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stop dreaming rashness is cure so I agree no no oh [Music] what's up guys Peter Joe phones here back again and today we are back here at Willow raid remember the first part I said and now we have our second part where we got Peggy VHS archives collab so this is update two part three there there are so many stuff there's so much stuff here can't imagine it so perhaps we can get started with this and looks like pixel neon has collabed with Mark Mixie so I can't wait so I remember so um I watch uh pixel in the ends videos sometimes they're quite funny you see he's trying to compose music me too honestly I'm trying to compose music as well thing is I don't have a dope anime to make these kind of beep boop Friday night funkin stuff you have been warned oh yeah I did not read the warning but hey I'm I'm strong enough to prepare myself anyway okay so let's see how scary will this be I just wonder so let's find out foreign I guess AI Willow right oh I hate that sound effect looks like someone got slashed okay this is it I find the Cure once and for all and nothing can stop me so I see this must be a solo Willow is going solo what happened to the lights oh well I should get this over with ASAP okay well uh oh look a start Green Card ain't that cool so why is Willow getting the stuff all by herself usually she's with a group of people I'm not sure about the story but we could find out later perhaps Hey look it's penny hello can you please get me out of here oh no oh no that's I don't oh no she disappeared was that an illusion or was that real that must be that that must have been an illusion it's too late to save her now oh darn I feel bad for her though okay well we got that unlocked which is nice I don't think yeah there we couldn't save her it's too late it's an illusion this really run down place so yeah um oh look at that these giant webs are blocking the way I gotta find another way what what whoa what oh my God what happened to you you were fine a moment ago I don't know what's going on but my heart's pounding well that's Penny that's definitely Penny right there okay well perhaps I can just go around here then if anything's blocked close trap door what is that foreign oh that was strange what was that no don't tell me I'm actually stuck here no there's no way oh no no don't tell me I'm stuck here no so I've been doing it wrong I I was supposed to trap penny in that thing not me I trapped myself in there no wonder why I was stuck press it it should work and you're attracting there bye-bye oh what was that it just like clipped through oh no it just opened okay suddenly oh logic it just Clips through the sting you know okay well no it's not the case okay now we got the red key and then we can just go take this right here then yes now let's see here so since she's trapped I have a feeling that she's just gonna teleport out there you know obviously part of the insulence she can teleport so uh no point but hey it's something oh who's that stay away oh you're not it oh hello sorry but where are the testing rooms this way oh wizzy now please let me hide oh did she just trapped herself there all right well we got ourselves blue card and that's sweet now let's see here where does this go again oh I feel it goes around this left side okay obviously that Penny thing was an illusion because there's no way it would like her oh it would probably take her days for her to corrupt like that like her body obviously I can use the computers to turn on lights here is there a red key I need to unlock like oh there you are is this a computer there you go that's what I'm talking about now we need an orange key okay so is the monster whizzy because as I start to walk here I heard a noise [Applause] oh I was right it was wizzy so she did get captured ah it's painful oh that's so painful actually okay well yep I saw that wait a second is it even safe for me to go down here like really can I even do that probably shouldn't says risk hey look at Wiki I might as well keep that for later but yeah moving on oh look of wrench two I might actually need this too so you know what might as well just use the stuff early see what happens they should have done something but I don't know what okay now how do I go through this part without oofing that's the problem better run away that if that's the case okay we gotta run away right now oh boy oh boy oh my oh man I just gotta be really careful I don't like that the fire's probably spreading uh oh my okay well we got the orange key I don't know if there's anything else yeah obviously I can't go there anymore oh my okay well uh hey you know middle of something you're just really gonna be right now all right well I'm glad the door's open I hope I'm not missing any other item around here somewhere uh let's see here yep that's where I unlock it now I got that which one should I go next is one it's a thing like I don't know me like um I'm not even scared right now but my heart's pounding a little bit oh is this part open nice okay I'll just go unlock this good now that's open which is great now uh oh well that part's dark darn okay now I've gotten that part which is nice should I go in here okay if you ever have a problem trying to get into the vents you have to wedge your way in like this and now oh now I have a bad feeling about this I also do too I'm probably gonna get jump scared so I need to prepare myself all right well hopefully I don't oof because I made lots of progress and I don't want to die so where is it ah there you are vent key just what I was looking for now I gotta prepare myself is there gonna be a jump scare how convenient I'm just gonna click that again just in case there could be a jump scare coming at any moment I know you yeah there is oh I have to touch that oh we have to run oh we have to run wait what are you kidding me no no let's do this again back like I could record that yesterday and now this is the next day I better not run into that thing again yep yep we better run away now thing is it goes so fast I need to be really cautious of where I'm going uh come on don't all right thank you keep going yep come on we gotta keep going yep next next one just gotta go this one and then oh come on oh come on just go what is that what is that I don't want to know okay ah come on just get me out of here already what is this now oh why are you going so slushy I honestly can't hey guys before you go on and um with this Quest if you're missing something that's around that chamber like the huge I forgot chamber of plasma or something I don't even know um collect this key first or you're gonna have to start all over again because that's a mistake I learned go away I don't want to see you again thank you okay I got the power room key this time and then now oh hey there Payton oh no oh she's she's begging for help oh I took like three stabs to do that please help it's following oh no hello are you okay down there great another one down what do I do now well um perhaps you can move on and take this blue key and go unlock it and we got the yq2 so I don't know what that is used for but if there's another jump scare I might have to run away okay all right so we're now down here oh look more spider webs like was this spider was doing or spy dillo's doing something oh look at that okay well I'm not going to uh you really had to do that didn't you so who is that over there that's a pig Peyton's oofed I can definitely tell by that but yeah uh we got the purple key and then we also go to safe and go and lock it thing is um there's definitely no doubt Gonna Be A Nerd jump scare the next time I unlock this so what does this leave to I'm not falling for that what did I say I knew that was gonna happen that's Peyton that's paid 10. we gotta run away from K10 okay oh I am so lost I am literally so lost right now hold on okay well what do I do now do I get back in the vent or something things are getting dramatic no no doubt so oh all right so I guess I just had to okay uh we got a dark blue key so we can turn the lights now so that's great so perhaps we can go do that now uh where are the lights right there that's the last thing we need to do and then bam like man these um VHS people know how to hey there's tigree why so late I knew you'd show up tiger you know this cures mine so leave or regret it stop dreaming rationales is cure so I agree no no oh [Music] who is doing this who is it show yourself you coward being oh great we need like a yellow card or something but the thing is I don't know whoa whoa how do I run away from that thing oh no uh am I stuck oh okay thankfully not all right well well that was something and that was quite terrifying too now oh okay that's uh it's tiger isn't it I gotta avoid you somehow maybe I just okay just gonna run right now what but hold on I don't know well Tiger's gone now [Music] oh that's not good I don't know if I should be running away from that honestly I probably shouldn't I probably shouldn't actually but we got a code into something I don't know what that is used for but it has to be like I don't know I really don't know is that desk lock oh okay that explains a lot I was wondering what that was but yeah anyway just go take this yellow key and then that is [Applause] oh no no no I don't know what that thing is but I'm running away from it I am running away from it right wait what what I'm sorry where'd you go what was I even looking at I don't think that was supposed to work in script right oh no did I just break something don't tell me I actually broke something okay so Mark told me to activate the hand first in the safe all right let me check real quick um hold on activate the hand first and then it's safe Mark told me that so I am going to go to this first get the desk lock got the yellow key I have to activate the hand first please that better work okay and then I gotta go get this [Applause] all right yes yes that actually works okay guys you have to act you have to go to the hand first and then unlock the safe all right all right now I just need to get back up there so now okay I gotta go to the other way we're almost there we're almost there come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh man everything is breaking apart right now this is not good man this is like so it's it's really dusty man they haven't spooked up the place in a while haven't they uh also uh Mark told me again two I actually don't know yet so I'm just gonna yeah yeah okay oh let me get in oh no no no no no what did I do oh okay well uh that actually explains what all right so I guess like whenever you grab the potion you have to like stand still don't move once it fades to White because something will happen you'll fall off or something are you okay mate that's it really are you kidding me what is this all a dream oh my Grace gracious goodness why is that over there I was at the exit oh please tell me that's actually the exit I want to get out of here I want to get out of here so bad I'm not even bother doing outro I'm not gonna even bother doing an outro yes yes finally what was that that place was a nightmare all it really was well it is fine it was just all in just in my head oh or was it man I don't even know did we do it I think so finally after all this time what is that who's that there I don't even know what is that okay that's a pretty cheap jump scare there okay well that's still fine all right thanks for playing you're currently getting teleport to P piggy VHS archives wow I haven't played that game for what so long [Music] man it's been like so long since I've done that okay over here we have to go to role play right because that's where the badge is the last time I played it it was like really buggy like no offense but hopefully it's at least tangible now you know what people were literally begging um pixel me into uh fix the RP I mean dude you gotta go give them some time like do you know do you know how hard it is for stealth games and I'm also stuck on shift lock which automatically does it sometimes but I just want to take a look at them I ah Game Pass badge Wars okay what is that unlock your hello Ray and then getting this way thank you Oh yay I did yay we got it oh no I can't see darn it wow that is so wobbly okay now what about phase two that is even more terrifying wow there's Ron tigreen around Ai and Ron wizzy and Phantom well that's all I want to say today was AI Willow wow what was that Squidward [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: PghLFilms
Views: 1,297,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, pghlfilms, pghlfilms roblox, roblox peppa pig, piggy, roblox piggy 100 players, piggy chapter 9, piggy obby, roblox piggy, piggy chapter 11, puppet, piggy 2, piggy rp, pghlfilms piggy, flamingo roblox, piggy update, piggy npc, rp film, animation, piggy community, minitoon, book 2, piggy book 2, alleys, among us, piggy rp film, ending, cutscenes, chapter 11 camp, zizzy, willow raid, maid willow, spidillow, spidella, the ultimate update, final update
Id: 6IR7oSkVtKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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