Robo SNIPE! | CNSL 7

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hey everyone welcome back to the cnsl season 7 on osis cast uh today we are going to be going into the round of 16 group A's winner match it's going to be a protos versus protos between motive and ruin I think that this is a pretty even match let's get into it and see if that's going to be the case all right our first map going to be Metro and down in the bottom left we have motive motive looking very very strong uh previously there against ample and in the top right we have ruin ruin playing just an excellent game against paralyzed in that PVP we'll see if he can carry that protos versus protos uh Power Forward here against motive you know ruin really did impress me there I'm already kind of like an a person who's impressed with Mo or ruin most of the time but I generally consider motive well this is funny isn't it now that I'm thinking about it right so I'm always talking up ruin now I think he's like kind of the future of protos but I actually in my head motive occupies a higher spot than ruin which doesn't make sense cuz motive hasn't been in ASL whereas ruin ruin has so and in multiple times so that's kind of like a funny thing that I find a little bit of cognitive dissonance in myself with how I rank these guys like internally I don't think I've ever actually casted them play each other so I guess I really should favor ruin here I just I guess I look at ruin as more of an upand Comer it might be because he's still improving so much whereas I've casted like a lot of games of motive uh and you know he's he's been on the brink for a while and still continues to deliver I don't know I don't know it feels like he's more of a veteran in a way if that makes sense but yeah I guess that's something that I should probably fix in my own brain there but yeah looking at it I mean I guess I guess based on what I just said we should consider ruin to be a favorite and I mean he chose magenta which is the best color in in Starcraft so obviously has better taste than motive let me know in the comments if you have a favorite color or even per race a lot of people have like different favorites per race a lot of people I know have said like oh white Zerg is really really good uh you know red tan looks really really good I personally am a big fan of magenta and I know a lot of other tan players uh that feel the same way it looks I don't know there's something about it that just looks really good on tan in my opinion maybe it's just the brightness of it is is cool uh as far as protos goes protos is already so yellow so that when you like choose yellow for it I'm like I don't I don't know like that's it's kind of like blandish blish right I'm not a big fan of yellow protos it's just it's already so yellow you know anyways let me know what you think about that uh already we have a little bit of build order deviation obviously ruin is scouting and motive is not but motive has already added a second gate very very quickly didn't make a zealot or anything like that uh and ruin going to turn around immediately upon that Dron in fact I think he did see the second gate so he adds his own second gate back here at home uh he did go straight into Dron as well so we'll see where they uh kind of go tech-wise after this right like I mean you can just go two gate range into pretty much anything you can go into Robo you can go into dark Templar you I guess you could go expansion although I feel like I never see that uh there actually used to be some very good two gate range probe cut builds that went into DT where like you would make them kind of think that you were uh attacking and putting on some heavy pressure and so they'd kind of put more money into drons to stop it and then you'd come up with a DT real quick and uh sometimes ruin their day with that we'll see if if something like that could be the play additional pylons going down uh ruin up just a singular probe at the moment pretty similar as far as the builds obviously the quicker second Gateway here for motive who kind kind of chose to do this uh whereas we get a reaction from ruin now a robo is coming up we had that kind of forward pylon to get that Robo close to the ramp so reavers can crawl down defensively but look over here Citadel once again so ruin going to stay on this kind of like a dark Templar train and with the observatory being started immediately here on the other side I don't know if that's something that works out super well for ruin now ruin actually gets two big on this Dr in fact he's going to get a kill that's sick that's a sick catch for him right he had this later second gate and is just kind of roaming about with his goons and finds one of motives so that's a very very good kill but the observatory is here The Observer on the way while we have just the uh Templar archives being made over here for ruins so definitely a different looking DT build than what we saw uh previously I don't know like sometimes in a situation like this cuz this is like a two gate range into DT so you can kind of make it look a little bit scary there's a possibility that the Observer goes across to Scout and you can get the DTs to hit while he's making his Reaver right so that's what we're going to kind of be looking for here uh and the thing is you you know the Observer timing if you're a protos player pretty darn well so a lot of times what we'll see is the DT just kind of walk around where the Observer path is so Here Comes The Observer ruin knows what's going on he knows that this is kind of favored towards motive at the moment and he's showing his drons this is actually very purposeful uh you want your opponent to think that you're not making a DTS right so the Observer saw the Goon count it kind of went back for a second looked at said oh you know what he's definitely on at least two gate let's send this across we have that expansion coming up we have that expansion coming up just slightly faster on this side now the two DTS are going to pop out he's going to want to dodge the Observer he saw the Observer coming across here so he should go across here very very quickly and he's going to just dodge that now the Observer how quickly will it get up to see this that is the important thing cuz then he can start a secondary Observer there is a possibility here look at how out of position this is right the Reaver is about to finish if he gets up here with the DTs like let's say a sec yeah this starts okay let's let's look at the vision okay he sees the Templar archives so you're going to you're going to cancel this you have to cancel this you have to cancel this and get an observer dude ruan's just going to kill him it's taking him a moment to take in what he's seen here so he sees it again he might think it just finished but now ruan's just going to win the game with the DTs look at this he's targeting down the Reaver this shows you how you can go DT and still win even though your opponent has uh observers out so I think that uh motive may be not paying enough attention there to his Observer and the Intel it was telling him this is already pretty significant damage he's killing like every single Dron he's killed the rever off he's splitting the is up at this point so even as the Observer finishes some more damage will be dealt good it's a good drill it's good drill but he's still going to lose a few DTS at least three kills four kills on that dark Templar uh right now a 10 probe Advantage oh my God he's going after for the robo the thing is even if they kill your DT like and they have observers out already that's okay he just prevented reavers so now you're literally a Dron man you have no re what are you going to do what are you going to do down nine workers dude ruin really I mean you know I'm kind of it's kind of like a meme that I don't like uh protos players or something like that totally unfounded uh but I got to tell you I really I watch ruin play and I'm like this is this is the way to play like if I played protos I would watch so much ruin I just I love this style that he's utilizing it's very intelligent it's honestly it's not even cheesy right like he's playing straight macro games with the DT he's using them uh tactically though right like he's running them around where he knows the Observer will be he's putting pressure on with the drons to make his opponent like not feel like there's a DT on the way and look at this now he just has a massive Dron count he's up like two three drons as he walks in this should actually just be game like he is so far ahead he's killing every Dron and there's not much counterplay here since the robo was killed off what a great Robo snipe that was as well using the huge de uh dark Templar uh DPS right like that's that's amazingly amazingly done there is a Reaver on the way but the damage is astounding now our Robo is already up going up to six Gates immediately ruins just got this smashing face right now look at this he's up 12 workers and this is just not not the position you want to find yourself as motive I think he's going to GG there's yeah it's like there's a reav on the way GG is called ruin wins game one all right so uh going into game number two here we have ruin in the bottom left of radon and in the top left we have motive you know uh the games like that can happen right you have the right type of build and your opponent kind of outmaneuvers you this is one of the really beautiful things about Starcraft I think right uh where you can kind of and especially I would say in Starcraft 1 like you can have the counter to something but it can still be played around right like you can you you have all sorts of tools at your disposal and if you kind of give yourself those options if you have everything kind of tight and you know what you need to do you can still sometimes pull out that Victory like ruin did you know technically playing against Observer you should be a little bit behind if he has the Observer there definitely you're you're a bit behind right like your opponent just has better Tech they're going to have the reavers out you're going to you know you're sitting there on Dron DT against Dron Reaver and it's not going to be all that good oh God we're going to have this uh maybe be a very aggressive well definitely be a very aggressive game uh so I'll stop talking about that other stuff right now but it looks to me like this is going to be a double proxy n gate coming out of motive so motive going for like potential a very very quick Victory uh if you do not make a zeelot as ruin you are just going to die now we'll see if this works out for him gas on the way for ruin probe going to the bottom right that's interesting that he decided to go to the bottom right cuz we like if he starts going to top right then the zealots might be a little bit late like every second counts right now right you really want to get that pressure on immediately with these zealots where because on ruin side the more time you have uh to just kind of like build up get more probes and everything the better that's going to do for you now let's see which way he goes okay he is actually going to scout to the bottom left now so that's that's kind of important right he's going to figure out exactly what's going on ruin I assume is just going to scout to the bottom right so he's not going to see these zealots come in until motive wants him to see it he's not going to have any idea what's happening uh there is not a zealot on the way I think we're actually about see uh these zots coming in absolutely smash so the probe going down first zelot coming up right now mode of wondering is there going to be a zeelot that pops out here or not and there's absolutely not it's going to be that Dron first maybe he noticed from that game on retro he's like oh you want to do dragon openers okay okay you know without that zeelot you don't have any real damage output to kill this so this will just dive on probes and oh God he's even going to make a a pylon prison here so the pylon prison basically this blocks where the draon would pop out which is normally there which forces it to the right you put another one and then you put a third now what you need to do is put probes in the center so this blocks the other pop out area and then the Dron can pop out on the outside just like that right so that's what you absolutely need to do and you notice that he cancels out that Pilon puts on a shield battery now he'll try it again this is very important the micro aspects here the probes are defending reasonably well ruin needs to get these probes off gas but he's so busy microing at the moment and there's so many zealots in here I don't think there's any real chance for for victory like this is this is looking absolutely terrible right now for ruin he's taking so much damage now he still technically has more probes and he popped out his own Zealot there but he's taking a massive massive damage the probes are doing great surrounds he gets his own Shield battery up so he's going to try to utilize that to regain some Health but he's going to end up losing his Dron I think he has another Zealot on the way super super late and there's just more coming down so I think that this is going to be a very quick Victory uh if I had to guess look at look at how overwhelmed he's becoming there I mean there's some good recharging but yeah look at that it's like so low on health you're running out of battery energy the Dron is still putting out some some damage another one pops out actually that was nice he kind of got the flank there for a moment ah loses one of his zealots but it's five against two units oh it's absolutely brutal the draon having a very hard time microing here range is going to finish but the Dron at one zeelot hit from Death it's going to go down GG series tied up one to one it's game number three tightly contested series both players killing each other pretty quickly so far you know the DT opener dealing some massive damage in game one obviously the proxy double n gate in the center of the map map working out for motive ruin not making that initial zot uh we'll see if if that changes this is a two-player map in Blitz y so it is going to play out quite a bit differently I don't expect anything like a proxy two gate if you're going to two gate you can probably do it in your main uh but your opponent can scout it so quickly uh and that's going to help out a lot with the countering but we'll see what they're going to do man uh kind of like a a fast-paced exciting PVP thus far but we have uh motive here in the bottom right by the way and ruin in the top right Blitz y being a two-player map like I I haven't seen many pvps here yet actually now that I'm thinking about it I'm trying to like go through my memory banks and remember what people have liked to play here so far but nothing is really coming up I've seen you know so many uh games of like you know non-mirror matchups here I guess I've actually seen a fair amount of Taran vers Taran here a little bit of Zerg verer but I don't think I've seen even a single protos first protos here so that's that's kind of weird but um I guess I haven't been casting as much PVP lately anyways uh you know the Gateway coming up Gateway coming up gas is on both sides and we just got to wait a moment I imagine they're both going to start a Zell out out it's it's s such a small map right like there's there's so much potential for your opponent to pressure it would be funny if one of them actually skipped that and was just like n man screw it we're fine well right now uh it looks like motive sending out that Scout and you can see look at this by ruin he's checking proxy gate location so he checks here he'll probably check here as well uh and those are like the two areas that you might see and in fact he already checked the bottom of his main so ruin that's kind of funny look just to show the difference this is the probe uh from from motive he did not check over here he checked over here but he didn't even check up in his base so he's actually expecting ruin to play uh a more honorable game if I may whereas ruin is really checking everything just to make sure he's not being completely cheesed again that might show a difference in confidence level right motive might be like yeah ruins really good I got to I got to you know cut out some of the extra scouting get you know get the Intel from his base a little bit quicker that type of thing now there is a zealot on both sides they're both making a Dron now to chase that probe out and we probably won't see any Tech until those probes are in fact chased out there's just you know this is like a standard thing when you both Scout each other you want to get the Dron uh to push the probe away cuz otherwise it's like if you see him put down a robo like you could cancel it once the dragon comes out but it's slowing down everything else and if you do cancel it you know you lose 25% of of what you cancel so it's it's just it's huge right you lose 50 mineral 50 gas plus everything gets slowed down so it's like nah just make the Dron push him out and play from there now here ruin has added the second gate rather quickly so you know kind of similar to what motive did in game number one on retro Dron coming across the map and ruin sees the uh motives zeelot as well as draon and will turn around of course he has his own zelot up here it looks like it's going to be Robo I think but I'm not I'm not 100% sure on this looking over here it is in fact Robo uh it's a onegate robo here he does have the ramp right so you can skip out on that secondary gate Oh I thought we might see like a something crazy over here from ruin a proxy Pine like it's Starcraft 2 PVP you don't really see that in Starcraft 1 it doesn't it doesn't add enough power you can't do things like War pins so everything better just made in your base unless it's like really early proxy Gates but yeah the robo coming up against two gate range we'll see if the two gate range actually does anything there's a possibility that he waits for one or two goons off of that additional gate and actually tries to poke up the ramp now his probe is getting caught and ruins making a Bel line down if he catches these units on the way back that could actually be huge okay this is this is potentially an important moment I don't know if he's going to get his units down here in time basically if he brings a four drons and Zealot down he catches anything he might be able to Parlay that into a victory right cuz it's three drons one zelot you need to take the high ground with this because this just beats that on the same ground you need Miss shots so he goes up the ramp now the zeelot has almost died okay the Zealot gone so he's just going to push he has the extra Zealot here this is huge he gets himself on The High Ground so he's not going to miss shots oh my God ruin like hurting motives so badly here this is really good for ruin right he's forcing a probe pull the game is definitely not over but he gets a full Scout of what's going on he is getting like he killed like a probe you know the unit trade is approximately even he kills another probe oh more draon coming up oh man it's actually getting kind of bad look at this four drons against two now one of them was very low so does end up losing that and might just pick off a few more probes here as well trying to actually fight against that Dron on The High Ground moves forward and actually gets good shots oh my God he gets both are you kidding me excellent excellent micro here from ruin I can't believe that and all of this was because motive chased his probe so Ru with the quick s gate the probe was being chased he's like I think I can catch him and he got the zeel for free if he hadn't gotten the zeelot down to 25 Health before it went up the ramp he would not have been able to break it if it was a full health Zealot sitting here and you had the drons you're invincible and then you have a tech Advantage so ruin taking this situation I got to tell you it's giving me rain vibes that's what it is rain will take any position in PvP PVP and win from it like he just he knows how to utilize whatever it is that he has and I'm getting those vibes from ruin really fantastically done dude like technically you're alive and you're making another Reaver but like this is a huge huge winning Advantage for ruin look at this 14 probes to 30 more drons coming he needs that Reaver that Reaver is a long ways off and in fact he's just going to GG and that means that we have finished the winnner match Ruan will advance in first place I tell you what that was magnificently done really really well played and welld deserved from ruin he might win this tournament he is looking ridiculous uh so yeah that that's that if you guys have uh a protos player you think is a better upand Comer than him I want to hear about it okay guys thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: ArtosisCasts
Views: 14,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #StarCraft, StarCraft, Artosis, Gaming, ArtosisCasts, ArtosisCasting, ArtosisTV,, Twitch, Youtube, Streaming, Live streaming, Game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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