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and then we can open this up oh no we just need a fire extinguisher oh jesus can't watch out [Music] hey everyone it's your frantic noodles and welcome back to roblox kitty it finally updated to chapter 12. and it's been long enough that i actually forgot what show it is but i'm sure you guys remember as always we need to check the shop although i'm not going to change my mouse because you know well man i kind of want to because like i mean look at well these are wait is every single one robux oh no no this one isn't wait what is this comma comma 7 billion i mean i could buy this but but i like oh wait these are cats right right right right e kitty well that's kind of weird it's just got an e uh oh oh man that was okay i wanna i want one i say i want a free one so 80 000 or 79 you know what that's pretty close let's do the e kitty i don't even i don't even know what that's a reference to i'm sorry let's check the mice uh okay so it's the same one so we should have an e mouse yeah yeah yeah um same cost but of course i've got my own skin which is like well how did how do i actually yeah 14 000 at the time when it came out it was kind of amazing and now wow it's uh my mouth sucks all right let's uh let's see if we can get chapter 12 going whoa oh there oh it's paw patrol that's right paw patrol paw patrol paw patrol oh yeah yeah yeah um oh i think they chose it i think they've chosen all right uh yes guys uh please do like the video if you want to see more roblox on my channel also trying to get to 8 million subscribers we're getting closer so thank you all who have subscribed wait command you have done incredible so far we must keep on like this the city needs us the dogs are adorable come on command let's go [Music] it needs music and needs the bonk where's the sound ugh all right i'll have my my editor put that in editing okay so okay there is a uh a loose uh i don't know fire height right there but yeah um we're trying to get a million subscribers can't do it without you thank you all to who have subscribed to get us there i really appreciate it if you haven't already please do subscribe and as as i was as i was trying to get to here like king t law says use star code noodles when you're ever buying robux or premium it helps out my channel a ton okay um i mean okay so we've got fire hydrants i feel like we have to turn off the water or um i think we have to stop the water so that that way the fire truck gets gets water and then we can open this up oh no we just need a fire extinguisher oh jesus can't watch out oh i should have gone through there oh dude oh no that's that's my little that's my little creature there oh but i see him he's so close oh no hail help he's coming for me help i'm going back stupid cat okay there was something there too all right so so i gotta watch out no no no no no okay the cat wants to kill me so bad all right here we go here we go i got this i got this i got this because i saw this thing here wait wait wait okay okay bye-bye cat [Music] all right we got it all right there was something here yes uh-huh i'm coming guys i got you got you gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha i don't know anything about this map except for we've got a cat right on my butt or we did okay so oh nice that would have helped too so we've gotta fill these bottles or something okay let's open this up i haven't not seen an item i could pick up besides this lockpick which don't get me wrong was a good thing to pick up don't get me wrong it was perfect actually there's got to be some at the top of this somebody probably already got it though but i don't know wow this goes way up dude this is a good time waster here okay volunteers oh this is where we spawned hey wait wait wait we just slowed down bruh don't don't don't be jumping the gun oh wait okay you got a screwdriver whoa okay it's a crane i get it so what is this part well we need oh it's locked okay so let's just jump oh we can't jump off oh man we gotta well there was a hole but i don't know if we can go down the whole way or oh man it's going to take ages no all right so we got a orange screwdriver which we need okay we i see the cat nope [Music] all right i'm gonna go and i'm gonna i'm gonna pull him this way and then duck through this little hole here because i know yeah yeah and goodbye [Music] can we oh man this cat is relentless i'm gonna hide here let's see if he oh no he saw us i thought maybe he wouldn't see us bye-bye oh you think so oh wait no i saw him i clipped through come on so he's going around i don't know why it would go that way that's a dumb way to go let's go in here can we go in here can't open that door all right what is going on here that oh there's more water dude where are the items okay so he's got an orange screwdriver i don't even know what to do with that okay cat fell asleep oh wait nobody locked up wait where is everyone why are there only two of us what are we supposed to do with the orange screwdriver man all right come on this way this way dude here we go there's everybody evidence oh we need a gun and uh i don't know like a mask oh cause it's like a robber someone robbed something okay i'm following you with oh oh he wants me to unlock this okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah here we go here we go bob okay we're in i got one here we go okay uh let's go up oh crowbar anybody got a crowbar i saw somebody had one before no wait oh you got a gun oh no she got a gun oh okay she can't shoot it okay that's fine that's fine it's fine wait bring the gun over here don't don't shoot lady come here over here over here come here come here okay don't shoot dude don't shoot here we go right here right here put it there [Music] yeah all right we got oh oh oh should we yeah you know what i'm gonna do that let's just do it just because like the cat's gonna come back and we we we just we need to clear that up yeah yeah get up pig whoa i've never seen that skin okay let's get you out here we go unlock okay wait did it unlock no didn't there we go okay you're you're free you're free okay what does this thing do so i still don't know what to do with the [Music] screwdriver come on out no get out get out get out oh he lost a screwdriver i got to go get it okay well actually i don't know where it will go i think it'll go where he because he got caught i think it spawns back where it was so i don't know what we do with it but okay yep there it is okay so we got it again all right screwdriver's back still i'm not sure i mean do we have to like i mean the car is orange i don't that doesn't really help okay watch out watch out watch out [Music] so we need we need a red key yeah well i know but i haven't seen it anywhere what is it can we nothing there oh okay wait hold on i was dumb i was done there's nothing behind this [Music] okay he got distracted a little bit okay we gotta get be able to get in here oh boy wait don't do that we got a problem here okay okay he went out no no he went out he went out okay he went nope he's still here gotta go gotta go we gotta go [Music] don't know where okay where's the red key oh can we like oh wait oh can we walk along the fence and jump up there maybe that's something i hadn't considered oh i see your stupid bat [Music] no no no no he's camping see him he's right there no no no we ain't doing that is there something else in here i mean the map does not seem all that big so i feel like oh could there be something back here nope hmm let me check in here maybe there were like some shelves that we didn't open or like oh did i did i check the refrigerator i didn't check the fridge no okay oh we need a crowbar who's ah dude i saw someone had it but they got caught and i've not seen it since so we need to find that crowbar and i think we can open that up and find the red key right i think that makes sense hello kitty cat go oh the cat was up there oh that was that was slick because i didn't see his like his bat or anything sticking out so i thought he was gone but he was right there dude oh my oh my goodness ow no all right it's okay we'll try again it really makes sense that they did this with the maps too this because before you had to scroll across and like no one would ever scroll all the way to that one and then everybody would choose like number one or number two all right skip let's go all right uh okay so someone said that ah there it is okay cool so that this this was in here and sure enough it is um so i'm gonna oh cat's over there cat's over there can i oh boy oh boy we got an angry cat already uh so the unless someone grabbed that lockpick uh it's that it's not there might be somewhere else which is fine let's go um i'm gonna go open that cabinet with this just to see what was in there i think a red key but i could be wrong because i feel like that's oh no i can't because there's no lock pick okay we gotta find it though it could be back here because this is sort of like in a corner no oh it's gonna go fast if nobody can find a lock pick oh dude that's three oh i think i might be the last one left all right we gotta be careful see that ain't careful right there that is not careful okay go go go come on yo yo yo oh wait oh i need that lock pick dude i need that lock pick so bad all right so is it i'm trying let's see no you got i think you gotta put the fire out before you can uh go along that way and get on top of that truck okay we need the lockpick i'm gonna i'm gonna go check up that building you know interesting this is a 15 minute map which i don't know if we need 15 minutes although it is taking me a while um nope okay okay screwdriver is the only thing let's go check oh no this is oh my goodness i think the cat is right here though and i might be in a dead end situation yeah i am i am i am but i could probably drop through the hole if the cat comes up where where where where i think oh yeah here he comes here he comes here comes okay go down go down go down yo yo yo yo yo yo yo go go go go go go go go go go my chubby pig let's go oh yeah see i knew it i knew i knew we're gonna have to close those off i knew they had there was no there there had to be a reason why those uh fire hydrants were open like that oh whoa what does that do hold on holy cow yo yo yo what is that what did i just do [Music] okay come on come on come on come on come on here we go i don't know what i just did with this it did something though [Music] okay i don't i don't know what i just did oh wow they'll be all the way down gg oh there's the pick right there so um oh boy oh boy oh boy all right let's get that because it's very important to have i mean without that like this it just ends basically all right all right so we get that door open we can and i'll finally be able to use the crowbar and i think get that red key we'll see i gotta watch out because the cat might have no we're good okay okay let's go up oh oh that ain't good all right hold on let's get this open bop oh you got the gun don't kill nobody okay let's go come on come on come on all right all right we got that so this is not what i expected all right we we got oh okay come this way come this way come this way shoot the cat all right let's go this way i don't think he knows this exit hey what are you doing why are you standing there why are you just standing there all right go go go go ah we gotta be careful though all right he's coming this way all right we're going we're going we're going i'm gonna drop some oh no oh weird so that that evidence thing is okay so i know i have to put um oh here we go here we go come on guys i got you i got you i got you bob wait oop there you go you're out you're right yeah so i got to put one of these here right one of these like atm okay that's it that's it come on what uh okay so what does this actually do so we want this to do we want this do we want this to be green let's see what happens because if you press this right it does something don't know what we're gonna go find out i think there might be something on top that it unlocks let's go look we'll grab the screwdriver maybe we can actually use it oh see that one's okay so now that one was green now if i make this one green do this do anything let's see what is it oh yo that's what do you do okay that's what you do um oh all right now we're talking okay we got something going now what's this what's this what's this wait no use it oh uh what what what is that what do i wait e i need like gloves or something what do you got in here oh we got a hammer okay don't know where to use it but we we need to we need a glove or something oh wait no you didn't get it okay i'm gonna glove to turn that on okay oh oh another lockpick see i'm telling you lockpick very important oh we got another acorn seed thing okay that's two wait i wait what is that oh that's the mask okay he's got the gun in the mask he's the robber okay all right uh oh red key baby let's go all right we got this okay so i mean okay here we go here we go come on come on come on let's go we know where we going we know where we going come on come on come on you got the evidence and the in the mask and the mask and the mask yeah yeah yeah now what did we get anything for that oh yeah yeah i'm gonna take that opportunity to do that and then oh we got to do the red door right okay man okay i gotta go through that door let's go let's go let's go let's go i don't like i don't like uh i see him okay let's go let's go he's going so if yeah i think i should be able to unlock this i don't know what to do with the hammer yet i hear him though all right here we go here we go here we go let's oh dude wait you gotta get out of the way i can't do it i can't you gotta move okay oh oh i did not see that okay you got the fire extinguisher you know what to do with it right bro okay wait i gotta unlock this i gotta unlock this hold on um oh we gotta okay there's the glove wait wait dude he's gonna get caught busted i knew it too greedy right there oh the cat just look at him don't camp all right so he's just gonna camp so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna okay never mind there he goes he got bopped again he keeps taking the items and getting bopped like i'm gonna take them this time okay so the cat's gonna get frozen in a second he's camping there because he knows we have to like oh darn that's just perfect i don't think i'm gonna have enough time that's exactly what i was waiting for right there oh dude oh dude am i gonna i'm not gonna get enough time dude you're gonna catch me you're gonna catch me i knew it nope ah i hate that all right we're going with uh single-player bot mode just because um just because people are like grabbing items and then not using them and just running around and then getting caught and then we gotta go back and get the item and then i let them out and they grab it and they get caught and uh starting a little frustrating so let's just go 1v1 uh versus a bot and okay there's the pick all right how quickly does this thing spawn and i wonder if if this is oh my immediately that's fun i was gonna say i wonder if this bot is gonna get stuck turns out not it's it's weird uh when you're playing against a bot oh did he get stuck nope he didn't oh when you're playing against a bot uh the uh the music doesn't it doesn't doesn't do the music what did you put down a trap i don't know what that blue thing is oh whoops i'm like oh boy that could have ruined me if he was close just thought it was a regular door we were opening okay that's where the gun was it's on the bed i've actually never seen where it is because people always grab it as soon as they see it they see a gun they want to kill the cat uh where is the cat i don't know where it is okay i don't like oh oh my big you stupid oh it does put down traps so the bot puts down these like crazy blue traps okay we'll put this here put the acorn oh man i don't know where it is i don't like this let's put this in here where did i get the red key oh it was up there so you got to go up oh you got to go up the crane twice let's see if i can get him through up here can you come up oh all right oh huh no he didn't freeze that is such a lie that's one thing too about this is like when you're playing the bot the bot doesn't actually freeze when it says it does you gotta i completely forgot that okay i don't know where he is he i don't know maybe the jumping on the stairs kind of screwed him up there we go let's spin this thing is this where we want to go it is right wait no that that is not it oh wait how did it how did i oh it's this way oh no oh geez that scared me wait do it again okay there it goes okay it was this one right this is the way we wanted to go right isn't it yeah there we go all right we're good we're good we're good let's get this let's get that i don't think the cat can come here can you open please why okay thank you oh right i'm like i'm like trying to grab the thing okay i don't know what this is for i'm trying to grab the glove and it's not coming out because that is not how it works bro wait pick that up why did you drop it oh yeah acorn all right we got it uh red key we got it where's the cat was there anything oh i know i never went this way yo cause like we're in the burning room okay you can't do anything with it but i'm in it okay oh the cat's on the stairs yes we found a stuck bot spot except i have to go back up there so oh he's loose okay so let's go through the cat door or the mouse door and then around to the red side i guess well we'll do this and i think he'll go around yeah yeah oh see look at that falls asleep falling asleep my butt i think we're gonna hit this at about the same time but quick enough i guess to do this okay and switch outside and then yeah here he comes yeah he was close oh dude he's putting trap i saw that i saw that okay all right here we go let's open that let's get this okay now we gotta go back up the stairs let's get him back in here come on come on come on oh dude he's stuck okay he's stuck but like not super stuck because he's coming yeah he came right off okay so we don't need that anymore and i do know what to do with the fire extinguisher although i have not done it yet all right there we go cool all right let's go come on come on come on come on let's see what we do with these gloves all right so we pull a lever with it or something is that wait what i'm what i don't understand oh i did it ah i'm stuck okay so now what what is that what did i do here this turn to yellow let's go put oh what that's where this goes for so long oh it's all of those so we probably have to do all of those okay remember he's not actually asleep don't let that trick you okay um where is he though i think he's stuck he's probably stuck on the stairs somewhere okay let's just um let's go and try and put this out and then i think all of the light poles have to do something with so do this one maybe like when you do the last one it opens them up or something so wait volunteers so i can i can jump oh no i can't why can't i jump there so what do i what am i smashing that's the question too like i'm supposed to smash something yeah right i ain't falling for that okay there we go pop okay this eventually opens doesn't it it's got to right that wouldn't be there otherwise so now i know why it takes 15 minutes or what gives you 15 minutes alright last one that's all of them so what did i do man okay we definitely we need to break something like some sort of wall i'm i mean i'm not run by you see it's like the screwdriver thing like i didn't know that that's where we had to put it and use it until well until i ran across it so where where's a place i wonder on the side of this thing like we can't get in through the door but we can bust it open maybe we need oh you know what we need we need a wrench where do we get a wrench so we got we did that we did that anything else here no okay then here we did the evidence but that didn't unlock anything what about this truck can we break this truck open maybe oh wait what's this yes okay there it is there it is okay bam okay i got wait oh i got the wrench and the ink oh acorn yo yo yo okay okay okay okay that's good that's good all right he might get loose from there gotta be careful gotta be careful what's this gonna do what i don't even know what these are these atms what it like you you complete something and you don't even know what it ever does okay okay he's loose all right i see you all right do it bob okay so turn all these off whoa how did you get out so fast dude all right that's two okay i want to um let me go this way i don't know if he would jump off he probably would wait what's he doing oh wait he's trying okay he's sort of stuck let's go this way i think he can follow yeah he can but yeah i'm far enough in front that i can figure out what this is i think i don't know did that do anything where's the oh oh i think we have to open that that's like a red light i don't know how though but i think that's one of the goals maybe because like the other thing is green what else do we do i put the acorns i put the i feel like i've put everything man like i put the acorns i've done all these right oh no there's one more i see i see the water i see the water it's the last one i bet i bet that's it i bet that's it right back here right back here oh yeah let's go now we did it i don't know i'm just kidding i don't oh exit i see it i see it yeah i did it i did it i did it okay i gotta get out there and i you are not catching me cat i'm going i oh it's that thing remember i said oh that thing is gonna open yeah it is it is it is i know i'm going the long way but it's guaranteed actually is it i don't know it does it does con oh man i can't get that far but because like if i go here and then like am i stuck going on the wrong side no wait yeah yeah this is the wrong side fun all right but he's right there okay fine i'm going i'm going all right i gotta go through the uh the mouse door don't oh my if he catches me i'm gonna be so mad i'm gonna be so so so mad go all right i don't think he'll make it i don't think he can make it although i think we have to climb because it looks like it's wait what oh it's just right here right we don't actually have to go out do we oh yeah oh look they're so cute volunteers thank you for helping us to restore order in the city you are welcome it was a pleasure to help omg what's that help help rail dude it's rick it was a piece of cake to capture you oh wait who just did that wait what adventure wait adventure time adventure is it adventure lapse 84 million but times 14 000. if i had one of those other skins i would have gotten like 500 million oh my goodness all right well there it is guys we beat chapter 12 of course i would expect that we have a secret ending coming this week so if you guys want to see that click the like button again please do subscribe and support my channel and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 577,170
Rating: 4.9147625 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, let's play, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family games, app game, roblox channel, thinknoodles, think noodles, youtube thinknoodles, horror, roblox piggy, thinknoodles piggy, piggy thinknoodles, kitty, roblox kitty, thinknoodles kitty, paw patrol, kitty chapter 12
Id: sPmqjPlzaSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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