it was incredible so no teams in Texas are from a scholarship and here's a being in the top five Heisman votes two years in a row somebody made a mistake amen amen so you could have ever bring your life not believe in you and still do what God called you to do amen and I'd say this story it had I stayed in Texas I I don't know if those things happen in fact I'd say they probably don't happen it was that opportunity to go to Purdue which at the time I was telling myself where I really wish you know God why can't I go to UT why can't I go to A&M no it's Purdue and kinda had to figure that out along the way but at the end of the day that's that's what that's what he had planned for me and and that it made all the difference then you get drafted I get drafted first pick of the second round of the San Diego Chargers in 2000 that's uh that that draft is an interesting process and it's funny that Jameis Winston sit right over here because I I can give him some advice just based upon that draft process being being a competitive person and obviously somebody who's had a tremendous amount of success at the college level I think your immediate goal is I want to get drafted as high as possible that's all I care about because it's a competitive thing but at the end of the day what I realize going through that draft process was it's not about how high you draft get drafted it's it's going to the right place in the right program with the right people that can help utilize your strengths and help develop you into the quarterback that you know you can be and so for me I was being told that I could go anywhere from the early first-round to the late first round but I was going to be a first-round pick so here I had about four or five teams telling me if you are here at this pick we will be selecting you and so here comes pick number seven no here comes pick number 17 no here comes pick number 19 no but I was sworn to by the Miami Dolphins that pick 26 that I was going if I was there so sure enough pick 26 comes comes up and I'm getting the Dolphins had out ready and the phone doesn't ring and they take Jamar Fletcher from Wisconsin I know that because my I was I was locked in I'm gonna be a Miami Dolphin can anybody does anybody know who Jamar Fletcher this I'm just saying I'm he actually came and played one year so so here I am just now now I'm a bit dumbfounded feeling like I had been promised that I'd be selected in the in these places and and and it didn't happen and but the minute that they didn't select me I sat there and looked at kind of the next few picks and there was San Diego sitting that pick number one in the second round and I remember the time that I'd spent with them it was coach Mike Riley it was the general manager John Butler who passed away shortly after that from cancer but who was a great man and I just I got the feeling that that was that was the right fit and I didn't know how it would happen for me to land there but at that moment it all made sense and sure enough the phone rang and I became a San Diego charger and it was it was you and LT LT was in that same dress and speaking of the Heisman so Danian Tomlinson was at the Heisman ceremony as well our senior year so I finished third he finished fourth but I remember us riding to the Heisman ceremony that night and lt and I actually go way back we were on the same high school all-star team back in 1996 well the South Texas all-star team and I we had followed each other's college careers he to going to TCU no TCU was not a football powerhouse at the time either he had been passed up by a lot of the Texas schools and so he kind of came in with that same mindset mentality as me and so there we were at the Heisman Trophy ceremony together and it was you know it was really fulfilling for both of us but we kind of looked at each other at that moment said we played this all-star game together here we are sitting at the Heisman together wouldn't that be something if we could share our NFL crews together and he got drafted with the fifth pick in the first round that year and then sure enough you know when I saw you know my name come up first pick of the second round number one I knew it was the right fit San Diego but number two I looked and said that's my guy let's do it amen amen so people watch quarterback so all the time in the game and they're like you know 50 to the mic and they're pointing over this and it's the Ellen Asst I want you to one give us a play that you were calling the huddle and then explain what they're seeing so when they watch you this season they're like I know what he's doing I know to play he told me that play because that's what they're gonna say then he told them there's some crazy ones but just I'd say okay so let's go green left slot nasty Z feel tight fix lecture seven Buster nudge naked right lively beasting expir kill slash every cent Bob easy that's one play that's that's one play well it's actually two plays that you're you know you're checking to but so so that's that's a play a and play B yes and you and so you come to the line and they got and that's where all those points and everything because it's can we block that guy no we can okay let's do this and now we can or now this place no good let's get to something else and then you check what and keep said it slows did y'all get that just say this low real quick right so green left slot nasty is the formation glean green left slot nasty yeah yeah green left the nasty part nasty just receivers down there with those big so green left slot nasty the C field tights the motion the fake slash 37 Buster nudge naked right is the protection and play action wife Louise thing ex peers the route concept kill would be I'm killing a play I'm changing the play slash 37 Bobby Z is slash is the footwork for me the running back and the offensive lineman 37 tells you it's going left in the seven hole Bobby Z is the scheme tells the fullback who he's blocking into the tight end spot no got that how many of you will never ever ever in your life ever call a football player dumb ever again amen because I because people would tell is like our our defense is a very a lot simple like 34 34 3 but how do we go okay get the guy with the ball okay but people said what do you guys say in the hundred like go get the guy now we got to play in and so what they'll do is they'll come out and we have a play to they'll come out and in a formation and then we'll we'll just our guys left right look and then he'll see what we do and then he'll call a different play and then we'll have to adjust to that and then they hack the ball and we're still yelling at each other trying to figure out how to follow those guys that's how if that's all that yelling it's not just go get the guy go get the guy which I don't really have place so he's explaining he's explaining kana I was basically what he just did but now tell us in all that my got some some very good questions to text questions because they kind of cover what I can cover now but first tell us where God was in your life up all through this time and when before you got saved yeah so I I I grew up in Austin Texas I'd say as a kid I my parents were divorced I went to church with my father did not go to church with my mother and really that experience for me was I went to church I went to Sunday School got the free doughnuts listening to the stories sat in church just kind of you know messed around with my brother the whole time sitting right next to me in the pew and didn't really pay attention so there was never I was at church I was present there was never a relationship with Christ my life at the time revolved around sports you know I was always a young athlete I was let's not wasn't a bad kid you know I tried to do well in school I treated people with respect you tried to do all the right things in that regard and yet my life revolved around sports and being successful at that and whatever it took there and it wasn't until I got hurt my junior year which I mentioned that ACL injury I got I hurt my ACL in the fourth round of the playoffs my junior season and I had seen a bunch of my friends have that same injury and never come back the same you know they didn't come back faster as athletic or as fast and some of them dropped off the depth chart and I just felt like my hopes and dreams were being stripped away but this was gonna happen to me and all of a sudden what I had lived for was no longer there and this was 1996 and so almost 20 years ago and ACL surgeries then are quite what they are now so just that five weeks later I'm still on crutches and I remember sitting there the day before my seventeenth birthday in church and just something was different that day and maybe it was the fact I was feeling sorry for myself or the way that I had lived my life previously and I just knew that there was an emptiness there and that there was no there was not there's no purpose and I remember the pastor giving his sermon about God is looking for a few good men and I that was Jesus just reached in my chest and grabbed my heart and said you you're gonna be one of these few good men and from that moment on with Jesus in my life I knew that now the fear of the unknown was no longer there I think before that there was fear of the unknown because you you didn't know who was in control of it you felt like you were in control of it until that moment when all of a sudden you got hurt you didn't know why and all of a sudden you felt like it was being stripped away but now with Jesus in my heart in my life it was well I I'm not afraid of the unknown I'm not afraid of going to Purdue you know I'm not afraid of dropping to the second round and going to San Diego charges because I know that God has a plan for me I know he has it planned out now I may not know that plan right now mm-hmm but I know that God has it planned and I'm gonna trust him I'll be led by faith and not by sight second Corinthians 5:7 amen amen and there was a time from then until recently that you weren't as outspoken as you become more recently and tell me about that change why that is you know we've had we've had a pretty amazing transformation on our team here over the last few years a lot of believers strong Christian men that are in the locker room a great pastor who has been our team chaplain for the last three years and you know I felt like that's really empowered me and a lot of other guys to become more outspoken I think it's just that that consistent presence of us being around each other us being in the word us praying together us meeting and doing players only Bible studies at times in addition to couples Bible studies in addition to time before the game in prayer it's I think it's just it's it's put us all in an even more of an empowering position to be able to go on for you I got some text questions and want to go through these real quick let's put the first one up when you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up I wanted to be a professional athlete in three sports football basketball baseball okay Deion Sanders okay what spiritual mental and physical training do you do in order to keep yourself who you are a lot that's that's that's extremely intensive especially as I get later in my career you just find that you know that that aging process tries to set set in and and and you fight that as best as you can with just how you try think you just need to train smarter and you you put a big premium on recovery and I'd say more so than than soul arrest a lot of rest and then just recovery techniques that come along with the training itself okay and good diet a great diet and good sleep habits and you know wrestling kids to keep up your athleticism and you know that kind of stuff next one how did the experience of joining the Saints during the Hurricane Katrina change your life as a Christian I remember when you chose the Saints we're at the park working out I was running routes you know trying to kind of keep you sharp and you remember that it was more miles junior but the apology was run the routes I was play defense but I asked you why you picked the Saints and you said there was an opportunity to do something great I don't know if you remember that but that's why you picked that team another losing team that you said I'm gonna go there and God's gonna oh you didn't say God but I'm gonna go there and make something happen I truly felt her calling there my wife Brittany and I both did in fact there's a funny story that came from that trip so I had two opportunities again as a free agent with coming off that shoulder injury from the from the Chargers and it was with the Saints and the Dolphins Dolphins had two chances so he's not bitter though he's just trying to tell you so so on the surface that seemed like a very obvious choice New Orleans had a three and thirteen season was going back to a city that had been 85% underwater well after you know Hurricane Katrina I'm not sure of even the you know long-term stability of the team they're not sure where they were talking team if you go to st. Antonio LA you know wherever and then there was Miami right Nick Saban had just taken over they've been nine and seven the year before they were on their way to doing great things he'd handle the defense he's gonna have me come in handle the offense I mean it was on the surface it seemed like the perfect scenario they picked me up in Wayne Huizenga's private jet 747 cruise into Miami but again it was it was not it was not what God was calling me to do my wife brandy and I then went to New Orleans and the the the intent of head coach Sean Payton when we when we got down to New Orleans was number one we have total confidence in your ability to come back and lead this team and to leave the city back first and foremost number two there are places to live here like it's not all still underwater you're not gonna like be living in a houseboat right who can find a place for you live so his mission was to show my wife and I more so my wife the nice place me obviously the football guy let's just get in a room and start hammering out this offense for my life it was this is where you can live this is where you can raise a family this is where you can you know it's it's it's okay here and well Sean Payton had only had the job for a month so he got lost bringing us back from the nice area and we drove through the not-so-nice area we went through the ghetto yeah but we're talking like boats in the middle of the street that you're having to navigate around I'm thought like a boat in the middle of the street an upside down Chevy truck in someone's living room houses ripped off their foundation well I mean it was a complete devastation this was like a nuclear bomb had gone on one day after the storm and Britney and I are both looking each other like we really don't we're getting into but you know what it was just what we it we felt that calling we felt we felt the strength of God bringing us there for a reason what's been the most amen amen the most difficult thing you had to face the most difficult yeah oh wow you know I would say and you know it sounds so trivial just because we're talking about football you know but but you know my shoulder my my my shoulder injury here in San Diego just so many circumstances surrounding it you know it was so a dislocated right throwing shoulder in the last game of the 2005 season going into an off season which I did not have a contract therefore I didn't have a future in NFL football that was anything certain right and even if you do have a contract it's a it's a one-day contract they can cut you at any moment I'm sorry do you understand that in football you could have a contract for 10 years they can cut you to next day do you understand that and baseball baseball basketball and hockey they're guaranteed that's why you'll see a contract five years and they'll tell you how much is guarantee cuz normally none of us guarantee they can cut you the next day and pay you nothing so just what he's talking about so when that happened it was just it was that shock I mean you talk about true shock and listen I was a Christian I was a believer and yet it was where God I really don't understand this the the timing of this is because as I'm walking off the field here and say yeah I remember him arm was state was it was it was real it early stuck like this because it dislocated out the bottom and so it's just kind of hanging right there it was just it was loud that big game I remember so I knew exactly what had happened and I was just sitting there going oh my god oh my god you know what just happened and I thought to myself you know this is probably the last time I ever put on a charger uniform again you know based upon the fact they drafted Phillip Rivers two years previous to be the heir apparent and just knowing that situation but then I said you know what this might be the last time I ever play football again and that's when you know that just that pain and that shock really set in and I'll be honestly for 3-4 days I I was in the tank feeling really sorry for myself really sorry for myself and it took that long just to snap out of and say okay God I know you've got a plan first things first it's the surgery and then it's it's this mindset of short-term goals and this great faith and knowing that you know this this will be for good and all things happen for good for those who love Christ and are called according his will and purpose and it's amazing it's amazing how you can take something and again I feel the fact that it's just football and I'm talking about an injury it's not like I had a life-threatening illness it's not like I had just this extreme loss of some kind but for that time for my football career for my hopes and dreams it's as if it was being all ripped away from me all at once I mean all of a sudden at once it's amazing how you can go from a moment like that where you say this is the worst thing that could have happened to me right now this right here is the worst thing besides a broken neck that could have happened to me on this football field right now and then a year later you can look back on that moment and say it was probably the best thing I was at that game you were in the endzone and it was the last game and I remember you walked off like this and I felt the same day I said oh my goodness that is not look good in a minute I'm gonna ask you to say something very direct to this audience in East County North County Tennessee's are all the people online before we do that we have we just want to give you all a gift because he signed some hats and we have hats to give away Saints has a signature on it and all the campuses by the way so in East County North County and if I want you to plot your bulletin because this is how you're gonna know you're gonna get one we got a sticker on okay if you look in your bulletin there's a little flap it says prayer request everybody see that if you have this little gold sticker oh I don't have it poor me who has it if you could stand up this should be a bunch of people here who have it stand up if you have it anybody we are you one we should have a bunch to where else three four else anybody else upstairs if we can have the ushers find those people do we have six of them do you have this no no no and all the campuses just give those to give those hats out okay if you would say if you could say one thing to the crowd there people out here who are going through everything in their life trying to trust God some people have no money no job some people have a bunch of money and no hope and everything in between there people here who don't know God we're gonna give you an opportunity to know God here in a minute what would you say to them and the people out in all our campuses as well I guess I'd say this you know everyone's searching for a purpose for a calling in their life and maybe for their identity and I think so many times we wrap ourselves up in our identity being what we do or what we're aspiring to do or what we feel like people want us to do I'll use the example of a professional athlete you know so many guys when they leave the game of football go through tremendous amount of depression because what was their identity well it was as a football player and all of a sudden when they're no longer playing football their identity is somewhat stripped away so I would just challenge us all and I've given this a lot of thought why can't our identity be as Christians as believers because you you'll always have that identity you can never have that taken away from you no matter what happens in your life and that that identity of a Christian of a believer also gives certainty to each and every day it doesn't necessarily mean you know exactly what's going to have each and every day but the certainty that God has a plan for you and God has given you certain talents abilities and strengths to go forward and glorify his name with and that he is continuing to mold you and strengthen you with certain challenges and opportunities in your life but that certainty is what should give you great confidence each and every day that identity as a Christian as our believable very good amen before we pray I want you to take that same flat that said prayer request and I want you to look on the back of it it should say my response say Amen if you see that at the very bottom you see where it says textaid to that number and what say Amen if you see that I want to pray for you and after I pray for you if you want to ask Christ to be your Savior which is we're gonna give you an opportunity to do that at some point I want you to text us that you prayed that prayer because that's gonna enable us to follow up with you I'm gonna ask you to come forward as well but some people don't come forward but we want to stay in touch with you amen and you can 24 hours a day 7 days a week text us to that number and say you got asked Christ to be your Savior amen let's all bow our heads and close our eyes Lord we thank you so much that you love us we thank you for our brother Drew and all the ups and downs of his life and how you have proven so many critics wrong and his support is right and have done so many unbelievable unexplainable things in his life that you're the only one worthy of the credit for what has happened and Lord they're people in this room right now who have had questions about their life their future their eternity their purpose their identity their reason for being on this planet and Lord the Bible says that you love them that you sent your son Jesus to die on the cross for their sin and that you also rose from the dead as you sit in your seat you're sitting at home you're here in one of our campuses you're here in Point Loma and you're saying you know what I believe Jesus loves me and I believe he has a plan for my life the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God the Bible says the penalty of sin is death but the Bible also says that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for sinn he rose from the dead and that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in a heart god raised from the dead will you be saved if you realize today yes I'm a sinner like everybody else and yes the penalty of my sin is death I'm gonna die physically and spiritually but I believe that Jesus is Lord that he loves me that he died for my sin and you would like him to forgive you of your sin right now and you would like to ask him to be your Savior that your true identity would be that of a child of God I want you to pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart and as you pray you just need to believe that he loves you and he has a plan for your life so if you would like to ask Christ to be your savior just pray this in the privacy of your heart you don't need to pray it out loud but you need to pray believing in the privacy of your heart pray dear God I believe I'm a sinner but I believe that Jesus loves me that he died in the cross for my sin that he rose from the dead Jesus please forgive me of my sin come live in my heart and be my Savior I surrender my life to you thank you Jesus as our eyes are closed on our heads about like I said I want some time today you to text us to tell us you prayed that prayer but if you prayed that prayer I'm going to ask you to stand up and acknowledge as I stand in this stage as drue standards this stage acknowledging that we are sons of God we've confessed Christ as our Savior we're going to ask you to to stand jesus said if you're ashamed of me before a man I'm gonna be ashamed of you before my father in other words if you can't stand for me in public how am I gonna stand for you in heaven so when I ask you to stand you shouldn't worry about what people think well people you don't know think all you should worry about is what is my father in heaven if Jesus died in public he wants you to stand in public to live in public to be a witness in public so I'm gonna count to three and if you prayed that prayer I'm gonna ask you to stand to your feet when I count to three if you prayed that prayer I want you to stand your feet proud yes I am giving my life to Jesus and all of our campuses there gonna be somebody there to pray with you encourage you so you shouldn't worry about what anybody thinks so on account the three if you prayed that prayer once you stand your feet one two three just stand to your feet god bless you very good god bless you god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you amen amen stay standing stay standing god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you now in a minute I know it's a little late but I'm gonna ask for all the rest of you to be very patient because this is a very important time for these people it's a life change and it's a decision they're making in a minute I'm gonna ask all youth standing to come down to the altar if you're in a balcony all you have to do is turn around and walk or up and I'll just bring you down the rest of us please don't walk out we don't want to lose these people in the shuffle we're just going to be a few more minutes can I get amen to that but what we do want to do is we want to cheer for this is better than a football game this is more important so if you standing up come out at all to come out of your seat come on down come on down to the altar did you think you could shake the hand amen god bless you stay right there god bless you stay right here stay right here stay right stay right here god bless you amen just come forward everyone come phony to stand out god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you amen amen amen say Jesus god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you Tector service thank you for serving god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you hey man let's do it man god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you amen amen amen amen amen amen god bless you god bless you thank you all the hype all the football stuff all that's great please put your testimony in the phone and go help somebody this gives people hands they come on down folks they're amen hey Jesus amen god bless you god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you let's not lose the fact that we're here we now you now can share your testimony it's a conversation you just did it practice practice practice get on that put on that talk to people you know can I get amen so here's we're gonna do here's were gonna do out of respect to these people we're gonna cheer them into that room and then after they get into that room pastor George is gonna come out and pray for us to dismiss us we asked you not to leave and walk out on them as they go in here can I get a Amen on that it's just going to take about three minutes to get them in there and then we're gonna pray you out so right now we're gonna you take a right turn and walk out this way let's give them a hand amen thanks man say Jesus god bless you god bless God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you come let's give a big hands go big hand it going a couple of things before pass enjoy sprays if you prayed that prayer and you didn't come forward please Texas we want to help you text that number saved and fluoresce you get the app download your app let's give drew a big hand for being here amen and uh if you can pastor George is gonna dismiss us though George
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 18,824
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church, Drew Brees (American Football Player)
Id: 0yXv49Wysl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2015
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