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snowy today we're playing Roblox Chomp Chomp why do they call it Chomp Chomp because we are balls today snowy and we got to Chomp we got to Chomp and we can't stop chomping until we get huge look how tiny you are I'm going to Chomp you so I'm going to chop you no don't chop me I'm going to chop all these little ones wao I'm getting bigger okay guys so our goal in this video is to get as big as these guys look at these guys so these are the biggest balls I've ever seen and we could get big by eating even smaller balls yeah we got to eat these Dipping Dots that are all over the map snowy they taste like candy they're so good our Shields one away our Shields one away don't get some ah somebody ate me oh no Tyler they're after me now run run I think that makes it bigger if they eat me okay guys we're back and these other balls are not friendly snowy they will chop you immediately when they see you so you can't get chased look at that one over there is chasing that guy but that guy was just chasing me hey Tyler it looks like I could Chomp this Shield right here and then it protected oh nice job snowy come on let's keep eating these candies come on we got to eat the candies eat the candies wait there's some gifts so we don't forget to claim the gifts we got to do what we can to get bigger and bigger okay guys I'm going to spin the wheel let's see what happens here spin come on give me something good I'm sick of people being able to eat me no I got chopped as I was spinning the wheel come on but that's fine guys that's fine we're getting bigger and bigger we're getting bigger and bigger I'm going to claim my daily reward there we go let's get bigger come on come on oh look at this guy over here wait can I eat this guy I have 14,000 almost 15,000 and this guyy is 8,000 so watch guys it's time for a little Revenge o ooh where you go boy where you going boy oh no a bigger one there's always a bigger fish there's always a bigger fish in the sea ah zo he's going to eat me r Tyler ride I really want to get a lot bigger so I could eat other people okay this guy's trying to eat me but he doesn't know that I have two X size up my sleeve guys here we go it's time for a little bit of pay to win action come on come on I got to do it before he eats me okay so I bought 2xi so I should be able to grow faster now oh I'm going to get this guy yo I just got this guy give me a bunch of stuff it says I have skins unlocked snowy no wait so if you eat the other characters you could also eat their skins not to be confused with wearing their skin oh my gosh this ball is huge and he's trying to eat me guys this is so suspenseful I just got to keep running snowy they're bullying me he just ate the ball I was trying to eat me this is crazy can I get like faster speed oh yo 2x speed let's go guys okay guys I'm buying this 2x speed yes I'm faster let's go you'll never catch me and I just ate another ball and I'm going to eat this ball wait why can't I eat this ball what the heck so there's a hacker ball here won't let me eat him I know Tyler I'm trying to eat a ball too but I can't get him hey SN now that I have 2 x speed I can save you if anyone's trying to eat you well if they're smaller than me at least I don't know about this guy look how huge this guy is yeah Tyler there's a giant robot behind me and I think he's trying to eat us snowy we have to overthrow the chomp chomp king that's him so what I'm going to do is get a different skin so I can look a little more intimidating good idea Tyler okay guys what can I buy with my 30,000 I got 30,000 monies right now I'm going to get the chicken bow wo I look like a big old chicken now that's hilarious oh no Tyler now I think people want to eat me because I look like a chicken ball hey chicken Sil it's me chicken ball Tyler okay let's stick together as the chicken balls we're going to take over this server hey you trying to eat my friend you trying to eat my chicken ball friend wao Tyler you're huge all right Tyler I'll get it and we'll dominate This Server hey here's the guy was trying to eat me earlier oh what you do what you do chicken eats you chicken eats you you don't eat the chicken the chicken eats you yeah guys fear the all eating chicken Zoe don't worry I'll stick by you and I'll protect you just don't run into me cuz I'll accidentally eat you oh my gosh look how big this guy is right here no get me away yeah Tyler don't get too close to that guy he's really big but he's kind of slow okay snowy but you know what time it is it's time to spin the wheel let's go by the way guys if you haven't hit the like button yet hit it now to help us win this thing yeah guys we could really use your help and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already let's get 5,000 likes on this video I know we can do it time to spin that wheel spin it spin it spin SP it what's it going to be oh I got 5,000 gift points I'm the Chompy chicken I'm going to Chom you I'm going to Chom you choppy chicken choppy chicken snowy right now I'm the third biggest ball in this entire server you got to catch up with me okay Tyler let's eat all these tiny balls right here Tyler I feel like the bigger we get the slower we get definitely snowy we're getting slower oh no that guy got the shield right before I ate him Tyler now that there's two of us and we formed an alliance let's try and quars of people yeah let's go for these guys look at all of them they're all trying to run from the Chompy chickens I'm going to get this one yes that was delicious where you going boy where you going boy you can't run from the Chompy chicken you can't run from the Choy Chien I'm going to Choy I'm going to Chom you he just got chopped that was sad I kind of feel bad we're the choppy chicken team Tyler and that's what we do best imagine a world where the chickens eat you that is the world we're living in snowy and that that's the world that this guy is about to live in oh I'm going to Peck you here we go so close maybe if I get two x speed it'll be a little easier all right 2 x speed oh I just ate two people as soon as I got it okay so it's time to redeem some of these gifts I'm getting so many gifts right now I'm at 350,000 size this is insane don't run into me silly I'll accidentally eat you that'd be sad Okay Tyler pH that was close okay guys now that I 300,000 Chompy dollars I'm going to see what else I could buy for skins okay snowy I am officially evolving from a chompy chicken to a chompy Doge wait this is called a doge but it looks more like a corgi snowy I think I'm a corgi now well guess what this little Corgi can bite you where you going where you going you look like a ball you look like a ball and you know how corgis like to chase balls come on come on I'm going to get him I'm going to get him oh here we go here we go jump jump jump jump chump jump jump M tasty you look so cute all right Tyler I'm going to choose a new and improved skin and I'm going to look awesome look at this Tyler oh my gosh you're a kitty I want to come over there look at it silly but this guy is getting way too close for comfort right now he's huge yeah Tyler he's going to get as big as this entire map and eat all of us at the same time I think he's trying to Corner me Sil I think he's trying to Corner me I'm running I'm running but I'm so slow get 2x speed if you need to Tyler we must survive this okay guys I buy 2 x speed I buy 2 xped let's go let's go yes I'm slightly faster now come on I'm going to buy it again snowy you can buy 2 XP as much as you want what if we got super fast that would be crazy hey Tyler I think I'm finally bigger than you oh my gosh you are nice job snowy it seems like the best way to grow in size is to eat other Big Balls yeah like this guy right here you're going down Chompy boy you're going down Chompy boy it's time for you to get chomped what wao you grew so much I'm almost to a million guys this is crazy work work work work work work work work work oh I'm going to go for this guy yo where you going boy where you going boy get jump I think I ordered a twopiece and I'm going to eat both of you guys just slow down I need to eat you yes I got that guy oh you're leaning him to me so he look like is he going to bow to the Corgi King hey where you running to I told you to Bow you're supposed to bow to the king get him so we are the king and the queen of This Server so I guess that makes this guy like a god or something cuz he is giant Tyler our goal should be to eat that guy I know right Zoe by the end of this video we have to get so big that we can eat that guy hey I'm about to eat this guy no I got him and then how about this guy you can't run you can't run little Pacman oh no Tyler this guy's right behind me what do I do what do I do I'm going to get 2 xped before he eats me he's so close come on come on watch out for the dragon Sue there's a dragon in the corner right there he's trying to hide but he's so big I could see him that's pretty obvious oh yeah Tyler was trying to set a trap and yes I got away from that robot guy it's a trap snowy they're trying to trick you they're trying to lead you to the dragon he's huge look at this dragon with those giant Wings you're not hiding he's the sleeping Dragon who haunts This Server okay we cannot wake the dragon snowy he's going to have his revenge on all all of ice hey there's more little balls what you doing little balls get chop chop chop chop it's time to chop oh haha that's just the life cycle of the Chompy balls guys look at all this candy over here it's so tasty yo s I'm at over a million size right now wo that's awesome I need to keep Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp chopping away I think I'm catching up to the top guys so I'm at 2.1 million Chompy Chomp and that guy only at 2.6 I think I'm going to get there oh I'm going to eat this guy for you I stole your dinner I stole your dinner what you going to do about it what you going to do about it kler the smaller balls are like gumballs to us yeah they're gumballs Sil this is like candy eating simulator hey there's some chicken don't mind if I do chicken nugget ah I remember when we were once chicken Styler it felt like so long ago I know right I remember when we were tiny little balls too like these ones but now we eat these for lunch and dinner and dessert okay guys check this out I got to stock up on all of these candies that are all over the ground over here I'm so close to passing that guy I really want to pass him SE so I can Chom him something tells me he's watching me and as soon as I can chop him he's just going to leave the game Tyler you can totally do it and you would Chomp the biggest guy in the server that would be so crazy oh my gosh guys look how tiny everybody is compared to me so we started out so tiny and now we're giant I know Tyler we're giant cats and dogs oh my gosh so you know what I just realized I can Chomp the dragon hey Dragon give me a bite give me a bite a man he's stuck back there I can't even get to him how is he doing that that's hilarious that dragon's stuck there forever guys look how tiny these other balls are now compared to us it's not even fair this is insane wao look at the rainbow Gumball snowy I want to eat the rainbow Gumball I want to chop the rainbow Gumball it's like a bunch of gumballs and jawbreakers hey look silly there's a nerd ball over here but I'm the bully hey man give me your lunch money give me your lunch money I'm going to Chomp you give me your lunch money I'm going to Chom you Tyler I think the dragon is trolling everyone cuz look at the robots trying to eat him too and he can't guys I'm catching up to the biggest ball in the entire server but I know he's going to leave the game as soon as I can Chomp him let's see Tyler there's so many balls over here in the corner I think everyone forgot about this ooh and there's a free life and a magnet this over here is a great spot wo that's awesome nice snowy now you're protect did now if you accidentally run into me it won't be a problem oh it just went away okay guys the biggest Chompy ball in the entire server the title is about to belong to me here we go here we go we're going to pass him look at him guys he's thinking about leaving he's thinking about ditching the server don't do it don't do it don't do it he left the server what a was you know what that means guys I won I'm the biggest ball in the entire server let's go I think he left because he was worried that you were going to eat eat him Tyler yes okay silly to end the game it's time to Nuke the server here we go guys nuke all in three two one nuke oh no it says run for your life what are we going to do all of my progress wo shop for your life everybody bow down to the ball Corgi don't forget to leave a like on the video guys and subscribe if you haven't already hey guys well I'm trying to become a bigger ball again you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now see you bye
Channel: Tyler & Snowi
Views: 1,739,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, funny moments, roblox funny moments, roblox funny videos, roblox funny games, roblox story funny, roblox story, funny, moments, roblox escape, tyler and snowi, tyler, snowi, superdog tyler, snowi fox, ball eating simulator, roblox ball eating simulator, ball eating simulator roblox, roblox ball eating, ball eating roblox, roblox survive, roblox survival, roblox simulators, roblox escape evil
Id: FkVl3zHFwf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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