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oh goodness i got sandwiched i didn't even hear him behind me fail hey everyone it's your frantic noodles and welcome back to another piggy video now in the last one i said to like the video get up to 50 000 likes together around like twenty twenty five thousand uh for more piggy but then minitoon released a new skin just like that right after book two chapter five so again if you guys want to see more piggy on my channel click the like button i'm trying to get like enough interest in piggy again so that i can start playing your maps uh also if you are new here old here please do consider subscribing as according to youtube over 76 of you guys are not subscribed that's more than three out of four of you so please do subscribe support my channel and while you're at it if you're ever buying robots or a premium star code noodles helps out my channel a ton it makes so i can do this for you guys every single day let's get it now i i know like you know and you hear the music obviously we're piggy chapter one which like we'll talk about in a second hold on let's go all the way to the end wait what oh duh there we go book two skin is mary and not like mary like m-a-r-y-m-a-r-i like half the way to marionette and it's got like it's got like the puppet master marionette controls there and i i can't quite see the strings but i'm sure they are there i mean it's mousy right but cha-ching we're okay we're okay so we'll go from alphys which is obviously the new skin from chapter five you guys didn't see that video i'll put an i card so you guys can check that out it's really good map scary and not only that and i don't know if this is a new change in piggy overall or just in that map alphys the bot drops traps so you might think oh a trap went down it's a person not necessarily anymore the bots have become self-aware so we'll check out this skin i think i'll stick in book one just because the um the reason is just because the maps go quicker people know them oh i'm speaking from for myself people know them better so we get through the maps more quickly uh we can beat them more quickly and then i can become piggy more quickly and then i can kill people more quickly which is what it is all about yeah see this is what i'm talking about right like this is the quickest map in the history of piggy maps right although what have they been doing for the last minute and a half guys you ain't even got the green key all right i see orange here um but what are you guys up to here did somebody oh my goodness oh she's clowning oh that might be a bot actually okay let's get green you coming you coming wait wow you guys come on now come on now let's not mess around i don't know is it yeah i think that's a bot yeah i'm pretty sure it's a bot all right i'll beat this because i don't know what they're up to all right i gotta get over there wait how okay you are like camping the key man there we are wow you're really glitchy all right let's go unlock the luck so one person i just heard that i think they did the oh no they didn't do anything that i i thought they did uh okay all right all right okay so they got they got okay she did it nice okay wait a second oh yeah okay okay because i heard okay yeah i heard someone place the plank i guess yeah that must have been what i heard and then she got that right is that yeah that's what it was all right we need blue key is blue up here no okay go this way where's blue key man oh no you guys y'all dying i'm gonna have to do this all by myself oh there's a blue key come on now guys now who oh sh i hope she still has the uh the wrench and hasn't put it down oh dude i gotta change my wings i keep forgetting i didn't intend to play piggy today i didn't know there was gonna be an update like that jeez okay let's do it let's grab some did anybody where'd she go hello oh maybe she oofed she might have but there was ammo up here in case oh she did there you go you can have that i'm thinking it let's see you'll know that i was gonna say that is not a bot because it jumped but that's not necessarily true so let's just do that boom thank you that was i gotta say that was very very good timing buddy now um uh has it nobody's done the hammer yet hmm okay do you are you're just gonna make me do everything are you okay fine can you grab that yellow key please over here can you can you grab this right here can you can you grab that key please right right right here this one grab it can he can he no okay yeah nice nice nice okay i thought he was like i'll just take a screenshot all right let's do that okay okay let's go this way come on come on come on follow follow i mean it's not like he doesn't know this map right use it dude use it dude there we go bam let's go we got this wait hold on nope let's go this way where is he oh no he's camping watch out no why buddy you gotta know better than that okay he went around all right cool so we're just gonna go straight up sorry if you had a streak you ain't got one no more bam give me those piggy points all right oh no all right we'll keep playing until it happens i'll stick to this server so they they really like uh carnival which like i think i've said this before this is like as long as you're in book one like people use this to farm piggy points because it's i mean it's so quick uh to beat although to be honest not a single one of them beat it last time but nevertheless theoretically it is the fastest map to beat on piggy wait why can't oh my goodness all right it's not open or i couldn't open it somebody grabbed the board right it was right there please tell me one of you guys got the plank thank you all right you do that i'll do this okay yeah let's go see see when you do it like this this is when it's quick when people like sort of split up and they know what they're doing yeah we do it in parallel yeah there we go bam bam uh okay oh percy all right don't see that one too often anybody got the uh the water gun yet or wait did anybody i didn't hear them use the wrench did they okay they did but they didn't use it on the second one did nobody get the blue key yet no it's open but you got wait oh but they did well where's the what do they not know what to do with the water gun or do they already is it already open okay somebody has the water gun but they're not using it who has it hello is it one of you guys hello does anybody have it who's got the water gun somebody got it i went and looked yeah come here over here chicken head no no no no no come here no we're right here come here right here press the button there thank you let's go there we go even with that we still beat it in under three minutes that's what i'm talking about see quick easy piggy points oh no i'm really used to that yikes so ah i want i actually want to be challenged that's why i was hoping that i would stay on that server can i go back i don't think it'll put me back on the same server though man all right i mean i'm just so used to pressing okay all right all right we'll beat this one too oh too bad sorry hey yeah oh interesting what really don't see this one chosen very often although oh wait wait wait wait wait what's it gonna there it is okay so we're doing plant let's see you know and and and to be honest like plants like is one of my favorite maps i think it's just because of the song like i can remember it i played a lot too because we were looking for that true ending for so long but yeah you don't see it chosen that often in uh when you're in book one go gonna have to beat it again ah look at that stucco noodles targa noodles starco noodles starcoat noodles well i gotta like it good job guys oh goodness i got sandwiched i didn't even hear him behind me fail um what is that uh do we do we have a hacker wait how is this happening guys wait what how huh what is it what'd you do ah he says he doesn't know how what i don't oh let's see if he could do piggy if he could do piggy then i might call hex oh no nevermind piggy got him okay he said here yeah i just wanted the game to end that was weird though again really then i'm jumping it well no i sort of manipulated i didn't though that i didn't say it to do that they just they just like playing i'm gonna kill them though i'm just saying if i'm if i'm married i'm killing them all of them come on come on come on come on come on come on here he comes there it is whoa wait the feet don't touch the ground what and look the eye look at that like the eye is like sort of out look wait don't go in so far there we go look at that yo it's wooden too oh what are you doing wait how does it walk oh look the legs don't move at all and just well very slowly oh that's super cool i wish there was like a little ghost hand at the top look at this thing what mr p wait let's do this here we go oh come on get her yeah i didn't couldn't even hear it over mr p mr p we just did a double kill let's go we we playing among us here yeah let's go all right let's go let's go i know you're friends with mr p but you ain't friends with me no oh boy here we go here we go cut them off i'm gonna cut them off mr p yeah oh it swings forward that is mr p you're way behind buddy we need to talk can't be making friends with these people okay gotta come together wait oh like dad you listen to my pep talk gg all right where are they i'm gonna follow you because you know where things are mr p all right mr p dawn did it man mr p we're a good team oh wow you can barely jump look at this yeah streak preserved dude that skin is cool and man me and mr p i mean that i think that does that make me evil although the truth i think he wasn't really i mean he was sort of evil but he didn't mean to be evil so does that make me evil for a good team i don't know but the streak remains guys and there it is that is the brand new skin uh you guys i i don't remember how much it costs but it's cool it's really cool like i love the little poppy there's a lot of you know that the newer skins have more and more detail like so much more than the original piggy skin so i'm i'm i'm here for it so guys i'll just play another round and beat it uh but i'm gonna end the video here if you enjoyed it want to see more piggy on my channel click the like button also if you are new here or old here please do consider subscribing and supporting my channel and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 829,405
Rating: 4.9265609 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, roblox, piggy, roblox piggy, piggy 2, piggy book 2, roblox piggy 2, roblox piggy book 2, piggy 2 thinknoodles, piggy book 2 thinknoodles, roblox piggy book 2 thinknoodles, piggy chapter 5, piggy book 2 chapter 5, piggy new skin, piggy mari
Id: 9JnMsVTrBmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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