Roblox VR Hands BUT I chose WRONG

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hi guys it's elite and i'm back with a brand new video in this video we're not gonna troll too many people we're just gonna be nice because everyone else has been horrible today look all these people being horrible so what we're gonna do is be nice to the little ones because the little ones they're only small aren't they very small and also leave a like on this it's not hard leave a like if you uh drink water i know all you guys do so just leave a like it helps my channel and also subscribe why not they're aggressive [Music] no i just said no and i dropped him i just said no and dropped him i'm a big fan oh that's a nice person he's slapping himself bye what you want to hug huh what does that mean i don't know what that means what does that mean hug passive aggressive oh you want a hug [Music] no no no no no no hug for you boy there we go you see just to cry pants they weren't always asking for hugs in the air don't know what it is [Music] up in there just went flying off oh my god always punch the wall there hang on it's just there okay i've got my boundaries now i know my boundaries hey do you want to go come up let's go jerk and she'll jump i don't think she would she doesn't want to jump [Music] yeah i just made a little jump event for them get rid of them balls you don't play with balls get away they actually jumped i love this you start code elite i did see it i did see you say it just beforehand i did i see him right here you start totally told you look hey you starco elite come and jump honestly i'm not gonna kill you i don't kill kids that's not what i do [Music] southern likely or else why is it what's it look so aggressive you see this why i bully people right it's all your guys fault not my fault it's all you guys what did you no she's just slapping them no are you real [Music] am i the real one i don't think anyone else can take my username i don't know have they took my username no jeez sorry about the wind what the what you do no don't walk across that you're gonna die omg you'll die if you hit that you'll die there's a bit there you'll die yes yes give them a slap that's that would do it you need to teach them right so i'm being nice for once you almost died there hang on you flew into my face and you've been aggressively they're both going against me no because the last time i hit the wall i really hurt my hand get away from me [Music] she's starting to type and we we're making it so hard you're hitting a minor you're hitting the miner you've done it to me first [Music] it's you yo look hang on everyone's hitting me and i'm hitting the miner what's going on with you guys someone help us yes jump in they're jumping to the death ask my cousin ask your cousin what what am i asking them it's you you're the one that's sick take her out take her out yes yes just she crazy yes yes you're crazy now she's going to shoot you good luck see ya you just punched a 13 year old i don't i don't care come on let's go listen you punch me and i'm going to punch you back look we're in the game this is what happens to me everyone's like hang on you're aggressive to people you're hitting miners they hit me so it's self-defense hey you made it so far well done you made it so far you've done so well how did you make it across there without anyone's help that's it you can do it [Music] and she had a bad day geez i'm getting beaten up it's like a daily thing quick aware battery life oh which battery though it just had quick coiler on the screen i don't know what battery it is didn't tell me just said battery low hang on a sec let me look at my remotes it doesn't tell me [Music] magic i'm going to be that school when people do this pat a cake or whatever it is it's my hand it's broke my hand my hands broke the battery's run out does it run out oh yeah it has i'm always swapping out these batteries mate i'll tell you these bloody things that goes in there and we put this on and hope for the best yes i've got my hand back look oh wow look it looks like a belly it looks like billy we'll all fly up here everyone slap him in the face oh my god this is a bad place this is we shouldn't come on here literally you shouldn't now i'm here bacon is there so now i can help it without getting beaten up this is good i like not getting beaten up [Music] [Laughter] he did it to me evil boy got him you killed yourself it wasn't for me let's kill his friends hang on hang on i've got so full you look [Music] [Applause] he knows he knows he knows too much we have to stab him okay we'll get to the next part honestly thanks bro thanks bro come on you could do it [Music] [Applause] you're the only survivor well clown what the hell here we go jump then he died again the same guy you're faking it [Music] i still got her [Music] they mean they can get away i have all the power look how big my hands are pick me please to the moon here we go [Music] then we go to the moon but you went over there and slid [Music] bad person oh he's crying i'm sorry all right we're gonna build a house gonna build you a lego house let's hope no one breaks it hell help oh my god there's someone being kidnapped underneath there get out of the house did i say you could be in the house look at this careful careful planning and we've got to get this one in that how careful i'm being everyone stinks everyone stinks oh very nice i'm being so gentle look [Music] [Applause] we're trying to the box very carefully look at this we've been super careful look [Music] i built that i'm able to destroy it okay okay i'm sorry handshake [Music] all right calm down look [Music] i'm doing i'm doing friendly i'm friendly i subscribed well thank you very much and you have as well don't know where he went to but he flew [Music] you know what i'm trying to do that person did oh what happened there she froze that's me that poor blue tack i love this they try to jump i love doing that it's so funny i am sorry to all you guys i troll honestly i am help my eyes my beautiful eyes every time i say everyone goes you keep saying your eyes your beautiful eyes what happens is when i got this headset i got this comfort thing around it hurts my eyes then you guys saying i've actually got like a it's like a green between green and hazel [Music] it's up to elite oh we want to keep him there he's he's a good person oh i thought they're going to make it but she just rolled off [Music] she killed herself she killed herself perfect she's looking for herself now i'll find her first she's mine [Music] yes and then this is avatar just there [Music] you can't defeat me one i'm british and two i'm strong i'm strong come at me mary poppins you smell of poo you smell a purple [Music] you're a fisty caster you can't even keep up mate can't even keep up you make me laugh you make me laugh what's the matter you mate yeah calm down calm down i am pro you are pro [Music] look at him run i am bro i run like this you just did it to me it's all going back and then you're all angry it's got some passive aggressive go go to a different one quick okay there's some guys over there and there's one guy here anyone else no [Music] you just look back and they're all gone i've got your friend why you hitting me for why are you hitting me [Music] if your friend touches that she's gonna die i almost spat out all my uh coffee i had just a second ago bye it's rocket time though yeah all these guys need to come on look hell yeah yeah jump now go on go on jump now [Music] nice catch nice catch that's amazing me what noob noob you calling who noob oh sorry that wasn't you i sat the wrong person [Applause] he slid real quick see i'm not too bad you just slap that kid off by the way you killed them you poor people getting slapped by people oh it's a good day to get slapped go on mate you can do it go on bogey you could do it come on oh you only go on up you go go on he's got some serious lag hello hey you're following me [Music] really eilish yeah that's what i said that's what i said nice fro [Music] he's so hyper active he's going to get this back she's back how do you jump so far [Music] hey grab the bat so yeah i'm off bye-bye they are so good it's just so fun bye like and sub someone like this right uh my eyes my beautiful eyes [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 6,697,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox vr, vr hands, roblox vr hands, roblox vr tik tok, vr roblox, roblox vr funny moments, roblox in vr, roblox vr funny, roblox vr trolling, roblox vr funniest, roblox funny moments, roblox vr hands funny moments, roblox vr elitelupus, roblox vr games, vr funny roblox, vr funny moment roblox, roblox vr funny moment, roblox vr hilarious, vr hands roblox, roblox vr wholesome, elitelupus, roblox kiss or slap, roblox vr kissing moments, Roblox VR Hands BUT I chose WRONG, vr
Id: O1OcmIDrj_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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