Roblox VR Hands BUT This is SOO CUTE

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i'm back on vr oh all i hear is people dying i see people across the side now you can see their names from will far away why they change that what is this oh i launched a rocket i'm gonna try and shoot a rocket into bacon's face go rock it oh no i ain't got it i ain't got it come back around where where is it going it's literally going all the way around the whole place here it comes yeah crap oh let's go well that's a shame they're disappearing in front of me leave a like on this if you like vr content [Music] hey calm down calm down bacon i don't know if this is like i'm in like a place where a different country because all these people are talking a bit different i think it's russian hang on watch jump in come on jump in look at him guess what die he's not a nice fella [Music] why [Music] oh yeah the face broke he jumped out he jumped out you're stuck in edge you won't help there we go what can i say i'm just a legendary person i [Music] i don't know what's happened hello are you awake are you alive stop putting headlights on my face [Music] there you go two balls for you [Music] balls for you my phone just vibrated balls are for you they have balls they are ping pong balls what was he thinking outside [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this guy's gonna get passive aggressive he didn't even know who it was [Music] he's shaking you see that [Music] i know where this goes there look sorry i'm sorry big long i'm trying i'm driving he's getting well annoyed hey we got this we got this he's trying to play chess but we're ruining his life this is where it becomes fun [Music] oh my god are you slamming let's go i just sent them downwards oh no i just deleted them i'm sorry on the back the bag what you gotta throw them throw them yeah [Music] go up to the up to the moon what are you doing [Music] they were on that they just went flying ping [Music] pong oh poor biker look he's all hello how you doing we should build you a little house every time i wanna build a house but someone destroyed watch wow what the there's one put this on here like this uh you're stuck inside there we go there's two i've got this we're building a house what's so difficult with these bricks there we go push push push easy you put this on like this bang great wall trainer oh what the what they ping off like that i don't know i'm a fan thank you for being my fan crazy how many people with my fan now play games have fun and people by fan what's this look it's a masterpiece there we go you survived you survived really well i gotta say sorry [Music] it's gonna come around please oh they're flying away they haven't gone too far down those haven't deleted themselves that's good she pings over there why you do this [Music] what you talk you smell hey i'm sorry i'm sorry you smell nice nice like poop [Laughter] bacon bacon oh go on bacon it's all right it's okay to smell like poo he's he's bowie that was perfect [Music] was that you that's a clown hello clown bacon he got stopped by his forehead drink drink every day is a struggle lately don't worry i've got this [Music] they don't want to go on this but i'll put them on there the spaceship cute avatar oh he's not in vr he's seen something else and he i know he is he is he's bouncing around where's the new bacon guy did he disappear oh no he left oh my fault all right let's go back to building a house here we go this little one here this little piggy went to market don't forget enough no they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine you're cute well thank you so are you let's have a look so are you ow my face let's put that on very gently like that that's it this is across i'm sorry a block will have to go on there in a minute we have to do it diddy because i made it too big last time anyway let's be careful cause i was gonna squish her in between like that there we go hey he jumped that no no i might they had voice chat here make it much more fun all right i can't see you i'm just building doing something really awesome a pizza hut no what the come on i had it just then okay here we go here we go i think yeah look at that that was awesome [Music] come over in my hands [Music] that's pretty cute you're gonna help me you want to help me no if you're gonna have enough blocks oh no yes that was perfect oh no same kind person i don't know if they're talking to me see everyone's nice and here normally and we've got to put one block we've got to stack that one block a couple of times here we go oh there we go look at this then you grab this and that goes on top there look look at that look how cool that is that's so cool wait [Music] i built a house don't care look how secure it is i'm loving kansai now stop my house okay okay okay i'll rebuild it there we go go look look look it's trying to do it gently gently does it [Music] [Laughter] you deserve it jump on jump on that's it we've got add them to the flight go fly send them to the moon go they went the other way is he actually going up trying to catch them just to catch them this way [Music] you killed them that was well funny nice nice nice hang on a sec [Music] you didn't even notice that happening the shot i'm getting good don't worry they'll come back they're coming back right now oh they landed they crash landed what happened what your friend friend he's a bad person i've got this i've got this bad person and i've been killing people don't worry i just want to see his reaction you just killed them ah i pulled out i was trying to shoot him away and he actually did [Music] he's like what's going on he's trying to attack these guys these guys these guys were not attacked but trying to survive they're trying to survive his attack because this this is a death run where they got to try and do they got run down go he's a dummy in he come you can do it this time i believe i believe there we go you got it he big noob he's big noob he don't even realize i'm pressing the buttons oh he's off he's disappearing we've done it we've done it [Applause] [Laughter] i try to save her [Music] ready [Laughter] [Music] he went flying i'm loving balls at her oh it bounced back she's protecting him that's quite cute actually oh that is quite cute i'm not gonna lie that's a very cute thing to do watch watch oh you're bad person only i could kill people what's wrong with you come on come on hi though you're a bad person she's a nice person hi you're right he's evil that guy's evil where's he gone he's evil look he's dropping people off the side there look it's not even my fault this time i mean i do that to people normally you make a drop of person you killed someone you killed someone you killed him that's your fault you killed can you carry me yeah i could i could try to nice christmas outfit there hang on i see a christmas hat oh god what you wearing hey oh see people can be cute and nice are you right now you bit i know i know it's like to kill people i enjoy it you know like it's a past time for me i'm a screenshot as well did you get it [Music] you killed them he's a bad person isn't he you leave her alone i am in video yes yes yes you are i'm a fan you're a good person use coley no that's not a way do it you need to be merry we wish you a merry christmas [Music] you tried it you tried it turkey's killing me in real life not in real life but my hi elite i wanna buy your merch well thank you you're a good person oh my buddy that's me look i'm juggling whip whip use curly yes and like and subscribe yeah yeah yeah or sub and like yeah i can't read just the way isn't it [Music] what do you want from me i've got these innocent people here go away russian go on i can't read it this is t i sort of read it when i saw you i was like dead what what are you talking about i don't say what they're talking about can you tell me my fred he starts it i can't twist like if i did the cables come they'll come off the wall jesus wait my throat gets bitter there goes back anyway if i twist around like that the wilds come off the wall mate anyway i got to go now she didn't even know what's going on bye my eyes my beautiful eye [Music] you
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 760,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox vr, roblox vr hands, roblox vr tik tok, roblox vr funny moments, roblox in vr, vr hands, roblox funny moments, roblox vr funny, vr roblox, vr funny roblox, roblox vr funny moment, roblox vr hilarious, roblox vr funniest, vr funny moment roblox, roblox vr wholesome, roblox vr elitelupus, roblox vr funniest moment, roblox vr hands funny moments, elitelupus, roblox, roblox vr trolling, this is cutest, roblox cute, Roblox VR Hands BUT This is SOO CUTE, roblox vr meme, vr
Id: urdN5UCbqHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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