Roblox Blender 2.9 How to Create Single Texture from Multiple Textures

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all right today i'm going to show you how to bake multiple textures into a single texture file for roblox um the problem is like say if you have one mesh and you have different each mesh has different textures to it roblox only lets you upload a single texture id so it's hard to like if you have a part with different images in it like roblox won't let you separate it if you have a single mesh because sometimes you might want to make a hat or something where it's you have to have a single mesh like a special mesh and i mean you're only allowed one texture file so i'm going to show you how to do that real quick with blender 2.91 that's what i'm using so i have this phone right here what i did was each part or object has different textures to it um i joined it already as you can see it's just a single object right now but what i did before that was like i made three different materials so you can see like the red is the base for the phone black is the little stopper thing right here for the dial and then the actual dial itself is white so there's three different texture files so after you make your textures you assign it you combine or join all your meshes into a single mesh and this is how we bake it so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go down here see i don't know if you can see where my little cursor becomes like a dragger so i can you know move it up and down but i want to hover over it i'm going to right click it and i want to do a vertical split first because i want to make the separate the windows right so once i do a vertical split i go back down and then i right click it again and then i do a horizontal split like that so now that way i have different views so if you go up to this top option the editor type i'm going to open up a shader editor and i'm going to press n on this one so i can get rid of that let's zoom in and then i'm going to change this bottom one over to a uv editor okay so once i have those set up um i'm going to open a 3d paint 3d program i'm just going to do this because i'm going to create a texture this is going to be my master texture right this is where i'm going to put all those images into this single uh image right here so that way i can upload this one to roblox with all my materials in it i'm gonna come over here i guess you could do this in photoshop but i'm gonna make it a transparent background like that i'm gonna change the width to 1024 and the height to 1024. okay i'm gonna save it i'm gonna call it bnd i'm gonna write over that i don't know why i did that i'm just gonna make it a blank canvas so all right so now once i have that file what i wanna do is come over to my materials here and see you can do this when you're in the material properties i have my object selected object mode everything is selected so the first thing i'm going to point i want to change this dial color so if you come over here you're going to see how the base color is white you know if i change it to see how it changes this works for images too so if you have like an image right here it's going to be the exact same process so let's just make this color with how i want it give it okay like that so now what i want to do is in this shader i'm going to go to add and i'm going to go to texture and i'm going to go to image texture and i'm going to this just drags around so i'm going to click here i'm going to open the image that i created this bnd because this is where i'm going to bake to i'm going to bake to the this texture this material into this bnd png so once i do that you see how the box is white it's like outlined that means that it's active and selected that's what you want to do you want to make sure before you bake it that it stays white that it's selected but what i could do right now is copy this and then i'm going to come over to the red material because this is the white one or the blue one i'm going to do the same thing here but i'm going to paste this in because what i want is i want to capture this material and add it to the same one right the bnd because the white one has it now the red one and then now i'm going to do the to the to the black one the little stopper and paste it so see how it's outlined white i'm just going to double check to make sure that's the one that's selected okay so once i got that so now i'm going to come here to my object mode in the 3d view and i'm going to go into edit mode by pressing tab and you're going to see all this crap is overlaid and jumbled or whatever don't worry about that just come into edit mode and then make sure that everything is selected doesn't matter if you're in faces or vertices i just make sure that you select everything once you do that press u or you can just come over here and then all we're going to do is do a smart uv project once we do that the only thing you want to do worry about is this island margin change it over to 1. and then make sure you scale it give me one second all right sorry about that okay so basically you just make sure your island margin is set to one and make sure that correct aspect is on and scale to balance is on press ok all right so now if you can see down here the little map has now are your little islands your little parts are all separated properly and not overlapping so don't worry about if you know what that looks like right now what we want to do now is actually bake this so if we come over to the render options this little tv looking guy you got to make sure that you're in cycles and come down to baking okay so you want to bake type to diffuse and then you want direct and indirect unchecked and then color is checked okay and then once we do that let's just press bake and you're gonna see the little uh progress down here you may have some parts here like lights and all that stuff if you press bake it's gonna say that it's not part you know part of the object just make sure that your object is the only thing selected you know so your camera your lights and all that it's unselected so now if you can you know looking at here after it's baked you can see that the blue dial is blue the red is red and the black parts are black all right so we're just going to save this image and then i'm going to open it real quick so you can see if i come over to documents and i open up this bnd file see how it separates it out okay so now here's the part because most people read tutorials and watch and they try to wrap it you know or upload this to roblox and then it doesn't come out right it like starts spreading it we're not done so once we've like baked it we have to apply the texture so if you noticed remember how you have these three different color materials so now let me go into object mode make sure it's all selected i'm going to delete these now i'm going to delete the materials right so there's nothing what i want to do now is press new because now i'm going to assign this object with this map right so add an object or add a material a new material and then come over to base color and press this little i guess yellow button next to it and we're going to image texture it it's going to come out black because there's no image assigned yet so we have to open the bnd file or the where you baked it that file that you just saved and baked you're going to open it and as you can see right here if we go to spear mode see how it's since so see how it takes it okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to export this model and we're going to import it into roblox so you can see how that part works so what i'm going to do is let me triangulate my model just to be safe and then if i come over to the quad method i'm going to go to fixed because i know my probably this model is all screwed up i'm going to add another modifier called solidify and i'm just going to apply that and the reason i did this is because when i imported this model before like some of the um the faces were gone like it was coming out like missing parts you know it didn't look like this it would this part would be missing or the face would be missing or like there'd be a big hole right here so that's why i'm doing those two triangulate modifier and the solidify and then i'm going to decimate it because my triangles right here are 17 000 and then roblox only lets you have 10 000. so if you don't have this doesn't turn up by default so what i do is if you come over here to this show overlays option press the little down arrow and then turn this button on statistics and it'll tell you what your triangle count is so that you know you can keep track of that while you're working so now i'm going to add a decimate because uh i need to bring this down to 10 000 because roblox won't let me import it so i'm going to just put it down to half all right that's fine that gives me 8 500 triangles or whatever so now in object mode i'm just going to come over to file i'm going to export to obj i'm just going to name it test test like that and i'm going to limit to selection only i have the whole thing highlighted and i'm going to export it so now that i have it exported i'm going to open up roblox studio and we're going to import it sorry guys i have to update this [Music] all right sorry about that i just let it loaded so now i've opened up a place and you want to make sure that it's published because we you're we're going to need to import the uh the mesh so if you come over to view you just then you wanna do asset manager and then now that we can import this is bulk import and we're going to go to the test test that i just made and why not just to be safe all right it's been imported fine so now just double click it and you can see it already comes in it already comes in colored so if i just move it up and if i rotate it you'll see that um the textures was applied if it doesn't then what you want to do is just come over to view and go to your properties and your texture id is the one that you saved you know i name that's that bnd one that's where you know where you exported it [Music] yeah and there it is so as you can see it's a single mesh one mesh file here and your texture id you have multiple colors or multiple images within the same object so that's how you do it
Channel: Pouncer Minned
Views: 14,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox Studio, Blender, Single texture, baking, uv map, single mesh
Id: YZQqh3frjjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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