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Roblox obbys are hard don't you ever wish you could be carried Fox right this was Rainbow's idea chickens can fly no they can't come get your soda pops two cents one dollar it doesn't matter pay or else Draco and I our team cat and mouse or you can call us farm and and dairy I got the cheese um is that copyrighted yeah it's copyrighted by us Dom oops um why would you attack me I'm just a chick M gold we are team chickens can fly and I was forced to say this by my boss we deliver the fastest chicken flying to the mountains you see and no matter where you are we will deliver you see this Dairy a bunch of chickens you know any kind of morbid that they're selling chicken is that that is and lunar I'm assuming you just sell soda pops on the mountain what's your team name yes I'll be selling drinks on the mountains to those thirsty hikers up there let us go vending machine she's not even calling her teammate a name she's just calling them a vending machine all right let's go we fly okay are you ready we're Brave oh that was so sick okay um actually Luna you go okay I need to see this I need to transport my event is over wow Luna you're really strong okay all right Jerry you ready to show them who's really bossed around here let's show them true acrobatics alrighty watch this three two one and I'll show you how this is done Farm go go go go go um bro no I want to do a trick shot whatever okay let's keep going it's a beautiful Dairy do you guys like that Donuts on the road what did she just say to Dairy derriere I don't know your buddy Dairy sounds like derriere Dairy please call your butt Draco I'll show you a derriere I can't do it um I'm sorry Jacko I don't know bro okay rainbow they'll never tell okay I got you I got you wait look what's in here what oh there's stoopy what's in here this guy's selling stuff no he's just a minecart where are we supposed to throw you all right collides with red blue collides with blue oh really smarty pants all right I gotta pick you up all right there you go just hit the wall lunar how's it going with you team vending machine I am doing great you see this all right dairy's getting me just as expected me Dairy is the superior among the duo Draco you're gonna make me throw up bro you wanna make this cat throw up my turn okay ready draco's pretty smart oh my bomb oh my God this is a mouse yeah this mouse is annoying it's an aggressive no I don't want to be team with a stupid Mouse too bad okay can you throw me across like lunar oh my God thank you wait looters do he's so great yeah I could just open my phone and call my own teammate in does anyone want a drink now you know maybe some donuts for the ride you see that no I'm not thirsty thank you though you're on your way out of here good luck are we on our way because I feel like I'm gonna be down here for ages let's go all right I can do this Draco you ready Draco better not die Dairy oh Dairy oh wait throw me to the right oh hell all right let's go let's go let's beat them we're gonna do all the cool stuff I gotta do boring stuff bro this is lame gonna do the lame stuff you see that they're trying to deliver their chicken yes I don't I lost it can we get one pan oh what what those chickens um if you don't deliver someone's Chicken on time do they get like oh my gosh fried chicken or what oh actually I don't deliver on time there's no penalty we just get soggy chicken oh that's gross Dairy let's move on [Music] I got you bro watch this they have such good teamwork right now that's right Dairy do you believe you can fly as a mouse I believe I can fly a mouse before everybody flying mouse go whoa was that really necessary yes ah oh there's so many Cliffs now all right let's go bro Draco yeah good job this is easier than expected I mean after torture was pretty challenging all right now Zip Line supply jump on the racks behind us jump on the Rocks behind us like this yeah hey come on you can do it yeah oh oh look at this [Music] ow oh I feel bad for those chickens down there you see that Dairy so sad they'll never deliver the chicken at this rate yep wait why don't you guys to look at us nothing we're just really good at this game we're amazing Karma um I survive pressure oh my gosh oh my gosh she went back to start we got three robots the first cat talk oh we were cat talking you know why we could cat talk because we're a cat and a mouse and we're sad and we got Roblox come on let's go let's beat them Jack was gonna make me puke with your jumping skills do not oh don't throw me bro okay nothing nothing you you're Dairy Draco it doesn't make sense why are you calling yourself why you call me Dairy look at those chickens Luna you see that I think you're gonna break your vending machine down there and it's perfectly functional you see this the vending machine is moving and transporting me I love playing Hobbies like this I can just sit my butt here and do nothing no you can't rainbow gold gold did you know you just have problems with their business all right Dairy I think we've seen enough we've seen enough of the competition they suck let's go okay so I caught Draco while he's jumping and now Draco um we kind of broke it we kind of look like a cartoon now okay look look this is so funny just throw me over there throw me over that that flake no bro I'm trying to figure it out again [Music] why are you trying to be annoying it's like they're not getting along derriere is fighting again yeah I got Dairy and I'm Dairy okay Dairy ready what are you doing stop pulling my hair I'm not pulling your hair you have a weak head giraco stop pulling that's it you know what throw me over there now I suck I'm going on my own stuck up there shush everyone's in front of us now Draco we were in the lead come back here we were in the lead and now we are behind I like it well we wouldn't be behind if you would just work out some more Farm you're such a chronic carrier and farmer finances it's time for you to pair astraco are you supposed to throw me over there throw me into there oh yeah okay ready throw me into that you suck sometimes there are no shortcuts on this mountain you just gotta do this see the boring way where are you going now oh you're supposed to get in that hole possible this is the time to believe rainbow you can fly I can guys guys go down funny go down go down the hole okay now go through that cave hole what the oh not a Teleport okay never mind I mean technically as a Teleport all right what do we do Draco are you the sharpest Mouse around I am the sharpest Master then you are gonna fit in that little small space all right all right where those red bars are wow okay I'm pretty sure hmm Draco something with this I know I need to do this all right oh my gosh go oh I think it's a thank you oh my gosh Jackal got you you have a flag or something bro she fell down my chickens watch it's like this you jump dude did you get it okay good job they did it come on you're really good at Teamwork oh yeah oh even though they fight they figure it out in the end wait look look at these chickens look at that wait wait hold up hold up look look Draco apparently this is 75 Robux is it even worth it it's even worth it rainbow you're forgetting me I don't know how to jump you gotta pick them up first oh there's Luna there's lunar [Music] let's go Oh Oh Daddy she's gonna start screaming all right Luna I'll help you Miss how are you supposed to hell I was gonna help you lunar Draco look at those chickens they're laughing through MVP okay ready let's go please rainbow believe good aim gold all right um [Music] jump and throw me um it's gonna be a bad idea we'll demonstrate gold come here show them rainbow yep one I'm a Frog what kind of evil laugh is that dude Jack I think I got this yeah throw me throw me throw me throw me now oh gold I know I said I can fly but I don't mean this kind of flower rainbow oh gosh you're the one who made us be this ridiculous why there's a mountain move move what the heck boom boom boom go Dairy see that that is the energy of teamwork why can't we revive oh gosh I think they broke the game hello so only your red teammate is allowed through here what but don't worry if they beat this trial you'll reach the first checkpoint a trial faith in me Dairy I got no faith in you wait why do you keep calling me Dairy Draco she wants to have faith in me Dairy not you oh I got faith in you Dairy why you never say my name my name is Farm what's in there I don't like saying Farm what's in there anyway it's just a hobby wait funny I do not need to do the trial we can just swap colors for Robux and you can do the trial oh I don't I don't want us too bad go do this one swap what this is the trial okay well I think that one's fan um apparently gold chicken and rainbow chicken have restarted you guys oh my gosh yeah all the way down there the customer and tell them their chicken is never coming yeah I don't know what we were thinking playing a throwing game all right we can just make it to 100 at least ah Draco bring them back up Dairy hey this is like the third time this is literally cheating at this point I need a lot of trial energy to get across this part and hug the wall jump like this we do a little hug we do a bounce bounce bounce and again Dairy ah I'll be here what track what am I supposed to do this though come on call the flag get me over there I don't think I could okay got it boom nice you kitty a deal is a deal first checkpoint is over the zipline oh my gosh first checkpoint we're gonna get to it before everyone let's go let's go go go go go go go go what was that I just threw it on your face I want to see what it did free the teammate pocket throw them and they will be fine oh okay Draco she's first see you later dude what the heck truck where'd you go oh you Trader oh yeah what checkpoint two is mine move don't try to throw that at me let me reach checkpoint two really quick and there let's see if we can see people I just hear people screaming down they're bouncing now guys I have some bad news for you I don't think you guys could get past the trials I believe in you but me and dairy must move forth we must deliver our core chicken what Target oh that Target right there day why do I have to be the one you missed Dairy you missed with your you missed you missed with your literal face bro bring me back okay so don't worry let me try let me no Draco no throw bro no you already missed now it's my turn dairy dairy dairy okay now see now not to miss robots no you have a checkpoint Dairy you're testing my patience everybody just like the like button do you got aim like me hit the like Booyah what open down there Jerry yeah [Music] oh yeah and if you don't have one you can use Dairy the cute mouse Dairy what's the point I don't know it said hit your teammate off the target to progress progress to what oh I think you're supposed to throw me and then there's probably another flag you probably reset it by hitting the flame oh it's right here and then I hit the key oh my gosh it's real trials guys oh it's windy no no pretty first 100 meters is just the beginning wow good luck up there oh man once you guys up here your chicken's gonna be cold lunar we want a soda pop now but I don't see you up here then thank you you'll never get us Jackal why you do that man what do you mean you're the one that sucks at throwing where's my hammer I'm gonna Bonk him no fly Jaco [Music] okay well what do you want me to do Draco the wind's blowing you this way oh my gosh okay give me a second calculate the wind where is it is this TP mate is that it yeah it's that but that's the ones you're gonna have to wait till we get back to a real store to buy the tiny flag bro why are you guys buying stuff okay you know what I'll just spend 18 Robux on this right now we teleported to Draco oh no I'm teleporting yeah I'll show you how it's done you're gonna miss watch there's wind there's winds oh you can throw me the opposing way yes okay go go go boom boom oh oh that was a little too far oh wait you should just throw me since you have a teleporting thing well I can only use it once every checkpoint and it's wasted this place is horrible I won't be here guys don't go out here you'll lose you need a minute wait a minute what okay yeah I'll pick you up thing don't tell me there's a button and we didn't press ink we can throw you from here the wind should take you the rest of the way okay that is nope no please how about from here you throw me from here okay let's try throwing you now oops Jerry go wow oh okay okay we're kind of close this time wow it's time throwing this mouse ow and oh my gosh what's that sound lunar pick me up here here all right lunar have fun at this bar this part sucks go Draco good job at practice time all right Luna so you're gonna try to throw your vending machine and the wind's blowing so you have to give extra wiggle room no no yeah all right it's easy to throw it from that uh pillar that pillow throw it from that pillar yes targeting just keep going yeah just try yeah what what shots all right mobile winner let's go she's literally a mobile that's crazy um I think across um across like straight across see that yeah that wall straight back go this way where you gonna throw me okay um I'm not sure if your vision is blurry out there bro but you threw me against the wall what does that red button do you'd like this Draco do I go wait go back to the flag you have to press the red button I apologize oh my gosh team chickens can fly made it to 100. good job team chicken join us in the jungle FL Draco I'm stoopy how did you fall I don't know Luna didn't win shots already honestly just throw me throw me back like lunar that was really cool you know what are you pressing this red button you have to stand on it opens that doorway oh we made it you guys hit me up we did it welcome chickens to the Jungle this time you're really gonna harness the wind and fly pick me up okay we want to go Dairy over there no do you not see it oh thank you lunar you're welcome oh my gosh oops out soccer but luckily my teammates up there um since we're down here I guess we can show you guys how to throw I told you we made it our chicken is put me down good job you can't throw me here blue it's through here right oh no here guys come look at this what chickens witness from this pillar word you point your direction in the the way of that button and you jump and throw jump and throw oh that was a little bit too much okay I'm so Society parkour [Music] well it'd be easier if there wasn't a stressful nagging Mouse on my back throw me in that Cube don't mean the safety Cube there you go because they don't fall off okay what do we do now what do we what is the plan here how do I get up there oh I have to Glide bro what you have to Glide please please please don't make us restart please please Draco lad no let me let me go let me go um actually throw me oh my gosh don't make us restart bro throw me throw me to the platform I'm gonna throw you where I don't know if back to the blue back to the blue back to the blue Jack we have to throw him on the roof of this no no off the cube of the queue behind you no that makes no sense bro how else are we gonna get out there yeah that makes more sense yeah you're gonna get me up there bro go you think I can jump on this torch uh yes no wait should I pick you up next no just go just go to the flake don't just go to the flag easy and checkpoint ah go there you go you missed chill bro it's my first time throwing that wait why I got away okay okay let me do it again all right cool down go there we go you missed oh my gosh you're not straight can you not see that you're not straight I'm oh I see now Dairy Dairy don't worry I'll give you 10 cheddar cheeses I'll throw this rock in your face all right I zoom in if I'm on first person perspective I can't really see anything but I'm just gonna assume it's like this go Draco [Music] there you go okay now go to the next area Boop oh okay lunar is doing pretty good for independent Luna there you see me throw them uh Luna throw your vending machine on the roof and then pick yourself up you have to jump [Music] don't [Music] you just want to do that on purpose another torch jump on the torch lunar oh no I'm gonna jump on the torch oh no oh and she got that was I hate you I'm telling you the secret what do you mean glad glider throw me to the ladder um I'll Glide I'll Glide please okay gliding clam Tasha you're not my captain that's right Farm let's go please I want to get out of this place this time like this cave was horrified please officer bring me back to my owners me [Music] belly gurgles oh is he hungry man you got any snacks uh never mind saw you made it out of Temple that's impressive report back to me oh guys uh rainbow oh that this guy that wants chicken up here Draco is the snack go Draco wait that was not necessary now we're in the zone all right we're just gonna keep powering through now because we're too Pro watch this we literally won't even stop [Music] boom boom boom boom boom boom Oh My Gosh Draco make some music Jerry go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom epic music [Music] get up get up wow they call him Dairy the strongest Mouse in town he smells like cheese sometimes in this house no oh really oh sprawl you said to throw oh I respawn you will become gospel Mouse okay Draco throw me a tree thank you all right now let's talk to this person with all the food oh we got French fries okay we got everything oh throw me a hit tree okay Dairy I was trying to talk straight at the tree oh okay okay hello chopping on snacks wait that's it we can't steal it tricum can't steal it nope cannot I can just hear gold and rainbow keep laughing okay so you can either Glide or you can just straight up throw me down there I think this is the road where our chicken ends no guys don't quit [Music] no guys you're almost at 200 meters look at me and Draco first we were fighting and now we'd probably like to throw me off Pro there's wind okay I got it there's wind okay watch this no where's the wind blowing from I don't know where it's blowing you have to look at the particles oops oh heck no is that the rat is that a threat accident that was accident no that was a threat you almost threw me off the cliff ow oh oh are we about to start oh we're in the game again please I don't want to get out of it well well well what do we have here two fools who ended up in my maze the last two didn't make it through will you seriously we play a lot of mazes in Roblox I think we got it I think we gotta split up oh no so sad okay Draco I see a straight path I also see a straight path I'm going right I'm going left I bet you this maze is easy as pie see one the other side two gets out first I'm the best I'm done what what and they got gold is rolling down bro you got the easier man please please please oh I'm so good at this what do you mean you're done I'm literally almost done all right Boulder don't come back down we're almost at 200 meters Draco okay okay I'm literally still in the Maze two just go left left been going left left oh no this is a trial oh we have to do it together no problem add another trial okay once you do the boulder already yeah I already did the boulder I'm out [Music] I'm out here at the trial part where I'm not trying to fall so we can move forth booyah bye that's literally your dairy dairy dairy you have to tell me my name is while Dairy just sits around oh yeah Farm dairies oh yeah Farm what yeah [Music] almost okay fine Draco now will get to 200 for all of you let's go they had lunar I will back down and I will give up never back down never give up because we we are beep you beat shut up Jerry I forgot your name I'm Dairy and you're fine and together we will make a Infamous cartoon show that will be loved by millions zillions and it will go on for ages and become public domain throw me that's the next checkpoint [Music] oh yeah cracked ice breaks in touch um dude do we have a chance man it's sure hot out here this right here is cracked ice by the way you can step on it but probably gonna break just be quick honestly I don't think we'll make it past this we'll just see what it does boom boom boom let's see how far we can go before we just fall okay oh [Music] what what the new freaking kid what did you do you dropped a boulder on my head no no no I bought triple for the entire server oh my God so sorry I just need to see what it does come on Draco let's just see how far we can go go go go there we go they literally Rage Quit Dairy it's only Harry I'm Andre drop me drop me Terry look at Darian Farm being successful up there in the mountain yep we're climbing and they don't even sell anything we're just here for the cheese oh you gotta throw me bro you gotta throw me this isn't a Glide it is a glad okay there's a penguin up here oh my gosh this Santa oh shoot [Music] any last words Dairy any last words Dairy no guys no smash like And subscribe also play this game wow how far do you get up we're at 207 and dairy and the last words you want to say no no don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it the sun says do it Jerry [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,542,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox obby, roblox obby funny, roblox admin, roblox story, roblox normal, roblox carry me, roblox carry me obby, roblox throw your friends, roblox throw, roblozx carry me game
Id: xeyPbYdQA-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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