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waa where are the powers there go just turn into a helicopter hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to think reacts for today we are reacting to Sonic in real life by Shiloh and Bros and you guys know I am a huge fan of their Channel and you guys are as well uh that my comment section was filled with watch Sonic in real life by Shiloh and Ros like just whenever they upload you guys always come to my channel and ask me to react and uh yes of course I am now uh I am going to wait a second to uh or wait 15 minutes and 19 seconds maybe uh on whether or not I click the like button because I always Reserve judgment for whether or not there are slaps or tackles or anything semi violent because I love them so much they just add so much to the video uh so let's let's let's get started and I okay I already see Dr Eggman here and there's a cage and a camera all right let's see what's going on here this video is an ad for Sega finally I've got you me wait wait hold on hold on now I am going to pause this a number of times so if you guys want to watch it without being interrupted by stupid old me uh make sure to go check out the original on Shiloh and brother Channel I will leave a link in the description as always but this one might not have slaps because it being an ad for Sega the Sega might have said hey that's too violent for Sega so uh I might I might give them the benefit of the doubt if there aren't any slaps this time I got you okay so who who you got Sonic oh what whoa dude don't look at me like that I feel you judging me with those cute little puppy dog eyes it won't work that's such good animation Look Away turn it look at something else but it won't matter when I got your powers what okay oh dang oh it's beautifulu he got scared that probably can't be good what did he send them to dude Bandits get me soric Powers okay and then we will be unstoppable okay where are they headed what in the world is this there has got to be a better way to fund this agency than dealing with Dragons I am so excited to finally have a day off is that Dragon blood or what is oh they just got all the powers had to say it didn't you what oh she's a rose dude the hair she didn't die that's a wig right yeah I think I don't know man it looks kind of real oh he's Sonic oh oh yeah look at his hair I oh look at the CGI tail that's so cool where's M we have to see if he's slow down brother he had no idea how fast he was I'm so confused I'll go get him dude how' they lift him like that did my butt just turn into a helicopter butt copter butt it's not I thought it was just me wait how did Micah get out there why is he blue quills super strength super speed tails these are Sonics and his friends Powers oh she knew but how in the world did these come to us whoa where are the powers Go Powers I don't know what you're talking about dude they look like cameramen from skib don't they he knows the Sonic no like nothing is like oh jeez oh jeez dude they're so slow they're like slower than Stormtroopers dude at least Stormtroopers can Jog and why do they want these Powers whoa Sonic where are they it's you I saw the blue line I came as fast as I could what are those what are those you're not Sonic no we're looking for him what's with the squirrels and the bunny oh we could really use Sonic right now uh Eggman destroyed everything we have usually Sonic saves us but now we can't find him anywhere this may be a bad time for this but he is Ain stolen Powers Yeah cuz I would not do well in jail I think Sonic doesn't have his powers because we have them we are definitely going to jail but why did his powers come to you yeah see we need to find Sonic so we can give him back his powers do you know where he was seen last here take this Sonic was heading to the ruins to keep Eggman from get is got like beautiful in secret for Sonic to use do you know the way I know do you know the way oh my goodness did you what is do it that way they totally did the like 10-year-old knuckles meem I love it I can do this what are you okay this is so cool nothing good I that's why you're supposed to run with your mouth close it was such a huge bug got it okay let's see what I can do got to go fast okay oh nice oh look at him go this is totally like from a Sonic game that's not that's not really him but it looks cool all right wow look at all these gold rings someone just left lying around that's cool I love it they're like earrings something's missing what's that a door oh that is important guys I have the Chaos Emerald wao her eyes uh okay if I had not seen weirder things today this would be freaking me out right now it's not doing anything though oh they oh they got to use the chaos ammo to get through the wall I got it okay people probably haven't been here for hundreds of years wow a doua battery I no idea they had these a thousand years ago they didn't somebody's here oh Intruders detected we have to fight through them to find Sonic spread out you going to punch him go for it dud how we fight these guys we barely know how to use our powers let alone fight with them just go really fast oh whoa we use you broke the wall dude yeah let's go Knuckles come on Tails use your butt wait what's that hold onow no way important is that really hold on hold on I got it okay what does a QR do hold on this [Music] looks I'm definitely scanning this myself oh it really is it really is that video it's kind of like um Candy Cat from poppy playtime I love cats I mean well not real ones cuz I'm allergic to them but I I love dogs and and cartoon cats cuz you know oh I'm officially a shallow and blur Super Fan hey anyways they weren't kidding like I thought it was fake I didn't think it was going to actually show that I thought it was going to rig roll but there's a jail cell this way a jail oh they're looking for Sonic right it's a cage it's it's oh not Sonic not not them the heroes are here to save us really where oh he means us oh they're going to be so disappointed let's get you out of here no you have to stop the bad Nick he already has the yellow Chaos Emerald what where oh oh he's got it yeah I saw it Oh roof's coming down oh the little ones are so cute getting away with the Chaos Emerald the villagers won't be able to get out in time we have to help them split up no okay yeah break it Amy Rose Shiloh nice thank you you chose to save us over getting the Chaos Emerald yeah sonic would be proud oh all right I mean oh wait what oh okay that's slowmo look at his face hey I got a present for you whoa okay they got it where is it you're too late without his powers Sonic is f fing away soon he won't even exist his powers could have chosen anyone they chose so poy they're doing all right they got two Chaos Emeralds dude I love how it's the window sound thanks foring me that raises a lot of questions yeah a lot it's a lot but it's so cute keeping Sonic and his friends at Robotnik layer you have to get his powers back quickly it's just south of here thanks you guys went like South Which Way South that way where are we supposed to put this I don't know it just says two Eggman from adoring fans ooh that's not Su no guys that was easy oh they're in his office security question what is my favorite cereal simple question really you have 30 seconds until the floor drops to a giant pit of manaing alligators oh jeez pressure favorite cereal I don't know how we supposed to know this wait if our brains are faster that should be smarter what is it really eggs oh my goodness what is it this is all wrong I'm just stupid faster meaning of life R Che Yes again you're allowed to get it wrong I got a shopping list what's on the shopping list uh uranium mustache oil gross froy sugar ball Frost frosted sugar bombs ah welcome me you handsome man no you're more handsome oh no oh gosh cring I was not expecting that but then again I was expecting to not expect something so it doesn't count yeah okay whatever approved it's the jail okay this is where they were oh no they're there okay Sonic how do they transfer them Sonic powers you made it yeah are we too late is that they're holding on but they keep their powers back how do we return them that machine was used to remove them in the first place but I don't know if it can reverse looks like Dale but sure start getting you out of there we'll keep watching make sure nothing sneaks up on us oh no something stuck up on us whoops wa look at the size of this what is this who do we there's so many lights are they going to go off is like a you'll never get Sonic's Powers yes I will you brought them straight to me that's a Nerf blaster so new again they're in France yeah next to the Statue of Liberty and the Great Wall of China France I'm sorry how how stupid do you think I am there is a statue there's a small statue in France though like it's like looking for startic Powers what do you Eggman knew that you would come here well jokes on you Eggman you're going to wait hm what I'm sorry you're not Eggman oh what this is Dr IO robotic wait who who is that dude attention Al take them out work together we have to take out the egg mobile oh he's got Shields that attack did nothing sorry I forgot to mention he's got a force field [Laughter] yeah jeez what is that like coil in the middle but you can't hide hey where did you go quit hiding oh I see they can hide yeah we can't take down that force field we'll never win this we just don't have the practice that Sonic and his friends had with these powers there's got to be something we're missing you guys don't understand do you Sonic's powers are great but what makes sonic special is his heart he loves going fast because he can help as many people as he can the powers chose you for the same reason you got this heart go kick eggman's butt yeah slap him too uh the chck is adorable Eggman wait oh I get it yeah wait you guys can go way faster than that okay all right he still has a force field go bnck Alpha formation attack nice we have to figure out a way to take down his shield generators he's got three generators that's why I KN I knew this had something to do with it I called that out before you guys should have listened get it knuckle oh wait these things are tough is this all you got pathetic wait trash proud always has to be the winner let's use that against him I got it hey Eggman which one came first the chicken man or the Eggman doesn't matter B oh wait that's actually a good one you going to you going to you're going to take that oh you don't like that okay yeah so Dodge nice okay so you took out one this is easy okay oh no we got the twerking Tails he does not like that uhhuh sir the generators okay what are you doing with the bad next wait can she take I thought he had [Music] three oh oh yeah wait oh she's going to knock it back come on Shiloh yo that's nice yeah all right no more Shields take him [Music] out got him this is the most CGI I think they've ever used in any of their videos wa That's crazy dude oh got it oh all right I flick the switch that said reverse and that should give them back to Powers okay I don't or reverse our bodies in a horrible way oh gosh Inside Out [Music] ready H all right nice Sonic doesn't talk no slabs oh but he got dancing Sonic well at least we still have our good looks ah he lost after mustache bro oh a huge thank you to Sonic Superstars for sponsoring this video as us fans of Sonic here Sonic is back such a classic feel you explore the new world the North Island I can understand that they were unable to put any violence in the video cuz like you know they got sponsored by seven Chaos Emeralds Judah what do you think up okay well uh I am you know what even though there were no slaps I understand why and I'm going to go ahead and give it a like and if you guys would put a like on my video as well for reacting if you enjoyed my reaction well go ahead click the like button and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 693,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vZkJyIVdyDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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