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ah no no no no no no hey everyone it's your forensic noodles go back to roblox piggy now chapter 12 is out today at 2 p.m. Mountain Standard time I think that's 4 p.m. Eastern time and I don't know what it is and all the time zones all over the world from you guys watching me but anyway guys yesterday's video was kind of a troll I mean it's what happened and then I was like man I gotta make that guy start that over and I was like no wait a minute that was funny i'ma uploaded so here we are I'm actually taking the roblox 1 life challenge seriously I am on a VIP server cuz you got to do it that way so you can start at the beginning and actually escape yourself and not let other people do it for you and also not spawning right in the middle of a round right in front of biggie now guys if you are hype for chapter 12 and cannot wait like me please do click the like button I would love to get this challenge video up to 50,000 likes if you could for this video and for the upcoming chapter 12 also guys if you're ever buying robots are premium please do use star code noodles I really do appreciate it let's jump in okay so we're starting with chapter 1 and actually technically this is the only time I can actually do this entire challenge with distorted memory because distorted memories getting vaulted into well it's getting vaulted from regular piggy and it's gonna stay in 100 player piggy mode 100 put piggy player I piggy but it's 100 players so if if I don't succeed then I guess I'll never succeed Wow but I can do with chapter 12 we could try it again now I am realizing like literally right now that this is the potential that takes me two full hours I mean that's assuming or longer than that because of the timing between the menus but that's something that it takes me ten minutes per round then theoretically you know twelve rounds ten minutes each yeah that's a no cheese no that is that was really bad that's weird cuz usually it puts me through here oh yeah and I should I should be like oh man I've lost so many seconds already uh oh geez of course it is of course it is when I still screw up so bad it's all the way there now guys okay wait before we get too far into it oh so I'm gonna do this all in one sitting right wow this is horrible so I want I want you guys to take or post in the comments right now don't wait until the end but post what round you think I will get to whether I'll complete the challenge whether I'll just get to like the third round the fourth round whatever what map do you think that I will fail on holy cow okay oh jeez it's gonna be it's gonna be house okay that was just so much stuff up there's like oh my goodness I don't know what to take all right believe me that was the right thing okay don't worry so we know the board is up there I don't think that I think that means there's nothing out there yeah it does okay big a get over here so oh okay well I need the blue key so the other thing so I I also am realizing too that for legitimacy sake I have to do this all at once I can't like do like four rounds go get something to eat take a pee none of that this has got to happen like all in one sitting and like I'm not gonna narrate the whole whole thing this is just you know the very beginning let me tell you how we're gonna do this but I mean obviously I'll show you guys stuff when it happens like oh I don't think I've ever seen that there but there will be times where I'll sort of like I'm not gonna jump cut at all any of the cuts are going to be like like if it's a long like of me running through the house grabbing stuff and I'm not really talking this is this is not good um what I'm gonna do instead what are you doing what I'll do instead is I'll time-lapse open music that way you guys can see I'm being I'm being legitimate and honest and fair and all that stuff I'm not faking and like saying I beat it and then I didn't or whatever where are you piggy all right good I'm going upstairs okay we got this now we've got everything like lined up and ready to go oh man she's right on my butt though all right I need that okay all right here we go front door here we go where's the hammer man that part is that that part is kind of weird right [Music] all right she is right behind me like I actually saw her bat like it into my screen there we go got her boom what wait oh no oh come on hook me up here Oh piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy Pig like Oh piggy don't do it there we go get it yeah right goodbye piggy all right so go all right chap to do baby yeah all right good good good good got it not to go pick Kofi's crime like she's whining cuz she's not in here I got to go get her but I'll let this thing go just a second I'm back all right man so uh Chapter two I don't play very often actually like [Music] 2/3 I think my worst Maps two three four six okay a lot of them gonna say like what are the two of them maybe that are my worst Maps because I don't play them very often but apparently it's a lot more than I realized okay here we go did I mean it's a good thing to do to watch the cutscenes as well hello is anyone here at the station and that's yeah yeah right and then I remember yeah you guys saw the animation but yeah when I first did this I didn't realize that yet when you when you get to the garage it ain't it ain't the end all right wow dude hadn't played this map is so long I mean I remember the layout I just don't remember where things are not that I ever really knew where they were oh you know what let me grab that where does piggy spawn I can't remember cuz doesn't this yeah this goes right here oh and the red keys right there dude oh man oh no though I had blue anyway so don't matter okay I thought I'd read okay Piggy's awake that's that's orange green okay um blue oh yeah is blue like around the corner here is that green a screen Oh red there though let me swap that let me go get let's go take care of this oh the blue oh it's right there okay I'm gonna use that you but his piggy hurt Oh No oh dude piggy doesn't know what to do oh man this map is easy with a piggy with it with a bond because the bots can't figure out what to do there's the orange key so the bot bounces up and down because it's on a different level that's interesting I didn't know that about this one okay so the battery there yellow key there okay orange key was through this is a long way but [Applause] oh that's it dude this was easy my like this was easier than house mostly I think because the bots got tied up this is I don't have to feel the I don't know I'm sorry to get these weird like you have to fill the gas can I don't think so I can't let's go dog it go for two obviously Julie what was that that was I didn't know there's an item there hmm alright so chapter three gallery that's one of my worst Maps I think alright boom moving on up okay I just got to remember uh you need the three eggs doubt that's the thing that always I you know what it is about gallery it's just that I always get bike because it's a really tight map but it's also highly like it's vertical I always forget where things are and I know there are ways you can get past things without having to open the barriers but we're just gonna go the right way through this and try my best not to screw it up cuz if I'm gonna screw it up on any map I think this is gonna be the one gasps and completely surrounded let's go to the gallery and look at art looks like about to go through the gallery but I do we not go through the like when we're exiting do we not I mean I feel like we're going through the same door that we that we like when we leave we're going through the front door which is the door we came through something really go through the gallery we just came out the same door we came from isn't there usually nope not now okay oh wait there we go boom good stuff front door before boom boom got it all right let's do it all right now we got okay Piggy's woken up where does piggy spawn I forgot it's not on this floor I think it's on the floor above where's the red key go now this is the one that always gets me right here I allowed of times I've gotten I've seen our piggy has just come right around that corner before on me and I've gotten hot orange I thought it was red okay yeah this is the part where I just I get really disoriented oh okay nope okay [Music] you know I almost lost there that was so close you guys yo alright see this is the problem I'm like disoriented like I don't know where's this orange door is ah there it is alright yeah aha okay we got an egg but I need the green key I don't know where it is oh is that it there's an egg great but I don't have the green key and I know you can like you can sort of glitch through it but we're the the major problem having right now I don't know where the blue key like where the Blue Room is I know where the blue key is but I don't know what to art it oh I see it okay I need to get you off like Hale [Music] I need the yellow safe am i I don't think I do though I think I just have to find that the egg which I think I traded upstairs for something I think I tried it for the blue key I think we got it this is the one I was most worried about yes all right come on this way yeah come on here we go yeah but by well sort of cuz I've got to like do this oh gosh and then it's gonna like something oh my goodness Oh baby whoo baby oh baby that was close whoa I like some close calls all right three in a row baby how long did that one take I wasn't noticing there were there were probably there were at least three maybe four close calls in that one the closest we've had yet so either like that map isn't good for me but obviously I'm not good at it but also like maybe I'm getting careless I need to focus focus focus focus yeah Chapter four yeah I mean chapter four like it's a tough math for me to remember cuz I don't play it often but it's pretty open the only thing I am worried about is um is how dark it is you know I'm gonna skip these parts like the voting parts just cuz like yeah there's no point of keeping matter that's four weeks later wait I thought it was like the next night what were we doing for a month like what are we even eating like I I know what dog is drinking does it smash he's mad now all right let's go uh no we don't want that okay oh man I gotta get my bearings on this map what is that green key there okay orange back there green there oh dude wait he he activates that quickly uh no I can't oh you know what you need to do you look for anything here quickly because okay cuz that's where piggy spawns okay so I saw a yellow key but that that goes up there but I need the board for that so don't want to do that Oh Lord dude sweet all right ah man where's one of those ducking spots yeah like these cuz like I think I can do this and then she's gonna go round we'll just wait a minute okay so this is this is actually mm mm all right let's do this quick cuz there is one issue here so I think if I fall from here I'd aw dude there's nothing here so going I always have a hard time getting through this yeah see it's really hard okay so we can I can get all right you coming up huh okay can you jump down don't jump down on me okay I would have jumped down on you tell you what all right let's go this way I'm gonna do the switch come on oh come on really you get a camp really I'm over here oh no oh jeez dog eh oh man she's totally oh man alright let's see if I can do this I think I can get up quicker than her this is risky man because if I if I can't drop oh yeah she can't get it oh she can't actually get up here oh well she kind of can okay no that doesn't work there's three spa man can't use it on that one there are three spots that we have to use this on just don't you actually chase you or do you sort of have to run into them I think you sorta have to run into him right there I'm I'm sure there is oh yeah here we go here's one that's one I there are I think there - oh there's a blue key all the way over here is I feel like there's one more that's accessible but you know what I'm gonna put the yeah wrench by the cave because I'm gonna need that so I need I need I need to do those sorts of things to remember where things are [Music] [Music] ah no no no no no no uh-uh no okay that's way too long okay we got the hammer now I can go pop open the cave and oh no no no oh man they are all over me dude okay I can pop this there we go there we go okay now I can pop the cave [Music] plenty of time now we can leisurely stroll to the end okay we got this I just actually like I say it like that but like I have to oh man I'm gonna go a long way but I actually have to be careful of doggy cuz he could get me but he's not hey hey we go alright so anybody was that forest because I figured that some people there's a lot of people think Boris is one of the hardest Maps I figure the a lot of you guys would post the comments at forest and break me now we got school and I think we know how this one isn't gonna go hopefully it takes me less than eight minutes that was one that one took me like almost the entire time that was bad alright so oh how many people is to add because I want these for later today oh 25:10 okay cuz I don't know what skins we gonna be getting or how much they're gonna cost so I want to have a lot of piggy points so I can buy the new skins straight off [Music] alright so chapter 5 yeah I mean now that I've made it through two three four I've I could do this I can do it all the way except for this sort of memory I haven't played it very off very much like I've played it a few times but not as much as I played the other maps that might be that might be the one that breaks me actually my name is mr. P and I something at the school I don't know like it's like you know I cuz I wait be careful be careful I don't remember which button I'm not supposed to press okay whatever hey I could have walked right into the lasers there that this is one of those maps where you can you can die immediately on and I am definitely going to use my trick on here cuz well I don't know if it still works but if it does come on I just wasted 30 seconds forget it ah you know you that can that does work if you get it just right you can sort of twist and flick like that I'm just not doing it right I got really good at it during the ten bots challenge on this just because I kept doing it like repetitively oh man don't make me lose on my on my on my ten BOTS map here man I'm running like the same exact route there was nothing here oh wait yes there was I don't even see that I popped that door because I thought and I thought I looked in but I guess not where's the teacher all right let's go [Music] I had to concentrate there guys cuz man that was close that was not good she came down that's always a problem with this map is like going down there because like you have to like go down there and it gives them a ton of time to interview remember during the ten box challenge when I did that that was the one thing I was worried about was going down there and and the time it takes to do certain things when you're down there right like so like the worst one was the for me oh yeah dude it is it is a deathtrap down there that's why people camp that by the way why I think you guys probably know but yeah that's why people camp it did I I unlocked this right please tell me okay good now the only thing is so I miss I don't I have not seen them where is the red key like I feel like I've missed it was it here oh it was there see I picked through the door there too and I thought that I didn't notice it cuz like it's it yeah it can be there that's where the hammer is um but yeah I just screwed up okay so I think I've done everything right except for the hammer so can you come up here there you go come on let's go teach what do i do do I drop or I take the stairs I'll take the stairs because yeah we got this we got this no problem [Music] [Applause] [Music] she is like far behind - where are you Wow there mister pay this is before he turned into a cyborg it looks like you two made it out yes yes I did I'm doing the 1 lakh challenge and I got five in a row whoa oh yeah oh no all right this map is a tough one if you don't if you don't unlock the downstairs area before piggy spawns you are in deep deep trouble so I've got to grab the keycard and I always mix up like what key cards are where a hard time with this map this could be the one all right hold on oh yeah what is it funny right guys I get through like epic carnival and then I get super careless like it retching carnival that would be something I would do I swear all right chapter six did I I'm trying to remember what chapter like when it first dropped that I played it I think it was I think it was Metro I don't think I played hospital when it first came out I was still catching up to the chapters oh I can ug see you you're finally up listen it's not safe here not anymore how long was I out for and you don't tell me I know you we gotta go fast on this one because if you come on come on come on come on what what mr. Pete what come on stop it what do you what it is that supposed to say that I feel like that's like the exit I don't remember whatever okay no no no okay we got yellow cue there do we know where's the oh no no no this is really bad oh I should have gone the other way cuz I know where it is they're like three places where this thing no bro where is it this is why is the hammer stuck through the wall because this is terrible so this is what I always like say to people when they're playing Mia's piggies it's Barry and I don't lose very I'm sorry guys like the last I played this and I called him I called him doggie people like really got upset like as if I had like insulted their families but there it is okay yeah I was actually surprised okay I got it wrong okay I met oh my goodness he is really really close okay let's grab the green key oh no no oh man I was gonna say trust your click but I didn't click it come on dude what mm all right I'm gonna shut the door on him there let him come out he did not come out what oh my goodness I can see his knife ah this is stupid what am i doing like I'm like why am i do oh why am i doing what I'm doing because like honestly this is a one life challenge and I am really risking my life nope okay uh let's get green green green green oh no no no no no no no no no no no green is this direction ain't it no it's not here oh this was man I am discombobulated here okay we need it we need orange actually right green key card I know green key card is up there it's like but I think do we have to get orange key card [Music] [Music] okay I I don't know he's too close so I don't remember if I needed to use a wrench or not it's coming that way so I don't know did I I mean have I I don't know if there's one there's a wrench on the final door alright we're about to find out hopefully it's not gonna head me off no there's not we got it no this one takes ages whoa all right I was worried about that one just just timing wise they they left without us we don't get a helicopter ride okay now so it's hospital and now we got Metro Metro I think actually I think the báb I know vets is carnival cuz they're gonna chooses it I I'm pleased as long as I got through half that was number six right so I got through half I'm happy that you know anything anything else is a bonus okay all right no I kind of want to skip it but it's okay all right Metro actually I've done that show quite a bit now that I think about it but I think it was just to beat it the first time ball I know yeah I feel like I know like eight nine ten and eleven no eight nine and ten pretty well I'm not that good on outpost and and or distorted memory all right it's getting hot in here be going close an hour whoo all right so yeah that's about right well actually it's not cuz it did none of them took me pull ten minutes I feel like I should be getting through this quicker we're almost out of here I just a little oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay so uh don't worry buddy we're getting out of here for the longest time I did not know what to do with the stupid carryin I didn't know do you how to put it you got to have the crossbow and put it in the crossbow oh my goodness why am i okay I'm gonna grab it but this is loaded no it's not okay okay orange key downstairs I know where that goes it's not quite here but it I think it's this door here right alright let's get the lay of the land here what do we got we got oh okay we got a coin I know where to put it oh where does this piggy spawn I feel like piggy spawns cuz that's locked off oh geez no oh my goodness I did not expect that at all dude what even oh my I need a little bit more careful cuz that was not good oh wow I don't know where she's bought what where is everything man green key see there she goes yeah FaceTime on the door Green Green Green Green Green oh I know her greenness it's uh it's by the subway Wow do not man she that was a really smart move I gotta say like that was that was really smart I should have gone off the other stairs I always forget which stairs go where it doesn't matter let's go okay hammer oh no wait let's do this oh dude oh there we go there we go all right cool see this is close the door on a face and go okay okay but what I can do no doo doo doo doo did she right behind me oh man she is on top of things today their clothes that I have the hammer yikes oh yeah the downstairs oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh and I I want it huh man all right I want to use the hammer on the subway car too and we have to use that I think we do all right I can do this oh yeah it's got a carrot that's great okay we can do this quick enough I think did we do it oh my goodness why can't I do this oh my goodness why what happened why won't that work that is so super weird dude I'll shut the door okay shut this door give myself some time what oh my goodness just gotta be super close to it okay all right sorry about that stupid let's wrap around and go well oh I need the yellow key to open that safe and I think that's where the other a bit of money is where is the yellow key was it is it here no it's not here oh it's right there dude that's a great placement [Music] we only have to do I hope we only have to do one thing with this wrench right that's the wrong way yep do it geez this is I don't know if I can do it quick man all right it's open I just got to go around right I'll have to do anything else with that do i I don't quite remember I think we just go but bye buddy see y'all yes whoop seven happy.i we might as well just say eight right who's like yeah carnival bunny you're right so guys bunny get her alive post in the comments come on we'll fight we may find out in Chapter 12 I think we should just I mean there's a lot of theories about bunny there's like a shadow on outpost people think she's dead it's a ghost I don't know it would be the first one to die in this and why why bunny you know but I mean you know some stories are sad and sometimes sometimes bunnies die yeah how's the long one forgot how long this was I mean it's not as long as at the end of chapter 11 but yeah he started getting longer and longer and that's why they put the skip button all right 2600 all right we're gonna get well how much do you get for winning I forgot I I think you just get 30 but yeah we'll get that pretty quickly and this'll speed up a little bit with carnival here City I can do this man I'm starting to get confident now if I can't do this if I now if I fail now it would be the ultimate failure because I beat 10 BOTS the first try on this one so if I can't beat one if I lose here I am just just completely worthless huh I'll take a quote from from my animated one I am trash yeah okay let's go yeah I don't think that's going to happen on this one though might as well have a little fun actually that was it almost bad because I thought its funds here and not there it could have been good of it Wow whoa geez yo okay it does not stop a single bot oh my goodness so the ten BOTS got stuck on that door a single bot doesn't there have been way too many close calls you guys I am just a careless careless piggy player I think I think everything that oh geez oh my goodness everything that happens to me in piggy like you know where you guys say I'm good at it it's nothing it's not it I'm not it's just pure luck it's pure luck that I make stupid stupid stupid like so many you see not many close calls there have been that's just me being lucky it's not skill it's just luck that I haven't screwed it up bad enough right okay [Music] dog s swear if you kill me stay away from me mm axe murder and dog there we go all right pick me longer than I wanted it to couldn't find that orange key I was a toughie um yeah good right like this is a pretty long one wait there I thought there was music there is okay yeah this is a pretty long one I think and yes mrs. V in the corner I noticed that the first time yeah let's just go straight to city we're gonna skip it I know guys like I mean I kind of don't want to go today but I don't want to watch all the cinematics but like yeah they get longer and longer I think we've definitely seen them all yeah let's let's keep going with the challenge here we go yeah 30 points because I had 2600 before good dog all right 9 we got the third row I think I can do city mall the problem with mall although there won't be tribes but probably the mall is that it's Robbie and Robbie is just he's so sneaky on mall man you just cannot see that he'd come in and I might walk right into him I've done that so many times oh jeez it started betting COPI there it is our safe place why is there no skip on this that's weird right is there only skip on the outro like the end scene cuz the beginning scene is not that ok not that quick or not that long ok I know what to do this Oh oh no I'm not gonna do it I just thought I just realized I could totally cheat like I could right here dude I could win it I could straight-up put this board down lead piggy across and leave piggy there forever although I'd have to get piggy and grandmother down there I think I could still do it though but I'm not guys I'm not I'm not gonna do that okay I'm gonna play the is a good layout dude oh boy oh who does saying good alright the double bought things is is giving me an issue right now I really want to lead one over there and leave them there forever but that ain't cool man dude how did grandmother Noah's gonna come this way see the problem with with two BOTS also is you like I you know what I'm when I'm being serious I like to play in first-person mode but that's really tough when you've got two bots especially when they're running at different speeds because you can't like you can't you need to see if one is coming up behind you beside you because you can't you know you keeping track of both of them is not that easy like right now let's check Oh blue key cards there okay I got to remember that all right wait they're not coming man they are so okay this map is super glitchy for BOTS [Music] yo what dude how did it know who's going up there I was not even going up yet oh man now I'm not doing this on purpose no don't don't don't know it followed me all right didn't do that on purpose you guys that was just the bot being a vine okay now that bot is stuck and things just got a lot easier but I didn't mean it alright what else do I no idea I just need the yellow key now right I don't know where that even know I don't even know where that is I love that right okay so we oh dude I could no that's torture right we tortured her enough where's the yellow key it's usually in one of these yeah there it is all right got it okay I got these dude all right oh yeah maybe this isn't the right way to go because like well I guess I should risk it right because like there is a Nellie there yeah that's what I thought oh I might as well risk it take a little bit of a chance I don't know yeah I can't come down here so yeah like that it's sort of unfair like but I didn't mean for that to happen it did that on its own okay I didn't leave it there that is a way that you can pretty easily beat this bat especially get both of them oh my goodness grandmother you are ridiculous what on earth do you think you were up to wow I was so confident they don't eat it got it now why do we have the feet of the character can't we just say you better open the door please like you got to give them a carrot so that he'll lack a piece of wood with his wooden sword like I don't even know all right chapter 10 all right I'm worried about Robby cuz I mmm I always always get fooled by him like it's not even like yet there's the two things on ball because it's such a gray map its regular traps and and Robby because like the regular traps I never ever see them I step on them so much I can give so chancer blues like I see that but like I'm all man the regular traps are super Opie oh sorry coping okay here we go like I've been doing this long enough and seen enough of these that like oh wow that's a good fine cuz I actually start gotta find that too but I'd like seen enough of them that like I'm not even reading them anymore okay orange and red just because I read so many of them okay yep got it Bob oh my goodness what okay uh he is gonna spawn can I get something before he does though grab bread yep okay like look at that wait oh yeah a cup I can only see his eye because of the fog but you get the point his dad just scared me thank you very much green where is he come on where are you where are you okay hear him well there he is dude he seems really fast to like I think it's just cuz I'm afraid of him but he doesn't seem really fast [Music] okay Mandy don't you dare whoa Road she was trying to kill me like yo Mandy could have killed me there that could have just happened [Music] dummy wait grab that let's beep Susie let's be Susie Susie hungry Susie where'd she go there you are hungry go get them so that's weird I don't know why I mean cuz usually it's a hammer I just forgot for some reason that you use the crowbar there that's weird whatever bye Robbie that's what this one bad at all man and you know this part right here guys like where we find George and he's in this room with the little sleeping bag and stuff this is what happens in distorted memory like right before this you know at the end you know that part this is already sleeping and dreaming with his bat and everything all right Georgie let's go all right what do we get out pote you'll wait what really is it how post ex I think it's outpost next no I've got dead I'm wow I really I I thought that probably I thought I would lose on gallery to be honest let's go I also I'm little I mean I'm glad I'm doing well but I also wanted to maybe make it like I was open baby like maybe I would fail like midway through and then I can make another video where I actually get all the way through I didn't want to burn through it though all at once let me technically to be fair yesterday's video you know I did fail in d50 so what you do have that all right okay bots been selected an outpost I'm feeling good about it I'm feeling good about it I saw where I do not like I don't know you have to like glitch through walls to see this like shadow that people talk about I never think there's nothing there man all right go go now hopefully there's a key right by us and then we're golden is anyone else getting bad feelings about this just spawn oh man well I ain't getting good feelings about it I could tell you that [Applause] [Music] whoo go yeah that was a good one that was a good one all right that that that was tough because you have to go to the edge like that purple and I don't really care about shooting him what come on now there's nothing in here I almost want to shoot him now just for that old you know quit playing around bro this is serious this is it this is the one life challenge man ain't no games [Music] orange oh wow how did I miss that whoo I almost died okay there we go so I am a careless buffoon because I did not see where that key was I don't know how I just I'm just a careless buffoon that's how okay so yeah that unlocks a lot of stuff yeah that sort of did the whole thing for us right there that one stupid key Yeller safe Yeller safe okay she's gonna give us a fire extinguisher oh this is a big problem huh oh yeah dude that was epic what's up Susie man I ha ha that was epic all right let's do this Oh torture you you you almost got me brother you almost got me that was seriously seriously close but it was not close enough [Music] this is gonna be tough because he's pretty close to me I might not make this like I mean timewise I'll make it if I can get it but not get caught by him but he's good he's coming yeah we got we got a Jew Kim get under yep I'm out oh yes all right I made a couple of bonehead moves on this one and it would have done the fire extinguisher down here first and I should have done that it's wrench down here first but I still got it I still got it and this leads in Chapter 12 we'll see you later today it's well I don't know if I'll I'll beat it I'm sure I will um okay so let's just go straight to distorted memory guys this is it I could complete the challenge but I could do it again but with with the actual chapter 12 huh huh yeah I could all right distorted memory and actually now that I think about it I think it's like fate that I actually got to this map whether I survived or not I don't know but actually playing the map during this one life challenge before it goes away later today I think I think it's fate I think it's fate and I think what I can't read okay is that the Big E has been leading me to this final map bringing up my confidence that I can make it all the way through only to smash me all right let's go all right okay I know what I I know where I need to go because I know okay go quick I know that there is Dan oh man Dan was able to get a wrench really quick when we did the challenge it was like right ah dude it ain't there okay well nothing out there okay George George George of the jungle where is everything aw dude I've done this wrong oh this is this is just terrible man I'm stuck down here oh no no no no no man Wow I have screwed this up man yes okay okay I need to find some stuff no all right man I do not know this map very well I mean I know it sort of as a man come on BAM Burdett you I can't believe you just did that like okay all right there we go we got what is that orange okay good that'll get me a down in the basement there yeah okay and I'm gonna shut that in your face there you go enjoy that okay let's do this let's open that up okay oh yeah even a hammer would be great okay jail cell anything Oh bored got it it's I see you I see you did you just slip an oil she sound like she slowed down for a sec oh geez no yo oh my goodness I did not mean to fall down there oh that was so darn stupid you've got to be more careful bro oh wow that was horrible I'm sorry man I given everybody heart attacks including myself okay so oh okay that's what we need we need that that's for the front oh and blue key I'm gonna go do this though I don't know what piggy is though okay there all right so what do I need to do okay so I need to do it here I need to close the door I need a Bob and Bob and I may go down here and I need to get this unlocked and then oh we can get the robot right yeah and sometimes other things but here we go hopefully yep okay waste time buddies time oh no okay fall go go go okay first things first let's do that and then I saw the blue key what okay there where was it where was it where was it dude oh yeah there it is there it is okay I thought it was here okay blue key goes in the backyard oh the wrench is there very interesting I don't I've never seen a wrench in the bathroom like not I mean I'm gonna talk and I'm what Greek is it there oh wow that's not good come on so I hate this back here cuz it's so tiny come on just come around there you go you got it you got it you got it all right cool I can shut the door in her face because she just open it okay good there we go all right cool but like this is the like seriously crazy to get the green key like this is really like well you guys know and then there's a red key no wait the red key oh yeah the red key doesn't go where you think it goes that's right it goes over oh it goes here right yeah oh my goodness okay the wrench where was the wrench was it here it wasn't right no it's stupid it's okay buy us some time here uh wrench I saw it yeah Oh shower shower I was I was commenting on any event like I've never seen a wrench in there before in my life but yeah okay cool let's like let it catch up is it here no way behind cool so we can do the front and we can't what's where's the other spot oh she's wait what oh dude she sounded way closer than she holy cow now she's closer huh she sounded way closer than she actually was and then she was you the dinosaur yo my goodness this might happen okay don't get too excited idiot just calm down breathe what do we need we just need code and key I'm about to get the key and I don't know oh and the code I just need the yellow key my baby come on come on boom piggy where you at hey gate piggy camp oh I think I'm all fall for that yeah you think I'm gonna fall for that come on come on bring it all the way down here oh no oh jeez no okay that's not gonna work let's do this okay hold on I'm gonna use the key I think I don't know do it oh no I'm not come on come on pop I get it okay good I got it I got it okay that'll slow her down then I can use the key and pop that okay now yellow yellow yellow where is the yellow fellow oh I know where it could be okay whoa why her face was all red like had like aah like veins in it or something okay I think it could be like up here and on the that's not there because I thought it might be at the end there but it's not okay okay well it's not actually now that I've I've run it around it it's not that big oh it's it's got to be in the basement that's the only place as possible where are you dude okay all right those it nope not there not there no that's MOC I saw the yellow no that's not it orange where is it come on man don't do this to me come on I've almost got this purple safe has the gun where is the yellow key man come on and I'll grab this but like what it was there how did I miss that okay I'm going around and I got this dude come on memory come come come come yeah dude challenge complete baby well okay don't get too cocky let's do this which way is she wished she go where she go she's not gonna she's not gonna make it easy see I knew it I knew whoa oh okay this is it right here don't fall don't fall go around yeah yeah I did alright so now go back to your comments and go edit them and say you're not gonna lose because I know that some of you guys put that I know some of you guys said Forrest I know some of you guys a gallery or I don't know Metro but she can go edit your comments but it's gonna say edit it I'm just saying now I just kid you guys now people said that there's like red eyes and some point here like in the I don't know whatever so that is it guys until later today when biggy chapter 12 comes out if you're looking forward to that please do also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course the line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 7,285,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, roblox, piggy, roblox piggy, thinknoodles piggy, piggy thinknoodles, roblox thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, piggy chapter 12, chapter 12, roblox piggy chapter 12, piggy one life challenge, piggy roblox funny moments, piggy challenge, roblox piggy challenge
Id: gMm1y4p-oQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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