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hey guys welcome back to osis cast today we will be starting the round of eight in the cnsl season 7 today's first match well the first match overall in the round of eight is going to be ruin versus scan uh this is an amazing best of five I'm going to talk more about that in a moment because I do want to just remind people of what these matches are because it's probably one of the best round debates I've ever seen so like I said the first matchup ruin vers scan unbelievable right unbelievably good match and then we will have DeWalt versus Yun as our second match another really really amazing match Lov that DeWalt vers Shia uh you know best of three that we saw previously and I think this is going to be amazing to see dwalu and then we're going to have saber versus motive uh saber has looked really really strong in this tournament motive you know I mean the these are just great matches I can't believe we don't even have any mirrors our last match in the round of eight I think a lot of people are going to be waiting for this one Bishop versus miso is miso going to have anything to do against Bishop's wraiths uh we'll talk more about all these as we get to them but as I mentioned previously we're starting off with ruin versus scan so yes this will be a best of five scan of course a previous champion of cnsl both these guys have been in ASL before uh and you know like two of the favorites of the tournament truly like there's a few people in here I don't really think are going to end up winning like for instance if miso gets versus Bishop gets through Bishop I'll be very surprised about that if DeWalt wins I'll be very surprised about that but if either ruin or scan were to win I really wouldn't bat an ey uh so anyways the map lineup will be Troy Citadel apocalypse radon and Neo dark origin it's going to be a great series I can't wait let's start it let's get into it and here we go in the top right our protos player just looking absolutely phenomenal so far uh you know in this tournament and others it is ruined and his opponent in the bottom left it's scan you know know him you love him uh going to be a lot of fun we have ruin here uh on Troy by the way the map is Troy and ruin is okay so this is actually becoming a serious meme because I've been saying and you know ASL actually just ended right so I hope you guys enjoy that that tast I cast together and every single time that we see matches on this map I talk about how two gate is literally by far the best build and never loses okay uh and tesus makes fun of me cuz the pros don't do it but honestly the pros that are not going to gate on Troy are stupid it is the best build so we see Ruan going for this now he's obviously going to make two gates it's going to be double n gate and you know the map is very small overall so these are going to be close to any main even if scan was up here it's really not that far for these zealots to go uh now I will bet I will bet money that that scan is going to lose to this all right I don't know I haven't seen any of these games but this is this is the best build this is the best build it's like guys if you play against proxy 2 gate on a map that doesn't have assimilators here you sometimes lose with a perfect Sim City around your command center okay the thought that you could hold these with a regular build seems unlikely now look at this okay okay seriously see scan gets it he knows he starts these second Barracks literally immediately here now I think this had to do with the timing of the Scout the timing of the Scout screams that there's something going on right if no Scout comes you can say okay maybe it's maybe it's something else but he goes two Barracks immediately now even though he's gone two Barracks immediately this might still work scan is countering this as hard as you ever could he's making some Sim City here uh I think when the Zs come in he'll even make a bunker like you have to take this so seriously and like I feel like scan is really showing how smart he is the fact that he is like basically hard countering zealots right now because it's like this build wouldn't be good against anything else but look he just starts immediately see ruin also very smart just starts immediately on the simulator you may as well dude if you kill one of these tan is very close to dead already because Factory units can't get out okay the Marines start to push this first cellot back he's going to keep a an SCV on hold position here two more zealots come this is where you can start to just break through all right that's going to I mean oh my God scan is going to micro back okay okay okay now this is a little bit tough for ruined a micro against in some ways right like uh does he bring all the Zs down you know it's so hard to choose which way you want to win with these zots do you want to kill the assimilators do you want to just kill all the Marines your opponent are is making we'll see uh but scan is doing a good job of holding this off so far now three Zs are here five Marines the Marines can can somewhat fight like they can't fight straight up but you can see he's kind of running back in these positions that are hard to engage notice that low Health one goes back to attack the assimilator the other two that are higher Health turn to fight the Marines two more zealots on the way right now and ruan's getting ready to expand by the way if he expands he might do it with a cannon I'm not entirely sure yet but we'll see these two zealots go over and look at this point he's just like right clicking on this now if you sacrifice hard to kill this okay and look at this these two zealots by the way are just wreaking havoc on the mineral line the zealots just run away as the Marines come up and then run back he's going to kill this so from here you go Forge let's we'll see I'm going to check back a few times to see if he goes Forge because at this point scan is so screwed he needs his his Marines simply must do something because they don't scale at all the zealots have already done enough damage that they've been worth it uh they aren't killing that many as far as scvs go so he's done a pretty good job blocking that overall and look at the amount of Marines like you can keep building the zealots and try to hold with that but honestly all you have to do is stop this attack and I think you win the game so like I was saying I think that he should just throw a forge down uh he is producing zealots Non-Stop and don't forget like the zealots it takes like so many marines for the zealots not to work anymore all right let's let's count how many we have here so we have seven eight zealots right now against 12 15 Marines 16 Marines okay he's going Academy this is all super obvious but if you go cannons you literally can never lose to this let's see what he does he starts to attack with the zealots dude just oh my God it's just so funny truly by the way zot spit through here uh he won't try to obviously now SCV is being drilled they drill up to the Natural as opposed to the main base there's the forge on the way like I was saying if you just make a cannon or two here you can't lose uh and he might not even need the cannon but the cannon makes it like 100% Victory right whereas the zealots right now I'm like h i look at this is I I think 75% chance of protos to win right now but if he gets one to two cannons up goes to 100% okay so this scan's going to take down the gates okay okay but this is going to buy time for cannons the zealots going to start to flank guys look at this okay so GG very fast game number one we are going to jump to game number two but I need to point out I have to point out that obviously is like kind of a broken map but also I Told You So two gate is completely broken you could not they L how do you counter harder than what scan did how do you counter two gates harder than what scan did two racks how would you do it let me know in the comments let if anyone thinks I'm wrong at all let me know in the comments and I'll I'll delete the YouTube channel okay all right uh on to uh game number all right so we're going into uh Citadel as our second map in the top left it is ruin and in the bottom right it is scan okay I got to point this out I laughed out loud when when I saw rin's ID right before I started the recording har he's from the pirate team I don't know there's something very funny about Pirates uh anyways a protos a pirate whatever it may be uh you know what I don't think that you can look at game one and let that judge the series at all okay uh it is just it's a gross map you can't there's really if the protos is and this sounds so silly but if the protos is smart enough to just make two gateways the game is already almost over truly the game is already almost over um and almost no one's smart enough to do that it's so funny to watch these protosses like not do that and then you see like scan could not have countered it harder like how do you do it how would you counter harder than just going two Barracks blind against two gate there's not a way there's not a way anyways uh yeah I wouldn't let that really uh influence me for the series obviously ruins up one and that's like a really strong position to be starting in it's a best of five so he needs two more maps but still uh you know we're going into Citadel I think that this map is like pretty even in this matchup uh yeah I I actually think that right now Citadel is giving us very very good games in pretty much all the matchups really now that I think about it like PBZ looks pretty good here tvz has looked pretty good here and tan vers protos I think looks really good here where there's like multiple paths there's some really interesting terrain the middle is very open but the sides are pretty closed so so it's like gives you a lot of different options how you want to play uh it is a 16 base four player map which does over time seem to be slightly better Balan than the 12 base Maps uh but I wouldn't say that that's 100% yet in fact you know what I find kind of funny is I think that the radon setup is really interesting with 14 bases as opposed to 16 or 12 for a four player map we've actually had like really uh interesting games there as well but anyways I'm I'm really digging so this is this is the map where I want to see what scans made out of and what ruins made out of for this matchup for this very important uh round of round of uh a game Sorry my brain froze there for a second uh but yeah you know cnsl obviously has a very good prize pool I would like to mention guys that Caster Muse who runs this tournament you know he puts a lot of time and effort in and he did open up like a match Areno uh which the link is in the description if you want to check that out and of course C uses links as well he's he's a lovely guy puts a lot of effort into the scene uh but if you'd like to go check out the match arino it's somewhere that you could donate to the uh the prize pool but of course there's actually uh codes there as well I don't know if they've all been used yet but there are like little codes that you can type in basically you'll see when you go to the page uh that can just add a little bit of money to the prize pool you know like a dollar or something like that so Mato is kind of a cool site like that I've raised uh prize pools there before and yeah so just wanted to throw that out there for you guys uh if you were interested in such a thing if not absolutely no problem just happy to have you guys watching and enjoying some great highlevel Starcraft Now scan has gone for a vultra expand the this actually beats this just slightly but scan has a fourth Marine pop out so he's going to be fine this was excellent excellent microfame scan everything about this was fantastic okay I have to actually go over this a little bit more cuz first off the the group that like okay how do I put this uh when you watch top pros play you won't always have it as perfect as that these two guys like scan and ruin play all the time in our super on top of the meta game and know exactly what's going on right now and you could see that okay so the fact that he made the fourth marine and the fact that he kept everything here because you keep it here you see exactly the formation they're running in and you know exactly how to Target if you keep it here they can actually get like the first volley and stuff like that right so uh it's it was really well placed the fourth Marine was 100% needed he targeted down everything in the correct order beautifully done by scan and the way that ruin brought it in was optimal as well right like he waited he had high Health probe SCV or sorry probe uh zalot and uh Dron all at the same time so that was really really really well done and this is actually like um for okay so guys at the very top of the world are very good to watch for various things and they're really good and in fact you can even say yeah they're better than these players but that doesn't mean that they're going to actually show you the stuff that you need to learn as much right like for instance my favorite player to watch is sharp uh but his style is way out there and like you're not actually going to necessarily learn things that are going to make you better as a lower level player from him as often right whereas if you watch like scan vers ruin right now it's like okay they're actually both doing what you're supposed to be doing okay if that makes sense like even this right we see the tank Marine uh vulture push out and he lays the mines in nice positions this is beautiful this is like very very meta this is very much what you want to do right now even Ries out of second tank he's just kind of looking around oh good hit good hit for scan taking a look up at ruins base two gate Observer looking good he was getting ready here he's got to be careful if that mine had hit man that would have been very bad for ruin indeed but ruin going to be able to start his third Nexus and he starts it with really really good timing there before 6 minutes and 30 seconds good amount of drons notice he's moving a few of them back he's a little bit nervous it looks like as to whether or not there's going to be a drop okay uh and you know he did see some mines out in the front everything he doesn't see any Siege tanks up at the front it could be a drop definitely like you lay mines in that type of area when you're going to do a drop so he's just kind of gets into position here very defensive having some drons out in the front he's clearing some mines he's got a couple here he's getting the pylon wall ready this secondary pylon this points towards a cannon later on okay looking over here now you see oh I likey oh my God I'm getting chills right now okay so scan has followed up his one Factory pressure with now a three factory attack I'm actually getting chills I was thinking about this build the other day oh I love this I love this so this was this PO into the metag game about a year and a half ago very briefly very briefly this build popped into the meta game uh and I thought it was really cool I actually saw a sharp dude a few times and and you know a few other players like utilize it a little bit I love to see scan trying this look at this push he's doing right now this is beautiful four tanks four Marines a bunch of vultures with speed and mines and look at the amount of damage he's going to be able to put on this is fantastic Siege is almost done right now how do you hold on against this with without when it gets Siege mode like you just you're not going to you're absolutely not going to he's bringing up his uh his scvs for stair we see some Dron sacrifice there he sets up Siege mode he still has four Marines he could make a bunker he could make a turret there's a lot of things he makes two turrets here he's I guess he's going to just let the Marines kind of sit uh as long as he gets at least one turret up it's very likely that this will die now we saw a Reaver on the production tab the raver's out the shuttle's out he's adding a bunch of gates dude scan is way ahead right now this is absolutely awesome play from scan I love the build order Choice a million billion per. right like this is such a great rotation cuz a lot of people are playing exactly like ruin is here we've talked about it a lot if you any tvps you've watched recently it's like okay yeah like a a normal expansion into two gate drons with range into third base into Reaver right and this push that scan did hit before that Reaver was ready and was able to punish the third so now suddenly the third is dead he's continuing the push because the Reaver went across the map and now ruin is being punished because he's trying to attack instead of cleaning up this push this is awesome for scan right now he's in such good shape it just it looks really really really strong for scan now ruin coming up all right let's see if he can clear this this is looking like a scan victory at the moment to me but you never know he might be able to clear okay actually a beautiful pick up there the mine deals damage to the tank but not to the raver needs to get this out of there very low on health okay the last Marine goes down draun flanking a good Target there by scan on probes and he does end up killing that Pro count a little bit okay let's let's look at the big picture of what's going on okay third base was killed the Reaver harass was way slowed down he's very low on health here yeah he almost has speed for the shuttle but he's got to be careful with this he killed some extra probes higher SCV count for scan than probes for ruin scan now going up dude to seven Factory I don't think you could have played this game better than scan did here I think that this is one of the better played tvps uh like the fact that he's getting Goliath range right now the fact that he's adding on like unlimited factories and making lots of missile turrets getting his Academy he's basically saying you know what you can't you can't do what you're doing he's making two nexuses right now right yeah he's got six Gates and you still actually got a good probe count even though scan killed some probes like not a lot but he killed some right we saw the tank targeting we saw the vultures in there a little bit it's still a very good probe count and he's going to be able to produce a lot you can see that he's not able to produce off of all six gates at once once he gets these nexuses up he will be able to he's probably going to want to split his probes like as the nexuses finish and just mass as big an army as he possibly can uh but scan is going to have like a very sizable Army two tanks at a time right now getting his upgrades he'll stop scvs completely I don't think we'll see another SCV out of SC man uh probably not this game cuz I think this game is going to be uh decided very very quickly all right the uh probes get transferred and yeah I do think the probe production will pretty much end like he he's adding a couple more but from here it's like okay you got to just make a massive massive Army cuz he has to know that scan's getting ready to kill him and look at the Goliath count I love this okay so he's made extra GL people because four goliaths will like uh kill a shuttle very very quickly I'm for some reason my brain is farting if I was playing the game right now I'd tell you exactly how many volleys but I'm not so I'm like okay three volleys with four uh but the fact that he's made this many if you have that extra gas Bank they're actually very good at tanking and even if you're losing some to good micro or whatever you're still going to have enough a lot of times when you do a push with four to five goliaths five has actually been pretty popular CU people have been picking one on off to make the shuttle live longer but you'll have them still when you're up here and a lot of times otherwise your GLI will get picked off so I love the heavy Goliath count the siege tank count very healthy at 10 vultur being rallied out two tank five vulture at once awesome awesome awesome to see look at this very low Health on the shuttle I think he should just run up and clear it honestly send two vultures and your gas up snipe the shuttle and then you're going to be able to attack move through everything I think he's actually being he's being like scan's making sure that wins right now he's like he's he's Crossing every te dotting every eye so see he leads and then targets a shuttle that's how you do it and he gets it all right so yeah I mean the reavers actually still do reasonably well and notice that he's got five GLI left he had eight he loses a few but he's still got enough that you can punish any new shuttles that come out and there are new shuttles on the way right at least one well there's one there's another one on the way okay so now he can kind of just attack move he's got to continue to Rally out it looks like he's going to start that extra Command Center beautifully done by scan here sieges up and you got to be careful of that shuttle see how he can't go too close plenty of uh GL in there zot legs not quite ready still on the way and the siege tank count is plenty 12 right like he could actually go it well well the thing is he's got seven factories right if we had five factories here or six factories I would really suggest pure vulture but five vulture two tank at a time is great that's great like the the overall power your arm is just going to scale really really well now here comes the Army there's no way ruin breaks this there's no way targets down one of those shuttles immediately targets down the secondary one still has some gas left over everything being splattered and this is looking very good for scan you can see the supplies are actually surprisingly close uh but the Dron count is very low there's no specialty units out here and I think it's like all you have to do is make sure your vultures get up here right just send that and you win cuz the only way that this is going to break is you run out of vultures and the the zealots get to uh two on top of it ruin actually does like a cons like a a really surprisingly good job here like obviously he's really great but like that was it was such a terrible position and this game is so close to over right now scan is pushed up he's gonna kill this fourth base this third base is still fine and everything he's still mining a lot but it's just units coming out of gateways right now right like there's not actually a standing army he's out of position as well sacrificing his out there to clear these mines as quickly as possible trying to get as good an engage as he can right like against the vultures the the drons will do fine but as soon as those C chanks get up there not much of a choice left or not much of a chance left there fourth base on the way dude what a game truly truly awesome and yeah this is going to be the last engage this is going to go up uh tied one to one scan like basically 100% to win at this point there's there's no tricks that you can pull there's no micro that you can have you'd have to have like the sickest drags and dropping stuff on top of the tanks to draw their their Splash damage that would really be like the only way the thing is when you get into positions like this vultures are amazing cuz like you just get enough vultures that you know nothing can really touch them anymore right look at this he is dropping he's trying to drag it's really it's a good idea like that's like I said that's really the only thing that has a chance but as you can see the chance is very very slim still Templar archives on the way ruin still giv it the old College try look at that only a single Goliath left so the shuttle is wreaking a little bit of Havoc rutin trying to break through and uh well just about out of there all right GG G tied up one to one and we will go into a game three in the next video guys thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed [Music]
Channel: ArtosisCasts
Views: 18,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #StarCraft, StarCraft, Artosis, Gaming, ArtosisCasts, ArtosisCasting, ArtosisTV,, Twitch, Youtube, Streaming, Live streaming, Game
Id: NwmwCHev0hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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