Inside the Mind of a Roblox Stitch Face

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oh my god look at this it's a roadblock stitch face in its natural habitat tick-tock we quite be quiet we need to observe him quietly look at this it's it's i i don't really know what it's doing perhaps we should look at another specimen let's get more research you know what's another roblox dish face we can look at oh look at this perfect no what is going on inside the minds of these people that make them think this is okay today i want to see what stitch faces think i want to go into their games interview them and know what they're thinking you know know what it's like to be a stitch face i've already done this one time in the past i made a video on it i said if i get 3000 likes i'd do it again i got 3000 likes so today we are conducting more extensive stitch face research you know we're going to find out what's inside the mind of a roblox stitch face and to do that i need to become a roblox stitch face so whitey's poppin gamers or i guess stitchers in this case look at this look at my transformation look at how beautiful i've become wow it looks like i just got hit by a truck which is stylish you know it's a fashion statement so what games do you reckon that stitch faces like gathering most you know now that question is actually very easily answered meep city a game that i haven't visited in months and honestly kind of wish i didn't have to visit ever again meep city has up to 100 000 active players at any given time it is like the third most popular roblox game and in my opinion one of the most dangerous roblox games i've made many videos about how this is a breeding ground for awful awful things like you know naked women that i see constantly which is good for children it really ripens their mind but most importantly this is a hive mind for all of the stitch faces and i love the smooth jazz playing as we're about to get into one of the most chaotic things we've ever seen as you can see i've already disguised look at my beautiful outfit and now feel the side of your hand to see if you've gotten a brain tumor from looking at my beautiful outfit yeah so automatically there's not many stitch faces in the lobby the place they all gather is in parties like look at this lovely person i can't linger on that screen for too long because doing it in a previous video got me demonetized yeah literally looking at one of the first screens you see in meep city got me demonetized i roblox it's so easy to fix it's so easy to fix does roblox just not play their own games like this is the third most popular game on roblox you can afford to play it a little right just to see what children are put through but it's okay it's okay we're doing this video to look for stitch faces and apparently the most fogged up gross looking particle mess of all time but look there's a stitch face there's a stitch face i must follow him into his abode he's run back here perhaps for safety stitch faces like to migrate to the smaller parts of the map the parts of the map where they can get away with their numerous crimes against humanity easier and unfortunately for us that stitch face has escaped now where are the rest of them oh look there's one this guy actually looks identical to the guy i put in my thumbnails for these videos you probably already saw this guy in the thumbnail for this video stop hating on slenders i don't know they're so ugly you just got your slender or not is she calling slender's ugly i'm gonna say hi to him hello real mason i think he's frozen i think he's in a vegetative state right now he's looking at the ground like he's on horse dewormer i'm not sure how present this guy's mind is right now oh he just teleported stitch faces have the ability to teleport a groundbreaking revelation hi layla the chat is glitching so no messages are loading that's awful all right finally my speech bubble loaded real mason can we talk he's turned towards me he's paid attention to me i'll finally get my interview with the stitch face a real authentic stitch face hola dora huh sure that's a normal response that a sane person would say surely okay follow me we need to get him away from the crime scene this crime scene of a dance floor you know because this is this is just horrible to look at where'd he go there he is yes follow me we both have the levitation animation pack back here real mason real mason hello where'd he go did he just abandon me before i even got to interview him he just screamed at me hi dora and then left where did he go did he like blink out of existence stitch faces have many magical properties i was unaware of i guess look it's the king's dish face he's up on the stage dancing or something i don't know i'm gonna ask him if we can talk because i need an interview with this man who's doing some sort of cowboy dance hey qwq can we talk please please i want to talk to you i want to get to know you please is he afk he's just spinning it's like his brain is currently under maintenance you know oh great now he's bugging into the floor did he just disappear where did he go huh why why did he just vanish this is making things so difficult for me oh here's a stitch face excuse me excuse me sir sir mister you at the stitch face the very cool and attractive and amazing stitch face yeah can i interview oh they're not a stitch face anymore never mind never mind well actually maybe i still can't interview them sure i noticed you were a stitch face what's it like being a stitch face yeah that's not an answer to the question but go off good do you frequently get bullied also before we continue with this interview it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the channel while we're waiting for this girl to type i like to ask at the middle of the video because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice i'm not going to ask you at the beginning like 80 of youtubers so just subscribe if you want to she says nope do you enjoy wearing the stitch face why are so many people gathering two more people have gathered around this area trash what why is this person angry all right i asked her if she enjoyed wearing this stitch face she said kinda how do you think other people perceive you i'm just trying to get my answers lady i'm just trying to get my answers you've only answered and yes no kinda like okay i might as well just be talking to a magic eight ball i don't know in her defense i'm asking pretty awful questions what do you have to say to the stitch face haters this is the banger question stop hating i hate stitch we have a stitch face hater oh they're gonna fight they're gonna fight they're gonna scratch each other they're gonna pull out hair this is going to be intense this will be on any major news network oh she's mad now you have made her angry it's so weird oh no oh no oh it's going down oh no hashtag hashtag hashtag you're so wired i am so blessed to be able to view this interaction in the wild a stitch face hater versus a stitch face who will win who will come out on top fight fight fight fight wired i'm gonna ask her a question what do you think of this stitch face hater you're speechless you know what it's true she hasn't spoken annoying she's peeved you've gotten worked up now oh no thank you for your time i'm gonna interview this person who hates it because they seem very interesting excuse me may i interview you please i'm begging you you have the strangest personality i've ever met yes i don't care why do you hate the stitch face what is it about the stitch face that really grinds your gears you know like peter griffin family guy hit cringe i mean fair enough fair enough like like what please elaborate please illuminate i'm begging you for answers aileen why would they put that face yes yes exactly exactly what i'm thinking it's just weird and why can you not just speak in one sentence that's why because it's gonna get hashtag wow they are really trying to narrow down the options for this word they cannot get it out never mind let me ask the other question if you could say something to all stitch faces what would it be what would your message be to the people you know i want to know all the gritty details it will be it's nasty i hate it [Laughter] it's cringe this person is amazing so many good reactions out of them i feel like i'm talking to like a character in the bible right now they're just preaching that's why any closing words we have ended up meeting two very very interesting characters this video i don't know then thank you for your time and with that being said what a good video what a good time man what an awesome experience i'm going to go now that was fun i had a fun time today that video like flew by i didn't even realize it was over by the time it was done so yeah if you liked it then like the video if i get 3000 likes i'll try this again it was super super fun so i definitely will and uh subscribe if you like it that if you don't bye [Music] you
Channel: Laughability
Views: 627,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox stitch face, roblox stitch face outfits, roblox stitchface, roblox stitchfaces, roblox stitch face community, getting roblox stitch face, roblox stitch face games, roblox stitch faces, roblox stitch, roblox slenders, roblox slender avatars, roblox slender games, laughability slenders, laughability meepcity, roblox meepcity, meepcity, stitch face
Id: LsjV4eS0Ai8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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