BUYING THE NUKE! (BEATING THE GAME) | Treasure Hunt Simulator

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get the brand-new Frank plush toy and slippers at sketch dot store we're due for an upgrade but before we upgrade I just want to see how deep this hole is because oh my god your fellas welcome back to another rOBLOX video oh oh oh kill him oh oh oh oh oh that was a really old meme I'm sorry I don't even think happy you guys were alive when that meme was a thing actually no yeah you probably weren't but you know whatever let's not talk about it today we're playing treasure hunt simulator now I've played this one other time it was okay you know it wasn't that bad but they added some crazy new items that makes it a lot more interesting to play so I thought hey gonna go in there most likely spend all my robux but you know give and take right Frank Frank I totally forgot to introduce you in the beginning of the video my man my main man Frank is back up in the building fist bump high-five you know how it'd be let's get into it oh my B it is good to be back wait hold up what what is this Islands what's going on here join my own Island only 35 roebucks I'm down I'm down with that I'm down for having my own Island and here we are my own little private piece of heaven a little peaceful island we got to upgrade some stuff though shovels yeah yeah let's upgrade those shovels let's upgrade those shovels bro they got dynamite we're just gonna start blowing up the ground until we find treasure and we got the metal detector I don't know what that's useful for the jackhammer the golden spoon did dual scoops two scoops scoop as in me so that means dual scoops be me and my brother bandy room obviously we got the drill and the nuke thing about the nuke is that I want it I want it I want it really bad but it is this much money's that's a lot of money's can we count how many zeros is that one two three one two three okay so a hundred million I think it's my best guess and we have 24,000 I mean you know we're not exactly there yet $75,000 damn mmm that's it's 4,000 robots it's a lot this allows me to carry as much sand as I want yeah sure I'll buy that my goal for this episode is to acquire the nuke by any means possible I'm going to do this by buying all the good stuffs gives you double sand value yes that's what I need we also need a new shovel you know this isn't cutting it this one's 250,000 I think I'm gonna have to go for that one I'm going in I'm going in for the 4,000 Roebuck purchase that was really stupid I don't know why I did that but I have $100,000 right now so I mean was it worth it no that's 40,000 at 65,000 that's 185 thousand I only need 85 thousand more to go before I can get dynamite I might as well just buy some more money and get the dynamite you know commit oh okay so I don't have enough robots so that's awesome we got to keep on digging straight down and we're not gonna stop we don't go until the end of time and then hopefully eventually we'll get enough sand to where we can sell it and you know purchase some some nice shovels I want to see how the dynamite works bro I am genuinely curious about the boom boom stick how much boom-boom does it do does it do big boom boom or a little boom boom that's what we really all want to know dude this shovel sucks so bad dig quick that's what I need I need to dig faster heck yes what why it'd bring me all the way back up here come on you can't do that to me oh here we go now that right there is some fast digging I am hustling oh my goodness can't forget these chests dude you gotta get these chests oh my goodness why didn't I buy this sooner this is amazing I dig so fast they called me lightning boy I dig as fast as cars drive so we've reached the Grace and which is awesome but I don't think I've ever been below the grey send what comes after grey is it blue is it red is it magenta I hope it's magenta magenta is a nice color I feel like I could just leave my guy here if I just I find a way to hold down my mouse button and if I just keep looking down my guy will just keep digging forever and it'll be like money generator I feel like that's the best way to get to the nuke it's the only way I have an idea stay here don't move a muscle all right fellas so I managed to rig my mouse so I'm automatically digging forever so I'm just gonna let it run like this for a little while check out my setup dude amazing right rubberband and some change boom you got yourself an automatic digger right there it's incredible it's never been done before look at that so I'm just gonna let this run for a little bit and I'm gonna set up a time lapse so you guys can watch and I'll see you after we're rich [Music] this just in update we have hit muddy dirty brown poopy colored dirt sand is it's and there is a dirt I don't know it looks like poop to me but we ain't gonna stop for nobody begged EV how did you get here [Music] what inventive do oh my god I'm like oh my goodness [Music] alright guys so I don't think I was recording before when I actually ended up buying the dynamite but I ended up getting 10,000 sand which translates to a hundred thousand coins which is awesome I didn't know it was gonna be that easy to get money in this game but I bought the TNT and now basically what you do with the TNT is you throw it and wherever it lands it blows up huge chunks of blocks and then you get the sand that it destroys when it blows up it's pretty cool I mean it doesn't always work all the time I kind of regret buying it just because I can't dig super fast with it and it's really hard to auto dig with the coin rubberband mechanic that I was using before but we're still gonna get as much money as possible I will get the nuke I promise you I will destroy all the sand in existence and there's nothing you can do to stop me even though it's gonna be a little bit more difficult to do a time lapse with the TNT I'm gonna give it my best shot so without further ado here we go I will see you in a second [Music] fellas were back and we have 53,000 sand so that means if my calculations are correct which they most likely aren't because I'm bad at math but if my calculations are correct we should get like $500,000 which should be enough we did it we actually have six hundred and five thousand dollars which means we can get some sick upgrades let's get some sick shovels 250,000 no way 500,000 no I mean yeah that's the only one we can afford so we're gonna have to let's do it baby give me that metal detector I don't even know how effective this is at digging hopefully it's fast these tunnels that I have created using the TNT what what is this what's going on here why is it made of stone I can't oh-hoo I got worried for a sec wait hold on what I don't even have to hold it I didn't know the metal detector OTO digs now this is gonna help us get places dude look at that this is way better way better than TNT I mean TNT was pretty nice I'm not gonna lie but this oh it Otto digs I don't even have to use the little coin dude little coin the rubberband we are gonna be living look at that we're already at the grace and just absolutely plowing through destroying the competition so how you guys doing hey you liking the video so far probably not because there's a lot of time lapses but I have to get the nuke okay I have to get it in a timely manner and sometimes that means time lapses I'm sorry the good news is we absolutely plow through the brown sand now so we're gonna get past the brown sand and absolutely no time look at that I am getting so much money right now it is incredible do I hear another time-lapse coming on you I hear you I'll see you guys when we're even richer than we are right now oh my goodness is that blue sand the most expensive of sands look at all that sand that's a lot of sand right there whoa fellas I'm back did you miss me I know you did okay guys so right now we have $100,000 and we also happen to have a hundred thousand sand which I believe translates to a million dollars so that means we're due for an upgrade but before we upgrade I just want to see how deep this hole is because oh my god wow that was crazy that's a deep hole right there oh yes oh yes that's a deep hole let's get us some money we got the monies now let's upgrade we need an even better shovel than the one we currently have and I don't have enough for c4 yet how much do I need I only need two hundred thousand more dollars which I believe is only like 20,000 sand so shouldn't be hard at all 20,000 sand you know real easy we already have 2,000 it's like whatever actually no I think we need 30,000 sand because we need 1,500,000 and we have 1,200,000 so math math roblox they say it's for kids but actually it takes a lot of thinking a lot of mental equations not really I wonder what c4 does I hope it's not like T&T we have to throw it that takes like way too long I want to just be able to dig downwards you know I'm saying do we have 30,000 almost almost we're 3,000 sand away we're real close I wonder how close we are to getting to the next layer of sand is it red after blue it's red right has to be and we did it we got 30,000 sand we got a cell that oh and now we are ready to buy the c4 it better be good dude oh it is just like the TNT come on it collects 150 though so I mean it's kind of better but is it really better at the same time my reasoning is that it's not better because it takes longer for you to throw it and for it to explode so I don't know at least we can get chests this way because before when we were using the metal detector we didn't get that many chests the only chests we got were the ones that were directly below us because for some reason you can't mine or dig up chests that are in front of you they have to be below you if you have the metal detector which is stupid but I mean whatever anyway I'll be right back well howdy I'm back and I have 300,000 sand roughly translates to 3 million dollars I can upgrade to the next ding also I stopped using c4 and I started using my metal detector again because it's much faster it's so obviously faster so now I'm gonna buy the jackhammer let's do it and I just wasted almost all my money heck yeah it's alright though because we're going back at it back down into the deepest depths and now we are just plowing through this blue sand destroying it absolutely obliterating it and before I leave you guys again because I am gonna stop the video yet again cuz this is gonna take way too long I obviously don't want to record the entire thing but I want to show you guys what we have left to upgrade we have the jackhammer right now next is the golden spoon the dual scoops the drill then the nuke I really don't think we need to buy these things in order I think I might skip over one or two of them hopefully I can skip over the golden spoon and the dual scoops and then just go right to the drill because then it'll be so much easier for me to acquire the nuke but I will let you guys know when I have enough money for any one of these new objects we will get through this together trust me oh oh you better trust your voice copy I will see you soon fellows I'm back and I have a hat this time ooh and on top of the hat I also have two million sand that's right I realized if I open roblox up on my phone and then join this game and just let it sit there while I did other things that eventually over time because I have an unlimited backpack size I would just accumulate enough sand over time trade it in and then I will be able to afford the nuke and that is what I'm about to do I'm not sure if I'm gonna have enough after this I might have to again stop the recording and grind for like three more hours to get the nuke but I'll do it if I have to but now we're gonna find out exactly how much 2 million sand gets you in monies I believe that stored it to 200 200 million no no 21 million seven hundred and eighty nine thousand five hundred and seventeen let's look at the upgrades let's go to the shovels we've got the golden spoon we got the dual scoops the drill and then the nuke do I have enough for this no I still don't have enough how do I not have enough for the nuke a hundred million and I only have 20 million so yeah I'm really far away still but that's okay because your boy scoop doesn't give up I only need two million more dollars before I can buy the double scoops because I'm so close to getting the double scoops there's really no point in getting the thing that's after the drill I might as well just grind out some more sand real quick this is a long video well not for you guys it must be going by pretty fast for you guys but for me I've been trying to get this video done for like four hours bro it's been a long time but I am determined okay so I need I need like at least 150,000 more sand before I can buy the double scoops so I'll be right back oh oh hey fellas hey hi did you miss me I know you did and are you ready for the power of the double scoops because we just got 150,000 sand we don't sell that we got a million dollars right there and we still still have enough wait no I'm stupid we do have enough I thought it was 25 million for some reason it's 22 million we're good let's purchased those bad Larry's equip yes Queen look at my double scoops and let's go Oh oh my god oh look at those arm movements that's impressive the only thing that sucks about these scoopers though is I'm gonna have to set up the old rubber band with a coin trick on my mouse because it doesn't just automatically dig for you but trust me when we have enough for that nuke I'm gonna be here and you're gonna be here and we're gonna both witness the greatness of the nuke together trust me I will not fail you doc two hours later finally we are so close to beating this game guys look at how much sand I got right now I am a thousand blocks deep and I just hit 10 million sand baby can we get up can we gotta hear in the comments section I don't know how you spell that but just give your best guess now if my calculations are correct when I trade in this 10 million sand I should get a hundred million coins I hope that's the case we're about to find out right now sell please yes yes we did we yet we finally home I've been playing this game for five hours that is not an exaggeration at all almost six hours now like I said I had my phone grinding on the side but the thing is with these double scooper things you have to hold it down you absolutely have to hold it down I had to find a way so that I could continuously dig while also doing my other videos because I had multiple videos to do today so what I did was I opened it up in my phone I put my phone on the ground and then I took my socks off and put my big toe on the phone for 20 minutes straight and then for the rest of the time I just did the rubber band with the quarter on my mouse but holy crap we did it and we can finally get the nuke baby the nuke we got it yes the nuke has been equipped let's see what this bad Larry oh it didn't do anything because we're not deep enough let's go all the way to the bottom yeah we'll be there in like no time don't worry any second now any second now we'll be there boom that's how deep a thousand blocks are let's see how good this thing is this thing better be amazing two twenty two thousand twenty two thousand sand my goodness I thought it was gonna do a lot more damage than it's doing right now but to be honest it's it's doing a pretty great job not gonna lie like geez look at all these chests I'm getting two I already have two hundred thousand sand from throwing these for like two seconds this is insane no I mean not nonsense but it doesn't it's I'm just so confused it's so powerful it's too powerful we got to chuck this thing into the fires of Mordor because it's too powerful mankind should not have this kind of power I almost have a million sand just by holding this down for like not even a minute not even a minute that right there ladies and gentlemen is the power of the nuke I wonder what's after the blue sand like the blue sand is the deepest that I've gotten so far can what is that look at that red chest the kind of treasure we're getting from these nukes is pretty insane dude I want to jump down this hole one more time just for the gags just for the giggles because it's pretty intense it is a is quite the fall quite the fall indeed and we're still not done we got to go down this way and down this way and I think I went down the wrong path but you get the idea anyway we did it I'm gonna have to end the video here because we already have like way too much footage to sift through I'm sorry to my editor who has to go through all this footage I obviously stopped doing time lapses it was taking way too long like I said before I've legitimately been trying to finish this video for almost 6 hours now so sorry if I didn't do more time lapses and you wanted it but my hole just got reset that is exactly why I wanted to jump down it one more time let's see how much the nuke does to just regular sand let's see what it does boom that's that's pretty intense just annihilating the sand dude I'm a bank shot bank shot it off the side of the wall boom there you go that's what I like to see anyway I got to stop being distracted I got to end the video thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed watching as much as I did if you guys want to see more videos like this on the channel definitely let me know down in the comment section like the video subscribe to the channel if you want and the notifications always there as you know besides that I will see you guys in the next video big [Music]
Channel: Sketch
Views: 2,885,137
Rating: 4.9175105 out of 5
Keywords: c4, kid friendly, no swears, ethan, end, for kids, no cursing, Lets play, family, simulator, gamer, Gameplay, Game, dig, sand, YouTube Sketch, Challenge, Ethan, Roblox, Play, Gaming, child friendly, Minecraft, Sk3tch, treasure, finish, Dares, The Pals, Sketch, Bandirue, Video, friendly, Recording, hunt, ThePals, nuke, Pals, sketch YouTube, no swearing, family friendly, gamemode, Bandi, Challenges, LetsPlay
Id: 0c9KbGML7CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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