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hey everyone it's your friend thinknoodles and welcome to my stream first of all like I need some help here guys is any of this working at all can you hear me like I'm watching the chat it is bent I haven't streamed since July of 2019 so I mean yeah this is May of 2020 so almost a year I don't quite remember how to do it I think everything is about the same I was like my OBS version was like 22 points something and now it's on 25 point 0.05 ears worth of updates so I just want to make sure yeah yeah is it loud enough everything good and emoji like I mean it'll be a little glitchy with like the edges and maybe the eyes but does my mouth match my voice all of that stuff so first things first guys yeah okay wait wait actually first things first there were a ton of super chats from when I started the stream and I couldn't shout them out this is an actual stream by the way guys not a premiere I can see you guys in the chat I can see the super chaps I can shout out the super jet your when you subscribe your your usernames will pop up on screen all of that so you didn't scroll all the way back to like two hours ago because first of all the BTS army which you know which is a beauty as a kpop band group they super chatted a ton like 220 bucks before this stream started so thank you so so much a shepherd bunch and also they use star code noodles and yes if you're buying roebucks our premium star code noodles mara Lana said gets tough thank you 64-bit death Marlena say get I'm sorry sagged it sent me a Pope hmm anyway thank you for sixty four-bit death for joining us a member Dino boy ocean no boys w I'm looking over to my my screen that's got the chat on it I'll be doing that a lot today uh LX r & NX ice yy-you guys so and he said it's not impossible it's just very very hard the first hint is the question mark shape on the box of the map we'll talk about that Sammy Jack I know Sam hey what's up Sam he lives near me thank you for the super chat waves will ed Craven for joining us oh my goodness this is just I think okay guys new stream we're just gonna read through super Jets for the entire thing you guys are nuts um could I bring back my copper girl I don't know I've been loving roblox recently blue was taken crazy kid eight Diana Munoz or Munoz Camila Rivera and the V Bashir foxier joke tan 666 plays roblox dumb gamer whitey Craven weighs willand Naveed basher J Bradfield did they say it was their birthday Oh J Bradfield happy birthday buddy Joe Chan six six six plays roblox more in sweet deals for tonight plays dumb gave her YouTube again 64 bit death again a Selena Williams kritis holy cow critters shills phantom games Chad blad king man's campground adventures uh J Bradfield a Sammy Jack who yes coincidentally has the same birthday as I do uh uh Hugo foot use your sigil ooh and Murray lead us against us savanah J Winx Tara Rummel Mikaela Luna michaelis is impossible she spent three hours on it yesterday all right so I know you know if you guys keep super chat and I know that uh well okay blue was taken ocean well it was who just says beans what kind of beans lots of kinds of beans um so Navid Bashir Chad Vlad and I'll be right there Chad black so we could do some of what we're here for right you guys are here for some adopt me right so we'll start just kidding I just mess with you guys I'm waiting for the chat to be like cuz I I think the chat or what's live is about 10 seconds by what I'm doing and no no anyway okay so we are here to try and work together to figure out I don't anything about this true ending and piggy now this is something I want to talk to you guys about because there's a ton of clickbait out there I'm not gonna search youtuber out any youtubers for it but if you go and you type in roblox piggy trending there's like dozens you can scroll through trending walkthroughs and guides and you know and then you know at the very end when it when it goes dot dot dot then it says like prediction or theory so here this is what I want you guys to do if you're looking for the true ending and guys were probably not gonna get it in this stream we might but we might not most likely will not if you guys are looking for it and before you go look on YouTube what you should do is go on piggy right scroll down and you can do this on a mobile device as well go to the badges scroll all the way to the bottom and go right here if this still says zero none of those guides on YouTube or right not a single one if they all sing cuz because if someone says it's a guide and they ain't got it and nobody's gotten it then it's not true so that's what I suggest you guys do if let's say we don't get it today let's say we don't get tomorrow let's say it is Christmas Day 2020 and you still looking for that guide oh um and it still says zero don't even bother that's just my opinion I just want you know to to save you guys the frustration of like go into the videos and and scrolling all the way through it trying to find out where they figured it out and when no one has so um anyway right off my chest just bothers me right I did not record this earlier Albert bootyful and I'm not and literally live-streaming this like I couldn't have read off all those super chats otherwise this is this is live live live live okay and like I could refresh this and we could see but it's still gonna say zero yeah still zero okay so what we want to do here is I have a few ideas okay the other thing okay so let's go Twitter /og uh real mini team okay so we're gonna go to mini Tunes Twitter here and I just wanted to look to see if he's awake and I ain't awake yet all right so there's really only been one single hint so far and I'm not even really sure it's a hint um I'll go let's see where is it I mean there was this who said he's thinking he thinks it's clear enough people were thinking that means glass I don't know I think what he means is if you start hitting it you like the if you start hitting the the right path it will be clear I don't think it has anything to do with glass the only like quote good hint was a response to my tweets would do where is it right here maybe emoji hints how to do it and he did this question mark and every theory about this true ending has been about this question mark and I don't know if maybe I mean he did using him but I asked for an emoji right emoji hints on how to do it question mark and like see and when I saw that like everybody like blew up it's the it's the boxes earner shape of question mark etc it's art and it could be completely true I just don't know I think everybody's focusing on that and they may be focusing on the wrong thing I mean technically I said maybe emotive hints on how to do it question mark and then he's like what the way you make a question mark is with an emoji question mark like it could be a complete troll I don't know but I was gonna make a video today on what we know so far and then I sat down and I started like planning out the video and I'm like wait a minute I don't know anything look besides his question mark which really isn't anything I can't make a video on that so I figured let's try and figure this out together so yes right now the ending and that's the other thing like people are like but you know they're like the ending it says impossible so it really is impossible you can't do it that's not true because you go back look like outpost it says it's impossible that's just a rating on like it's almost impossible right this is possible mini tunas tried it in studio he's verified it works just that none of us have figured it out yet and I want to work together to try some stuff out and the beginning in the beginning I want to start with start with teleport traps has and I have not watched anybody streams or videos on this at all because none of them have gotten it so I'm not gonna waste my time you guys probably have tell me has anyone tried anything with the with the teleport traps and and I'm at a post of VIP server link in the chat it's gonna go real fast guys but I want you guys to be in in the in the server and keep my stream open so that I can give you guys instructions like please do this please do that so if you can't do both don't join the VIP server no don't think so some people say yes okay so what what did they try with the teleport traps because I have a few ideas and one of them actually is because I've seen people teleport between the two areas as piggie but has anybody tried it as a traitor okay and I'm gonna read us some super test while you guys come back with that oh my goodness well how far ah there we go Chad Platt okay Stephanie Irvin Kabir Chowdhury happy birthday waves will head Luc's world Nicholas awesome blogs to Mia Hicks mr. shadow roadblocks mr. draw start it's jakey boy sixty four-bit death ocean boys w blobby 1295 lyrics YT CRN ocean wise a von ogre eat one two three animation Blake ever syndrome as food love food I love food Theron : Logan Klein phantom games Terrence McCready Everson Ramirez that light snake over there Navid Bashir and ginger light 2019 so let's see I haven't posted the link yet guys I'm not in it I have it it says you can't spawn the teleport trap what it does not work it only works as Piggy but you are you are you are you sure like when so if you are in traitor mode you can't place the trap are you sure because I want to see that oh thank you to 64-bit desk for a 2000 superjet um you cannot join the VIP server on mobile it won't work I don't think they can Kelly Smith for joining us member yeah I just I don't know so yeah you can I did it before Matthew see says you can alright well we're gonna try it alright we're gonna we're gonna try traitor mode when we can um and oh that was one other thing hold on um hold on how do I do this like YouTube the noodles guess - II - so hold on there was one other thing so I want to show you guys so here this is one of my videos like a little while ago so if you guys watch this guess my video right so did you see did you did you watch the ending because a lot of people are saying that if we go well I'll show you I'll show you guys the ending and then I'll show you guys one more thing and then we gonna actually play piggy sorry so this ending here okay so right here relax dude so this happens here right and okay yeah he right he's red he's freaking out and then he throws a picture oh you starting to see similarities here right yeah right and then okay now watch this I right here okay right what's happening watch what happens uh-huh and what color he's no color had anymore we cured him it turns green so going back it's a biggie because we gotta play it anyway all right let's go piggy Chapter 12 so we go here and people were speculating that you look at all these badges right it's white white white white white white white white white white white white white green and people were saying that this green is something to do with the acid or like you know the the chemicals that are in plant right radioactive material but what if it actually has to do with mr. P or piggy piggies got the red eye mr. P has got the red eye what if we do something as them or to them that turns their eye green huh what do you think that's my theory does that make sense and like that's just that that's just you know Mike Spears playing these other games and you know just something came to me like you know that glowing green might not have anything to do with the water or the acid but like it could actually do with maybe you don't do this as a player maybe you do this as piggy you have to do something to mr. P as piggy and get the true ending huh huh is that a new theory should I make a video that says you plant trending the new theory yeah no alright anyway I'm sure somebody else probably already thought of that ah let's play piggy so let me um let me get you guys let me join the server first man I'm gonna post a link in the chat oh it's gonna go real fast let me why can't fight oh right okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna put some link in the chat and then you guys join and then we're gonna try stuff out I don't know what we're gonna do you guys make suggestions let me know oh wait I got a oh that's not the right browser hold on I got I got to be the owner twelve [Music] servers configure app-v server link all right here we go it's gonna go really fast guys so yeah I posted it in the chat I gotta do it I'm a chat is broken on mobile should I slow it down a little bit more guys would that help somebody wait how many do we have live anywhere in I'm at my console stuck and it says nine to eight five like can i oh my goodness that's a lot more than nine to a five thirty six thousand yo you guys welcome if you're new here subscribe please right now all 36,000 of you because like so prior to me do my premieres and actually I've never had a stream with more than 15,000 people on it the last time I streamed there we go were four all right let's go the lat okay we're goin chapter okay let's do traitor guys do traitor mode please but yeah last no no no not bot trainer what do you right I forgot there's a 10-second delay I'm sorry is the sound balance guys it's a little loud for me but I can handle it I just want to make sure my voice is loud enough so you can hear it over piggy so yeah 36,000 that's pretty cool so that's definitely a record for me live that's unbelievable I'll slow it down another minute okay so there we go yeah my previous one was during John Doe if you guys remember that I had 15,000 and I was like this is amazing thank you guys right okay so who so whoever is traitor it ain't me what you what I want you to do the traitor whoever you are put a trap down here like somewhere here in the middle okay just one shot just put one of the tell Oh Oh stupid I didn't know so if oh man I'm just realizing we need it if in traitor mode we needed to make sure that they had teleport trap so mmm we're probably not gonna be able to do it in this round or not be able to test it in this round yeah the game's gonna be full guys it wasn't a chat and it disappeared in like half of a second wow these people really know what they're doing cool so whoever's traitor yeah I'm just gonna all right let's uh Wow like I can't even do nothing because they're so fast this is like a speedrun dude what okay so yeah so this is the deal with the question mark right people are saying and I mean maybe like this to this and it goes around like this and it's like that and it's sort of a and then not bro you relax I'm just realizing we've got like we've got like a bond we've got well we've got two BOTS plus a traitor but the traitor is not going to kill us so yeah I don't know I feel like we're putting too much into this question mark thing theory because people try to lie and I've tried a few things like I was I don't know my wife was asleep still so I was up trying stuff out and like I took George I pushed him around and tried to jump on him cuz you could jump on George's head and I tried to see if I could get on top of these boxes and stuff man it wouldn't work so i couldnt get on any of the boxes I think there's like an invisible wall that goes like all the way up so you can't actually even though I can jump high enough to get on it and even with George like I couldn't get on it I've never tried this one but I still think it's the same no I would hit my head where is everybody what are we okay they're doing it um whoo let me read some sweet let me read some super chats because yeah this isn't gonna work we're gonna we're gonna try teleport shots I didn't even equip them so that's sort of my fault oh my goodness this musics amazing um all right so let's go back home my goodness wouldn't welcome well my super chats are lag there's so many this is insane um so 64 bit death Kelly Smith boo fuse Suzy Sarina Reed andylou ocean wise w again let's see Marilyn Essex Miep Co Inc Kabir Chowdhury Matt Matt 15 jaywalking at me Matt Yeats ginger like 20 19 Waja hot gaming Gabriel carpenter watch out gaming again meep Co Inc pickle Andrea Lutz basil Korean for geez Jaden green and the bead Bashir ocean voice W Michaela Chang hunter sovereign J Bradfield thank you guys so much like it's crazy you guys are awesome like having good weird it was like a thousand deuce up this stream wait who's got the bar we not exploding oh the traitor been stopped alright well wait just what is that what happens in that case oh so if when the traitor is stopped you don't get it so and that's another thing like I was thinking it might be traitor mode and we're gonna have to play through like oh yeah so everybody who's in the server make sure you have the teleport traps and make sure that you have them equipped so that when you are Treacher or piggy you use it okay so definitely like if you're even if you this one just gonna be regular piggy go ahead and use the trap and just see what happens when you switch I don't think there's anything there but it might be a difference as traitor and like that was one of the things too that made me think about it was like he said he wants to make it easier which like you know that's something that would be hard to do as traitor because like when traitor mode came out like it took me two hours to get traitor mode twice because there's no x2 traitor and game passed just do player and then when traitor comes back we're gonna keep doing traitor but like that would make it hard right you'd only get an attempt like once per hour so that would technically to me be hard right like I'm thinking the ending is not faked on like sham sorry I don't know but like we if you guys have any ideas post them in the chat I'll try and figure it out like or catch it it's tough it's moving fast but kind of turn my joins well I'm not a VIP server so it won't matter my joins are actually on no I haven't gotten it yet young slime yes the server is definitely full can you put mr. P in the teleporter I don't know we can try that too I'm not piggy but if someone else has to teleport traps then we can but yeah he wasn't talking about he's got the red eye you jerk I have not learned my lesson I 40,000 people watching me just bite it again okay it doesn't matter we wanted trader mode anyway to try this hey what's up so yeah I mean I feel like that's what we want okay so they put the teleport shop there so yeah I mean he I feel like we have to turn his eye green somehow that's what's gonna that's gonna be the true ending I don't think it has anything to do with the slime or whatever is down there yeah I know I didn't wanna sell Bailey just showing off his red eye that I was talking about I did not know that that he dances like that with the jackhammer what is happening here oh sorry if you can't join guys this is like you know the only six people can join at a time thank you too let's see where are we here hunter saw that Jay Bradfield at Mara Mara Annabelle Horace Robinson Dylan Farina Nicholas awesome vlogs thing noodles well thank you myself I love I am view in view master hawk Jake Jackie met and seep thank you guys so so wait someone tried so you said someone try to teleport trap but did they try it as traitor that's um try to power up the boxes how would you power them up I don't know how you'd do that uh actually you know I've never gotten the gun on this map um but like I don't know if it has anything to do with the boxes I'm not sure that it does will you let other people join um well we will at some point I'm sure because I'm not gonna figure this out very quickly yeah all right traitor mode please yeah change servers every once in a while okay I will check the green hall it has a box and it is not part of the question mark and it is green hmm try to give George the potions I'm sure somebody else has tried that already well it's not a 0% chance of getting the true ending it's that nobody has gotten it yes so yes it says a 0% chance but that's just because nobody's figured out how to do it once people figure out how to do it more people will do it and that number will go up I'm sorry if the link doesn't work on mobile I thought that's just how VIP servers are and I needed a group of people that that know what we're doing here and and can kept like that wait well well yeah whoever is the traitor please put put a teleport teleport trap there oh my goodness Mr P keep forgetting that you're here and and I like oh and that's another thing so what do you guys mean what are your guys thoughts on it being in other maps because that's what some people said is maybe check other maps but like I don't because like if you look on the piggy page it says it's specifically for this map and like if you did it on another map oh my goodness can you oh my goodness bear badging but it if it were on other maps like it wouldn't be part of this one and yeah and that was the other thing people said like cuz I had sort of floated this idea on Twitter and people are like no you know you think you can't escape is you know it says the badge says escape right it says escape the map but it actually doesn't it says complete so that's that's like that means to me is it like I said we could maybe do this as as well piggy or as or or or or as a traitor and I the trader didn't put a trap down so I don't know that they have a teleport trap who is the traitor did they know they didn't die already because if they did it would have ended what if you cook Mr P then we just have some roasted potatoes delicious who's that I guess they don't have it oh geez here he comes battery oops whoa geez I forgot about you the boxes shaped a question mark in the first clip mini soon said well I know that the minute incent the question mark emoji thing because they replied to me but I'm not confident that it has anything to do with it like it might it might have nothing to do with that like it's the wait but then this forms it here and then I mean so this is the same Center right where the question mark is but the kavafis why are you interrupting me dude um but as you guys saw it like in the end the the question mark actually ends like in that room there's no longer another box there but feed the green potion mr. P you can't feed anything to mr. P besides the UM the photo and he's still obviously he's still hostile until you get the photo so you have to yeah you have to the photo is the only way it would work try not going with Georgia mr. P so um yeah I've tried that I spent like when I did this the first time well when I when I got the bad ending first and then I waited about five minutes just to see if not going to George or mr. P would do anything and it doesn't it just sits there and then those the other thing too like I tried to go I try to go around him but you can't there's like invisible walls that hold your give mr. P the potion but you can't you you can't give them anything try to get in the picture too George but why would George care about mrs. P longer time how long you want me to wait I mean like five minutes that's a long time but you try is get the photo and then have someone else try to give him the green potion but here's the thing you have in order to get the photo you have to put the potion into you know you have to put it on that pedestal and then you get the dynamite and then you blow it up but you can't get the potion back so you've got to use it to get the photo see and that's the other thing so people are saying maybe hold onto some items right we can try feeding the version of George but I don't think it's good I'm sure somebody's tried that I was wanting I'll do this yeah I tried a few other things like having mr. P shoot this didn't do anything open the developer console no goodness that would serve no purpose I don't know anything about Lua or even what what it would even show on roblox if I open the developer console I wouldn't I wouldn't know how to read it try holding the gun I think it takes it away from you actually I don't even know where I've never even seen the gun like I mean I've seen the purple key yeah okay so to those of you guys who are in the server let's try and get the gun before we go and see what happens if you hold on to it I'm pretty sure that it gets rid of all your items but let's try it so let's get that purple safe open before we uh jeez before we drop both potions or well it's fine to drop the potions but just don't use the don't use the dynamite until someone has the gun and then we'll see it takes the items away yeah that's what yeah pin man emoji says it takes your items away which is that's what I figured so why is it the same person that got it twice in a row okay where is the purple safe even never opened it oh it's um you know we yeah I was just looking to see if it does anything like if it lowers it or what I can't pick this back up now I was wondering if you put it on the wrong has anybody ever tried putting it out in the wrong one like put the green one on the purple one or pink one wait where is everybody am I alone guys do mr. P get you guys did everybody die the blue Q is nowhere whatcha mean a blue key was know where they got mr. P got him alright boo-ki right here were you talking about no where guys come on I think oh my goodness mr. P okay yeah you you try that bro you try that bro I don't think so alright let's go this way so yeah it's I'm all alone here can you play more songs I don't have anything set up like that guys I'm sorry like I like it like I said the last time I stream was like a year ago and so I don't have anything set up like that oh geez watch out so I I don't have anything like that alright so what should I do now so we've got um we've got the potions what should I do okay let's try giving one to George but I'm pretty sure people have tried this and probably doesn't work but I'm gonna try it anyway here we go George hungry no he only wants apples so yeah this is what I've done before is like you can push George right and I've done this like cuz like you would expect Oh mr. P don't screw this up for me come on bro stop it okay so yeah okay go ahead and see that doesn't do anything it doesn't make any noise or anything bro don't do that see like that and look you see you K oh geez GG Z's okay um so you can't get up on those things at all so I'm not trying to click mrs. P's I what you mean mr. P right what with it with the with the potion I could try that hole mr. BAE mr. BAE are you gonna kill me no okay yeah I can't really do that it doesn't seem like it hit the box please yeah so this is what makes me think there's like an invisible wall - cuz like sometimes he aims overtop of it and it still hits it now I've tried I've tried this where I like hold on so if you go like this right oh geez nope no no no no so I tried to get I've got him to shoot the dynamite before it doesn't do anything try to shoot the gun at the boxes I don't know if Daddy oh yeah look see look see he's trying to do it it just doesn't work so I've got the dynamite you use the dynamite in the other room what other room like use it here like that I mean that's something that's possible is using the dynamite on something else but I don't know what we could be use it on what do you guys what should I do with this [Music] cut it out bro try mr. pip mr. Vieau his own weapon you can do it um yeah I could try that hold on let's get it let's get in the middle here okay poor George all right let's see if we can hey no one are you gonna shoot the Box you idiot you know I didn't realize that the song plays here but without the music until you blow it up that's interesting or without the word sorry is that I don't know what I said alright here we go come on around oh come on so you know you know his mr. P's weapon is heat-seeking so you can use it and that might be part of it is you can use it to wrap it back around like here we go here we go oh now I'm dead good bound dead Oh ain't ya so when he hits you with his weapon like it freezes you I think it's like a 5-second freeze okay so let's try trait or mode again sorry to those of you guys who are on this sort of like oh my goodness you're drawing this out bro oh it didn't let you wait it didn't let you place a teleport trap when you were player or you mean what wait you were you traitor because you wouldn't have a teleport chat right I didn't put the team's because we were trying stuff out guys we weren't trying to beat it normal we've already done that that's um thank you - oh my goodness I gotta go way back I think you do Chris boy boy boy boy boy the gaming kids squad Carson Elizabeth rat ooh whoo Oscar Hugh Naveed bashir vision s MH ocean boys w Oscar hue food I love food slushy potato oh jeez I almost forgot that they're taking care of it for me thank goodness or slushy Pluto sorry and awesome sebas thank you guys for for all the super test not so you wouldn't have been able to place wait someone wasn't able to place when I was player I had teleport Ronson I tried to play some but I said cut out so I think they mean us traitor okay so we'll try it one more time so it could be that you can't place the teleporter traps as a traitor but you can as piggie let's get the cutscene I can't skip the cutscene guys shoot mr. P's eye with the gun could try that all right let's try and get the gun but and and shoot and you're in the middle of the map well don't place if you're gonna as traitor don't place it in the very middle like where the where the where the dynamite goes all right I'm not traitor but try and put it like anywhere in this circle here like just so you know you can access it who's traitor guys mr. piece active see if you can put it down okay who's who's traitor uh oh yeah okay just try and put your thumb put the trap down like here or something see it does it work you can't place it I don't think watch I brought watch out up wait okay well oh dude oh I thought mr. I thought mr. peel is gonna get him whoo so I'm thinking I think he was about to type to say that he didn't he can't get it or he can't drop the trap the true ending is you probably you defeat mr. P what would yeah I mean yeah yeah sorta all right where I think it is the the gun in here where is the gun what room is the gun in uneven is it down here maybe I like I mean we're obviously looking for a purple safe right but like I don't even know where that is green keycard room all right yeah thank you I knew was in one of the rooms that we had to unlock I was sure that watch out okay go away bad you Oh magic bed you right on my butt alright let's try that badgy follows up thank you oh I heard a neuf oh the Ching huh right let's see oh it's done more super chat you guys man thank you seriously this is crazy um where are we uh Marie Lena said segued itza again thank you and shoot mr. PDI with a gun that's I'm gonna try and do why not gaming nobody named Emma Lauren Jones Serena Reed golden Pikmin Stephanie turned heard nobody named ocean alloys W and Stephanie Turner hi Noah Turner yeah has anybody tried shooting I'm like right on the hi cuz I'm telling you I feel like that that that I don't know just something with that cinematic and guess T with the red eye turning green and the green glow around I mean there's definitely something different about that badge I feel like it badges a red eye on green eye - yeah he does but the thing is with badgy like when you're playing this it depends on the player right they could be any of you know any of the piggies any of the skins right badge is basically just a skin although no I'm not even that it's gonna say oh great [Music] um I don't even know what's gonna have selected I think it's Billy but I'm not sure shoot the moon in the middle of the map there's a moon in the middle of the map what do you talk about there's on the roof in the orange okay thank you - uh whoa more a supersonic td7 uh okay yeah I was right I do have the teleporter chance we can try this um what else let's see Stephanie Irvin thank you the Supertop me maker tanner ray and Everson Ramirez also Kerry King thank you so I'm gonna try the teleporter shop as Billy I think people have tried this before and it didn't seem like it did a whole lot but guys go ahead and beat the map I'm not gonna chase you but like see this is what I'm saying it's like so with the red eye thing all right let's see yeah that works so with the red eye thing like Mr P has a red eye always but the skin like you know he's got two blue eyes so I don't I mean maybe we can turn those green it's just I feel like piggy like mr. P is the focus of this entire map it's got to have something to do with mr. P and not necessarily a player or a skin badgy has Greenwell badges a red eye and a green eye right but I feel like whoa my goodness that's super chat what's thank you uh - well uh oh yeah J - right with $200 super chat holy moly is right take it Oscar hue Julia's gaming Jail fire whitey CMOS Kroll the key wits Julia's gaming what a name I cannot pronounce it's like Cyrillic I can I'm sorry Abigail have Ron for joining as a member and Michelle Essex whoa you guys are nuts thank you all right so yeah go ahead and finish this and what we'll do is we'll teleport back to it but just try not to like beat the second part too fast let me explore the map as piggy once we get back here once once it switches once we do the dynamite or once they do the dynamite try going giving mr. P Green vial you can't really give him anything he's just mad all the time dude alright so here we go let's do this so let's see so this should bring us yeah this is gonna take us back oh but oh no ok so we can explore the map now is anything changed here dude I just had an idea so but you guys would probably play this map more than I have with weird I thought I could pick it up with when the ghosts are teleporting do they always teleport from and to the same spot you know how they they appear and then they shoot across and they disappear what if like do they always appear in the same spot because I'm wondering if we put the teleporter trap I wonder if we can teleport them do you know what I mean so is it always random cuz I'm wondering if we use it if we put the teleport shop in the right place what if will they will they will they teleport so it's treated it can't be done on accident' what do you mean it can be done go in the green stuff you can't go in the green stuff I mean I've seen someone get down there before but you're not supposed to like I'm not so and and there's like an invisible wall there won't let me like I'll walk over there [Music] get mr. Peter shoot the boxes in order to shape my question or you know people who tried that it doesn't do anything right guys it doesn't do anything right so you can't you can't do this you want bunny back well I mean who knows in the trending you might yeah I know the boxes are kind of in a questionmark shape I'm aware but I don't know it's that I think we might be reading too much into it like I don't know I don't see anything here that is different let's change [Music] now I don't need the gun now guys I'm just trying to see if anything is different here anything that we can do I wonder you know what hold up I wonder if oh they got the gun I was gonna say I wonder if I could pick up the gun and bring it back but I'm a guy I don't think it's picking you can pick up anything hmm yeah there doesn't seem like there's much yeah I'm gonna go check define it like the the Red Room here wait what if I pushed towards on this has anybody tried that pushing George onto the telephone trap to bring him back like to bring him into the battle with mr. P hey George [Music] oh Jesus wait what did he do to me okay now they teleported me so Jake won't teleport Jorge I don't know man thank you guys by the way they got they're waiting for mr. P here this big shoot me yeah maybe I'm mr. P shoot me too yeah so there's there's one of them I say we give this repeater shoot me hey wait you brought the gun tear let me get it come on dog oh that's good dad's gonna miss me wait how did you bring the gun I thought you couldn't bring it yo you guys you can bring the gun try shooting mr. Pete see what happens so that's interesting guys because that is to me maybe doesn't have any mo are there so are there any other items that transfer into this hello he did because all of the other all of the other stuff gets taken out of your hand right but I'm just kidding so wait you're right okay no ammo oh okay so aw but you were able to bring gun so when you when you go to the second part it takes everything out of your hand except the gun I wonder if there's a reit imeem there's definitely a reason for that it may have nothing to do with the true I think it may be just that you can still shoot mr. P but I don't know I don't know it could actually have something to do with the true ending so do we do we need to like do we need to do we need to keep doing trader stuff I feel like we should still do trader let's just keep doing trader mode when it comes just because trader is such a very different game mode that they might be able to do stuff that we can maybe you shoot ghost bunny or doggy they go so fast but I mean yeah I don't know you can is it actually impossible well I mean it's roblox says it is but it's not actually impossible like it is possible it's just that no one's done it before or yet actually let me see if there's anything any new tweets actually let me check let's see if there's even many turns awake he's the only one that knows actually probably I know you nope yeah so he is well I feel like this is another thing that I thought was really interesting that his development team and I don't know what that consists of I know there's at least two of them right there's like he is in mini tune right there there might be more but I gotta say like even even if it's just the two of them like me knowing how to do this and not like accidentally saying it or telling someone the I'm impressed that they've kept it under wraps for this long as many people want to see this that they're able to keep this under wraps it's unbelievable like I mean like it's actually reminding me of like you got you guys know these wings right dude let's see how many people are like now I'm not gonna say oh gee roadblocks but who've been around roblox for a few years these wings and why I always wear these wings do you guys know I'm waiting for the let's see yeah yeah yeah Pat whispers the first one to say it ready player one event yeah so this is from the why do I keep doing that I hate it when I skate hey wait what what am i walking I run a man and I'm emanation I must have changed my skin or something because I have that in a root Oh run I need to change that back or maybe piggy makes me do this but can you do oh no you can't so yes from the ready player one event and if you if you guys were around during that that was - well to me that was the best egg hunt well it was the best egg hunt I ever participated in like that egg hunt was sick you guys and people there were like dozens of people streaming all at once trying to figure out how to unlock these wings and my wings are the bronze ones I think like one person got the gold wing so the first person to do it then like I don't know like three people got the silver ones and then everybody else got bronze but you had to do so much from like through different games and all this stuff to unlock these wings and I loved it I had so much fun like playing all these different games and collecting all these eggs and getting those wings in the end this is what reminds me of because like there were no leaks about that either they and like roblox like every day would post like like some sort of like cryptic message on roblox comm and you had a sort of like whole little clues out of it and so I'm getting that vibe from this and I'm like I'm impressed that they've kept it under wraps and I'm also super impressed at how many people this is engaged like so many youtubers and streamers we're all trying to figure this out all you guys like a single game is Dundas and it's just it's awesome it's awesome I love it I mean if the roots and super tats I'm sorry oh geez oh my goodness how far back you have to go here holy cow so Michelle Essex Jail fire whitey a Tcat big t dlc jack light jack licks christina a superstars plays Mara Annabel loopy fruity sunlight stars Riley O'Hara Gerald Oh real ocean boys Shalom wicks William Hernandez wild gamer Stephanie Turner Jay Bradfield I have a name okay Oscar Hughes hey I didn't even notice mister sloth cans 9:47 gel fire whitey tendon gaming Gerald oriole ocean boys w again at Jordan house ocean wise w Jeremy King Tanner ray again you guys are nuts thank you what do we try now what are we trying what are trying to you guys got any ideas dragon worlds thank you ever sinned Ramirez thank you to as well thank you guys all so much okay alright so what are we trying now the chairs not broken it works it's just really fast met wait what did you do what I wasn't no I didn't do it and I'm actually like I'm checking I'm checking roblox let's see to see if he does or see if anybody has just on my other screen here just check in the badges but I don't think anybody has let's see nope still zero crazy just absolutely crazy you guys what what uh what you guys think what should we try so did Doug did he hit me with a with let me see if I can block a shot let's see come on take a shot Mr P load it up bro come on load it up hey hey hey no that oh jeez sorry I let him throw here's a comment but they don't loose guys watch out no no no no no dude it okay hey stop it oh man he's going down the stairs stop it what are you doing they know you're there they hear you well actually they don't actually there's one thing about mr. P that's really kind of tough is he doesn't make any sound yeah see I'm telling you guys okay come on take a shot bro take a shot let's go well I eventually changed maths well I don't I don't know do we I mean what-what would changing maps do we we we the true ending it says is from this map so what what I mean what do you guys like if we were to change maps what map and why like is there something that you guys think has changed in those maps something that like something that'll I don't know trigger something in this map why change back for the query yeah you have to use this map that's an on thinking to like chapter 9 what's what's give the picture to bunny well I mean why this bunny care about mr. P's wife like has anybody checked to see if ah if mrs. P is still the window and chapter nine city she's still there you guys know [Music] check the masseter feature in Chapter 12 it's a lot maybe it is there the shadows still there and that's that they move things from hospital so maybe they forgot something [Music] okay I think he just shot mr. P in the eye and it didn't do anything right now he's taking shots come on hit me hit me hit me I don't think it's gonna do anything come on take a shot bro oh dude he's bad he's actually a little bit faster than hit me no why would you aim away from me yeah I'm just trying to get you to show me man oh Jesus oh yeah doggy come on oh it goes right through me so he can't he won't shoot you it goes right through you they're not no they're not gonna be any more chapter 7 chapter 12 is the final chapter that's why there's the end credits and stuff there's not gonna be another one yeah it goes right through me you know what is shoots over this box can anybody jump on this box cuz like it went right it went over the top of it the only what I've ever seen that happen most of time to fix the box nah they can't get up in it thanks guys with that what John what I would do I think he was gonna be a picket - I don't know I've actually talked to many dude about this before and at least when I talked about this in the gym like chapter 8 he said he had no plans but like that was a while ago that was like a month and a half ago so he based it on a have plans for that now but I can't speak I don't know I mean definitely not tuned because the dude needs a break because then imagine what it's like like what about when you're escaping you get the gun well yeah see but he's got the gun you saw you just shot right through mr. P right there look he shot him right through the I didn't do anything so that doesn't work that doesn't that doesn't work either try to bring that gun ammo into the boss fight yes but he just did and he just tried to shoot mr. P's eye because we think or at least I think that we have to turn his green eye or his red eye to green to make him like fun infected or whatever change him but I don't know how now wait - the ghosts see if we can get it goes to spawn do the ghosts have red eyes I didn't see it I got him oh no it didn't get him exponent where do they spawn is it just random or do they spawn when somebody else lair they spawn on you because I think they kill you right where the box is made expression mark maybe I just think that like everyone is putting so much stock into that that were sort of on oh she did not have a die there they're overlooking other possibilities should we try different math and looking like I'm making mr. P go into the fire [Music] let's see right there come on she did it oh no she almost did it actually watch it no I try to block it it got her no it did mr. pate ma'am wait I'm gonna run out you guys can go in and see if you can get around the fire photo on fire well I mean yeah I'm sure people have run through there on accident with the fire and why would you want to do that there we go there we go there he is he walked right through the fire did nothing this is awesome to be able to like test things like this I'm so glad we're doing this but yeah nothing is oh oh I think nope okay I thought she got so the ghosts freezing right they don't gonna kill you or they just freeze me it said that many tin himself is gonna be but but maybe yeah when you give this your PA gun wait you can't give him a gun you can you can give him the photo and that's it there's nothing else you can do put the foot on the fire now they tied that oh she's I'm sorry so sorry it's Brennan V on piggy Vanek help and I look at the note 128 on it and this is a theory 120 it might see the maps you have to be in order to get the true ending one two and eight why it's what what do you think like so that's what house station and probable why what what do you think happens in those that that causes that like there that yeah no it's just regular like what what would be significant in those baths thinking about of the glint and Lucas games game kid squad it Justin chicken and Chad and plaid some super chat I don't know [Music] look through the pillars like you are now okay I mean I like nothing they're like so sort of focus for that I think you can look through these boxes on how to get inside them they look fairly solid there multiple pieces but any other ideas one two eight was in one of the notes I know that but like what would what would give mr. PN an apple you can't try stunning piggy when it's a bot while they're infected get the bad enemy dragged mr. P - bunny how the bunny is like bunny you bunny spawns randomly right put the photo must be the campfire they tried that ok we'll do one more round and then all I'll do in different VIP server so other people could join but thank you guys to those and you guys these people and the server are awesome thank you to all of them Cheetos crab tank tank taco gamer double o49 and child of Asia you guys yeah that's awesome thank you for like listening to everything and doing all this stuff you guys are really good at this game dude but they did they keep running out the timer and everything and I'm sure it's it's a pain on the fly but thank you thank you also - oh my goodness the cream kid 70 urban cars Eleuthera again Lucas games in a jail fire whitey also creeper maniac A+ and T's is weird thank you guys so much also nighttime sky lovers try playing the maps in the plant chapter four through needs is that what maps are there that is cool is that wait is that true is it is that what maps there are let's see so it's definitely Forest School wait no but see it's forest school metro and carnival right right Hospital is not in there is four five seven and eight it's not four five six seven eight right yeah on the second part chapter six is not oh let's go check the hospital let's do hospital that's interesting let's check that out someone said I who was it they said check it out so it says see this Sheeran meatza see this chapter four or five seven and eight are in the second part chapter six is not and yeah Hospital that's that's pretty interesting actually may have many - made a video on how to get the trending now many two dozen ever YouTube channel I thought I saw something else that some in Chapter eight at the end credit you can see mrs. P photo for a split second it's where you met is easy in pony it's on the Shelf there yeah but that's at the end of chapter eight so we've seen that before that that's not new so let's let's look through here let's look through Chapter six ya know I've already beat it but like we're trying to get the ending that no one's gotten yet we're trying to figure out my goodness alright well I mean this is uh I can look around for notes and stuff and let them let them go ahead and escape and we'll look around for stuff see if there's anything different if you guys notice anything different please post in the chat try holding mrs. piece photo till the time and someone just did that we when we were just playing she had the photo until the end so it didn't do anything distorted memory well we can't do distorted memory anymore unless we do it on a hundred bob mode or wait what oh I meant to do chapter six I don't know what happened guys whoops we're gonna do hospital next I'm not saying any bad words haha thank you to uh ever sinned Ramirez a kid named Kayla - Keith Ricci roblox gamer cc5 crypt of Phoenix Keith Richie Lucas games Dylan's a fun house and Tony TTT the boxes makin question mark I know guys guys guys guys this been discussed I think and I think that everyone's hung up on this and we were over by by focusing on the question mark boxes I feel like we're missing out on other ideas so let's see you think it might be impossible no no it ain't impossible come on now come on now alright I will switch VIP servers actually no no minutes who does not have a youtube channel guys if you think that he does you're subscribed to the wrong person he doesn't like he's he's uh he's only got he's got Twitter and discord that's it for now I think he's making a YouTube channel buddy doesn't have one so if you're subscribed to somebody says they're mini tune they are not let's see uh mini tune confirmed on discord how to get the true ending really are you sure I'm gonna leave roblox up real quick I'll I'll check that I got I got I got this board hold on let me pull that up [Music] piggie server [Applause] let's go - yeah sneak peeks know and announcements no no it's not there people are alike pinging me [Music] all right like Heppe Oller picking me like him discord I think it was just like I have a theory that maybe there's something in chapters before 12 chapter 12 that triggers the ending that was just to give it open discourse let's look at all the things all right so uh nice nice guys mini tunas Instagram - but he said on Twitter he doesn't I might have that might have changed like you might have added it but I'm not sure the hospital that plant because this refused let's we can try Hospital yeah so I'm gonna switch to VIP servers now guys so thank you to all of you people here child a baby to think tank Mayor Joey you could chew ninety ninety and taco gamer I'm servers so that way we can get some other people a chance to play in game how do I do that oh yeah I know sorry guys I've done this in a while last time I was doing like if you have P servers like this was when Lou me and legacy first came out and I was shiny hunting our gleam hunting my van bat like yeah it's been a while so let's go ahead configure get piece disabled save okay and then I'm gonna make this one active configure get a server link so I'm gonna post in the chat it is going to go pretty much instantly you guys wait let's check the badges first maybe somebody got it but I doubt it let's see 0 okay right so I'm gonna go ahead and join this VIP server here and then I'm gonna oh yeah ok then I'm a post in the chat you probably I don't know you might see it might not maybe I don't know ready three two one I'm the yellow link just click that and you guys should be able to get in so we're gonna do hospital as people are saying that with Chapter 12 you get it shows Matt's four or five seven and eight it does not show six and then that could mean something it could also be a total coincidence and those are just the maps that fit in the little spots um but we'll check out the hospital and it'll be nice to like a rumor it that is obviously not real if you manage to get the gun with you loaded until the end you get this ending no that's not true try to get mr. Peter shoot the boxes in order from smallest to largest every box the different size weight I feel like so many tunes said that he thinks that the path to getting this is pretty clear once you're on and I feel like if he's shot the smaller man and I know people have gotten him to shoot the smaller one I'm sure of it at this point it would make a noise or something it's like wait that's not something you know what I mean does does that happen [Music] because I'm not sure I don't know [Music] alright let's try this so what do we have here no okay no all right they got that open good let's go oh actually doesn't even matter right cuz like we don't even have to worry all right I'm gonna I'm gonna look let's go and let's let's look at everything we're gonna look closely you guys notice anything in the chat on this map that's different or out of place because we don't have don't worry cuz Piggy's not gonna chase us right piggy so we can we can explore this map fully go through here I'll grab that mm I don't see anything there let's go well hello hello no okay so yeah we've explored yeah we start that that was always there that paper okay so where should we check in here I've tried looking at stuff and all the other maps you did okay hmm ringing alright we'll go and unlock everything first and then I'll do a little more exploration let's grab this okay oh there - did that jeez yo I'm behind I gotta catch up y'all are moving yo these people know what they are doing jeez look what oh wait they got the vial that's how they filled that one this one alright oh it's gonna say that didn't empty but yeah you know that's a thing right you guys think about this right so we've got the two vials right I'll have you look these are the same two potions that are in Chapter 12 right don't do that so fast wait a minute what how did they wait did they do like this thing where you glitch into it or something cuz that was ridiculously fast and the key was already out before I even opened that but it is right give it to bunny what do you mean Oh give that oh you think we could I should have done that but yeah these are the exact same potions right that we that we see in the other one and are in Chapter 12 what are these because this this looks familiar from chapter 12 right like is there hmm but they yeah they different order but same potions is that right yeah that yeah cuz in in chapter 12 it's green and and pink and in this one is pink than green that opened the safe hmm dynamite there's no dynamite the potions aren't the same as the one in Chapter 12 of bubbles but the vials of the same are you sure the same color there's got to be something to that right I mean yeah these are all these things we can't get it in any of them can we I don't think we can Oh maybe jump a little bit there hmm yeah I don't see yeah this hasn't changed at all this is exactly the same like the lights everything is the same yeah she yeah bunny doesn't have a red eye at least not in this cuz she's still good and then actually when she's a ghost when she's gone she says buddy never really gets in did she just dies right okay okay any other ideas guys what if there is 12 of something what do you mean 12 of 1 stop looking at clues for new ending what are you talking about I'm trouble that's the whole point of this is to try and figure out clues for the new ending that's what we're doing like nobody knows and we're trying our best to figure it out move on yeah we ain't got a stream this is the whole point read the notes in Chapter 12 play as bunny on Chapter 12 what okay hmm what if what if we did infection mode and we all were a certain skin do you guys think that like so let's say I so we got what are the ghosts in chapter 12 the ghosts are our bunny and doggie is that is that are these are those the only ones I wonder if we dogging him bunny both drink the potion I wonder why oh there's a red eye on her bunny's iPad you sure so it's just bunny and doggie right those are the only two somebody already tried it Oh somebody already tried doing infection mode Oh teacher someone says teacher is that true is teacher in there be bunny and doggie and go to the ghost version of themselves cuz that's yeah that's what I was thinking as being infection in infection mode it was bunny only no it's definitely doggy also bunny has a scratched eye maybe use the skins on the format but I don't think it has anything to do with the old maps I think it's got to be foxy - in carnival but is foxy because Foxy's just in the cage right and foxy is not in Chapter 12 is that we can go look let's go let's go to chapter 12 let's list is this let's let's go beat this I'm going the wrong way but whatever oh no I'm not okay we'll go beat this let's get some bigger points and then we'll go to chapter 12 and everyone will equip some sort of skin so like well or let's see so what skins we got I mean yeah so definitely we need at least one person as doggy and I'll choose bunny and let's see what happens let's see is it the next round infection or traitor cuz we want to do infection mode and see [Music] Oh interesting why would use the white key for an item not the escape I mean you need that to escape like that but all the other Chapter II is a white key to escape help me well so that's cookies are swag well you do actually need it to escape to get away from mr. P right you use that white key it unlocks the final lock in school which is kind of like unlocking the front door and then it gets you that final item that you have to give to mr. P which is like walking out the front door so it might seem like hey wait a minute like the white key doesn't actually yeah infection I here we go the white key doesn't actually let you or it doesn't actually like mouth but it kind of does right it's about the same to me [Music] let's see thank you to toaster dad sabelli webbed unreal mr bling blocks Chiara wheels Sibley web Sabeel Seville web dr. de real mr. bling blocks whoa bling blocks addison see a kid named Caleb yo dude thank you so much that's insane Carlos and of all Michael Sager and Michael Sager who says what did he took the gun to the floor mr. P is and shoot him there we've tried that it lets you bring it but it doesn't when you shoot him it doesn't do anything we try to shoot him right through the eye and it didn't work a tutu says I think you have something to do something with the ghosts okay so yeah so we're gonna try now so some people so yeah we'll wait we'll go in like so whoever's piggy don't don't get us and what we'll do is we'll go and try we'll pop this all out and then we'll well how they got everything oh geez mr. Pete has hit me in the face yeah they are an opposite order but these what do you mean there's bubbles man these are the same potions you just saw these these are the same but yeah and then we'll uh we'll let piggy infect us once we get to the second part do you know what I mean like not yet but once we get once we put the dynamite down we'll let piggy in fact at least one person who is who's doggy and then and then Mia's bunny whatever and we just want to see all right where's the red key is it here oh no it's not there is it up here there it is Oh [Music] yo mr. P what are you doing we're trying we're trying to find the true ending bro we're trying to save you why are you being so mean he's coming how if I ever read that let's see all right piggies ha ha pinky or George George bit piggy whatever let's go yep grab the ammo let's see what happens huh you got it did you did you I yeah he put it all right cool oh and people said to give this to George let's try but it's not gonna work but I'll try it anyway George George George no no no no don't infect me please yeah see can't and you can't give it to mr. P cuz he's a jerk see No all right he doesn't see he's not he doesn't accept items until you get the like it's sort of like when you when you get the photo that's what allows otherwise he doesn't do that sort of thing all right so here we go mr. pay [Music] okay so it does not mr. P was right there - okay so infect me thank you all right so now we uh now buddy now I've got to find bunny yo that's weird dude it stops the music all right there we go all right let's see okay there we go doggy doggy doggy oh man we've got to like how are we gonna manage this so we got to try and hit our like respective ghosts right so you doggy you got to try for doggy I'm gonna want to try for bunny okay is it always there let's watch let's stay still here because it was there just a second ago what a fight wait was that I didn't see that can't do anything to Mister pay here but it's weird that stop the music right isn't that weird oh man my chat like I stopped my chat I'm sorry mr. P is bugged is he maybe maybe this is happening okay so right there is where the where it spawned so let's see if we can they're not ghosts or memories okay but whatever with yeah we're trying stuff with the ghost right now there right there okay so it doesn't seem like it's doing much but yeah if we stay right here and don't hit him it keeps spawning there aw dude well we'll block I don't know if we can block the shot oh no I can't all right mr. P cut it out let's see if we can get this but how come it's not spawning so it spawns around a person and since there's only one person left it should spawn that memory right in front of them or not it was because I saw the dog hmm play something else no this is the whole point guys play something else the blue potion there's no blue potion chapter 12 what blue potion there's never been a blue potion has there there's only been green and pink the ghost moves around but I don't see it I know it moves around because the players move around typically but if there's only one player for it to target their CC okay oh those bunny wait that made a weird noise did you hear that did that just do something did it make a noise or something it spawns on people it is a ghost who Fox er that worked let's I mean it's weird cuz it's it didn't spawn for so long there okay it's bunny wait doggy go go go go go over by mr. P and then see if the the ghost or bunny spawning or me spun me spawning on bunny or bunny spawning on me makes any difference cuz it was it was doggy come on why isn't why wouldn't spot for me it was spotted for him go a little further maybe because I feel like it doesn't want to spawn if there's too many piggies or something I don't know well they're there they're there oh geez I'm sorry whoops they pushed me right into you okay that's that doesn't do anything either why didn't you combine the purple potion with the green potion how do you how would you do that mini can't treat it how to do it did you let me see I can check that and yeah let's do let's do that again in in chapter 12 but we won't do infection should we do traitor I don't know wait people always be trolling me man let me see tweets and replies it's Chuck nah he hasn't tweeted anything in 12 hours guys alright I need a drink I've got a huge bottle of water here but I've been like sort of rationing myself because usually when I open a big bottle of water like this I drink too much of it and then I have to be already telling but my mouth is so sorry alright traitor now you know I haven't been trainer in like two months cuz like i don't i don't play trainer mode very much and pretty much since like i first played it like it doesn't get selected very often they get a Jonah Clank oh Michael Sager shadow killer 196th arrow wheel I have I trying to think of the ghosts we just did Jonah Clank Oh again Cooper's Jones and Steffi Oh bunny or doggy swans close the player okay that's what I thought all right so I'm not the trick Oh George you okay buddy doing somersaults we need something to make him snap ha hey bro snap out of it bro hmm let's think think talking to music what what you talking about so so I know I'm pretty sure people well even in my video when I first played this someone they didn't mean to but they glitched oh right trader mode has a bot they glitched into the sewer down here where the where the green liquid is and it didn't seem to me like they did anything like that they were able to do anything besides like all they were able to do was like run back and forth here so I don't think that there's a reason to do that I'll go grab there's two apples just sitting there George sorry he'd go and hunger this around try to get mr. P to shoot all of the boxes well people have tried that it doesn't do anything and it's actually that's kind of hard in trainer mode because you've got you got a you got two BOTS well you know mr. P and and badging over there but I'm just wondering if trader mode fits into it somehow I mean trait so we do know we have found that trait the trader cannot place the teleport trap because that's what I was thinking but that somebody just traded somebody the trader can't place the teleport trap down in this side of the map I wonder if they can place it in in in in part two or if they just can't place at all on Chapter 12 we should we should test that we should test that so eight people said oh it's got three oh three em oh sweet okay wait mr. P why are you killing everyone do we do we do we do it can we can we go to the other part or whatever I'm here I can shoot this dude for you yeah we should switch to the oh we didn't get the green liquid whoops can somebody go get the green liquid I'm trying to collect as much ammo as possible I don't know where I'm going so that that person oh that person is the traitor okay wait you're traitor we don't want you to die so don't die don't die don't die I see that I see the knife okay don't die don't die all right just stay alive I'll go get that I'll go get this stuff we can try it wait where is it bro where'd it go uh maybe he got it but did he get it where is it does somebody put it somewhere else or is he putting it down you might be putting it down hmm yeah I mean if somebody had it and died it would respawn right there right I think maybe they put it somewhere else oh he got it did he get it oh he got it he got it okay cool cool cool yeah put the dynamite and then okay see if you so yeah go ahead put the dynamite down yeah go for it go for it go for it go pop up up all right so now so whoever the traitor is see if you can place teleport ops now can anyone can you place a teleport trap I don't I don't know who the traitor actually is well yes I do it's him it doesn't look like he can so I think hi green push and then I died please die traitor kill me I don't have track oh you don't have teleport traps okay that's okay I don't I don't because I can't imagine what you would do with it like you can put a teleport I mean there is a spot here but then one like where would you teleport to right like you because you can't place it in the first like act or whatever it is like put it [Music] all right so like oh no trigger dad okay thank you to Scott shoemaker shadow killer 196 here a wheel and Michaela Chung for the super chats Oh yo what you doing that right so what does that music that's that's just part of the regular music in the game what else can we try guys anybody with the two tubes maybe you can switch that okay we can try that okay so we'll do plants again and then try and put the green one and the pink one and put the pink one and the green one I don't think it'll let you but we could try make sure you put out a hint on Twitter and another one let me just refresh here I got it no not yet anyway and not today not nothing besides that white question mark emoji which I'm not even convinced to hit I don't know it could be like it could have just been a question mark because I ended my question my statement ah I'm a trader I'm gonna kill y'all no I'm just kidding we're gonna do this we're gonna do this properly but yeah I don't know I don't know guys okay it's midnight you better get to bed some of y'all got school tomorrow well not really though so now when we were in infection mode guys remember when I got bit or hit whatever it changed the music I wonder if we go if we use the potions and end up in that round does the music go back to normal I wonder hmm so many different like the whole problem is that we can't find that first step if we could find or figure out the first I had nothing to do with that if we can figure out that first step I think it might make things easier and then I think there's there's going to be hints today I don't know it was I didn't do that either her I don't know what time that's gonna be but there I think there's gonna be a hint today so I might come back and do this tomorrow nobody's figured it out if people figure it out I'll make a video on it but until they figure it out I'm gonna keep streaming on this this is it's it's um but but it's it's discouraging okay so he's got green alright it's discouraging when oh no they already put it in the pink one so did it not work okay I'll try to play some different oh but you didn't yeah maybe it don't work it probably don't work there is a poll on Twitter yeah yeah I know asking for hints or make it easier okay so I've also had like left I've tried this too just in case you wanted to suggest it where like I left the dynamite there and had mr. P shoot it to see if it would blow this thing up and it doesn't so I thought maybe that would work but there we go alright let's so the music so see that's a difference and I wonder if that's just a bug or glitch but when you're in infection mode this music gets overridden by bunnies song what I got I don't know if that means anything but why is that glowing so much and you like cuz someone did that in [Music] Hospital like I can't do it I hear both of them I hear both songs collective yeah it's hard to hear I get it [Music] yeah I want the truth I think Taylor's we're trying we're trying I'll check and see if anybody else has gotten it come on good bunny oh you know I mean I know this is where the petite the dynamite goes but I wonder if like it's still in here that makes sense the moon is still there yeah what's with these like we can't go to any other [Music] Oh money go now there's invisible touch only to ghost bunny okay I said touch tip up they just want and then it goes game over eyes bunny [Music] I've actually never hot cuz oh my street got broken no I'm just kidding um I've never actually been piggy when that happened so I didn't even know what actually happens I wonder no I was gonna say I wonder what happen if people are still going through yo I had an idea I have an idea okay hmm so my idea is this like it just was this I don't know just choose a player mode I guess we'll skip trader mode no I do trader cuz I want to be trader at least um what I'm thinking is why if cuz like so when you win and you choose right how long is that cutscene cuz I'm thinking what if it's like this right so if while someone's watching the cutscene one person that's all it takes while they're watching the cutscene if the rest of the server or people on the server start a new game speedrun it and beat it and choose the opposite ending of what of what they choose could we get it like so let's say this round right one person I don't care who it is let's just say well let's see who's there at the end they'll choose good ending right and then while they're watching it and don't skip just watch it the rest of us will skip and and speedrun and if we beat it will do the opposite of so that will have them do good ending right so run toward George and watch the whole thing watch it all the way to the credits and we'll speedrun it and then we'll choose mr. P so basically we'll have two endings going at the same time well good and bad do we think has anybody tried that someone did the training no I don't think so wait do we have yellow anybody yellow key I didn't even look I wasn't paying attention we got a beat so so that on this round we don't have to be fast on the next one we have to be fast you did it nothing happened really that's sounds like a really complicated thing to do are you sure that sounds super complicated wait didn't nobody got the L okay where's the L key usually it's like down he might have got it oh never mind we got it there we go okay good good good let's give George an apple you have tried it does not work really I mean I'm not saying that's how you do it I'm just surprised that anybody tried it it seems so convoluted Bom oh geez mr. P you walked right through bad G I didn't think you could do that bro keep wagging him no all right what are you doing 100 layers this this uh this Maps not in a hundred players don't move for ten minutes and don't think that's it but well so what we have to do is to try this let we have to be a lot quicker than we are right now this is like super slow yeah we got to be much quicker than this and also we don't we don't want it we want to do regular player mode and whoever is piggy don't kill just let everybody run because yeah we want to do it fast I think we're all overthinking this hey we're trying everything Tim we are probably overthinking this but yeah I think any shadow killer 196 the secret picture you mean the one of mrs. P but they go to daylon's a funhouse and also the cubing Shah how many steps - I think there are I don't know honestly like it could be anything I mean it's not bad but we gotta go faster than this next time okay and it's because there's a bot because it's trader mode hey hey get out of here bro oh man come on and I wonder if we have to all survive - that might be part of it - why can't I place this man close enough okay here we go here we go let's go okay I'll grab the coin okay so we got to be quick on the second go and try our best to have nobody die I don't know if that makes it any difference I don't know if anything makes any difference [Music] Oh No somebody died I wonder if I don't know if that makes any difference oh excuse you so we're gonna try so we're gonna try regular player mode both rounds and we're gonna beat it and have let's say cool wolf man zero eight is gonna watch he's gonna choose the good ending and he's gonna watch it or wait no no wait hold up okay I have a different theory yes okay here's here's what we're gonna do all right dude how are we gonna do this because this is the theory but I don't know how to time this but we could do it in the chat okay so here's what we're gonna do what we'll we'll play this round we'll beat it right we're gonna have one person stay man cuz I was gonna say have one person stay and not cheese right so they stay where you know where it says choose which way to go they don't choose okay and then play again while the person sitting there and then choose good and bad at the same exact time so like I know so so someone has to volunteer in here so let's um let's uh let's beat it and then someone can volunteer to be the one that stays there and then we'll do it again while they're sitting there while they haven't made a decision that could actually be the question mark meaning like they haven't decided what to do let's try that okay so let's beat it and then have one person stay behind and not choose and then we'll try and choose the opposite of what they choose you're gonna get that at this okay go through every single map but why like we I don't I don't see the reason for that because like they those maps haven't really changed why did I go here wait did you get that oh you got it right cool got it okay you got it cool and about the box of it yeah so we mailed over wait a minute how do you open now without you just just hacks he just haxed didn't he he liked it a little more Whoopi what no I don't know what you did but he got in he's quick dude alright yo whoa watch out miss P okay what's up Pedro alright okay what are you doing dog there we go wolf cool nice yo that's quick you guys super quick look at that 8:26 mini tune just said how to get it I don't think so well look after this puppies okay so let's beat this [Music] tells me oh yeah forgot a julienne doing nothing okay so let's do that [Music] got it Oh already did that part I think somebody else put it already so they're gonna grab the the thing nobody did it wait nobody maybe at the support yet no we did oh there's the key okay grab that key all right so here we go whoa how the same wouldn't even open all right that was quick okay so here we go guys so one of who wants to who wants to be who wants to go and choose okay or okay someone stay behind who's gonna stay behind cool wolf man you stay behind don't choose oh he's dead well who's alive okay hey Brooke okay hey bro night is gonna do it okay okay so hey bro night's gonna do it he's gonna wait all right so let's skip all right we're gonna skip and we're gonna let him sit there okay so he's in the credits we got to be quick now so we got to choose fast we've got to run this thing well actually doesn't matter as long as he sits there right he's sitting there so he it doesn't matter how long the cutscene is because he's sitting there he's not making a choice yet okay so we're gonna try to choose the opposite of what he chooses at the same time that he chooses it meaning that like we dog gone it I don't get it all right well you guys can do it I'll stay away um but uh but yeah go run through it I won't kill you and then we'll like sync it to the chat so I'll just say like three two one shoot you know choose you know like that and and and then have one choose good one juice baton they can tell me in the chat if they got the true ending or not and then we can try mini to incent to hit hint the boxes form a question mark when you no no no he didn't actually say that at home he sent two in maybe that was an ability question mark and he didn't say anything about any boxes or nothing guys so that's just that's what people have thought right that's what people have come up with that's what people have been focusing on in fact that it has something to do with the boxes and I may not or most at least as far as I can tell it probably doesn't you know what I'm gonna try something here no it's not gonna make a difference though because you can all I could always go here so it's gonna I was thinking of putting the teleport trap here like as if it's a place that I can act I can't access when I go back but I've been everywhere here once we placed the dynamite and it doesn't make a difference wonder if you can even put it now what happens if I step on this there's nowhere to go nothing okay oh geez I'm sorry I'm sorry I almost killed you I'm just not paying attention it's one of the most longest dreams ever how long not even two hours man some people be streaming like 26 hours or something on this one plus two plus eight equals eleven go to outpost there might be something change or use infection with the piggy that the bot becomes in one two or eight or start the dynamite at 128 128 interesting so they're saying post or put now and we're not gonna make him wait that long we're gonna try this first just let them beat it and then at the same time choose one guy who's sitting there waiting to choose from the previous round choosing bad ending and then someone she's good ending from this one still no one got the true ending no not yet thank you too let's see she's fishing the god the cubing shot demons fun house shadow killer 196 meter Roman Maleeha medic Bertha Nuno Taryn Clark shadow killer 196 sky hide-a-goose crime one-for-all destroyer of all for one and Dale it's fun else again thank you guys all so much I really do appreciate it all right so he is bro what is wrong with you mr. peek no no no no no no no I was gonna put you on a teleport track getting covet get your butt back over here brah so yeah we want him oh he got hit by the come on Mississippi Mississippi I'll stay away you guys got to beat it though nope there wasn't even anybody there who are you aiming at he's got that oh look at that so doggies fun right on the teleport time and didn't teleport so that was another thing I was thinking that that these ghosts or spirits or memories could maybe teleport but like he's spawned right on it and then moved so yeah if I walk through the teleporter trap I go to a different place you'll see so it'll put me back where we were it does actually work like that but there's nothing here we've explored it all it doesn't nothing's different it's all the same somebody's to thank you [Music] yeah doesn't seem alright so they got the hammer almost done yeah hey coke on guys that's the animator for the UH wait what happened do they win or they die did they die or win yeah okay so I think they won right okay awesome okay okay cool so hey bro night you choose good and do me Dewey you choose bad but at same exact time so like tell me when you can choose Dewey they might get it who knows so that would be like two people in separate rounds choosing different different endings I don't know if makes it difference but maybe it might you guys who knows okay you know so once he can choose I'm gonna say three to one and then they go and hopefully we'll get it who knows [Music] I'm here in chat [Music] is this VIP server yes okay I can choose now okay okay you guys ready okay all right let's get the other guy at Haber night I need them do okay so what about Hebrew night [Music] okay so okay three two one go GUI GUI all right I think da da da nothing right what do we got it got what got what no you did not got good ending what no he's full of it out of my head what no he's got zero I'm looking law he is kidding I checked by this he's only kidding guys he didn't really get it III I got that ending yeah yeah okay okay okay ah okay okay he got that ending okay so that doesn't do it huh now he didn't he didn't get he got the bad ending guys which is what he should have gotten that's why he said out my head I was like what yeah I'm in credits okay yeah no we're trying to get the secret ending am I gonna wanna be one Danny got maybe take gun to the bad ending what do you mean take the gun to the bad ending like once you get to the ending there's no you don't have anything else do you do you do you you don't get to bring the gun right like into the cutscene right like when you're choosing it takes away everything right trying to do something with the nuke and the dynamite yeah I don't I don't see what you could do what have you put a question in the chat when you have to choose I think people have tried that have you guys tried that they've tried putting in the picture in the fire it doesn't do anything goodness stupid mr. Pete like hey I am the I keep forgetting that we're actually playing Piggy hold on thirsty what let's see what they do oh yeah how come I can't why can't I press play [Music] trying to get the pictures of George it doesn't mean he won't take it I can't I can't expect people is that a thing on chapter 12 where you can't spectate I've done that before though right um let's see thank you too Corre Corre Kyo Kazuki Han na no be thumbs up family Damon's fun house Tarrant Clarke Sealy five four three two one the gaming kids squad and thumbs up family but I can't try clicking mr. P's but I know we've tried that and that's part of like I don't know if you were here before our flame vlogs quite up thinking to do this but aspirin under super jet super sticker yeah this is one of my theories was that we have to change mr. P's red eye to green somehow reset your character can I do that I don't think I don't think of resetting piggy what if there is no true ending there is a trending what would you do if it was in real life what do you mean thank you too little virus I'll try keeping it up but I don't know no I don't think about that oh yeah oh thank you to ocean that wise w for another super chat this stream is more entertaining than sleep well I mean I would hope so like sleeping not meant to be entertaining you know um let's see well it's ah we think of anything else you guys like I've I've sort of run out of ideas like I mean I I had some coming into it I thought I'd feel like more another word aliens a fun house thank you so much but like I'm trying to think why is it the middle of the night it's the middle of night for you oh it's ocean waves of thank you sorry about that it looks like an oath of me I don't know why like I had all these ideas and I feel like we've gone through them all edit the song to be in Reverse huh check mini Tunes Twitter I mean yeah but I don't think there's anything new they're like oh thank you daddy xwn for joining as a member of little virus for some for another super sticker uh yeah let's let's go here like so here's many tunes Twitter here and yeah like the last tweet it was 12 hours ago man he was up late wake up buddy but yeah I there's just been no new hints since the so if you guys saw yesterday yeah give a tiny hint right here so that was I mean it was pretty balanced but yeah that was and that was what I voted for was to give a tiny hint and it says also probably the last time I'll say this I don't have any social media but accounts besides Twitter and discord so if you guys like someone had said he had a YouTube channel he made a video no this was 18 hours ago as of 18 hours ago he only had this and then if he gets another one he's gonna tweet it here so you are subscribed to the wrong person just yeah so I don't what else do you guys think well we'll do a how long has it been going on well I mean the true ending its let's see came out on Sunday it's almost been 48 hours since chapter 12 came out and no one has figured out this true ending well thank you - thumbs up family nobody named toaster dog hunter Riley Makayla Luna and hurried tuber and Makayla says I told you it was impossible it well it does technically say impossible on it but that doesn't mean it actually is it just means nobody's got it yet once somebody gets it you know it'll it'll probably I would expect that it's always gonna be like listed as impossible but it's gonna say that somebody has won it once someone does I just I don't know when that is I don't know how leave game and join back well I did leave the game I mean I can um I can pop the VIP server again hold on let's let me open that back up hold up hold up hold up whoops let me do this make a link configure VIP server status generate okay oh I gotta join it hold on join it join it hold on got to make it active hold on cuz it's deactivated I think is it oh no it's on okay here we go alright and I'll post in the chat maybe go to a different map and look for some secrets like which Matt partly have she'll be trying other map guys what map should we try go hurry up wait why is it like that there we go so what map should we try you have to burn the photo no no we tried that and anyway though I think that would be a worse ending the worst ending of all you burn the picture of his wife like the last thing that he remembers the thing that he loves the most that's just gonna make him even worse I feel like the exact same spot in Metro carnival go to those chapters and goes exact same spots okay king karma says go to the exact same spot in Metro so let's go Metro let's do Metro oh geez oh geez oh geez no no there's too much lag in that in what I'm saying just do player so he says good at the exact same spot in Metro carnival forest or school that it shows in plant what are those chapters and goes exact same spots in the chapters it shows that's not bad let's try that okay so we'll go to forest okay so so let's just die on purpose and then let's jump to forest and then we'll go hit the cave I'm looking for us and see if anything is different in that there is a ghost bunny in the town outpost that's true or people say that's true what if you choose nothing nothing happens I've done that before where you just sit there and like actually we just did that when someone else was just sitting there not making a choice and it didn't do anything go to the hammer mash him into mashed potatoes I'm gonna walk right into him dude mr. P Sophie's bite me potato man ah oh yes he knows fact look at this huh game over he didn't even get out of the spotter room that's awesome all right so yeah we're gonna go to chapter 4 let me mr. P shoot everyone plant we literally just did that didn't mean to I mean we did mean to but he just killed us all I'm condoning what didn't you hide behind a pillar at the end what would that do it's not gonna change the ending and then the other thing is I tried in my video when I first played chapter 12 I tried like seeing if I could run around like not at George and not at mr. P and there's like an invisible wall that's to chapter 4 there's like an invisible wall no new chapter 4 chapter 4 forest yes page 4 s I can't type I don't know yeah yeah they got it there did he get out of spawned brah I didn't even get out a spawn give the green potion to mr. P you can't give them anything we've tried what if you get the board for the hallways the corner of them what do you mean what have you touch all the goats in the last stage there's only two and I'm sure people have done that I did it and I got the trending you did what what you mean I check the badges like I can I can Duncan fact-check yeah like a fact check your let's see zero still zero it's crazy but it's true someone got the trending no Alex nope I literally just checked nobody did there's zero badges giving out and that's what I wanted you know I said this is the very beginning of the stream but like probably the people here now are not the same people that were here at the beginning of the stream if you're looking for how to do it make sure it's been done first like don't go looking on YouTube for true ending bla bla bla because like there's a lot of clickbait out there so what you want to do is just go on roblox first scroll down to the bottom of the badges and if it still says zero nobody knows how to do it because nobody's done it okay once you see that number start going up I cannot I can't see once you see that numbers start going up then you know okay then someone's gonna make a guide on it right but until then don't bother you can watch people trying to sure but like don't expect that they're gonna show you how because nobody right now nobody knows how all right so we want to get into the cave right yeah wait where am I going there you go I need to wait don't kill us don't kill us don't kill us what are you doing wait did we choose by it what's happened the breach is vile I think we chose bot why do we do that did we choose bot that was not smart we're trying to do stuff here we want to be like cat is a bot oh man alright Oh there's an exit here right yeah all right um oh they're in the cave okay cool so we need to I need to visit that spot but I I want to use the key first okay she's gone all right let's look so I mean this is identical right the kiyose I mean and it is a key in chapter 12 right so it looks exactly the same I don't and I don't see anything different there right do you guys see anything different there that might do everything from forced to Carnival in order in the exact same spots implant okay we could do that so we want to do four and then five and then oh I see what you're saying but you can't though because like you said to do them in the same order but the problem is I don't where am I going the problem is that that point that the firt oh jeez what have I done I'm just gonna hide in here but there was nothing here usually so let's think about it so when you're playing it you have to let's see so the first thing you do is chap you do that wait hold on it's the first thing you do in the map is you get what do you get you get a coin put it in Metro you have to unlock the other coin right you have to uh the other coin is in the safe so yet what's the first thing the first thing you do is it can you can you melt the ice first you can right we can do that right and then yeah okay we can do that right yeah yeah you can you can you can okay so what we can do or what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do it and we're going to beat this one so are we to be how far are we here I don't even know where that that okay we have we have we done the torch yet yeah that's already done alright so we've done this okay uh okay we've got that up there we go all right we're out see ya um so here we go come on come on Lady I'm going for it all right let's just escape okay so so we can do that first right so now we're gonna go to chapter five wait cuz you do that and get the key then the key unlocks is safe yes okay we're gonna do it in order okay yes we're gonna play that now we're gonna do Chapter five then I start the live already yeah what do you mean what do you think you're watching okay so try hammering mr. potato I don't think you can do that is the trend really impossible well I mean it's not impossible as possible it's just nobody knows how yes we're gonna do chapter 5 now and we're gonna unlock that safe the same safe and then we'll do chapter 7 and then we'll do chapter 8 and then we'll go back to chapter 12 and see if that does anything we've got to do it in that order and I think that's the order you have to do it and when you solve it on the map right the badge is green so you should do the zombie piggy I don't know cuz I'm thinking that the green means that we have to change mr. P's eye to green like make him good instead of red which is bad thank you - oh my goodness I got really far behind here those are God's hunter Riley Mikayla Luna herder he hurried to ver Damon's funhouse Richard Brigman little honey little cupcake honey cupcake three of them Wow Conor Albrecht Aron Minton Kenley King avoid ghosts Koken little honey little cupcake honey cupcake Jack blocks waves willand and little cupcake honey cupcake again thank you so much you guys so yeah I'm bunny I won't kill them though no I won't kill don't worry [Music] hammer is just used for single door so I think there's something to do with the hammer Oh what do you mean you mean in in oh I'll get all the way sorry I'm just gonna hang out in here you guys do what you got okay so it's this is it watch it's not that safe is it it's sort of is but it isn't so if you guys like so in forest it was an identical copy of forest right but the this is not where that safe is the the safe is here isn't it in in in in plant it's not it's not it's not against the wall is it it looks a little different right because it's not the yellow safe it's the one that's got these I think I think it's it's more here right I'm trying to see if anybody else yeah right it's not against this wall here I'm not gonna I'm not gonna somebody somebody emptied a toilet yeah I know it's a white safe instead of a purple safe obviously because that's where we get mrs. pees well actually it's not wait the white key opens that up and you get the coin right is that yeah [Music] have I heard of Joe huh um we need to open this safe though no no don't leave guys you got open the safe got open the safe open purple safe first because if may because like that's the thing you have to mean I don't know I feel like we should do that because that's yeah just because that's some that's what we doing the thing in Chapter 12 so jomama wha road if they get a damn flocks with a super jack [Music] everybody said Obama dry no Joe Joe mama yeah yeah yeah [Music] they get extreme gamer girl 101 for the super chat there we go okay we got it open I'm hungry give me carrot give me carrot give me carrot okay she can't eat it all right I wonder hmm yeah do we need to feed bunny that maybe feed bunny back and have bunny come kill me I'll go I'll make it quicker so that she can come get me what's the training we don't know nobody knows come on bunny be bunny the bead come pop okay now beat it ah eat my head she's Road this is weird this is I don't know this feels like it's something she's like so derpy now that if they beat it so now we're gonna go to Metro and beat Metro then we're gonna be [Music] Carnival which is super hard and then and then back to plant and see what happens and beat it [Music] all right here we go next it's taking forever well to be fair that like I said other people have streamed this for like dozens of hours okay we were only two hours long and we haven't figured it out it you know it could take many many many many many many hours it could nose but uh I thought I'd do it with you guys I thought it'd be fun and I actually like didn't screw this up as bad as I thought I would like I thought that well I did get a little nervous right before the stream started cuz like I couldn't get the an emoji like my capture card like it just wouldn't come up in OBS and I was like freaking out and I was like no don't do this to me I've only got 12 minutes left I really should have tested this earlier but I assumed it would work cuz I didn't change anything can i stream more I'm not very good at streaming so I I think I'm I think I'm a better video creator than I am a screamer so I I just I typically don't really I'm just I don't stream cuz I feel like I suck so what are we thinking okay so gotta beat this let's try not to die oh but we can't die right cuz we got a player and the player ain't gonna attack us mmm interesting so four five seven so carnival yeah but there's no doggy or there's no doggy and there's no bunny in carnival right we have foxy that's it right I think yeah I think that's all we have what's in here anything oh man let me around the face oh I'll grab orange cuz we don't we don't have anyway alright there was a lot of stuff in there huh oh I got the other ho sweet dawn Achilles piggy Oh pick you think of me okay there we go just quickly quickly dude mm-hmm let's go what's up dude you got the whole hate key already yo this is quick bro I mean I guess when you got biggie chasing you and then knocking you back and forth like two different like areas trying to not die this can go real real fast here we go oh my goodness yo you guys oh dude the only thing we need left is the UH is the wrench I thought we just did it under a minute and a half dad that was that was real quick otherwise though you got anybody got a wrench anybody anybody oh he's got it yo that was quick under two minutes you guys yo spade Ron dude whoa go yes that was crazy one minute 40 well done that was fast Wow all right so now we're doing what are we doing chapter 8 oh let's see how fast we get this actually I think it might take longer than that did I don't know that was really fast thank you daddy cat waves willand ocean ways and Stacy but Emma you need a type of question am I gonna chat when he's like between good and bad I could try that veikkaus but I'm sure people have tried that Oh Thank You Sophia plays Sabeel Webb thank you for the superjet no I have not gotten the true ending yet and I don't think anybody has I have to do you think that's the world record mr. mr. P says that's the world record right there I don't think so what's it we just set a speed run record right there are you ain't fair cuz like piggy wasn't participating that was fast that was really fast let's see I couldn't even get this one do the 128th dynamite think we could yeah we'll try that you'd think okay I will try that okay so what we'll do guys is um we're gonna do chapter 8 here we're gonna try two theories at once here we're gonna we're gonna try to what we're gonna do this as fast as we can and then when we're in plant we're gonna I'm gonna plant I'll take the dynamite I'll plant it exactly one minute in 28 seconds because that is what's referenced in like substance 1:28 we'll see if that does anything and then we'll beat the map and then our in Chapter 12 and see what happens and then we will I don't know works then we won't know which thing worked [Music] thank you too New Age New Age roid-rage girl 24 taught going dues day at Wayne's at will it no more crazy craft it just it was it was like too glitchy all right let's go that's fast fast gotta go fast gotta go fast all right here we go I got this I got this dude all right oh man talk about gotta go fast they already did that they got to a quicker than I did all right today I'm gonna look for green key could be over here sometimes usually I run past it nope ain't helping at all am I yikes all right so we're not going that fast cuz I'm dumb you got green key no oh geez okay all right somebody did somebody got it though all right piggies up all right let's see what do you got what do you got what do you got okay green key I got the board let's go they got the red key let's go let's go let's go I'm coming I'm coming let's go I got it I got it come on come on come on there we go got that yellow key up here I'm gonna go do this good Tigra all right let's go let's go I got this she tried shoot me you see that road you get that yeah you got that I'm gonna go get the yellow key unless somebody else got it though he might have gotten it yeah she's got it all right come on he does just got the yellow key see I think we might have been quicker in in a metro I don't know sue me close come on let's go all right yeah Metro was quicker dude I can't believe that we need Metro faster than we just beat carnival carnival like it's gonna take us one minute 40 I just might be quicker by a couple of seconds quicker quicker yep yep yep boom there we go one minute 39 all right what are we doing we're beating all this and we're going now we're gonna go to we're gonna go to chapter 12 and we're going to use the teleporter as a traitor and place the first trap at the start and so yeah so we tried that you can't if we were traitor you can't place chops on the map I don't you can't place teleporter traps the only person or not even person but only the only way you can put teleporter traps down is if you are Piggy and I have placed them on like you know in the in the first part and then set the dynamite off and place it in the second part and go gone back and forth between between them but there's nothing there it doesn't seem like it anyway see if you get that name now we're gonna try try shooting the orb at piggy what word oh you mean mr. peas orb it doesn't do anything because I tried I tried it as piggy and it goes right through you do I get the achievement now I did let me check and see if anybody else did I don't think so nope still zero let's check many Tunes if these leaks yet well still still no hints alright so yeah we're gonna do this and then we're gonna wait it's gonna be a long time waiting we're gonna wait till 128 and I'm gonna put the dynamite down right at 128 because people say people say that might do something I don't know try giving all the apples to George people have definitely done that give the picture to George I don't think you'll take it try for the ordinate George hmm maybe all right so hold mr. pay you deserve it sorry I was not nice was it geez okay so we can take our time here I mean we could speedrun this as much as we want but we need to take our time because we don't want are we I wonder I was gonna say if we go quick enough we could do we could place the potion before one minutes has elapsed but we'll wait until 1:28 to put it to put it in did you get it oh dude note note key oh he got blue okay he got that I heard him unlock it here we go did you get the red no red key where's red key all right keys on the other side I hate when that happens oh no he got it he got he got it I heard him brother this guy's quick you got oh man he got hungry down oh my goodness all right yeah dude these guys are fast but so we've had one minute and in order to get it under one minute and 28 seconds you we'd have to get it we could try that let's see did take it did they get the other one if they get the other one we get it quick enough come on come on come on come on I mean by people to place it quick enough we have to pay the place before 8:30 to 8:30 to a 42 oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear that's an apple damn all we want nope not quick enough but we're gonna try it at 128 let's see if that does anything you found it yet we're going for three hours no not yet okay so I'm gonna hold onto this for like seven minutes so we place it right at 128 but I wonder if we like I wonder if we're supposed to like what if we have to do it because like so the 128th thing is we're talking about is right here right guys so it says I don't know if it's big enough for you guys to read but it says we should have been careful when moving our equipment here I may have come in contact with substance 128 and so people are thinking maybe it's that's a reference to a time when you beat it but I don't know so we'll try it at 128 or that you have to you have to or that you have to beat oh so wait do we think we should wait and place the dynamite at 128 you guys let me know in the chat what do you place the dynamite at 128 or show the picture to mr. P at 120 what do you think I think I think we want to give him the picture at exactly 120 M to end it at 128 you have to beat it alright so we're gonna we're gonna go we're gonna go put this down it would be ready to pull you count what is happening dude that was really weird right beat it right dynamite at 128 show the picture at 128 that's what I think too alright let's try that oh goodness what's how close you have to get like I honestly alright okay so yeah let's get ready we'll go and do all this stuff so that we can so we can show the picture at 120 well we got to do in the same order to write is that only said so I want to do that oh geez come on mr. P so we want to we want to unlock this first oh dude something I killed all right you okay [Music] that alright there's that okay now we go to school school and let's see it yeah see how it's right about the the safe it's in a different spot on it's actually on the bench there okay yeah you go ahead whoa dude Wow crazy did you see piggies like that's a laggy piggy oh come on don't kill us please I fan okay [Music] okay this is the word we did it in so [Music] all right and then we'll go get the picture and then we're gonna hold on to it until 1 minute 28 seconds I'm gonna get to mr. P anything at this point right guys all right anything else you guys want me to try with this picture while I got it they say give it to George but George George ain't here so I don't see how you can do it cuz you can't like as a player you can't teleport out of here as Piggy you can but as thinking you wouldn't be able to take a picture I know you guys want me to like try and like burn the pictures so I can try that but that doesn't do anything see that doesn't work anything else yep I'm trying that right now we're fine Oh see burn baby burn can't and I can't click it all right so we got it we could just got to avoid mr. P for the next three minutes [Music] but I don't see get the journey I'm trying give it to mr. vino I will but I'm waiting until there's 1 minute and 28 seconds and then I'm gonna get it wrong cuz people think that that might have something to do with I don't I mean but don't see anything else here [Music] there's really nothing else the NES dude bunny if I'm correct probably I would expect but we've tried infection mode and tried a bunch of different things but I can't like I can't figure out yeah there's this is actually quite small this part of the map so there's not a lot to like find here trying to put a picture in a box who was it addressed to I can't really read it [Music] do bad ending with the gun but thank you oh I see what you're saying so have the gun and then when you choose bad ending then maybe you can fight them off that just seems so simple I mean it but that might be it right we're like overthinking this so much that it's actually really simple try put TNT in the lab well it's the TNT is in the lab that's where you get it from and I've tried placing it a bunch of different places I've also had like tried leaving it where where it spawns and then have mr. foo shoot it to see if he'll blow it up but it won't give it at 8:32 realistic that's I don't expect stuff like because he's saying betta at like at 120 like with 128 or last which is 832 I don't think that can be done [Music] I could be wrong no I will give it to mr. P I'm just waiting until there's one minute 28 seconds I'll shoot the orbit that gun doesn't do it you got to give it one of the ghosts no I don't think so I don't even see the ghosts where's Mr P anyway [Music] while he's running circles okay all right now see you didn't do anything he just he just froze me that's it [Music] but if you just don't give him the photo we'll do anything yeah the game will end and nothing will happen we tried that like way early on someone at around okay hold on there come on no it's been missed it he won't take it he wouldn't take it oh I glitched that was worthless stupid mr. P [Music] I'll pay you to stream for often Thank You Phaeton thank you to ocean ways if your glitch you can put teleport shops and use it when your trader people said you couldn't it just says cannot be placed here thank you to void ghost oh jeez oh okay Sybilla web kenny shields jr. runs does 249 midnight wolf void ghost and Jays seal X H you guys got any other ideas I can't think of anything else like I kind of want to like I don't know see if there's and see if there's any other hints ya know so many Tunes still not online and still hasn't tweeted today so like I feel like what we need is a hint to start moving a sport in and we haven't gotten it the green lights you have to run into it [Music] probably knock him out and they tried giving him the picture what do you mean knock him out you can't knock him out you could shoot him Mike you you could yeah you could shoot him a million times and it doesn't do anything he just goes right through him the gun the gun doesn't do anything to mr. P like the green things my pot don't delete that I was trying to read that the green things in the cave form a question mark like when you put them together what cave you mean in here yeah that I mean they kind of do but I don't need to beg many tune for him he did say that he was going to like he was gonna have a hint or he's gonna put out a hint but hold on let's see there is I don't know if this is the actual maybe hmm yeah there's nothing that I can see that's on Instagram or Twitter and like I don't even think the Instagram is real because he said doesn't have one do you support me he's a troll like Scott Cawthon what do you know I don't think so I think I think he's he's he's telling the truth I'm pretty sure that this is legitimate but there's a thing we can do here anybody done it nope still nobody wolf um and he hasn't put out any hints but I think those are gonna come later on today so maybe what we should do is just like give up and then start again tomorrow when we have a new hint what do you guys think cuz I can't think of like like I feel like we're just we're just spinning our wheels here like we've got like nothing like we've literally made no progress in like how long has this been 2 hours and 41 minutes and nothing like nothing give George the last Apple Oh 128 does the song of a clue about what to do I don't think so like I wouldn't think so Kay yeah he just shot George cuz we were saying maybe have him shoot George it didn't do anything Oh mr. P bro scared me to death so I like I was just noticing that was a black hole trap and I was about to say I was the black hole shot I started to drag the ADA then mr. P just Oh for the picture what but we already did that no I can't do seven hours guys I'm not I'm not built for that that's yeah I still have to make video a video for tomorrow and stuff and like I can't do seven hours streams I also have videos for the next day thank you to Nell Marie Hernandez Adi cat waves willand memory Hernandez runs duds to 49 and Mel ha medic don't choose anything when you beat playing yeah well I've tried that but like give picture at 8:32 I don't think you could do that do all levels of mr. - yeah I mean good ending with gun but good ending well the good on it with the gun is not gonna change the ending right we could try good bad ending with the gun has anybody tried that to like have the gun have it loaded and then choose the bad ending so that you can defend yourself with mr. Q mr. P won't take an apple mr. P's gun is upside-down what what do you mean is it I mean it's his arm like this is oh I see what you're saying no that's that's like the site on top it's not it's not a handle yeah I'm tired yes you have no choice what do you mean I have no choice good ending is still the bad ending no guys there's no new clues nobody got new clues if they're saying they got new clues like in their title or description or whatever they they're just they're expecting new clues today there may be new clues but there are not out yet so you know the whole thing like as I said before if someone says they got it or they have a guide or a walkthrough or something check on roblox check for the badges if there are zero then no something just just because it says it in a title or subscription or a thumbnail doesn't mean that they got anything they will at some point like today maybe like in two hours three hours something like that whenever MIDI to tweets then there will be a hint but until then there's one [Music] no definitely people have typed a question mark in chat yeah many German said the answer is clear but I don't I don't think that that I think that people are reading too much into that I think what he meant was like not that because we were like oh there must be Windows or there must be glass on the map or something like that's what he means by the answer is clear not everything he says is a code I think what he meant was that if you start if you start making the progression toward the true ending it will be clear to you that you are doing the right thing which means to be that if it's if he thinks it's that clear that means nobody's even close right nobody has even gotten halfway done because no no he didn't get the true ending I promise yo you guys just because someone put it in there in their title or description or whatever like I go here well you guys can't see what I'm doing but like look nobody got it well how do I switch this I'm really bad at streaming hold on how do I make that go on top right here you see so like and I can like here I could refresh this right go here duh see like you're saying you insert youtuber named here got the the trendin no nobody got it they said they did they didn't trust me soon posted give me are you sure let's check no my tweet or response was a 13 hours ago so again if anybody's saying that not true apparently something about the glowing stares on a question mark or something we can we can look at this again well oh wait oh she's not dead yet wait you could be oh they're trying to do the 128th thing I think so let them do that forget anything about it um yeah I know I know have big ghosts hit mr. P yeah they doesn't do anything we've tried that I think you're gonna have your I don't I don't think you have your I demanded yeah I don't think so either I know that like the items if you if you go here the item that you had I'm pretty sure it gets taken out of your hand unless you have the gun but you can't see you can't see you can't I can see it hold the gun at the bad ending mini tune does not have that remedy no he doesn't but that doesn't mean it's impossible because as the developer of the game you can um oh no you got her good time so I'm not gonna bother him no I'm not gonna bother them like that man what the guy has some rest okay he tried shooting in one shot yes does it go try infection on plant we tried that glitch 27 and we all like put on like bunny or doggie skins just to see if we run into the ghosts or the ghosts like I was thinking that the ghosts or the the the memories like if they run into us as infected bunny and doggie that maybe it would like I don't know make them corporeal have bodies but it doesn't they've been doing them they just went right through us like we weren't even there but let's see someone's saying something about like the question mark greenlight something something so let's let's see what they're talking about try the green lights or the lights it forms a question what what lights let's look so I know that there's lights when you get the green potion they are green and the badges green but I don't know if that's anything doing bunny is infected with her eye yeah they give the carrot boy an AZ gyt gaming for the super chats okay all right let's see think have you figured it out no I have not Candice nobody has yet all right so people are saying am i okay I wasn't looking right mr. bee see even mr. P is tired guys I'm not the only one so people said something about the green lights and the and it's some question mark something wait so this is the question mark people are talking about which I don't know man I'm kind of I think I think it's a stretch but yeah it goes like this and like today right but they're saying the green lights what what are they even talking about maybe they mean over here green lights there's no green lights over here okay now the only the green lights do I know okay but I always thinking of are the ones down here in the basement here when we get the pink potion like so let's I don't know if this open yet let's check oh no they got it open so yeah in there that's where he just dropped those so he just dropped that you know in here so yeah there's green lights here but I don't yeah these don't do and I don't do anything for me you guys anything there's there's definitely green lights but I mean I can't imagine that these have anything to do with anything right you guys The Scream is still on Twitter oh goodness gracious I am so sorry you guys see I told you guys suck at streaming hold on my goodness sorry so yeah um I was not looking at the chat so this is what I'm talking about here so the green lights I mean they're a green light so he's got that so good thank you for holding onto that while I show everybody what I'm actually talking about stupid stupid stupid head don't worry it should be it shouldn't Shirley I fixed it now right yeah yeah that's right I had to check OBS here yeah I need that I need it like well because I don't stream off I used to have a stream deck when I was streaming more often mr. P don't do that what's happening why is it not it should be how delayed is this stream now man it's like it's like that the street is delayed like a full minute by now at least I know it's still showing Twitter you guys by like I like Mikey I want to see the timer oh my goodness stop it mister pay go away come on something broken cuz like my OBS is showing my will be us is showing I don't know man [Music] wait am I like am i behind oh I'm on behind on my own Street yo I for some reason I was like behind by like 30 seconds on my own preview there I don't know what is the deal alright it's showing okay so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's fine I don't know yeah so I see those three lights do you guys see anything I I didn't see anything down there that really [Music] yeah no you won't be able to join the game there's only six players a lot of the game a lot of people trying to join so I don't I don't see anything else green related and I don't see like anything besides like this whole like question mark like I sort of box configuration where's ahead of the lyrics my picture at seven oh my goodness what does chapter told you anything nobody knows it's just it's it's an ending for the game that's not the good ending it's not the bad ending it's the true ending of the game and but nobody knows what that is because nobody's gotten a 100 player pinky but it doesn't have chapter 12 are you going to are you going on until you get it no rook probably not because that could be like a week from now so I can't stream for that long feed orts right before the dynamite goes off why how about the green light on the floor in the orange room green light on the floor the floor there's a green light on the floor did you talk about let's go look green light on the floor and the orange down there I don't think so like that's I just I don't see how are you doing in here you can't get in here if you photoshop the green lights flooded it turns into a question mark please what do you mean if you Photoshop what it forms a question mark well not really it's like what oh you mean like oh it's you are these all the same plate they're different are they all the same size they're not I don't even see how you'd Photoshop them or whatever together cuz they're all different sized plates so you couldn't light you could you could you could line them up however you want and make them into a question mark sure use the gun to get the bad ending I think that's the only way I mean I could try that hold on let me get the gun it's a purple key purple keeper cookie but I don't think that will let you bring the gun let's see [Music] let's see a purple key anyway but like that's not even that hard like you know like he said he's gonna make it easier but like that's not even that hard like bring the purple key like yeah or bring the gun that's like whatever it's not even that hard oops might be hard for you whoa where'd you come from it's a keeper for keep repeating sitar do it oh yeah somebody oh yeah the guns there okay let me grab it is it how much what do we got we got three ammo all right let's go let's go oh jeez yo mr. batas kicked me get up what just happened yo that was rude what was that alright let's blow this thing and I'll try and carry the gun all loaded all the way through the bad ending alright how am I still playing I don't know because we didn't get it blow it up blow it up blow it up let's go here we go alright we got it we got a probably hurry let's hurry and beat this quickly I'm just gonna hold on to the gun I'm gonna make you guys do all the work go do it is there a trending yes there is but no one's gotten it yet yo three hours this is like the one of my longest strings in my life [Music] yeah look at these guys wrecking it dude get through it let's go [Music] kill mr. P well you can't though [Music] [Music] all right [Music] close guys both beat him beat him the picture of his woman oh yeah you guys got it let's try this you got the gun we're gonna go beat it well they've got a he's got to do that if I don't make it here we go all right yeah go feed him all right there you go done all right yeah just took my gut wait hold up hold up yeah look okay so I can't skip I gotta wait cuz it won't give me an ending so we're gonna wait we're gonna watch this I still had the gun but I have it I have it you saw my target is it's in my hand it's my hand it wasn't my hand but it took it out I had to got out you guys [Music] didn't do anything you need to hold it you guys are acting like like you know how to do this [Music] yeah look it took it away I think what it does is it liked it but if you have anything in your hand like it takes it away pulled the gun out while getting before getting bad anything what do you mean it was [Music] after the TNT there is green lights what are you talking about are there I don't think so find the true endings first yeah we're trying here try skipping it don't like you know no skipping definitely doesn't it doesn't give you any an end ending yeah so look it takes it away you don't have so when you when you beat it it takes away anything that you had in your hand make a question mark okay what nd you gave to skip you don't get anything ya posting a question mark doesn't do anything and then like I tried this like you see there's there's like an invisible wall here so you can't I'm sure a lot of people try this but yeah you can't go anywhere and this way you can't go anywhere here either see jump you can't oh you can't even jump you know that you can't like I never tried it but you can't even jump you can only walk here the box in the back is suspicious what cuz there's one left yeah but what are you gonna do you can't get to it see you go here and ya see it puts you straight into bad ending you can't you can't do it George doesn't know you can't push George he doesn't move I've run into him before click the piggy on the bad ending alright click the nothing [Music] push Georgian ass repeat once upon the camp there was an angel she did shine she is fiery setting you can't reset in this Jam I've tried it before somehow she got hurt what are the trending is all right I don't think George you can't I don't think George can move in this in that part you can in other parts of the game but I don't think you can I don't think you can move in there yes yeah the name of the song is angel I think right she lay down her wings and her halo feet to the ground to the ground to the ground I mean she couldn't I don't know if I don't know if I'm listening to music justice but I don't think that is is there a true drowning there is there is but nobody's got it [Music] one star trying to click on the eyes she peed on us if you do nothing it just sits there forever [Music] we tried getting the Mississippi picture to door you can't feed Mississippi the green version you won't take anything [Music] my emoji blinks too much it blinks when I blink maybe I believe too much I see the ghost in the middle yes we can't we can't seem to do anything I can't effective French fries again use the gun to shoot the orange reactor I've tried that I've tried having mr. P shoot it it doesn't work well I mean yeah you know what all right guys I think that we've done a lot in this nothing worked that's okay what we'll do is here's what we'll do guys tomorrow assuming nobody figures it out tonight this afternoon whatever and we have some new hints to work from I'll stream again if somebody's figured it out I'll make a video and show you guys how to do it do it but I think that this is a good place to end the stream right there at the end you tried a lot of things that and maybe one of my theories that we about proved to be true like with with mr. P's I turning from red to green or something like that and I almost feel like it's something you have to do as Piggy but I don't know thank you guys all so much for coming to the screen thank you for supporting me thank you to the nearly 5,000 new people that subscribed during the stream if you are new here you never seen my videos before please subscribe it right now like the video or stream thank you to steffel blue has taken me drew Giordano Jackson Hardin Mia Mia Jared our dough again Toby Sykes coconut blue bells Rose YouTube the Dew Drop Inn ocean waves elementalgaming and the carrot boy with a super chat at the end and guys thanks again so so much for coming and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course doodle on [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 5,543,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, granny, horror, thinknoodles granny, granny escape, roblox, piggy, roblox piggy, piggy chapter 12, roblox piggy chapter 12, chapter 12 plant, chapter 12 piggy, roblox piggy chapter 12 plant, piggy true ending, true ending, piggy chapter 12 true ending
Id: 0A9-1X-UhEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 3sec (11223 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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