Morphle vs Orphle Masked Superheroes | Cartoons for Kids | Mila and Morphle

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anything [Music] I'm Mila the Magnificent marvelous mother the amazing April never fear super Jordy is here [Laughter] that doesn't sound good I agree more full morph into a super suit so we can all keep an eye on Oracle [Music] let's go a mighty fine new wind turbine it's not supposed to go that fast don't worry farmer Bob we'll help you thank you foreign we'll just put this back where it belongs farmer Bob [Music] whoa you saved the farm it's what superheroes do somehow another citizen to say bye farmer Bob [Music] to the rescue magnet [Music] I hope you're okay ma'am I am thank you Jordy call me super Jordy my hero can't touch me oh [Music] [Music] Time Force quiffle morph into a giant balloon [Music] being a superhero isn't about fighting it's about helping people yeah every day is a magical day with a magic pack this is Robo freeze a crime fighting robot version of Officer freeze what a good looking fellow Robo freeze has three settings off lenient and strict let's have a demonstration Mila could you drop some litter please please pick up that litter morphle morph into a trash grabber thank you you are a good citizen [Music] let's have a demonstration littering is a disease and I'm the Cure you're under arrest [Music] put me down [Music] I made the strict setting a bit too strict morphle we have to turn the dial and Roba Freeze's chest to off come on oh [Music] freeze you're under arrest for walking on the grass but I wasn't walking on the grass you were going to uh get Robo freezer is dial [Music] [Applause] activate Robo jetpack Morpho morph into a super suit let's go [Music] faster more full he's too fast morphle but how do we catch an officer by causing as much crime as possible [Music] your crane is so noisy you are under arrest what I'm going to drop this litter remain in your vehicle citizen I'll be back here he comes morphle morph into a police car [Music] fruit don't drop that you're under arrest you'll have to catch me first [Music] draft let me out you're under arrest for being too strict [Music] I've never had to arrest myself before [Music] [Laughter] every day is a magical day with a magic Pat let's make today magical morphle Morphin 2 me now put these on and we can play pranks on Daddy and our friends you look exactly like me mofo is Bismillah [Music] oh oh it's you Mila I didn't see you come down that's because I'm still up here yeah oh uh then you must be morphle [Music] hey Mila do you and Morpho want to play [Music] foreign great let's go hi Mila hi which shall we play Mila you're great at thinking of fun games yeah okay Mila you're it hmm [Music] whoa [Music] wow wait a second you're not Mila you're more full look morphle isn't with them so we can steal their toys great idea hey that's ours [Music] thanks for the hula hoop give it back [Music] Mila hey that's not nice [Music] what's going on get me down yeah there's two Milas hey come back whoa did you have fun being me yeah every day is a magical day with a magic pack look my latest invention the teddy zapper it can turn humans into teddy bears [Music] I'm So Soft isn't this great muscle play with terrible Mila goodbye Professor Paula bye Milan morphle now time to turn myself back oh no my teddy Paws can't use the teddy zapper did you hear all that yeah I love teddy bears ooh just think of all the fun we could have if everyone in the city was a tiny little oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I have the teddy zapper not in my city we'll stop those Bandits morph into a tiger let's go [Music] what do you two want your magic yeah what no way hey turn me back immediately wait right there abandons you're not getting your hands on our magic pets Morpho morph into a scary T-Rex oh look we didn't think that through we still need to get the teddy zapper quick catch them how about we turn you into a teddy bear Teddy zapper only works on humans oh no now I'm a teddy bear oh you're so cute yes ah great now we can zap everyone back again Ah that's better not for you two oh at least I'll have a cuddly teddy bear with me in jail let's call me every day is a magical day with a magic pack [Music] I know what will cheer you up [Music] my invention is done I've invented a youth serum which I will demonstrate on my assistant oh oh that's so cute [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know how to take care of a a baby you have to take her to her daddy while I make an antidote to change her back [Music] [Applause] hungry [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are you laughs [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow hey morphle boy am I glad to see you I have the strangest dream I dreamed that I was a baby isn't that silly [Music] I have to go and do something now Marvel comes sorry it's a secret so you have to stay here it's okay I'll be back soon [Applause] oh what's wrong morphle I don't know but I'm sure she'll be back soon [Music] [Music] hello morphle oh dear what's wrong Mila here he's not here sorry Mars [Music] no Mila's not here put me down Morpho [Music] foreign she's not here [Music] huh no morphle I'm sure she's around somewhere [Music] not in my city come on morphle dry those tears Mila is waiting for you at home [Music] not so fast morphle you haven't checked the backyard yet foreign we wanted to throw you a party to thank you for being such an awesome magic pack every day is a magical day with a magic pet and good friends [Music] have fun playing hide and seek ready or not him I see a dino toy I wish we could see the whole town I've got an idea morphle morph into a pterodactyl so we can fly [Music] I see something [Music] Winston what are you and your uncle doing here bird watching [Music] there it is there it is when I get that key I'll finally have my own magic pets we play hide and seek oh can we play two Winston I'm not playing goodbye who we've got to keep an eye on the bandits and also find our friends what we do hmm I know more full morph into a brachiosaurus and you can stretch your neck all around town [Music] come out come out wherever you are [Music] he's trying to take Daddy's Keys [Music] the bandits are trying to steal the key to the magic pet center I haven't seen any Bandits and the key is safe bye Mila [Music] huh I got it I got it I don't call it wait you're not playing hide and seek the key morph into a tall T-Rex hurry [Music] up a T-Rex where I'm out wait Winston I didn't know you were playing too I'm not playing Daddy I knew it would be safe with you around morphle Winston found all of them I won what do I get to play again another magical day with a magic hat my other Bandit girl hello anybody gonna find me finished whoa this is such a cool time machine thanks for the help Professor Paula I can't wait to bring it to show and tell oh I want that thing hey The Time Machine let's go to the Future morph into a rocket so we can chase Winston and the bandits [Music] here [Music] there they are that robot dog is awesome give him to me bark bark if Winston wants a robot let's show him one [Applause] [Music] let's go Winston get off it's mine [Music] [Music] foreign morph into a triceratopsies run [Music] Winston press the button and open a portal I got rid of the T-Rex I got rid of the T-Rex but where did it go quick follow me hey over here Dino brains stay where you are don't move yet no thank you Winston I don't want this anymore maybe we should give this back to Professor Paula every day is a magical day with a magic [Music] not yet more full see here in patport everyone puts their presents under this one big tree then we open them all together what are you doing here the presents [Music] we need to go fast morphle morph into a snowmobile [Music] stop go stop go Ortho um [Music] where did he go oh [Music] oh no [Music] oh pretty meant to do that come on or full give back the presents now roosters presents [Music] what's more important to you presents or friends friends [Music] morph into a sled and we'll catch those presents [Music] [Music] here you go [Music] sorry when in prison too surprised [Music] Mr vanderboost morphle and I have a present for you I hope you like it oh [Music] Merry Christmas [Music] hello Mila and morphle hi Aunt Augustine present for auntie we made it from our recycled plastic bottles oh it's absolutely beautiful oh thank you come on let's get you some cake [Music] oh my necklace it's gone don't worry on Augustine we'll find it this is a case for detective Mila aha our first clue oh a candy wrapper for a necklace I know more full morph into a sniffer dog follow the smell of candy good job morphle you found more candy [Music] huh what's wrong and you're gone hmm there must be other Clues around aha our second clue now we know who took at Augustine's necklace no silly the bandits this will see worth loads of money necklace let's get out of here eat my dust let's come back here morph into a hand glider [Music] there they are and it's too fast Morpho land over there more fun morph into a spider [Laughter] get ready to make a big whip between the buildings [Music] yeah he did it great work detective Mila and morphle you caught the necklace thieves [Music] my necklace I'll take that thank you you hadn't flown into that giant web we could have sold that necklace for loads of money Winston Marvel and I made that necklace out of recycled plastic no you said it was made of diamonds oh this may be made of plastic but it's the most precious thing I own because you two made it thank you every day is a magical day with a magic hat thanks again for taking charge of the magic pet center When We're Gone Augustine no morphle is going to stay here other magic bets hi Marvel ready to play [Music] please but I just got here Daddy say Miller move daddy would never coming through [Music] those are my things Daddy and I really are moving away no no don't worry we won't let this move happen the moving truck should be here any minute that's it morphog morph into a moving truck hurry there it is quick [Music] morphle hide hit me all right how did this get back in here oh no after him daddy come on hop in Mila it's getting late what about more don't worry he'll be fine here but I'm here to help Louie right on time we're just about to leave morphle take on Augustine far away from here so Daddy can't leave [Music] Augustine she must have gone inside okay Mila time to go [Music] don't let go wow Hey ow what's going on here Mila okay behind it's only an afternoon apart afternoon but we're moving out of town moving out of town where did you get an idea like that morphle heard you tell on Augustine that she was taking over the magic pet center because we oh Aunt Augustine just offered to look after the magic pet center while we went across town to donate some things oh that's why my old clothes were in the box foreign [Music] hey Daddy look at me I can't see you Mila morphle and Mila the superhero wanna join huh awful what are you doing awful super suit yay now we could all be superheroes let's make today magical oh I have an idea let's have a race mother race Muffler first one to reach the Mountaintop wins ready set go awful wait whoa [Music] oh no now they're ahead let's jump [Music] oh yeah [Music] or four that wasn't nice [Music] I've never felt so strong I think I know a shortcut go that way morphle [Music] I think we're winning orphal [Music] t huh awful let's morph Wheels in a jet pack to jump over the river yay Morpho morph wings so we can get up the mountains [Music] thank you [Music] login I think it's a tie we all won it's not about winning fun that really counts three days a magical day with a magic pet or two here you go two small robots as ordered excellent what was that oh nothing thank you bye-bye huh have you brought everything yep [Music] Fair it's the band kids look it's the Bandit no oh marples [Music] never mind the fall we're going now come with me oh Martha do you want to play another game no okay do you want to go home no um do you have any ideas no smartphone get those ice creams you're acting very strange morphle you don't even want them more no all you say is no no no no Daddy morphles being weird now Mila that's not a nice thing to say hey morphle do you want some ice cream no no ice cream that can't be right what huh see it real the bandits [Music] hey daddy over there oh no it's Mila's Daddy hey Mila what are you doing uh you know girl stop more full over here [Music] well okay then you do that bye bye Mila bye daddy now for some more Mischief morph into a police car no a fire truck no an elephant fan no can't do it [Music] Mila morphle caregiver Kamal called he says he needs your help at the zoo okay Daddy Marvel morph into a flying house [Music] Milo morphle great I need your help could you and Marvel help bring this penguin camel and monkey to their new homes in the wild sure great we can all fly in more for the Flying House desert is hot and dry it's the perfect home for a camel I think he wants to come with us I think we can find a new home for him right Morpho yay oh the South Pole is the perfect home for a penguin but it's way too cold for a dragon okay let's go to another place [Music] the rainforest is the perfect home for a monkey oh but I think the rainforest might be too wet for dragons not easy finding the perfect home for a dragon but we're not giving up look more full it's a volcano this is a perfect place for a dragon to live okay Dragon you seem very happy in your new home now it's time for a morphle and me to go back home [Music] all right Dragon oh now I get it you're a magic pet it doesn't matter where magic pets are in the world they won't feel at home without their human companion but I already have a magic pet morphle but I know where we can find you a great human companion oh okay [Music] at the magic pet center we'll find you a magic match in no time [Music] amazing work chroma [Music] are you feeling okay [Music] oh my lovely Cafe don't worry chroma I know what will make you feel better [Music] ah here chroma magic Petty it'll make you feel better in no time [Music] what have you given him oh no that's regular sweetie not magic Petty [Music] it's racing off [Music] we need to get chroma's magic Petty as quickly as possible to the magic Pet Center [Music] not in my city I'll be right back I got chroma's magic pet tea I know more full morph into a satellite so we can Scandal whole city [Music] let's get him foreign look at us chroma we've got your magic Petty hello we're gonna need a lot more to hold him still quick [Music] oh we did it morphle chroma was cured wow my car is beautiful again that looks better not again every day is a colorful day with a magic pack [Music] oh two butterflies oh your turn morphle huh good job morphle your turn Jordy um yeah there's only one morphle because you're so special yeah you're awesome oh one more phone wait I know what might help you feel better huh come on maybe there are other morphles this is Daddy's special book about the magic Pet World the magic Pet World all magic Pets Come From Here Yeah morphle it's a magical place called kalido [Music] [Music] oh okay [Music] it says when a magic pet is needed in our world a pet portal will appear oh you must have come through when to join our family yeah I wonder how you also pet portal whoa seen that store before let's go the store in here looks like the one on the magic pet center you're right morphle can we get a closer look whoa [Music] oh look at this [Music] what's happening I don't know they're so cute follow them yes yes babies up there let's go [Music] so babies are up on that roof I need to have a better look good thank you oh this is so cute look oh no stay away from the edge Marvel get us up there quick but don't scare them oh they're really excited to beat you morphles [Music] cuteness overload Marvel hahaha [Music] look morphe makes him tired [Music] gets those babies [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ice cream [Music] it looks like the baby morphles can only morph once before they have to rest waffle morph into an airplane [Music] oh [Music] let's take them to the magic pet center your daddy will know what to do oh real baby morphles this is incredible I wonder what their names are oh that must be their names nice to meet you moey Fifi and Lily how would you like to live with us every day is a magical day with a Magic Pen and three magic babies I'm so excited about April's surprise birthday party I can't wait to see the look on April's face I invited her over to play she has no idea April's gonna love these balloons okay everybody get ready to hide she'll be here any minute oh no [Music] be right there daddy you guys stall April while morphle and I got the balloons back we're on it uh I'm gonna feel quick morph into a helicopter so we can catch up to the balloon balloons good job whirlpool Can you spot any balloons almost almost there not there we're coming uh Hey April Jordy Troy what are you doing here Mila invited us over to play too cool let's all go inside way quick look over here I don't see anything yeah um never mind there they are quick after them thank you Mr elephant oh no oh the elephant's tusks are gonna pop the balloons anymore almost no not again quick morphle after them morphle morph into a plane so we can zoom over to the construction site and catch the balloons before they pop [Music] huh oops sorry Milan morphle follow those balloons sir got him pretty cool move morphle I sure hope it's not too late to surprise April Mila you're right on time seriously you guys what's going on in there nothing ouch sorry but I'm going in [Music] happy birthday April oh wow you all did this for me thank you and balloons my favorite where's Marshall gone [Music] every day's a magical day with a magic pack to go help April with her art project chroma let's go [Music] what hello morphle morph into a giant scary bear looks scary it it'll be fun Morpho just do it [Music] come on morphle let's make today milk this huh uh I mean magical okay [Music] after we paint with April we can all get ice cream ice cream [Music] Amy line Marvel that's a new morph yes yes it is it's more full now onwards April come on April what happened Mila but you were just here with morphle me and morphle oh that must be my reflection from the mirror World evil Mila there's only one way to stop her oh [Music] yum Marvel get away from her I'm the real Mila no I am I know what's this morph into a scary shark to scare them away no more full morph into a helicopter to fly away foreign that's not what I wanted yes I was so worried about you I'll show them even Mila's getting away we need to get Mr mirror in front of her morphle morph into a helicopter [Music] huh you need to go home [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you're safe now more full [Music] stand back what's that officer freeze it's a body swap device I have to lock it away before it causes any chaos whoops I'm sorry April mustache oh they've swapped bodies Ah that's April hi morphle and that's officer freeze hello morphle I want all the ice cream officer freeze help me sorry I'm April quick Mila swap us back [Music] laughs don't worry everyone I got this put that ice cream truck down immediately girls can't tell us what to do not in my city don't be naughty naughty Bandits chill out freeze [Music] quick more food let's catch that ice cream lordful four words wait backwards little to the right little to the left [Music] put the van down let's get some ice cream oh quick more full morph into a superhero [Music] faster almost there oh thank you Milan morphle [Music] I've got all the ice cream not in my city let's get them wait I can't reach the paddles and I can't drive we'll get them more full morph into a dragon jump on [Music] ah it's recharged [Music] I mean again huh that's better you three are going to jail oh thank you for rescuing me find my ice cream you're welcome every day is a magical day with a magic Pat hi Mr vanderboose now I can't take you for a walk Barky oh would you like us to take borgy for you Mr vanderbush well I suppose you could yay here's his lead and here are his favorite treats [Music] you won't run away if I take this off will you Barky how do we get a bag [Music] he's getting on that bus this is not good we can't lose Barky wow great morphle [Music] [Applause] [Music] good boy Barky let's get your lead back on gotta be kidding we have to tell Builder Mary [Music] stay there Barky huh Builder Mary first he's in danger you have to put the girder down carefully [Music] oh no not again I have no idea how we're going to get Barky back to Mr vanderboost now that's a treat the dog treats no dog Cameron this is the dog treats beautiful my boyfriend is something that's really fast come on boys come get your cheats [Music] here boy [Music] those are meant for dogs or fool not magic pets did you have a good walk boy what's wrong with him every day is a magical day with a magic pet [Music] wow cool cool it's my new drone [Music] Jordy thanks it's the best road ever I want that drone huh [Music] this thing's tricky to steer another lovely day in petport whoa whoa what's going on [Music] hey I'll stop this finish this thing somebody help me don't worry officer freeze we're coming for you quick morph into a fire truck it's a hey officer freeze grab my hand [Music] thanks you three what is that thing it's my new drone but it's flying by itself it's not flying by itself I was flying by Winston look drove [Music] oh what are we going to do oh morph into a crane track the bus back to safety oh good job purple oh thanks guys oh that close the Drone after it get back here ah stop no please we have to get that remote control and I know how morphle morph into a helicopter foreign [Music] [Music] here you go Jordy [Music] nicely done he's a magic magical day with a magic cat I'm so excited about our science project oh you know what would make it even better huh come on Professor Paula can we please borrow your time portal to get the one last thing we need for a science project sure I love seeing kids so interested in science [Music] be safe okay we need something that will make our diorama look perfect hmm huh how about a rock [Music] that's perfect Jordy more full morph into a truck that can carry at home with us [Music] thank you now let's get to the science fair there's only one thing that can stop a T-Rex an even bigger T-Rex [Music] morph into a tiny T-Rex it might think you're it's baby [Music] [Laughter] whoa It's not a rock it's a dime or egg no wonder that T-Rex followed us we accidentally took one of her eggs sorry Mrs T-Rex [Music] that gives me an idea Marvel see if the baby dinosaur will follow you back to the portal [Music] bye yeah we did it quick to the science fair hmm Welcome to our prehistoric jungle oh I love [Music] every day is a magical day with a Magic Pen [Music] one final touch and it's finished yes queen of this Castle I am April de lies I'm Jester Jordan [Music] and I dubbed the the bravest night in the Kingdom sirful yeah yeah come on let's play Oh Arthur wanna play in Castle too [Music] you're so funny soccer shoe great idea I'll help with my magic Zoo Alakazam send those balls [Music] thank you [Music] also is safe again thanks to brave knight sir Marvel and magic wizard April [Music] follow me get ready [Music] bye bye thanks to Sir morphle the kingdom is safe again [Music] morph into a shield [Music] thank you Castle if you wanted to join our game all you had to do was ask ah sorry [Music] I've got a great idea cool I named this castle castle morphle or full every day is a magical day with a magic pet [Music] um okay uh here you go I'm good gobble frog good Cobble frog huh still hungry but you've eaten all the snacks [Music] hi Daddy hi Mila uh gobble frog is hungry and we've run out of food we need food and we need it now how about a pizza one pizza coming right up hang in there daddy hurry Mila excuse you here you go thank you morphle morph into a pizza delivery van yeah Pizza prepare the bee gobble oh baby piggies wait I know what you're doing this is for Golden Frog oh no you don't we have to take this pizza to Daddy it's an emergency now that's an emergency we need to get that pizza [Music] [Music] hi Daddy are you almost here with a pizza Mila I've nearly got it we'll be with you as soon as we can gotta go almost oh [Music] [Music] great catching now we need to get to Daddy more fun some rocket boosters Daddy hi Mila oh am I glad to see you yikes who wants some delicious pizza [Music] here's our catch catch thanks Mila and morphle you're welcome Daddy every day is a magical day with a magic mat I'm so excited morphle I can't believe Daddy set up this whole jungle adventure for us we're off to find the prize Daddy hit I mean the mysterious Lost Magic pet of gold Footprints maybe they'll lead us to the treasure [Music] [Music] that was close Marvel can you get us across ready ready oh look morphle okay a cave let's see what's inside oh there it is it is we found the Lost Magic Pen of gold [Music] huh watch out marble it's coming right for us do something [Music] [Music] the treasure belongs to all of us [Music] landed and nothing right oh no forget about the treasure we need to save or full hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] first treasure not okay well you're more important than treasure or full oh for sorry how'd you and morphle like your adventure Mila daddy we magic pet of gold is it again I guess you and morphle will just have to go on another adventure [Music] I can't wait to go ice skating wow mother lovers whoopsie cool huh this looks like an ice cream for babies not like a pet I could make the biggest ice rink in the world I wanna try my slushie now make me a huge ice rink oh you'll get a brain freeze told ya oh yes [Music] this is amazing my ice rink is better than yours poor cat Moe we have to warm her up before she turns passport and do I sport let's go stop right there do as I say I'm officer freeze foreign [Music] there she is [Music] ready [Music] got you it's okay cat Mo can you help us turn things back to normal please now let's get you warm yeah stop it I love the cheesecop every day is a magical day with the magic pet I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits thanks Mila and morphle if only we had our own morphing magic pet we could cause more trouble in the city look it's awful can you get us out of here good Ness [Music] oh no my cars how did you get out of jail not in my city oh no it's officer freeze quick or full morph into something big thank you T-Rex I thought you'd be scarier a monkey hey give back my camera come and get it [Music] those Bandits used a robot to do this robot hmm we'll catch the mechanic Joe the the bandits have a scary T-rex dinosaur a dinosaur and a robot how strange we'll catch them officer freeze [Music] those mean Bandits and their naughty monkey put my camera up there let's find those mean Bandits morphle a robot a dinosaur and a monkey I think those Bandits have Orville with them we'll catch them April Oh No It's Milan morphle quick or full morph into something big morphle morph into a T-Rex too that's not big enough morph into a robot too [Music] I don't feel so good or full stop that okay [Music] we're tired now I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits oh [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet s morph into a ball [Music] I wish I could morph into fun things too got an idea huh glitter pug can transform us into magic pets can you turn us into morphle [Music] let's play a game the one who bounces the highest win okay [Music] helicopter [Music] [Applause] oh this can't be good let's follow them thank you relaxing April this is not easy or if it's okay but the Crane's Still rocking don't worry Builder Mary I am here too quickly more full morph into an airplane phew I want to be a robot this time laughs [Music] sorry [Music] sorry I have another idea to catch him let's work together [Music] no yeah we did it YouTube caused a lot of trouble in the city sorry Milan morphle I shouldn't be immortal anymore can you transform us back please glitter pug foreign [Music] it was fun but being a morphle was so hard I'm happy to be myself again there can only be one more bull and one April and I love you both look more full like this oh [Music] don't worry morphle you'll get the hang of it but you'll never be as good as this little guy meet Boba our newest magic pet her Bobo loves blowing bubbles he tends to Bubble over with joy from it whoa see that looks like fun [Music] Boba this is high enough [Music] [Music] oh what is good huh yeah hell help me move for help [Music] oh no there's a car falling from the sky [Music] thank you it's you there you are Boba listen you can't just blow your magic bubbles everywhere it's causing lots of problems [Music] morphle can you pop My Bubble [Music] oh thanks morple [Music] you saved me thank you morphle [Music] foreign I was a bit on the bubble whether I'd see my car again well Boba next time you bubble over please don't take it so literally [Music] [Music] everything's lost its color wow morphle morph into a magic paintbrush [Music] foreign [Music] great morphle [Music] watch what you're doing my light was green my light was green dead white foreign [Music] so you're the one who has been stealing all the color from the city you shouldn't do that a world without color isn't fun at all [Music] no take a funny yeah that is funny let's paint some more animals in funny colors oh [Music] wow [Music] oh there you are chroma I was looking for you there are lots of problems in the city because you took away all the colors morphle can help chroma paint everything back to its original colors again [Music] oh [Music] wow well it seems you were right please go ahead wow you solve all the problems in the city already morphle and chroma make a great team together [Music] come on come on hey hey hey stop making so much noise but you and I are having a nap sorry Mr vanderboost we'll keep the noise down good oh we can't play no more how about we play the be quiet game what's that we carry on playing but we just have to be as quiet as mice [Music] over here over here I'm open yes yikes Marvel morph into a super suit oh that was too close let's get out of here morphle [Music] what shall we play now [Music] whoops phew [Music] oh [Music] Morpho morph into a fire truck [Music] phew Martha pull me back I think we should try another game mother spinning not again morphle morph into a tiger quick let's go [Music] that's better I feel great after my little nap [Music] too close I suppose you can have this for being quiet [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic hat my mouth atmo use your magic weather powers to blow this paper plane do you want to do some Loops Morpho and make today a magical okay Morpho morph into a balloon atmo make a really strong wind so morphle can loop the loop too [Music] more for fun Mila Mila Marvel [Music] [Applause] Oh Daddy it was all my fault that morphle got blown away you didn't know that was going to happen huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this isn't loud enough morphle will never hear me we need to think of another way I've got it ice cream ice cream Now isn't the time for snacks no Daddy morph loves ice cream he'll definitely stop here to get one there's no sign of morphle rather than waiting for him to find us let's let him know where we are how are we gonna do that like this [Music] morphle loves this music when he hears it he'll come and get an ice cream immediately good plan Mila [Laughter] ice cream [Music] I missed you muscle too [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet [Music] s happy birthday look I made the perfect morphle Red Ice Cream we weren't invited to the party I don't want to celebrate with more forwards done with ice cream Uncle yawn I I want purple ice cream and I want it now I've got a plan Winston we'll steal the ice cream truck and make some purple ice cream ourselves [Music] come on morphle let's get the ice cream truck back ah can you morph into something that will help us see the whole city that's [Music] there it is we're still we're stuck more full morph into a super suit mobile after we make purple ice cream we'll throw our own party and invite no one stop giggling and make it that's not purple [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't cry morph magnet hands so we can bring that truck back [Music] back [Applause] new plan [Music] more full morph into a Brachiosaurus to catch them they'll want my purple ice cream since I wasn't invited to morphle's party Winston is that why you stole geraldo's truck oh I'm sorry you must have felt left out hey I have an idea that will make everyone happy purple ice cream thank you I'm sorry we took your truck happy birthday morphle [Laughter] what shall we do today morphle oh that looks like fun I know morphle morph into a monster truck monster truck [Music] let's have a monstrously good time what monster truck [Music] ice cream hey [Music] drink [Music] hey [Music] what was this [Music] morphle morph into a tow truck so we can drag this mischievous monster away laughs [Music] super strong [Applause] [Music] [Music] morph into a giant spider quick Morpho fire your rabbit or full and stop him foreign [Music] shoot some more web onto one of his wheels [Music] well done Marvel [Music] this is a monster truck or full oh thank you we can have fun together every day is a magical day with a magic pet uh-huh it looks just like a nimi let's go show him [Music] now's our chance Yorn we can take a meme [Music] once animes brought her magic pet to Life we'll have the perfect candy Steely creature yard zap it it's alive now go steal us some Halloween candy [Music] let's go look for him ah oh oh it's you morphle stealing candy not in my city now where are my extra large handcuffs oh a giant Marvel it's some kind of drank and mortal and it's stealing everyone's candy oh thank you morphle I thought you was gonna eat something like an ice cream getting away wow purple that's a really good costume but where's Mila hey you should have asked if you wanted candy our magic pet is so evil it's even more beautiful than I imagined oh my candy we need to get a Mimi and turn Frank and morphle back before it ruins Halloween [Music] won't you try some of this delicious candy tasty morph into a brew and fly over frankenmoor Bowl [Music] [Applause] turn Frank and morphle back to normal foreign [Music] their Halloween candy bat magic pets won't just do what you tell them to they have to trust you and be your friend and that makes every day a magical day with a magic pet [Music] hey everyone look what I made for my best friends wow [Music] morpha I wanted to give him his badge [Music] [Music] what's this oh I don't know where he is don't worry Mila we'll find him together thanks April where should we look first let's go to all the places he loves starting with the ice cream truck [Music] oh a best friend badge for me badge you're not taking my can't find us here [Music] have you seen morphle oh [Music] well I have to help but how do we get up there are you okay and it's mean morphle morph into a super suit so we can stop them together [Music] we need to go faster you stop right there Bandits fine here's your badge wait you didn't make that for me [Music] morphle did you make this for me huh I love it are you sad because you didn't get a batch huh of course you're not only my best friend you make every day a magical day oh morphle isn't it great that there's nothing weird going on in the animal sanctuary something weird is going on in the animals sanctuary [Music] thinks it's a penguin the monkeys think they're tigers Penguins think they're elephants oh these mixed up animals need our help quick morph into a tiger perfect now go show that confused tiger how it's supposed to act more for help tiger [Music] [Music] elephant monkey morph into a crane and put that tree back what's happening Mila morphle the giraffe got my history was a snack and grabbed it giraffe tiger so that's why all the animals are acting cuckoo they think they're different animals powerful morph into a dragon and get that Hypno right back hurry [Music] oh no what do we do now we get that Ray before it gets us too [Music] [Music] now let's help the other animals [Music] watch out for Hungry giraffes next time Professor Paula all right [Music] [Laughter] let's make the most awesome Father's Day card ever it's good but we need to make it really really special oh wow [Music] oh no Daddy will be home soon quick Marvel morph into a helicopter [Music] I can't see it anywhere come on [Music] oh dancing lamp posts not in my city back to normal not again [Music] to normal [Music] sorry Builder Mary [Music] we need to get the card and then get back to the magic pet center before he does I know an envelope now let's get back home before daddy does yeah there we go home at last surprise Happy Father's Day daddy the card got really messed up oh it's the thought that counts this is the best Father's Day card ever come here every day is a magical day with a magic pack [Music] welcome to petport's annual hot air balloon race I've always wanted to compete in a balloon race Marvel yay hooray ready to fly kids ready is I'll ever be I was born ready we're guaranteed to win by cheating competitors you are going to race all around the city May the best balloon win on your marks get set I know the bandits didn't wait for Daddy to say go right here's what we're going to do to win [Music] we'll see about that wait for it [Music] we are number one you're number one you're number one help look we have to help our friends morphle oh great job Martha are such good sports good job morphle we're gaining on them we have to go faster are balloons too heavy you too get out thank you go wait the balloon's too light now Winston huh why am I coming up let's forward you City balloon the Finish Line's that way slime Winston we're so close to winning but we have to stop Winston from floating away more food morph into an airplane jump [Music] welcome aboard that's the winners are April Jordy and Professor Paola and a special award for choosing to do the right thing Mila and Morpho [Music] hmm every day is a magical day with a Magic Pen that's about tired [Applause] I'm Mila morphle Boba check out my latest invention wow it looks amazing um it can make anything bigger can it make boba's bubbles bigger only one way to find out [Music] oh whoops [Music] [Music] oh no the Magic Pen Center [Music] [Applause] bubble [Music] now fly over to the magic pet center and pop that bubble after the bubble pops morph into a parachute so the building gets to the ground safely I sure hope he heard you [Music] [Music] are awesome [Music] you have the right to remain giant eating bubbles you may can and will be used against you in a court of law whoa oh no everything's in bubbles morphle morph into a superhero morphles [Music] now hold still [Music] Starfall [Music] there he is we're here to help you boba [Music] take care of the other bubbled buildings [Music] thank you [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet morphle Jordy shall we play a game yeah come on more full let's make I've got an idea you to be team or full and we'll be teamworkful yeah a magic pet team-up come on morphle let's make today awful morph into a plane so we can speed away into a dragon so we can fly faster and tag them [Music] nothing like a nice clean suit huh Barky my nice clean suit Morpher into a helicopter quick ER hear it oh my thank you [Music] morphle morph into a space Hopper and let's bounce over there [Music] yeah my nice green suit again sorry [Music] both into a race car space shuttle oh come on [Music] oh I'm coming [Music] morphle morph long arms and catch team orphal they're out of control oh [Music] [Music] we've got to save Jordy [Music] I think that's enough tag for one day me too my nice clean suit was wait what's that noise as I was saying my nice clean suit this hair growth serum will give me a full head of hair Barky oh oh oh what's happening Daddy Harry huh this stuff doesn't work oh hello there [Music] a monster [Applause] hey you stop right there a hairy monster not in my city it's not it's the monster get back Mila that thing looks dangerous freeze you won't get away first we have to get that hair sprayer then we have to find daddy and turn him back to normal quick to the labs I don't understand why it hasn't worked Mr vanderboost I sprayed it all over my head but look I still have no hair morphle I know how we can help Daddy morph into a monkey then sneak over there and get the sprayer I [Music] great job Marvel not again I've got you now oh boy Morpho morph into a kangaroo it's time to bounce [Music] stay where you are wait please no no no gotcha no the monster's too dangerous bring the van nearer [Music] fools get me closer to Daddy almost no stop right Daddy go it's not your daddy it's a hairy monster oh yeah thanks Mila and morphle nah I don't understand there was a hairy monster there a second ago don't bother with this stuff it doesn't work at all see [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet we learned about fire safety in school today morphle songs more full now we're ready if there ever is a fire oh smoke I know how we can put out the fire [Music] are you okay Marvel and I saw smoke I was just trying to barbecue oh we're sorry Mr vanderboose you know what they say Safety First yeah ain't hungry second be on the lookout in case anyone else needs our help morphle all huh I Smell Smoke there morphle we're gonna need a big fire truck to fight this fire okay [Music] let's use your firehouse and put it out [Music] candy guy barbecue anywhere in peace oh no oh no oops but it's better to be safe than sorry I am safe at long last no one can bother us here let the barbecuing begin yeah Powerpuff [Music] it's a real fire this time [Music] Mila waffles boy am I glad to see you he says Martha morph into a dump truck that's how we'll put the fire out [Music] good thinking Mila now dump it on the Fire hey oh great job mieler amorpho thank you firefighter Stacy every day is a magical day with a magic pet s hey Mila and morphle ready for our picnic yes daddy we're off to the park take good care of the magic pet center while we're gone bye bye everyone one come on Morpho let's make it today magical they've gone now we can steal and Mo and use the Bandit mobile to channel his freezing powers not bad you gotcha [Music] those freezing powers can be Zapped through this tube well hello Madam m is the hot weather bothering you yes terribly how nice of you to ask freeze her much better Ronnie this looks like the perfect place for a picnic whoa whoa hey how did this ice get here it's the bandits they've got atmo and they're using his freezing powers to make ice let's get them oh no they've Frozen morphle more full morph into something big to break the ice well done morphle now we gotta catch those Bandits before they freeze the whole city freezing people not in my city freeze Bandits okay Officer free look out my phone [Music] let's get them thanks for melting the ice morphle now morph into a monster ice truck thank you great job [Music] what how about this oh [Music] beautiful ice cream truck let's make this an ice cream picnic yay ice cream every day is a magical day with a magic pack thank you oh look Builder Mary is Wrecking the city she do that more full yeah not in my city zap him with him either way yours letter knock down that building knock down the building morph into a giant robot so you can be as big as the buildings foreign [Applause] no morphle help her wreck the city [Applause] no morphle has become bad thanks to this Hypno Ray that we stole from Paola the scientist everybody in the city will have to do what we say give us free ice creams free ice cream how can we stop them I've got a plan [Music] we're the most brilliant baddies and it's all because of this Hypno Ray [Music] I'll take this hey quickly unhypnotize Marvel [Music] huh and officer freeze Marvel and Builder Mary can you please rebuild the city uh-huh officer freeze arrest those Bandits for Wrecking the city you two are going to jail why everyone doing what Mila tells them to do yeah did you hypnotize them we didn't do what Mila said because she hypnotized us we did it because she had a great plan huh forcing people to do things they don't want to isn't very nice [Music] great work everyone [Music] foreign [Music] shut up [Applause] you've been slimed yeah and we're gonna slime the whole city no don't tell them the plan you fool we need to stop them not in my city Milan morphle what do you think you're doing we need to catch the bandits you need to clean up all this slimy mess you've made but we now let's clean the Slime up quickly [Music] yay now let's stop those bandits from sliming the city [Music] there they are look they're going to slime police officer freeze spray their slime away with your trunk huh you two are making a slimy mess again clean it up but we now okay Officer freeze [Music] yay lean again [Music] thank you we need something that can reach the high up slime morfo morph into a fire truck yay we did it more full but now we gotta catch those Bandits let's go they are both bless them with water no so it was the Bandit sliming the city all along yes but I was trying to trust sorry Mila and morphle I jumped to conclusions and thanks for cleaning up the city now I need to clean up the streets of bad guys that's okay at least we caught the Slime Bandits every day is a magical day with a magic pack did you have fun at the fair Mila and morphle [Music] can't wait to play tea parties with our new baby doll prize tea come on Morpho let's make today magical and Mimi can you bring our baby doll to life then she can really join in [Music] hello Builder Mary hi there I need a magic pet to help me move some heavy bricks can anyone help anemi could bring them to life and they could move themselves that would be great we'll be back soon Mila and morphle oh no giant baby magic pet treats aren't baby food [Music] I don't think bringing baby to life was such a good idea let's take her to a Mimi so he can magic her back to a doll again [Music] oh no baby stop that you'll hurt Mr vanderboost and Barky Marple morph into a kite to get the baby off the car hmm [Music] oh no stop trying baby that's not real ice cream oh no my bad sorry Geraldo we'll help you fix it later morphle morph into a dump truck to catch the baby ah I've got an idea let's rock the baby to sleep twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are you did it Morpho please can you turn our baby doll back to normal [Music] be awake huh please hurry you need me [Music] Mila what's going on sorry Daddy next time we can play tea parties without bringing the toys to life every day is a magical day with a magic pet [Music] Mila morphle geraldo's on the phone for you Daddy hi Geraldo hello I thank you for always being so helpful I have created a special new ice creamy flavor Mila and morphle swell [Music] it's so delicious I can't stop eating it and now there's only a beat left ice cream so you need to come quickly before I finish it all I'm on Jungle Island where's that come true no no if he gets there first he'll eat all the special ice cream morph into a super fast race car to catch or full come on more full let's make today magical [Music] thank you [Music] a race car isn't so fast in the ocean or full hey [Music] thanks Morpho well done Marvel we made it to Jungle Island let's go find Geraldo how will we get through all these trees morph into a monkey [Music] a race car isn't so fast in the jungle or fall [Music] huh oh [Music] I forgot I don't worry I just made some more now there's plenty for everyone every day is a magical day Mr mirror can you show us what is happening in the mirror world I most certainly can Mila Master put him back inside me that's awful in the mirror world everything is opposite of what it's like in our world and since morphle is very friendly I'm afraid that awful will want to do nothing but bad things good thinking we can't have Orville running around the city creating a mess let's play with chroma for a while foreign [Music] hello morphle how are you today nice oh whoa what are you doing [Music] Marvel you can't just leave me here sounds like someone's looking for you more full there you are morphle now get me back down from here [Music] thanks but I don't appreciate these kind of shenanigans sure no no no no it was you who put me on the roof in the first place but morphle was with us inside the whole time no he put me on the roof and he was laughing about it like this oh no that sounds like or full we need to find him all right [Music] what are you doing Marvel are you building something what hey what's the deal here this isn't Fun more fool but if that's more full who's that [Music] thank you uh who's winning and who's the real morphle we need to make sure Orville can't pretend to be morphle anymore all for green I hope we've seen the last of oreful oh [Music] daddy's gonna love this cake we've made for him morphle look tasty daddy works so hard looking after us he deserves a treat sometimes [Music] hey put that down [Music] we've got to get that cake back more full morph into a space Hopper [Music] you get that cake back or fall [Music] yeah why you move an awesome night Daddy's cake morph into a race car so we can catch or full [Music] [Applause] [Music] not again [Music] so sorry Mr Vanderpool [Music] we made that cake for Daddy [Music] oracle's going to ruin Daddy's cake we have to get it back more full morph into a robot we can still make today magical [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Morpho catch that cake well done more folks you saved the cake we'll bring you a nice slice later Mr vanderbooster [Music] we made you this cake daddy oh thank you I hope you didn't go to any trouble no trouble daddy [Laughter] every day is a magical day with a magic pet [Laughter] good catch Mila [Music] it landed right in my hat oh no we have to help him morph into a speed boat so we can get there fast we're coming to get you more funk you're trapped in seaweed I'll help you more full are you okay I'm okay but I didn't see where the shark went I guess it swam away morphle you have to morph back into yourself to get free don't worry you'll be safe I promise we're with you and the silly shark isn't around anymore let's play how about Follow the Leader in the water follow me Edition wait I know that giggle I think Orville is just pretending to be a scary shark he's pranking us that's not very nice no it's not maybe we should show orfle how his prank made us feel morphle please morph into a bigger shark than Orville [Music] we won't be mean more full just swim around or fall [Music] it's not really a shark it's more full you pranked us so I wanted to show you how it feels oh for sorry I'm sure you didn't mean to scaredy one oh please please why don't we all play a game together could play hide and soak or dolphin Polo mournful and Orville can morph into dolphins and we can ride them [Music] don't let the ball fall in the water sure it's just me it's not a shark it's a dad hey how about a daddy and Dolphins race yeah yeah [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic hat [Music] I can hear the bus but I can't see it more full [Music] huh huh a little bus and bus driver Stacy how how does happen I have no idea I was driving along and zap I became tiny we have to get you back to your normal size please hurry I've got passengers to pick up we'll help more folk morph into a bus [Music] look everything's tiny what's going on where's officer freeze ah shoot get away from me chew thanks Mila the Bandit shrunk me as I was about to get in my car I knew they'd be behind this but how are we going to find them know we'll follow the trail of shrunken things morphle morph into a police car and let's make today magical [Music] a mini soccer ball a police station [Music] ice cream truck what not in my city the Bandit definitely came this way but where are they now we have to get that shrink ray [Music] Jason give us that shrink ray you naughty Bandits never let us go [Music] seven now shrink more full hey what's happening [Music] thanks for your help Milan morphle I think I'll keep you this size for a while it is a magical day with a magic pet hey cute little fella it's so funny to think that one day you will be big and scary [Music] with this zapper that we stole from Professor Paula we can turn these animals into Giants thank you we're gonna have a great day at the animal sanctuary morphle yeah Halo morphle the bandits are zapping all the animals into Giants [Music] morph into a superhero [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] give us the stepper Bandits I don't think so your Samsung uh oh we didn't think that one through we'll be back yeah great now let's set back all the animals there it's the penguin thank you that's one [Music] [Music] hi we're back great but huh oh no you've become very small we're still great animals hey now Mila you're not well so you stay at home and rest yes morphle I have to go into town to pick up some medicine so you have to make sure Mila doesn't get into any trouble but I feel fine get down I wonder what's going on come on marble let's make today a better call okay how did Barky get up there he was chasing a cat can you help him get down me land more food sure [Music] I think she means morph yes [Music] okay oh [Music] my beautiful cake just I can make another one don't worry Mr vanderboost we will bring Barky back [Music] there he is [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] thanks for saving Barky me land morphle let's get you home my little furball cupboard let's see who else needs help morbid to uh oh sure I think that's enough adventure for one day Mila you need some sleep that is a magical day [Music] oh no some of the magic pet letters have escaped and I only have a n q w v and y don't worry Daddy we'll find them is that one of the letters it's the D for Daddy any letters you catch with this magic hoop will end up back here [Music] Martha morph into a race car so we can find the letter super fast let's make today magical R for race car [Music] s f for fire truck well spotted morphle P for police car and it's Escape [Music] I wonder if there are magic pet letters here okay for kite ice cream oh I for ice cream good job morphle oh for orfo L for lion [Music] G for giraffes C for zebra e For Elephants morph into a helicopter so we can look on the beach [Music] thank you yes well done Marvel s for Sans there you are you for umbrella letters in the tree Marple morph long arms to reach them [Music] great tea for tree now hoop the M for monkeys [Music] awesome morphle x marks the spot [Music] I think we have all the letters now let's go back to the pet center [Music] thanks for finding all the magic pet letters Mila and morphle every day is a magical day with a [Music] with them huh hi Milan morphle it seems that I have the flu and I'm unable to do my work can we help you Mr Joe these vehicles need to be delivered to their odors quickly but I have a [Music] I have this list uh oh all the names of the vehicles owners are smudged but I think we can still figure it out more full morph into a big red truck [Music] I think the tractor needs to go to police officer freeze I think that's what it says on the list [Music] but but this I'm sorry police officer freeze but we're in a hurry huh [Music] [Applause] sorry he didn't see you there [Music] this is impossible no no I think we made a mistake more full morph into a police car too [Music] now let's try to bring the vehicles to the correct owners hmm I think this tractor belongs to Bob [Applause] and the ice cream must belong to Geraldo yeah [Music] hey Milo and morphle how did it go everything has been delivered Mr Joe oh great was the list of any help well [Laughter] ready to play hide and seek yeah yay remember don't leave the yard in case those pesky Bandits are on the loose ten nine eight seven six five four three two one ready or not here I come Are We There Yet Carry Me I have a better idea let's steal that bike huh he found you you're too good at this game Mila but I can't find more full can you see him anywhere nope he is hiding really well Mark come out come out wherever you are let's ask magic pet glitter pug to turn us into more Falls wow thanks yay I'll morph into a race car to find him quickly if I can fly I'll be able to look for more full all over the city awesome I'm a superhero [Music] but the bandits have him [Music] foreign [Music] stop the bridge is going up we can make it [Music] I command you to stop hey morph into a helicopter to fly over the bridge thanks Mila now we have our own helicopter yeah hey what's going on I've got an idea follow me [Music] my phone not Bandit helicopter quick let's steal these bikes and get away yeah oh yeah yes it's me morphle jump in let's get these Bandits back where they belong oh sorry Master do what Mila say next time it's okay every day is a magical day with morphing magic friends come on Marvel help me plant this flower for Daddy wow [Music] oh I wonder what's inside [Music] oh it's a treasure map well part of a treasure map see this x this means the next piece of the map is at the park you saw the treasure map nice I'll let me learn more for find the rest of the map then take it for myself good thinking Winston this is where the x is we have to dig next to that tree [Music] yeah it's the second piece of the map look another X this one's up the mountain up on the mountain come on morphle should be oh I know you morph into a triceratops and smash it [Music] and I think I know where it's buried oh take that thank you very much Winston or a morphle this isn't over yet this is where the treasure must be the treasure is at the beach here I come [Music] on morphle [Music] this is it morphle [Music] morph into an excavator and let's get that treasure we're so close could it be oh a treasure chest wow every day is a magical day with a magic pet and a chest full of treasure I'm a little baby I'm really sleepy baby baby where's my bed [Music] hey guys meet our new magic pet in Cross hi I'm sure you'll make her feel right at home see you later what powers do you have ingra wow your power is so cool wow [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that that babysitting whoa watch out that's not the kind of babysitting I meant [Music] oh the baby don't think they're dolls too [Music] somehow ah more for help yeah awesome use your powers at the same time to stop the doll back to normal [Music] inkra anemi your powers are really awesome too awesome yeah we'll have to be really careful with them from now on so did I miss anything while I was gone we were just playing with my dog looks like you had a big day [Music] these flowers look great Mila I think we need some more dirt around the yellow ones more for help more whoa thanks for helping more full looks like the flowers could use some water now [Music] this is [Music] you are one muddy morph Walt too muddy come on Morpho let's make today magical and take a bath bath is so nice and warm and look I'm filling it with bubble [Music] come on now morphle it's bath time laughs [Music] hold on morphle maybe he should morph into a ball but then he bounced away ah I got it morphle morph into a penguin so you can dive into the pool [Music] I'll catch you morphle [Music] wow a Slip Sliding penguin hi hi we have to stop this you're getting mud everywhere watch out for Mr booze morph into a huge sponge to soak up the water so you can stop of course [Music] my ice cream I really don't like mud now go home and take your mess with you so sorry Mr vanderboost and Barky I will okay Morpher you spongy sponge let's get you in the bath and all cleaned up well we finally got our muddy morphle into the bath I know now you're all clean Morpho so you can come out of the bag [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic hat are you ready to do three painting jobs in one day ready morphle morph into a paintbrush come on let's get Arty oh hey [Music] [Music] now [Music] all right [Music] whoa there they are huh hello did you like her painting he ruined my portraits you ruined my car you ruined my barn I don't stand hard work was perfect when we left wait a minute or full have you done any painting today yeah I thought of you painted picture car barn painting fun oh orphal you painted some things you weren't supposed to paint would you like to help us fix it all yeah great morphle and awful morph into paint brushes [Music] wonderful you've really captured my hands in this oh I know more full and or full morph into elephants [Music] wonderful you've made my car as good as new we need something more powerful than elephants for this oh I know morphle and Orville morph into fire engines careful [Music] wonderful you've made my barn beautiful again thanks for helping us put everything right Orville oh for great painter look come on we've got a lot of painting to do it's Halloween morphle what are you gonna dress up as oh spooky come on let's go trick-or-treating huh oh morphle it's only your reflection [Music] trick or treat what a ghost [Music] did you see how much candy they got yeah be a ghost and get the most [Music] Mila Marple two real ghosts just stole my Halloween candy but Jordy ghosts aren't real then what are they [Music] no morphle morph into a big robot and scare those ghosts away more fool I'll take that I'll zap you with my zapper oh no a zapper more phone [Applause] not again I'll take that and I'll take this I recognize those shoes give it back without more full you can't stop us [Music] I was worried about you morph into a bat and flap your wings hard [Music] ball no I knew it was you too let's split okay our key well morph into a spider and catch those bandits in your web oh [Music] thanks Mila morphle you're welcome thanks for helping even though you were scared more for no scared anymore every day is a magical day with a magic hat okay foreign is coming to the Animal Sanctuary I love Lions awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't worry mechanic Joe I think that was only orphal we'll find him morphle morph into a sniffer dog [Music] yes you've got awful sense let's go and get him [Music] but it wasn't awful [Music] lying more full morph into a safari truck more [Music] which way did orphal go thanks [Music] they think the lion is awful there she is got him or full you're scaring everyone also not scare anyone [Music] morph into toy mice [Music] [Music] [Laughter] thank you for getting him back safely come on Turtles [Laughter] every day is a magical day with a magic hat [Laughter] [Music] wow that star flew super fast across the sky that's a shooting star take a look wow [Music] if you wish on a shooting star the wish will come true stars make wishes come true [Music] make wishes let's go somewhere higher up so we can see the shooting star better like on top of a mountain more full morph into a super suit first morph a jet pack onto the super suit thank you perfect shotgun oracle's going the wrong way that mountain is a volcano you need to get off it now get wishes forever we've got you Oracle if I wanted to catch star s are a lot farther away than they look [Music] I think we should all make a wish together together Morpho morph into a magic flying house oh look at that star and that one you caught a star [Music] wow all my wishes yes let's do it morphle or full close your eyes and make a wish I wish every day was a magical day with magic pets [Music] follow [Music] here Mila thanks Daddy [Music] the garden looks great Daddy but I think we need more balloons more I think you're right come on let's get something [Music] oh oh no we've got a flat tire [Music] we'll rescue you as soon as we can daddy but first we need to get that helium from orful you go Mila I'll stay with the van Landing let's go what not in my car hey I've heard of an ice cream float but this is crazy hang on you better be quick because we're drifting towards the sea foreign April can I please use your string to stop those cars from floating away sure you better be quick thanks I know how we can get them down I Can Be a Cowgirl and you can be my horse [Music] ah [Music] horrible hold this [Music] Mila help I know morph into a gorilla and grab those ribbons [Music] then morph into a giant gorilla oh [Music] pull them down more fool and we'll let the air out of the tires [Music] thanks Mila rescuing [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet ready to go rescue orfull ready this flower is going to make our garden even more beautiful what's that Professor Paula it's my new invention the multi-color cloner ah watch this [Music] movie Marvel at them we've got we've gotta do something a vacuum cleaner good thinking Marvel [Music] we need a better plan [Music] did you hear that more full quick [Music] don't worry Aunt Augustine will help you I know let them eat cake morphle morph into a flying house there's lots of cake [Music] well this didn't work either ice cream what what does one high school yes that's how we'll catch them morph into a giant ice cream with legs four fools come get some ice cream ice cream ice cream the clones have gone woohoo well done Mila and morphle uh every day is a magical day with a magic pet
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 283,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animals, cartoon, cartoons for kids, dinosaur, dinosaurs for kids, fun, hero, ice cream, kid show, kids adventures, kids cartoon, kids stories, kids vehicles, kids videos, magic, mila, mila and morphle, morfo, morfol, morphle, morphle adventures, morphle and mila, morphle cartoon, morphle dinosaurs, morphle episodes, morphle t rex, morphle tv, morphle vs orphle, morphol, my magic pet morphle, orphle, super hero, superhero, trucks, vehicles for kids, videos for kids
Id: MpwpIx16GcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 49sec (12529 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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