1 Hour of H.P. Lovecraft Music: The Great Old Ones and Other Beings
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Channel: Graham Plowman - Composer
Views: 1,714,806
Rating: 4.9507766 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Plowman, HP Lovecraft, lovecraft music, cthulhu, cthulhu music, horror choir music, horror fantasy music, horror music, scary music, roleplaying music, orchestral, creepy music, soundtrack, film, film score, composer, desktop orchestra, graham plowman, plowman, horror, choirs, choral, epic film music, epic game music, the call of cthulhu, Great Old Ones, Azathoth, Shub-niggurath, Nyarlathotep, Lovecraft country
Id: pyFjXaKiJLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 31sec (4471 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you think the music in the video sometimes gets too much in the foreground with its sudden strings and changes, here is one more focused on ambient.
All his music is on Spotify as well so you can create your own playlist, if you want even more then I recommend something like ambient-mixer.com and find a mix that fits the scenario (ex: at the shore, in a house, in a cafe etc)
To be honest, I felt like it had too many abrupt changes, in many cases it did not fit the vibe of the act/agenda I was currently on.
I wholly recommend using some of the World of Warcraft soundtracks, they have plenty of 1-hour to 3-hour long playlists which are very thematic and have a good flow!
Core/Dunwich Core/Dunwich
If anyone is currently on TFA, this one is just perfect: The Forgotten Age Music
Thank you for sharing! Love this! My go-tos are Cryo Chamber and Atrium Carceri.
Thanks for the share! Great music!