Robin Williams Finest Interview (1987) Part 2 of 2

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thank you for that led Zeppelin tune all right the bogatell appear here we go anyway your son is a five yeah what's he want for Christmas are you going crazy it's a little difficult because his tastes are some of refined okay to say the least I'd like to talk to you about the numbers in my trust fund now there really is a discrepancy here this is my friend Tom he's six he can deal with the numbers yeah what does he want um usually a lot of transformers but yeah it's very good that I don't drink anymore they're little hard to handle up here oh it is it is a truck it's a robot yeah yeah very hard oh you ever buy those things where you have to assemble them insist some assembly required oh yeah save a buck and you get them at home together the store going yes hi I'd like the model of the b-52 and some glue it's for the model really I know you I know you're known for them up and later on you're building the model Bank whoa Wow whoa you wake up in a poor descent in Woodstock going remember oh it's fun note his tour is a great job picking out new stuff what did you like when you were kid what do you want I just wanna just a little area of my own but I want I just wanted to hang out - no I only hit the one POI don't give you that don't even to talk about mr. happy he's sleeping it's the eighties he's a little afraid with him he's gone now I would hibernate right during the night eh yes yeah very difficult thing because you know if you meet someone you like now in the 80s it's like you know Helen I care about you I really do but can I have some blood and urine for some tests there's this horrible fear that eventually sex is going to be I'm in the airlock now well just leave the sperm in a dish Harry Oh hibernating okay ah-choo never thought you heard it yet because living in San Francisco which is where the neighborhood I live in is like Boys Town you know it's wild I walked by a bar it's a leather bar full of usually people playing Judy Garland records like them another son I heard all these whistles are heard whistles going off and I thought 8:00 it's carnival I look in they're all watching a 49ers game going I'll hurt him that'ss scarves are flying penalty Italy Oh a hollow look at there why don't they for going on the homeless and smorgasbord looking at a twin end yeah Wow there's a guy walking around it's Christmas time in San Francisco there's a guy dressed up as Sato Claus you better watch out push get it oh boy I push your own time yes you want to talk about your movie there are nothing flies now it's called hello Vietnam good morning it is hello Vietnam would have been better than we could do it as a musical Vietnam Ethel Merman in the paddies watch how thank you or elders you could have Elvis going here we go perma can we stop the fighting I want to sing there's helicopters coming in thank you honey you're done with that walk thank you oh come on you play a disc jockey yes sir yeah you actually went to to do this in Vietnam no no they don't have that open yet I see they did they wanted us to come back obviously spend some money but a lot of people would I don't think that's too wise an idea hello people said I'd like to talk to you don't do that so we went to Bangkok which was I think oh it's amazing Thailand is amazing because the Thai are basically like Japanese on Librium they're very very happy hours and it takes all cash just hang out for a while it's a wonderful place was a little hot it was about 110 degrees one percent humidity so you can actually cook things in your pants and we had an English crude English crew will go anywhere because they're great they'll be if they're can be in a swamp covered in leeches going it's alright don't be afraid Robin it's just a snake Hey he's dead no he's not oh it was a good experience he Aires a good director yeah made an interesting film yeah we had a little film clip here don't actually have a little piece of it climate let's see it I think it's gonna be good I hope so if not I'll be on a game show I don't know okay I don't know this needs any setup I guess it's just from from the film Anna it's Sara oh it's in Jeddah shocky okay I'll try to feel like and for those of you playing the home game buy anything now mix em up hey we're back the last few seconds of silence was Marcel Marceau let's do is hit single walking in the wind and now he did it hey come on right now Pope acts are going to be Jewish Liberace is Anastasia and Ethel Merman James Russian radar these Germans today claim that the Berlin Wall was a paternity prank also the Pope decided today to release Vatican related bath products an incredible thing yes it's a new pope on a row it's right what will it go straight to heaven Thank You Ethel Merman today uses a test to jam Russian radar here's a brief test of that jamming oh I've got a feeling long as here to fight to reply the Russian with what the hell was that here's a newsflash today President Lyndon Johnson passed a Highway Beautification bill the bill basically said that his daughters could not drive in a convertible on public highway we've got a great show from me away today former Vice President Richard Nixon's and down that's right the big dick is here I think he sounds exactly like mr. edge you be the judge I tell you this now listen Wilbur come in the room an incredible coincidence the most song moving on moving on into the dawn with the dawn busters yeah Oh I didn't want to say some why you here you are one supremely talented young man yeah
Channel: UberDurable
Views: 2,018,633
Rating: 4.8441133 out of 5
Keywords: Robin Williams (Celebrity)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 16 2014
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