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you really thought that they could make a mini golf game on roblox and i wouldn't hear about it i've been playing mini golf since i was in diapers i've i'm the king of mini golf i've seen many holes like this in my day look at this three hole in three hole three hole in three let's go i am actually ugly you guys didn't even make it in the hole come on it's the first one oh that would have been oh that would have been sick if i got a hole in one come on come on come on come on cake this this is cake come on oh in the same it's all right we can recover from this no go oh my god what was that what was that oh my i'm losing my mind please yo boys in the lead not by much though it's actually tied for first but dude because this one's gonna be a hole in one this is this one's gonna blow your socks off let's go okay maybe not a hole in one but a hole in two can i get a hole in two bro i can't shake this guy he's right on my tail i can't get rid of him all right i got this i got this i don't i don't everything is fine everything is fine come on come on come on come on just tap it in baby beat that gotta make it over to sand pit you can't get don't get kind of sad i got caught inside we still got it is it a bag it's not in the bag come on no i want it still in first i'm still in first that's all that matters okay what's this one looking like okay i almost did i almost did a thing hold on i'm gonna try to do it except a little less powerful this time this might work nope it i don't i don't know how i did that before but it did it didn't work i tried to be golf pro but i was that successful oh this is it i'm gonna lose my first place spot after this trying too many trick shots i feel like there's a way to to skip this let's try this okay not exactly what i wanted but it worked it was not a failure that's all that matters but that that shot was was a failure okay come on bring papa home bring papa home get ready for this bank shot this nice little bank shot right here oh so close are you serious are you are you serious right now what the heck was that oh this one looks cool let's see can i make it through the gate i did it i made it through all right now big shot big power shot okay that was not the right move let's go for a little bit of a less of a power shot not not as much power you don't want that much power but you want you want enough power that wasn't enough this one's this one's tricky man i don't know whoa this poor guy man he just can't do it he's trying he's trying so hard he can't do it come on one more one more you can do it yes no what the heck is that you gotta make it all the way over okay hold on i have an idea i might be able to bank it off this exactly sandy can't hold me back the sand kit oh oh come on come on yes just tap it in that's all you gotta do is step it in how are you supposed to get that i don't even understand big money big mush money oh wait was that whole that hole is a fake hole that's just that'll make me upset i did terrible on that last hole and i'm still winning by 15 points i told you guys i i'm the master i used to play mini golf with tiger woods on this whole oh we're on first name basis so did you see that skip the gap get out of here i'm gonna jump over that i'm gonna jump over it ready oh good i'm back okay so i can i'll do it again this time a little bit more power a little bit what is wrong with me what is actually wrong with me i'm giving up my lead for what for a trick shot come on please yes i'm still in the lead i think probably okay i gotta pull this together i gotta pull it together now i'm only ahead by eight points not good what did i just go i moved forward by accident i did not mean that oh this hole is awesome dude oh a beautiful shot a beautiful shot oh my god he can't be stopped the next hole looks terrifying you got like a little spinny thing over there i don't know what that's all about not excited this is a tricky one i got it though it's in a bag it's always in the bag oh my god no maybe we should just inch a little bit closer to the thing and then we'll be able to get it come on come on come on go go oh my god okay this time this time this time yes yes poland one a whole wood what heck is this i'm not getting caught in that i ain't getting caught in that oh oh oh on no no what is that this is another bridge oh my god it's a bridge all right all right all right i got this i got this no okay okay okay got it got it gotta get it bing a bean what how did that guy get a hole in two on that one what i'm only winning by two points this is not okay i'm not helping myself right now oh no come on come on come on come on come on what what is the physics in this game it doesn't even make sense i have to win i already told everybody i'm so good at mini golf you gotta believe me i'm good guys oh my god this is a dangerous hole don't hit it too hard you'll go all the way back down to the star i got it it's okay i think i i think i did good okay we're good we're okay for now we're safe we only have one more hole after this i think i might be able to do it oh dude this one's awesome yo it's like a race oh there's the hole go go go go go i will get there first go go go go hole in to so close that was a fun one okay so i'm in the lead by four points still so all i have to do is just not mess this up and off to a great start i already have taken way too many strokes i don't even know what to say how did i survive how did i survive dude i don't know let's just let's just finish this let's go come on come on baby come on this one's for all the marbles you just go you just go in hello any second now any second now hey [Music] i win the game let's get some skins i got the cactus ball the green spiky boy okay very nice i got i got a hat which is a winner's trophy oh that's awesome okay sweet let's play this one or this one whatever one works okay a big big lookout champion coming through champion no okay hold on shape be it i did it oh okay we gotta ramp it we gotta ramp it on this level okay speed oh no that that didn't help i think that made things a little bit worse for me i am speed what somewhere in the middle okay all right i see what hold on i'm losing no no no we can't allow this no please please just put me in the right direction no why is it so slippery god god wow got this easy that's the easy easy game just tap it in just tap it in please i'm fifth now no fourth i can count shut up i gotta come back dude like what i i i i this is embarrassing i'm wearing the crown and everything and then these people just come in here they start they start acting like they're the big golf balls in town sorry only a master knows how to handle the ice levels only the best can i get a mulligan for all you golf normies out there that that means uh get a redo with no penalties oh my god i do like the music though it's a winter one delay should i risk it should i risk it i think i should i think i should come on come on no it's all right i risked it it didn't work that's fine what am i doing i don't know maybe a hole in four will tickle your fancy what what the what was that how did i j how did i bounce oh my god uh i'll come back i will come back in the later rounds don't you worry don't you worry papa's got it under control okay they're all gonna mess up on this level but i know i know how to do this because i'm smart man look at that look at that read it and weep y'all saw what the heck is this they got spikes on this level all right nope see ya see ya hole in one holy whoa pizza excuse me but i'm a birdie type of guy okay i'm a freaking birdie who are you what are what are those who are what are who are those what a dang dang it why don't they put a freaking wall there no no no no please oh god i got it got it got it got it it's okay it's all right it's a bogey second place second place let's go we're climbing the ranks we're getting back up to the to the big boy level oh my god i hate my life i hate my life please oh oh my god no oh my god it's over my career is over my golf champion career chip i'm it's over see you okay that was good though but but it was good i still messed up really bad on that one i don't i don't know i'm still second place somehow i did i don't know how oh is this the is this the easy peas baby baby level oh my god it's okay i got it i got it guys you guys need to calm down because i have it in the bag i just i know what i have to do okay everyone's yelling at me like i don't know what i'm doing i know what i'm doing the big the big cheese who's the big cheese i'm the big cheese i'm the big cheese in town bogey no no no no no i'm third place now nope no no i bounced out and then bounced back in i have no idea how i did that hole in two i could have had a hole in one if i didn't mess up that first one but it's all right could have been worse could have been way worse how is boomer beating me he's a boomer how my championship medals kiss them goodbye because then if this is it this is it after after this it's over it's over for me par okay okay i'll take it i'm blowing it i'm blowing it oh god come on come on come on why did i do that why do i do this why do i why is the first instinct to freaking floor it why do i do these things i know it's not gonna end well and i i still do it every time get out of here boomer you're not beating me boomer you're not beating you're not beating my high score boomer that's right that's right we're not gonna look at the leaderboard we're not we're not looking at the leaderboard we're just not gonna look at it because we're going this way and this is how this is how we're gonna win big money no i'm so close to getting back my former glory it's not even funny this is the time i will get first place on this round it's okay it's going it's going it's okay it's all right everything is dandy come on i can get it in from here i can get it in from here so close oh how how how are you guys so good i can't do this dang it i can't do this anymore i can't do this anymore they're they're too good and i'm bad i'm losing my mind man i really thought i was the golf champ but i'm not the golf champ big power on this one big power that was so close bring it home bring it home with a bogue i'll take it that's it i can't come back i can't come back from this it's impossible my whole life is ruined how where do we go from here oh we have to go all the way over there bro what all right i like this this is a fun hole come on come on baby eagle yes yeah this is exactly what i needed everybody's messing up everybody's score is gonna be in the garbage after this and shaboy is gonna claim victory it's gonna happen come on show me the good stuff boomer's out of the game forget about him he didn't even make it in the hole all right second place that's mine oh tied for first okay this is it it comes down to the last hole oh my god okay let's go come on come on big money big money hole in one for the last one we got this come on come on hold on wait wait wait so who won we both got a hole in one did we tie for first what the heck okay so i got two holes in one on this on this course which is you know pretty praiseworthy you know let me know how you feel about that in the comment section look at that everybody got a hole in one on that one gg tied for first bro that's wild why did they win why did they win and not me we had the same score you know second place isn't that
Channel: Sketch
Views: 1,656,939
Rating: 4.904717 out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, sketch, sketch roblox, roblox, roblox golf, roblox super golf, super golf roblox, super golf sketch, sketch super golf, roblox super golf hole in one, roblox super golf sketch, super golf
Id: 8ko2R-cJZ3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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