Someone sent me this Roblox Game.. So I Joined and..

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ah the weather is changing it's getting colder around where I live and I'm getting sick yeah probably gonna die soon what's this clock Daniels I have a game for you to play for your channel it's called bread great I'll get my stuff I don't know what that means but I said thanks he said no problem it's fun and funny very important ok I think I'm gonna play this instead of paranormal blocks tivity because the title is a terrible pun and I don't like that I'm gonna lash out I'm gonna yell I'm gonna scream what is it Alexa what it what am i em eyes definitions are myocardial infarction also known as a heart attack occurs when blood flow decreases or stops Thank You Alexa I appreciate it go downstairs stairs hello I should turn off my laptop before I go downstairs well then why isn't the current task heard off laptop ok didn't say that said go downstairs I shut off my laptop now now I can go down sir I guess shutting off my laptop opens the door that don't make sense mother mother what's the matter why are you why are you dying why is there so much debt in this video mom looks mad find out why I will in a second I just gotta investigate first dragon eggs on the Shelf picture of flower moldy bread that's probably why she's mad we used context clues I don't think we really have to find out why I'm pretty sure I already know hi mom are you mad at me yes I am mad at you young man wine why do you sound like a man remember that bread I made for you no well you forgot to eat it now it has mold on it but you didn't make me bread as your punishment you must stare at the brain mom I was going to eat it I just too bad how long do I need to look at it because I got things to do today I got roblox videos to make I got I got a parents to embarrass I didn't what I talked too long to answer and I gotta do the whole thing over again uh I have to look at it until it forgives me wait hold on I didn't I can't read that fast nobody reads that fact okay so I stare at this bread until something happens I mean it's actually never gonna happen nothing's gonna happen staring stupid bread all day so here we go one hour later was a terrible terrible crop did not cover the whole screen okay I've been looking at this for like an hour I think that's long enough I should go outside and see the world with my brand-new bread eyes and my Chad haircut sticking out the front hello world I'm ready to show you what I got of course it's locked because my mom locks me in the house all day and then beats me with moldy bread maybe someone has a key I can borrow don't doors lock from the inside can't you unlock it you got to go in the basement you look for a freaking key the house because what can't unlock the thing it's key required or something was that what is that what is that there's a thing in there the fact that this is the only toy in here is scary hello what is what is this what is going on in here there's music oh holy in here hahaha sup did uh hey Uncle Saul what's up I didn't know I had an uncle what brings you to my dancing Kate I was looking at moldy bread but I had to stop because I need to go outside and I need a key whoa that sounds groovy I'll have to try that someday hey aren't you supposed to be looking for a job I was but I wanted to dance this is why you live in a basement uncle Saul uncle Saul unfortunately doesn't have the key to life or to the front door so we're gonna have to we got to look somewhere else okay light switches don't work at all nothing works moldy bread still Modi garage lock there's nothing in this whole darn house maybe uncle Saul did have it maybe he just doesn't want to give it to me maybe I have to beat him in a dance battle uncle Saul do you have the key to the front door yeah I got one why didn't you say that earlier can I have it no why it's my lucky dancing key that's not a real thing you made that up it helps me groove in my veins that's not true you're you're lying and you believe in voodoo magic uncle Saul all right fine have it Thanks if you find something of equal value then I'll give it to you how will you know it's equal how do I you know it's equal how does any what is your rating system I'll know when I see it just look for yellow the best color and groove with it the duck the duck is the duck equal value this thing that this is what he wants uncle Saul's a crazy guy give me that this duck means sunglasses so I gotta get sunglasses put on the duck and then trade trade Uncle Saul for the key so I can leave this house of imprisonment and bread oh the Hat okay I just picked up the hat from the hat rack and you know what it has a yellow stripe on it so I'm pretty sure uncle Saul is gonna love it I didn't even enter the room yet uncle Saul I have your hat please give me the key no way dude it'll fall off my head every time I bust a move find something smaller that I can fit in my pocket like the key okay yeah man how about the duck or maybe I had to fail with the hat first and now it's gonna let me pick up the duck maybe duck that can fit in his pocket yellow pocket-sized those are the only two things you need this is weird dragon thing no did my underwear that is yellow there's nothing else in this house this house is a limited amount of things TV remote lucky TV remote I'd watch some TV but there's nothing good on ya I much rather stare it moldy bread while uncle Saul busts a move in the basement over and over again it was the action figure that's what he really wanted and I could have gave that to you action figure yes this is plastic too hard it's gonna hurt me yeah as opposed to the metal key that you want to give me find something more rubbery Oh like the rubber duck have we tried to give you this whole time would that be something nice enough for you this game doesn't let me pick up things in the order I desire ooh uncle Saul is a picky man he's very picky and I'm not I'm not driving or groovin with it at all I don't like it I don't like it I'll goes off duck okay pocket-sized it's rubbery it's perfect what'd I tell you guys what did I tell you I knew it from the very beginning keep the key Thanks I'm never coming back here in fact I'm gonna lock the door and I'm gonna Lock this door from the outside so he's gonna die in there finally we can leave the house yes finally I'm free hey I think I see tray on tray and Drew and drew it's Andrews birthday today my editor and friend and lover happy birthday Andrew I should go talk to my friend Andrew I know it's his Andre but just put a W there says Andrew no sorry Hey Dude hey n Dre Dre drew what are you doing how are you doing what's going on I'm doing fine you want to know a random fact yeah sure what's up you know that house old man Marlin used to live in before he died before he croaked and died yeah what about it well some people cleaned it out yesterday but they dropped a book and just left it there you're lying aren't you like how did you know did you see the book you see the people what how do you know this no not if you don't believe me go see for yourself by the window it's a book why is the book important is it a creepy book is it a Bible is it some is it a satanic book where's mr. Marlins house why is his neighborhood so small April Apple bottom but I don't want to be a friend your name scares me John book hey I'm looking for a book and you have the name last name of book hi you must be my new neighbor yes I am there's only a couple of us it's a very small neighborhood nice to meet you my name is John I like your hat John it reminds me of a head I had in my house that I tried to give to my uncle why thank you I'm a fashion designer cool I'm hoping to have it finished by this week so I can start selling is he's talking about his sick hat game because I am purchasing if that's the case all right I gotta go find a different book not you John book is this his man is this the man's the for sale house 999 if you turn this upside down it becomes sick sick sick that sure is spooky just like Drake said turn a 6 upside down it's a 9 now what that that was the book that didn't look anything like a book can we flash back to that that's a circle bro that's not a book huh book is real if I want to read it that I need to break this window a rock should work why why do I need to break the window doesn't make any sense to me it make sense you I feel like there's so many weird things like that in this game I've got to go downstairs but I got to show my computer off before I go downstairs because if I didn't do that then can't open the door oh I got to read this book but you know before I do that I got a break into this guy's house with a rock any sense but whatever you know what maybe apple bottom has an apple rock this could work hello what are you doing our pool I'm watering late grandma's plants oh yeah I forgot sorry it's okay it was like three months ago oh you're already over your dead grandmother that's cool yeah so anything new besides your grandma dying not really you yeah my mom is making me look at moldy bread which I'm actually not doing right now okay if you don't mind me asking why I eat it knows Molly and this conversation sucks I'm gonna go okay bye hey look it's Iron Man hey Iron Man Alex right oh hello mr. right have you seen any rocks around how are you doing I'm good Rocksteady have you seen them cleaning my driveway that's not what you're doing anything new with you moldy bread okay yeah I don't really care I'm not trying to go around town talking about moldy bread dude who's this it's a scientist Hey Dude what's wrong with your leg why is your legs why are both your legs destroyed I lost half of it in an incident involving a turtle with boxing gloves no the other leg Oh I'm testing my new invention does it have to do with rocks you wrap it around your limb you can see the bones cool this will change the future of the medical world like no other probably even more effective than rocks just throwing rocks at your patients until they feel better that's what I would have done that's what the intelligent person would have done anyone would have where do I find rocks fatherfather why is mom also making you look at bread what is this family hi dad did you forgive the bread no you really should but hey for now look at this fresh bread have you been looking at that all day yes my family has lost their minds what are you doing with that hammer pops I was doing yard work but yeah I wanted to look at bread for some reason okay well everybody's insane now at least I know where I get my insanity time to go look at rocks goodbye father enjoy the bread gazes I use one of these tombstones as a rock half these graves are fake so it looks like more people live here I think this was one of them why would you do that you know more graves in one place it doesn't look like more people live there it looks like more people die there so if you have only like six houses in a graveyard with 30 graves that just means people are dying really fast where you live you wouldn't want to live there if you knew that you were gonna die you can end up in that graveyard here lies the best mayor oh yeah I'd probably be a better Baker than him how about we raise him from the dead with my boys technology from across the street and we'll see who really is the best mayor what's always forget would in my front lawn it's a pile of wood my dad was supposed to make a planter out of it but clearly he has better things to do likes terabrite dad you've been holding out on me bro how do you get how do you get this rock in here oh I need to get weed killer I've been looking for this tricking rock like 20 minutes and now I need weed killer maybe science kid knows about weed killer he is Iron Man but he doesn't have weed killer he only knows how to do science real science not this plant science apple bottom I need the weed killer of course she's the plant lady it's in the shed you need to key first of course I need the freakin key actually could you just wire the plants while I look for the key yeah yeah that sounds easier than finding the key yes thanks she'll have to find a watering can because mines in the shed convenient convenient yes I still have to find something am I just gonna have to go around town and ask somebody else for every little thing that I need can I just use this dang it but he's using the watt he's watering I gotta go do something I gotta take your hose I'm confiscating this hose I'm sorry ooh the garage is open now ah yes looks like I'm going on the open road gotta get all my tools on my supplies here I go I don't know how to drive what if I just took car out rammed right through the shed skip watering the plants and then I run over apple bottom I'm looking no you're not you are not freakin looking dude you're not you're you're liar so I'm gonna sit here and pour water on your head now why are these plants water water water all this for a rock so that I can break someone else's house so I can commit crimes what is my life become I think the moldy bread fumes have gotten to my head dude you're not even looking you're not even looking hard enough why would the key be in the plant that you were always at tried to get all the flowers like what oh oh oh yeah you do have to go to all the flowers I didn't even notice they grow drink up little flower you're gonna grow big and strong one day even without grandma here to take care of you don't you worry you find him yet i watered them they're all hydrated up oh thank you so much and as I promised I have locked the shake thanks finally now I could get the weed killer but fortunately I have to destroy my father's plants with weed killer they don't look like they're actual weeds weeds don't look like this these look like the things from Mario cake Mario the game yeah give me that rock okay it looks like I just dropped it as soon as I picked it up alright take this old dead man ha that did not work ha ha ha ha there we go yes okay I got the stupid book even though I thought I already grabbed a book whatever well I got the book I should take this home before anyone sees me or I could keep exploring the house until it's obvious that I'm robbing this old dead guy man I really hope my mom didn't notice did I left the house at just she told me to stare at the bread and there she is and there's a bunch of bread on the table this isn't looking good mom you don't get it having fun I'm doing what I told you to do I'm gonna go crazy like you and Dad if I keep looking at this bread mom I looked at the bread for an hour what out but did you forgive it I don't know what that means well no I don't forgive bread I don't care about bread just because you and dad are bread makers I got a love bread as much as you okay I'll forgive it as soon as I read this book see I'm gonna be smarter I'll take that book I'll give it back after you deliver all this bread to the block thanks mom you've ruined everything I'm gonna spray this bread with weed killers and then I'm gonna poison the whole neighborhood and then we're and ten more graves to that graveyard ah take the stupid bread takes two varieties of right yeah John book more like John bread hey dude hey get there's bread for you right there on the ground yep right where it belongs and your dad wants some too two breads for the price of Quan everyone needs brave even science kid needs the nutrients from bread even though it's basically just filler and it's not actually that great for you either here's bread cool work you darn computer having computer troubles just rub bread on the screen put bread in the disc drive all right mom permanently angry mother I delivered your bread can I have my book back yes I put it on my bed okay cool now move also I skimmed skimmed through it and it said something about opening a door to a new world using bread it seems like a cool book you'll have to let me read it sometime okay yeah you want to read the old dead man's book well I'll let you do that as soon as I get to it friggin selfish I broke into that guy's house fair and square and I took the book for myself this house is confusing there we go my book hello book can I have the book giving me the book aha I keep having the same dream over and over again perhaps if I write it down I'll stop having it so I bought this journal it begins with me walking down a tunnel made of plant light then this thing attacks me it's green and has blue eyes after that I wake up I had it again I don't know why I'm so surprised this is a waste I had the dream again but this time it was different this time thing didn't attack me he said something I couldn't understand it this sounds exactly like dreams little by little I make out more words so far I think it's saying something about needing a new king he spoke to me he needs a king and I'm going to be that king I need to open a door to another world you two need to man this must have been what my mom was talking about is this what good education means to mothers these days this is clearly someone's diary this isn't just like a good book if I read those lines in a real book I'd be like oh yeah this is a diary not like a book I want to read I wonder if this works I'll go to the basement to test it okay so we have to do some kind of secret ritual hopefully that involves bread and hopefully I won't disturb my boy my boy uncle saw in the basement okay so according to the directions we need a bunch of candles a piece of moldy food tied tria Nilo what's just night 99 yellow I don't know how to say that I don't I'm probably butchering it but we need some sort of chemical with moldy food and candles so for step process place the candles place the food pour the chemicals light the candles boom doorway to a separate dimension conveniently we have this moldy bread here that we need for the ritual and we just need like candles or something I don't know oh dang are these candles these candles I need what do I do what is the first freaking step yeah what number one place moldy food yeah okay but I can't even pick up anything it's like I don't know what the next step is it just says open portal but I can't pick up this moldy food down here what the heck dude I can't pick it up how do I open a portal to another dimension without picking up movies okay doesn't doesn't work got this cool table though it's working dude no way that's what I had to do they did not instruct you on that at all now I need moldy food okay okay okay easy now I know what we have to do for the rest of this it's gonna be easy as pie gotta place the bread right there well this is a moldy piece of food but I still need some candles I know what it candles are don't monologue bro I got this all figured out there's a lighter in the back shed where dad staring it not moldy bread but if he stays there long enough I'm sure it'll turn moldy handles right here that is a candle don't do this don't go so I guess those candles aren't actually good enough because we have to go and talk to mr. right and have him let us in the old cemetery because there are better candles in there or maybe those weren't candles they just look exactly like the candles we need whatever can I go in the vault no please well actually could you do something for me if you let me in the vault yes you know John our new neighbor what about him well he got an invite to the world Fashion Show and he has applause - could you maybe convince him to take me in my wife dude really all right yeah what yeah you go to a freaking fashion show I guess John is not gonna agree to this he doesn't even know anybody he doesn't even know me what why would he trust me I'm like a messenger boy for somebody else that he doesn't know no one's gonna agree to this hey John you want to know something cool dude this week is Alex's anniversary dude with his wife ah you couldn't make him plus two as a gift No why not probably because he doesn't know them why should I give people I hardly know a gift John I need this well how good are you are looking for stuff I've been looking for stuff every all day that's since I got up that's all I've been doing could you find me a few things yeah sure John oh all these things okay honestly this isn't that bad because I know we're like half of these things are I know where the watch is I know where the plush cat is Dino figure who knows but it's probably in my bedroom blue flower I know I definitely know where that is I actually know where all these are accepted I know but I'm private good guess bow tie is in mom-and-pops room blue flower it's in the back where dad is and I know this it does that it there I I knew it I knew it I'm too good John is an idiot this took me like three seconds I'll see you in a bit dad after I go deliver this blue flower you know what would make this game ten times better the ability to sprint all right John I found your dumb things I'll give them back to you when I'm done oh yeah and here are your invite Gus Joseph thank you John you will not regret this John or maybe you will I don't know how fun the right residences are they might be great you guys might be lifelong friends I don't know I just need candles so that I can summon Satan or something I don't know what this games even about hey dude here is your stupid invites give me the vault key give me those candles this whole process could have been way easier my guy is really picky about which candles he uses apparently they're not the right ones they don't look enough like these candles who is this oh yeah the mayor all right candles hydro Knightly oh oh yeah I knew the stupid chemical Ben of course the science kid would know and I'm he's probably gonna be like hey can you go find these things for me can you go go find the Benjamin and man we go way back give me these chemical it's a type of conductive substance some people say it can open portals to other worlds but that's just a myth do you have any no but it's super easy to make make some for me nerd only if you find the ingredients of course Ben Thank You Ben he just gave me a riddle of things that I need to figure out what a bottle that is old a bottle that holds fire these are all things in his office a bottle that's cold that thing a bottle that's old about how about we just like click everything that's on his desk until we get all the things man you said I needed to collect these materials they're all right in front of you you just don't want to pick them up because you're lazy lazy man why do you need a whistle why is a whistle an important part of the freakin whatever I found everything Ben shut up about your computer now what - of this a pitch it is to mix it out is it a done is it a pepperoni all right sweet thank you for this chemical cuz highly dangerous and toxic chemical that I have in my hand and it's actually my hand is now encased in this dangerous chemical and it's burning okay all right now you like the candles and then we go to a different world that's what the climax of the story is move dad move need lighter can I have that lighter God borrow that hmm I don't know your grades aren't that good but it would be irresponsible of me to give you this lighter what's the worst thing I can do besides lighting something on fire it's not that bad just for a little bit well I do have a long list of chores I need no no no no I'm not doing it did I just kill my dad father unconscious sorry dad what did i do what did I do to him things like punch him in the mouth I got it sorry you don't understand I have other worlds to see I don't care about low grades why do low grades matter when I'm gonna go to a whole different world and they probably don't even have school in that world let's light these puppies must light the candles yeah yeah yes yes it's happening I need to turn off the lights all right easy turn those suckers off yes it's happen I summon the great our Lord's overlord dang boy Oh what no what's going in day and night is changing at a rapid rate the earth is about to collide with the Sun or something I don't know nothing's really happening what what what I guess the old man wasn't crazy the old man was right Oh dad mind heaven that was it that was it I made it to the other dimension I guess thanks for playing the demo that was a long demo man you gonna make a real game after this I can't I can't even imagine how long that thing's gonna be but hey we did it we starett we stared and stared at bread and is a game about bread and I feel like there was no moral but we did it so [Music]
Channel: Sketch
Views: 4,550,133
Rating: 4.8884511 out of 5
Keywords: roblox characters, roblox message, roblox mini games, Gameplay, lets play, no swearing, funny roblox games, no cursing, youtube sketch, roblox account, roblox, roblox avatar, sketch YouTube, role-playing game, roblox games, games, funny, roblox story games, Sk3tch, roblox link, roblox messages, roblox chat, YouTube Sketch, Gaming, Sketch, roblox story, roblox video, stories, funny moments, funny roblox
Id: Ud0jSa6o2uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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