RoboFreeze - My Magic Pet Morphle | Magic Universe - Kids Cartoons

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hi I'm Mila and my magic pet more Falcon morph into any anymore let's go this is Robo freeze a crime fighting robot version of Officer freeze what a good looking fellow Robo freeze has three settings off lenient and strict let's have a demonstration Mila could you drop some litter please please pick up that litter morphle morph into a trash grab thank you you are a good citizen [Music] littering is a disease and I'm the Cure you're under arrest [Music] what's happening put me down [Music] I think I made this strict setting a bit too strict morphle we have to turn the dial and Roba freezes chest to off come on [Music] you're under arrest for walking on the grass but I wasn't walking on the ground you were going to ah careful get Robo freezers dial [Music] [Applause] activate Robo jetpack morph into a super suit oh god let's go [Music] faster more full he's too fast more full but how do we catch an officer by causing as much crime as possible [Music] your crane is too noisy you are under arrest what I'm going to drop this litter remain in your vehicle citizen I'll be back here he comes Morpho morph into a police car [Music] don't drop that you're under arrest [Music] let me out you're under arrest for being too strict [Music] foreign I've never had to arrest myself before [Music] [Laughter] every day is a magical day with a magic Pat hey Mila and morphle ready for our picnic yes daddy look we're off to the park take good care of the magic pet center while we're gone bye bye everyone come on Morpho let's make it today magical they've gone now we can steal ammo and use the Bandit mobile to channel his freezing powers not bad you gotcha [Music] now Atmos freezing powers can be Zapped through this tube well hello Madam m is the hot weather bothering you yes terribly how nice of you to ask freeze her much better right this looks like the perfect place for a picnic whoa whoa hey how did this ice get here it's the Bandit s they've got apple and they're using his freezing powers to make ice let's get them oh no they've Frozen morphle Morpho morph into something big to break the ice well done morphle now we gotta catch those Bandits before they freeze the whole city freezing people not in my city freeze Bandits okay Officer free foreign [Music] thanks for melting the ice morphle now morph into a monster ice truck don't worry [Music] how about this oh [Music] beautiful ice cream truck let's make this an ice cream picnic ice cream every day is a magical day with a magic pack oh no some of the magic pet letters have escaped and I only have a n q w v and y don't worry Daddy we'll find them is that one of the ladders it's the D for Daddy any letters you catch with this magic hoop will end up back here [Music] oh H for who yay Martha morph into a race car so we can find the letter super fast let's make today magical R for race car B for bus C for car f for fire truck well spotted morphle P for police car oh and it's Escape [Music] I wonder if there are magic pet letters here okay for kite ice cream oh I for ice cream good job morphle oh for orfo L for lion [Music] G for giraffes C for zebra e For Elephants more books morph into a helicopter so we can look on the beach foreign [Music] there you are you for umbrella letters in the tree Marple morph long arms to reach them [Music] great tea for tree now hoop the M for monkeys [Music] awesome morphle x marks the spot [Music] I think we have all the letters now let's go back to the pet center [Music] thanks for finding all the magic pet letters Mila and morphle every day magical day with a magic Pack Mr mirror can you show us what is happening in the mirror world I most certainly can Mila [Music] put him back inside me that's awful in the mirror world everything is opposite of what it's like in our world and since morphle is very friendly I'm afraid that awful will want to do nothing but bad things good thinking we can't have Oracle running around the city creating a mess let's play with chroma for a while foreign [Music] hello morphle how are you today nice oh whoa what are you doing [Music] Marvel you can't just leave me here sounds like someone's looking for you more full there you are morphle now get me back down from here foreign [Music] it was you who put me on the roof in the first place but morphle was with us inside the whole time no he put me on the roof and he was laughing about it like this oh no that sounds like or full we need to find him [Music] what are you doing Marvel are you building something hey what's the deal here this isn't Fun more fool but if that's more full who's that [Music] uh he's swimming and who's the real morphle we need to make sure Orville can't pretend to be more full anymore all for green I hope we've seen the last of oreful [Music] [Applause] [Music] good catch Mila please [Music] it landed right in my hat oh no we have to help him morple morph into a speed boat so we can get there we're coming to get you more funk oh you're trapped in seaweed I'll help you more full are you okay I'm okay but I didn't see where the shark went I guess it swam away Morpho you have to morph back into yourself to get free don't worry you'll be safe I promise we're with you and the silly shark isn't around anymore thank you let's play how about Follow the Leader in the water Halloween it's the shark again wait I know that giggle I think Oracle is just pretending to be a scary shark he's pranking us that's not very nice no it's not hmm maybe we should show orfle how his prank made us feel Morpho please morph into a bigger shark than orphan foreign [Music] just swim around or fall [Music] it's not really a shark it's more full you pranked us so I wanted to show you how it feels sorry I'm sure you didn't mean to scaredy one oh start playing how why don't we all play a game together you could play hide and soak or dolphin Polo mournful and Orville can morph into dolphins and we can ride them [Music] don't let the ball fall in the water show it's just me it's not a shark it's a it's a wearing his shark the hats Oh Daddy hey how about a daddy and Dolphins race [Music] a magical day with a magic hat hey cute little fella foreign so funny to think that one day you will be big and scary [Music] the zapper that we stole from Professor Paula we can turn these animals into Giants oh we're gonna have a great day at the animal sanctuary morphle morphle the bandits are zapping all the animals into Giants [Music] we need to get the zapper back Morpho morph into a superhero [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we didn't think that one through foreign it's the penguin that's one what happened [Music] [Music] hi we're back great but oh no you've become very small could you're still great animals hey did you have fun at the fair Mila and morphle [Music] parties with our with our prize come on Morpho let's make today magical and Mimi can you bring our baby doll to life then she can really join in [Music] hello Builder Mary hi there I need a magic pet to help me move some heavy bricks can anyone help anemi could bring them to life and they could move themselves that would be great we'll be back soon Mila and morphle [Music] food [Music] into a bowl uh oh I don't think bringing baby to life was such a good idea let's take her to a Mimi so he can magic her back to a doll again [Music] oh no baby stop that you'll hurt Mr vanderboost and Barky morphle morph into a kite to get the baby off the car hmm [Music] oh no stop trying baby that's not real ice cream oh no my bad sorry Geraldo we'll help you fix it later morphle morph into a dump truck to catch the baby foreign [Music] I've got an idea let's rock the baby to sleep twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are you did it Morpho please can you turn our baby doll back to normal [Music] be awake ah please hurry you need me [Music] Mila what's going on sorry Daddy next time we can play tea parties without bringing the toys to life every day is a magical day with a magic pack I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits thanks Mila and Marvel if only we had our own morphing magic pet we could cause more trouble in this city look it's awful can you get us out of here [Music] oh no my cars how did you get out of jail not in my city God oh no it's officer freeze oh quick or full morph into something big foreign ER a monkey hey give back my camera come and get it [Music] those Bandits use the robot to do this robot hmm we'll catch the mechanic Joe this is the bandits have a scary T-rex dinosaur a dinosaur and a robot how strange we'll catch them officer freeze [Music] those mean Bandits and their naughty monkey put my camera up there let's find those mean Bandits morphle a robot a dinosaur and a monkey I think those Bandits have orphal with them we'll catch them April Oh No It's Milan morphle quick or full morph into something big oh morph into a T-Rex too that's not big enough Mark II [Music] I don't feel so good or full stop that okay [Music] I'm so tired now I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits oh [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet hey Daddy look at me I can't see you Mila look up hey morphle and Mila the superhero wanna join huh or full what are you doing superheroes let's make today magical oh I have an idea let's have a race Martha rice more far first one to reach the Mountaintop winds Ready Set Go awful wait whoa [Music] oh no now they're ahead let's jump oh yeah [Music] what awful that wasn't nice well [Music] done purple I've never felt so strong I think I know a shortcut go that way morphle [Music] ah I think we're winning orphal foreign [Music] let's morph Wheels in a jet pack to jump over the river yay Martha morph wings so we can get up the mountain [Music] s [Music] sometimes [Music] I think it's a tie we all won it's not about s about having fun that really counts it's a magical day with a magic hat or two [Music] [Applause] hi Mila morphle Boba check out my latest invention wow it looks amazing um it can make anything bigger can it make boba's bubbles bigger only one way to find out [Music] oh no the magic Pet Center whirlpool morph into a helicopter to get us out of this bubble [Music] all right [Music] now fly over to the magic pet center and pop that bubble after the bubble pops morph into a parachute so the building gets to the ground safely I sure hope he heard you [Music] are awesome [Music] under arrest you have the right to remain giant any bubbles you may can and will be used against you in a court of law [Music] oh no everything's in bubbles morphle morph into a superhero morphles yes [Music] now hold still [Music] there he is we're here to help you boba [Music] now we have to take care of the other bubble buildings [Music] foreign [Music] here you go two small robots as ordered what was that oh nothing thank you bye-bye huh have you brought everything yup [Music] perfect oh look it's the bandits look it's the Bandit no oh [Music] morphle [Music] never mind the fall we're going now come with me oh water Martha do you want to play another game no okay do you want to go home no um do you have any ideas no get those ice creams you're acting very strange morphle you don't even want them more no all you say is no no no no Daddy morphle's being weird now Mila that's not a nice thing to say hey morphle do you want some ice cream no no ice cream that can't be right what huh [Music] then real the bandits [Music] hey daddy over there oh no it's Mila's Daddy hey Mila what are you doing [Music] well okay then you do that bye bye Mila bye daddy now for some more Mischief morph into a police car no a fire truck no an elephant [Music] [Music] oh no look Builder Mary is Wrecking the city why would she do that more full yeah not in my city zap him with the if you radar let her knock down that building knock down the building morph into a giant robot so you can be as big as the buildings [Applause] Harry from Wrecking the city more full mother stop Mary no morphle help her breakfast City [Applause] oh no Marvel has become bad thanks to this Hypno Ray that we stole from Paola the scientist everybody in the city will have to do what we say give us free ice creams free ice cream thank you daddy the bandits are making everyone destroy the city how can we stop them I've got a plan [Music] we're the most brilliant baddies and it's all because of this Hypno Ray [Music] grab the bandits oh hey Paula get the Hypno ring I'll take this hey quickly unhypnotize Marvel [Music] scary huh and officer freeze Marvel and Builder Mary can you please rebuild the city building uh-huh officer freeze arrest those Bandits for Wrecking the city you two are going to jail why is why is it tells them to do yeah did you hypnotize them we didn't do what Mila said because she hypnotized us we did it because she had a great plan huh forcing people to do things they don't want to isn't very nice [Music] great work everyone every cool day with a magic morphing pet [Music] s [Music] [Applause] you've been slimed no it's the bandits yeah and we're gonna slime the whole city no don't tell them the plan you fool we need to stop them [Music] not in my city me land morphle what do you think you're doing we need to catch the bandits you need to clean up all this slimy mess you've made but we now let's clean the Slime up quickly [Music] yay now let's stop those bandits from sliming the city [Music] there they are oh look they're going to slime police officer freeze spray their slime away with your trunk huh you two are making a slimy mess again clean it up but we now okay Officer freeze [Music] yay lean again [Music] we need something that can reach the high up slime morfo morph into a fire trucks yay we did it Morpho but now we gotta catch those Bandits let's go there they are quick more folks bless them with water baby you can do it no so it was the Bandit sliming the city all along yes that's what I was trying to tell you sorry Mila and morphle I jumped to conclusions and thanks for cleaning up the city now I need to clean up the streets of bad guys that's okay at least we caught the Slime Bandits every day is a magical day with a magic pet [Music] no flower atmo use your magic weather powers to blow this paper plane do you want to do some Loops Morpho and make today magical okay Morpho morph into a balloon [Music] atmo make a really strong wind so morphle can loop the loop too [Music] um [Applause] Marvel [Music] [Applause] Oh Daddy it was all my fault that morphle got blown away you didn't know that was going to happen huh [Music] [Applause] marble this isn't loud enough morphle will never hear me we need to think of another way I've got it I Now isn't the time for snacks no Daddy Morris loves ice cream he'll definitely stop here to get one there's no sign of morphle rather than waiting for him to find us let's let him know where we are how are we gonna do that like this [Music] morphle loves this music when he hears it he'll come and get an ice cream immediately good plan Mila [Laughter] ice cream [Music] I missed you muscle Miss Miller too [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet s [Music] [Music] look Marvel everything's lost its color wow morphle morph into a magic paintbrush [Music] grass isn't blue it's green okay [Music] great morphle [Music] watch what you're doing my light was green my light was green dead white oh yeah so you're the one who has been stealing all the color from the city you shouldn't do that a world without color isn't fun at all [Music] no take a funny yeah that is funny let's paint some more animals in funny colors yeah oh [Music] wow [Music] there you are chroma I was looking for you there are lots of problems in the city because you took away all the colors morphle can help chroma paint everything back to its original colors again [Music] foreign [Music] it seems you were right please go ahead wow you solved all the problems in the city already morphle and chroma make a great team together morph into a ball [Music] I wish I could morph into fun things too I've got an idea huh glitter pug can transform us into magic pets can you turn us into morphle [Music] let's play a game the one who bounces the highest win [Music] my computer what yeah great [Music] wow [Applause] oh this can't be good let's follow them foreign [Music] don't worry Builder Mary I am here too quickly more full morph into an airplane phew I want to be a robot this time [Music] sorry foreign I have another idea to catch him let's work together [Music] stop right there no minutes you two caused a lot of trouble in the city I'm sorry Milan morphle I shouldn't be immortal anymore can you transform us back please glitter pug no I was having so much fun it was fun but being a morphle was so hard I'm happy to be myself again there can only be one more bull and one April and I love you both I have to go and do something now Marvel comes sorry it's a secret so you have to stay here it's okay I'll be back soon [Applause] oh what's wrong morphle I don't know but I'm sure she'll be back soon [Music] [Music] hello morphle oh dear what's wrong she's not here sorry [Music] what no Mila's not here put me down Morpho whoa [Music] here huh no morphle she's not here huh no morphle I'm sure she's around somewhere [Music] norful's crying not in my city come on morphle dry those tears Mila is waiting for you at home [Music] foreign not so fast morphle you haven't checked the backyard yet [Music] surprise we wanted to throw you a party to thank you for being such an awesome magic pack every day's a magical day with a magic pet and good friends look my latest invention the teddy zapper it can turn humans into teddy bears [Music] I'm So Soft isn't this great muscle play with terrible Mila goodbye Professor Paula bye Milan morphle now time to turn myself back oh no my teddy Paws can't use the teddy zapper did you hear all that yeah I love teddy bears just think of all the fun we could have if everyone in the city was a tiny little teddy bear foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] not in my city we'll stop those Bandits morph into a tiger let's go [Music] what do you two want your magic yeah what no way hey turn me back immediately wait right there abandons you're not getting your hands on our magic pets Morpho morph into a scary T-Rex we didn't think that through but we still need to get the teddy zapper quick catch them how about we turn you into a teddy bear right now Teddy zapper only works on humans oh no now I'm a teddy bear oh you're so cute ah great now we can zap everyone back again Ah that's better but not for you two oh at least I'll have a cuddly teddy bear with me in jail let call me every day's a magical day with a magic pack huh hi Milan morphle it seems that I have the flu and I'm unable to do my work can we help you Mr Joe these vehicles need to be delivered to their odors quickly but I have a [Music] I have this list uh oh all the names of the vehicles owners are small that I think pour it out more full morph into a big red truck [Music] I think the tractor needs to go to police officer please I think that's what it says on the list [Music] but but this is sorry police officer freeze but we're in a hurry huh [Music] [Music] this is impossible oh no I think we made a mistake more full morph into a police car too purple catch them [Music] hmm now let's try to bring the vehicles to the correct owners I think this tractor belongs to Farmer Bob [Applause] and the ice cream truck must belong to Geraldo yeah [Music] hey Milan morphle how did it go everything has been delivered Mr Joe oh great was the list of any help well thank you
Channel: Morphle’s Magic Universe - Kids Cartoon
Views: 53,256,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids videos, wheels on the bus, bus videos for kids, morphle, my magic pet morphle, superhero, super hero video for kids, super hero, kids, vehicle, vehicles for kids, compilation, children, animation, trucks, cartoon, vehicles, english, cute, cartoons for children, kids tv, for kids, kids video, learning, fun, magic, hero, animals, dinosaurs, super, ice cream, monster jail, giraffe, giraffe cartoon, lion, jungle animals, Superhero Mila Chase RoboFreeze
Id: i7eSc4jhn5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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