RoboCop: Rogue City - All Bosses (With Cutscenes) 4K 60FPS UHD PC

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Murphy you got the cop killer you decided to trespass on our turf and that [ __ ] doesn't fly with us what's that noise please put down your weapon have 20 seconds to comply the situation is under control you now have 15 seconds to comply stand back I'll do one better cop I'm out of here you now have 5 Seconds to comply for said everything is under control I am now authorized to use physical [Music] force your weap hey what's going on over there I am under attack from 209 what a ah okay okay let me see if I can help I'm pretty sure I saw its documentation here in the prev be are back okay listen to this apparently Ed 209 speaker cover is often reported compromised after field Duty why don't you try making that your [Music] [Music] target you now have 15 seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] toly [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what the hell happened here Ed 209 malfunctioned is is he still alive I am afraid not ocp sent us a malfunctioning unit I bet they did that on purpose and what about the other cop killer where did Spike go wherever he went Justice will find him we have to be on the lookout for anonos do you ever just stop we won so smile okay don't smile creeping me out it's showtime welcome everyone to the Detroit arms Expo where we will show you the newest hottest advancements in urban Warfare thank you thank you now please before we proceed let's take a moment to honor the man who made all of this possible so join me in a minute of Silence now let's start the party ocp has always been the Pioneer pushing the limits of what's been possible in security technology those efforts gave us Robocop and RoboCop to that's right but much like our late CEO RoboCop is the past and we need to look at the future ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to present ocp's newest achievement the ueds urban enforcement droids a reliable solution to Crime with the push of a button ueds will be exclusively protecting the streets of Detroit since the police left the citizens of our city to the mercy of the criminal element by going on a strike but no need for alarm ueds are ready to patrol the city today today will be their first major test the protection of the mayoral election rally now let's open up the floor to the questions I'm sure you're dying to hear more about my robots yes I have a question for RoboCop in view of the police strike do you think these new robots are actually capable of protecting the city the police did not strike we were fired the police left because they felt threatened by the ueds and rightfully so my machines are superior in every way a presentation is in order to show that those are not just empty words I have another question for RoboCop it's about the candidates for mayoral elections who cares it can't even vote in the damn thing it's just an CP product there are a lot of people that value his opinion polls show that RoboCop's words and actions have influenced ratings for both candidates several times already so RoboCop could you give us all a definite answer and put our minds at ease is Mill's promise to Grant you and all future cyborgs human rights enough to earn your support knowing You' possibly get your freedom back freedom to do what exactly get back with his family start a business join a bowling team or will you contrary to your Creator's interest encourage people to vote for mayor kusek ocp's loudest adversary I support John Mills thank you for such a straight answer I'm sure there are people who've waited to hear it well there you have it now we can get back to why we all gathered here my robots it's time to present what these bad boys are capable of huh I just need to find the remote and where did I put it is is that normal huh I it's just a prototype no need to worry more will come what the hell are you talking about what was that all of you need to leave what is happening contain the situation and let me how many are there AR U our drop your weapon [Music] supress hostile [Music] activity did you remember no damn it but there's another way we [Music] can't the code doesn't work luckily I'm the one who sold them this garbage so I know what to do just destroy the fuse box and the gate will open do it [Music] what is your plan I give the orders and you follow them maybe it'll work that way for once okay since I open the gate you clear the way to Hall seat I remember different way iying criminal Del I the [Music] out of the gate we'll reach the Depot from all SE we must manage this mess those ueds are my tickets straight to the CEO's chair this EMP device how does it affect me don't worry nothing will happen to your brain at least and that's the part you cherish the most anyway you'll be fine pave the way to the depot and don't bother your head with that why is this device here whats then we'll sell a device that disables the robots to competition then UPG robot device and so on we put down your [Music] weapon [Music] [Music] you now have 15 seconds to comply sh that's [Music] good we're close and don't be afraid even if the EMP device fries your circuits or something is it really such a big sacrifice to stop this mess I'm willing to make it oh no I figured I'd meet you here RoboCop seems like you two have a lot of talk about I don't want to be in your way nonsense Mr Becker since I have you here thank you for providing me with this little thing I was looking for a loyal partner I was hoping it would be RoboCop but your droids will have to suffice no problem and thank you for choosing ocp now that my work is done here so I'm just going to give the RoboCop now that the old man doesn't need you I don't need you keeping you alive this long was a mistake let me erase that mistake sorry I won't be staying to witness this I need to start packing up the toys take care of him it's actually impressive how stubborn you are are at the same time oh it's heartbreaking knowing that you never could have won oh your creators made sure of that that chip ocp implanted in your brain the one that was supposed to help you it served as my collateral it made sure that you could never touch me it's activated with this oh but I'm sure you already put that together the old man wanted me to use it sparingly as long exposure would melt your brain that's a visual but since the old man's gone I can do whatever I want we packed everything sir Splendid duty calls but I'm leaving you with something to remember me by good night Murphy oh it's been exhilarating now it's time to take what's mine the city of Detroit you're leaving us again go please [Music] he's waking up oh no what do we do Murphy stay calm he's in so much pain the chip remove it the evaluation ship how do we do that I think I can help there's a button here that will shut him down why is this place so deserted what's with all the noise it's Murphy ocp sabotaged him that's why Wendell was able to get the upper hand why RoboCop's their program they wanted RoboCop's data to use in the afterlife project and no wonder RoboCop is the only successful cyborg that ocp has managed to produce after they got what they needed they just wanted him out of the way without getting their hands dirty those scumbags what now we need to get that chip out it should be under the helmet I saw someone take it off once I think I can do it what about the chip it's here but I don't think I can let me I'm not Squamish I've done far worse things for far less there you go you little bastard is this it should I turn him back on do it so Murphy how you doing I am doing well officer so many familiar faces are we celebrating Wendell certainly is he stole a [ __ ] ton of heavy duty equipment from that military Expo what happens when he decides to use it he already has you've got some nerve coming in here with no police on the streets every gang in the city is on the Rampage Detroit's on fire she's right I've got a call that Windows goons hacked the election broadcast to send a message citizens of Detroit I'm sorry to inform you that help is not coming you've been abandoned by the police by your politicians and by ocp they all promised you a better life and tried to give you hope and where did that that lead you into the Cesspool I feel your frustration I empathize with it but let's not stop there let us do the only thing we can let's burn this filthy City to the ground and From the Ashes let's rebuild something new something better is that so everyone stand down what are you doing why did you stop that is not what I pay you for turns out you don't pay us at all what the money transfer didn't go through we will settle [Music] this hey have your machines fight your battles for you we don't work for free no hard feelings RoboCop just business I have bigger fish to fry you ungrateful [ __ ] you close the door on the most ambitious project in this goddamn City surrender or there will be trouble I still have an army that will fight no matter what so RoboCop prepare to meet your demise now there is trouble this isn't over stay away stay the hell away Dead or Alive you are coming with me you will regret throwing this opportunity away useless [ __ ] machines can't you see ocp is lying to you I was the only one who was Frank with you from the start you can't win this not while ocp still stands there is nowhere else to go Wendel antonowsky that's not even my real name ocp gave me that identity they knew evoking your past affects you they wanted you emotional to better manipulate you you keep sacrificing yourself and that's admirable but at some point you have to ask yourself for what for the city that wants to witness your downfall or for the company that keeps sabotaging you join me together we can hold ocp accountable Another Empty promise you hunt criminals down well let's make a stand against the biggest criminal of them all it's time for you to stop obeying ocp and start putting yourself first locking you up is putting myself first oh that would be a mistake I am only human then why don't you die like one hand over here it's Ronnie from Ronnie's grocery they're trying to burn down my store but I need help I can't get out I wouldn't be so sure that the cops want to help you your donut pric is are criminal criminal ceas fire I the [Music] terminating have second to let's continue the fight one load off our shoulders how are you getting on with that tracker rookie we're in luck the signal wasn't cut off they must have left in a hurry after they made the broadcast but this whole ocp Communications thing is a mess what do you want from me RoboCop my number one guy there seems to be a misunderstanding RoboCop I wanted to leave you a message before I undergo this procedure it has been a long and laborious process but it has given me the opportunity to observe you closely the old old man that you I I didn't know I I didn't mean to only now do I truly understand what others see in you I real realize why they cheer you off Ru and it is because they can look past your metal exterior and see that somehow you haven't lost your Humanity that puts my mind at ease you made me realize that I do not have to fear what is about to happen I can remain human as you have selfless and devoted to something bigger than myself uncorruptible and that is what I always strive to be good luck Murphy I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for [Music] us you sold the city's future that leaves one [Music] question scrapyard or prison creep Murphy what the hell was that just an old friend do you need backup I repeat do you need backup netive copy that oh those sounds are making me nervous are you sure you're all right affirmative the building is starting to shake we're nearly done with the evacuation I [Music] you will not win this a where the hell are you I've lost visual we went downstairs what Murphy we got everyone out be careful the building will not hold you need to get yourself out of there I am in the middle of something [Applause] [Music] a [Music] going [Music] somewhere Robo I don't like what I'm seeing the building's actually shaking get out while you still can [Music] [Music] en [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Murphy you need to get out of there it's about to collapse the building's evacuated there's no one else inside you need to save yourself [Music] there is one more person here that needs saving what Murphy we are not done [Music] yet thank you does anyone see him I can't see anything move closer negative when the building collapses the dust cloud will choke the engine oh my God Murphy no no no wait I see something is that him talk to me it is me voice it has always been [Music] me another week passed since the ocp's Magnificent giant has fallen ocp's new CEO assured us that the destruction of its headquarters will not stand in the way of finishing Delta City Japanese corporation kanamitsu has already shown interest in ocp's most prominent project we at media break welcome them with open arms derti Yokoso from the city of Wonders we're back to Detroit John Mills goes down in the history of the city as its shortest serving mayor excluding premature death he offered his resignation on his very first day of office according to a reliable source Mills expressed and I quote I did not sign up to run this dump are the new elections ahead of us and has the city recovered after the previous ones now it's time to introduce a new segment you the detroiters where we share feel-good stories from our local communities an escaped python terrorizing the local neighborhood has been reunited with its owners but that wasn't the only thing that was returned x-ray of the reptiles insides has shown the stolen watches together with the remains of the thief himself pickles a local addict was so intoxicated with nuke that the drug was absorbed by the python which explains its bizarre behavior isn't that food for thought next up sunblock 5000 model nearly Torn to Pieces by an ed 209 after not adhering to the 209 instructions the dispute over a parking space could have turned deadly if it wasn't for Dr Olivia blanch a seasoned psychologist who managed to keep a cool head during the 209s intervention Dr blanches new book coping with loss is said to be of value to both people and machine alike soon on Channel 9 the Samantha Ortiz you didn't know after recanting her unfounded accusations against ocp our brave Reporter ends her fieldwork and becomes channel 99's newest morning show host her first guest a woman with the world's biggest hands welcome back Samantha a new world record has been set in Detroit a man called funeral Bob attended his thousandth funeral this year the record-breaking funeral belonged to Max Becker a former ocp executive as it turned out Bob was its only attendee the ocp delegation did not arrive due to a rescheduled business meeting we hope the meeting went well and now from hero to zero a corporate employee saved the life of a policeman in the Holy Cow restaurant but he did not do it for free while performing the abdominal thrusts ulyses Washington stole the officer's badge caught red-handed Washington claimed that the badge once belonged to him committing crimes while aspiring to be a cop we've heard it all one question Still Remains unanswered what happens to RoboCop's human status we've been informed that due to Mayor mills's resignation the matter will not be pursued by his office RoboCop's efforts have prompted a public conversation I hope ocp doesn't take him off the street who will protect us then it's RoboCop Robo I love youer skeleton speaker your P of money to many more years on the forced RoboCop it's been a busy time for Detroit but the cloud that lowers Over The City Is Lifting as police end their strike we're ready to serve said officer Anne Lewis who returned to duty despite her recent injury what heroism Detroit can sleep soundly tonight the question is for how long that's all for today this was Casey Wong until next time [Music]
Channel: CaleoGaming
Views: 231,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caleogaming, caleo, gaming, youtuber, funny, BossVideo, robocop, robocop rogue city, rogue city, cop, cop game, robocop final boss, robocop old man, robocop ending, robocop bad ending, robocop pc, robocop 2023, robocop 2023 pc, robocop game, robocop gameplay, robocop all bosses, robocop all cutscenes, robocop full game, robocop final boss and ending, robocop rogue city all bosses, robocop rogue city final boss, superhero, superheroes, all bosses, final boss, cyberpunk, keymailer
Id: 5UdhOTxVnuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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