Roblox But I Used a GLITCHED Hacker Cart

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[Music] they seem to have updated this uh this game that I used to love playing all the time can't ride to Nowhere don't know what that is over there what is that it's all upside down so it looks like there's a new piece here that looks absolutely horrible how are you meant to drive on that it's spinning around all right cool let's give it a go we got the fast one obviously oh we haven't got this one it's a speedy one go go on mate no no no no no no I put I put something on his look I put on there oh he's speaking Russian to me we got to switch on the m at the back you ain't getting anywhere mate okay let's get driving uhoh he's coming he's coming he's trying to shoot me look at him ah H the fitness gr Pacer test f h H hey enjoy your time buddy yeah that's right you're looking at me like that hey oh he disconnected he disconnected that guy's trying to steal it watch dude you don't want to steal it my I don't know what's happened his McDonald's Wi-Fi is gotone the other guy just gave up I've got a golden one cuz I made it to the end last time but they've added some new stuff and need to make it all the way to the end we be very careful though cuz this these tracks and the way this runs is very hard the superpowered one it's like the Ferrari of uh all carts and I've got it it's even got Neons they're illegal in the UK you can't use them oh there's a car going around here now I see a car oh there's a bump there that would have been bad wouldn't it it's super hard to go fast here no no no [Music] the floating potion doesn't help me it's super hard that guy's still stuck there look Hi how are you that is so funny switch on the engine then we can drive it's very bumpy though look at it rock around so unstable if I didn't have this on the back of me I think we can go a lot faster the problem is I play games where you can go really fast and you don't have to go slow this game you have to go slow real [Music] slow around the corner that's that's it that's it you good little car you're doing what I wanted you to do instead of being stupid boy we want to go shoot them other guys they're right at the top there they've had a good time got be very careful any little bump in the road like this there it'll make your C come off and that's it it's over this this bit here this bit here you see this I like that I like this cart game I think someone's chasing after the other guy his friend left him we go around here quite quick but I won't a 10 mph limit so if you go really slow and actually go 10 m now the police don't come there go police coming let's go let's go also we have trouble breaking that's another thing look break break we'll get all around this all the way up to the other one we got to go all the way back around it hasn't let me go all the way back to where I was before they've changed it so you have to go all the way around before I used to be able to spawn up there I can't cuz I haven't made it to there this is different though this is way different they weren't like this before they've changed this bit here 100% it used to go somewhere else it used to be quite hard we go forwards and then round it's going to lead me back on myself that's why there's two tracks there clever we are going very slowly but we are doing it we want to get to the next part I like the race car as well from my favorites some reason it rocks around like this all the time now we're going back onto oursel here oh boy's in the race car as well look I like that ah no no oh I can't believe it I literally can't believe it we got so far and I saw the car coming and I froze every single vehicle on here has been smashed up just left there you go fast down here then you can break and go around the corner there we go forward break around the corner you just can't go fast around the corner because of the way physics work I think they're going to try and break break my oh they going so quick they're going to try and shoot me off the track they fell off they tried to shoot look his friend's like oh no please don't leave me bye boy he's trying to climb up to mine you ain't climbing up to mine mate you ain't going to come nowhere near it no no no you don't there you go mate you go back to your friend don't just leave your friend let him drop what's a bad person he just dropped through yay he fell to his to his demise no we got no we're going too quick here hang on a sec I drunk the potion and now I can fly let's see if I can fly back on the track [Music] he I got an idea oh I can't do that one that's what is this one we're going to buy this I want to know what this [Music] is whoa that is so quick what is this this I like this I'm in a little car my broo car wow it's so fast this is no way hang on a sec this is so fast oh my Lord we're going to die with this so bad how am I ah okay this guy he's trying to speed up because I'm right up his bump bro move out the way my little car's coming through oh I'm sorry that is so funny I wonder how far she can actually go ah ah what is going on okay I was going too fast I would like to get that big train up here though this is so quick I just tap look at the speed increase someone parked their car here when they of who would do such a thing there you go gra this back because I don't want to be too close to that someone is coming that is the hardest car to drive that one he's driving I think you're going to come hang on let's see if he Rams into me I'll stop here see if he Rams into me see if he's actually a nice but no he he fell this is so quick I like it but it's very quick whoa it goes over the bumps like it's nothing so let the police com like oh I'm got to outrun it I can't even slow down it is so quick honestly I can't even tell you how quick it is it is just quick the other carts are super hard this one is crazy good someone driving up there hold on don't tell me that police cars only just come out after that we should be a go around this whole track with this hacker one what was that let's try the biggest car get everyone on it stop jumping on it just jump on one thing don't keep jumping off it this is well hard this basically is like a train it is so difficult to drive go go Noob go on I'm not going to destroy you am I not that sort of person we can ride together oh oh oh this is like a train you have to drive too fast don't worry I like the ghost train they've got I like that a lot I don't know how far we're going to be able to go with this train I like the she stopped why she stop he's trying to take out the guy in front look that just took me out I took I took myself out all right I'm going back to my little hacker cart I can't be dealing with this it's so funny I Toyo drifted it around the corner and I fell no I can't believe how fast it is it shoots like a machine gun as well look what just happened oh a car spawned one of those cars spawn around into me if he tries to shoot me [Laughter] he tried it and I wiped him out while running into him excuse me he tried to take it i' like to get a ghost version this or make this gold that would be nice be fair I like it purple purple's my favorite color wow and my cart just falls apart that makes complete sense did it why why is that on the track I couldn't even get up this is getting absolutely crazy we need to get to the top no joke this one's so quick I like it if there ain't nothing on the road you can get quite far of it if there's nothing here we should be fine yeah there's nothing it's okay over around we're literally constantly going about 40 m hour it's lovely I like this car as well this car is like the best we went so fast I thought I'm literally going to die there Bast car didn't get a chance to spawn is miles an hour you can only go 10 we're literally going 100 almost fell off there you got to be very careful try and do it as fast as we can though don't tell me it just shot it in myself that's why I'm on [Music] fire it took me out how it bounced off of the guy in front fast as we can now it's more harder now than it ever was even with the faster car and everything no what oh hang on just thinking I should be able put this back on the track somehow because it's not got a hanging cart on it now yes we did it we used fly ah ah what just happened oh mod why is it doing these flips it's like I've got a car attached to me at the back don't do FP don't do it don't do [Music] it uh on police car Head to Head Boy right there we go let's do my special special little car if you fly of it it takes away all its properties where it could go fast all the other stuff what that's so funny she said Hi and then I rammed into her sorry I am sorry for the pain that I've caused you nice we're we're trying to go gentle but fast gentle but fast okay this bit we got to be careful on cuz we fell off last time we're going quite quick weren't we I'm literally only tapping it a little bit forwards and it's doing this come on now 100 there was 100 it slow us down it's quite [Music] nice we're going so fast this car is definitely worth the money definitely worth it amount of time and effort they must have put into [Music] this nice nice nice I'm hoping this bit's ready to go is it no it's [Music] not this is the old bit here that we went round used to go up and around there he made that bit bigger [Music] I we just go around this way yeah you go through that way you can go can be a bit easier but it's all right we'll go this way oh the track moves in this one I would say you had to go some speed there but we literally went as fast as we could [Music] we made it to here ow please cut how is he still shooting me did you see [Music] that luckily it stopped it's really hard to get to stop up you go oh my cart is falling through don't break my cart please please physics be my friend this moves across there come on please please please nice we did it see how the tracks rumbling you don't want to be on there I want to go there that's what I want to be on just takes so long to get there trust me to get to here it'll take you a month you could buy this C this will still be hard a hard Game Stop then stop God it's having a mental breakdown we're almost there [Music] Oh I thought was going to ram into that then we're here what is it doing you just burned me got done lasers in that I knew it's going to happen they parked it right there just for that horrible people I can do is Loop like instantly you got to go [Music] fast and you go backwards and then you switch this if you C there we go oh we got another guy with the same thing that I've got what why did he shoot her oh it's scary oh it is scary actually lumps on the road here trying to knock you off I think that if I go around a corner there's a door that's the thing that gets you and you ram into the [Music] door don't fall [Music] off and I fell [Music] off it fell okay that's it you know what I'm going to do reset myself I'm going to fly up to [Music] there oh I see that's how you get up there that's actually at the end that is absolutely horrible get down see if we can get on the [Music] track we're going to try we're going to try that ah and the track's moving as well that is crazy there bumps here it's also cars that roll that is mad I flew to the end cuz I couldn't be both to go around the whole track all point you have fly isn't [Music] it quickly it's literally there we're in it yay I just want to see what this is something new cuz it weren't here before Oh my [Music] God [Music] we I'm here don't tell I've actually made it and it's actually going to let me please don't blow me up please don't blow me up don't do it oh good I don't if it's going to allow me it might say I'm cheating they say oh you're cheating if it actually lets me I done it what and then I fall off and [Music] die [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 392,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox cart ride, roblox glitch, cart ride, roblox cart ride funny moments, roblox cart ride experience, roblox cart ride around nothing, roblox cart ride delivery service, roblox cart ride around a 75 kw diesel generator, roblox cart ride admin, glitch plays roblox, roblox, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus, roblox cart ride around nothing hacker cart, Roblox But I Used a GLITCHED Hacker Cart, I Used a GLITCHED Hacker Cart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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