Robin Roberts on her 18-year Relationship | Sherri Shepherd

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please welcome my new friend Robin Roberts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I love it thank you also oh I love the red sparkly in the front right there I know goodness the audience my audience they dress up and it's like a party here no I know good to see you so I have to ask you something because I'm I'm like trying to open myself up for new friendships so can we go out can we go out for a drink dinner you and I all of the above all of the above okay I saw that group of friends you have oh it is so true especially as we get older yeah like you're you you have really good friends really really tight friends and I mean they are I just did something with Michelle Obama yes yes you did so yes it didn't take long to drop that look at that lady but we and part of the special that was last night her group of friends just like you were showing your group of friends and she calls them her kitchen cabinet around the kitchen table because you know that's when all the good stuff can tell you it doesn't matter who you are where you are you always end up in the kitchen around the table it's so funny because talking to my girlfriends as we get older I sat up and talked to my girlfriend I was like girl I got nine medications they feel some for the blood pressure I gotta take and this one I'm supposed to go get to want to have better orgasms oh I mean no I don't know if that's too early for daytime but that's I but I can talk to my friends okay all right yes yes yes well I'm that group of friends well that's why Robin when we go to dinner we have a drink we can talk about that you know that's a good conversation but look when you when you're talking to someone like Michelle Obama like how are you feeling is that are you nervous oh this is the former first lady I am so blessed and highly favored I am just so grateful for the people that have crossed my path and very grateful that my parents taught my mom and daddy that and a heavily balcony right now and they really taught their four children to teach and treat everybody the same yes but what was really great is that I got to know Michelle Obama before her husband became president he was a state senator and I love the story okay all right y'all gonna love this you're gonna love this okay so it's before anybody who's on the national scene and we were at uh some kind of event yeah and I'm meeting her for the first time this is like 2000 I want to say it's four or five something like that and so I go up to her and I know who she is and everything and she's talking about Barack and she's like all upset and I'm like what's the matter now the shoot was in New York and there you live in Chicago and she says to me I that man I was coming to New York I put it on the fridge in Chicago as he was trying to say I didn't know you were leaving [Music] on the fridge for two weeks oh would you know someone like that exactly you know from that so much I don't I'm not in intimidated because she is just come on now she is so down to earth so fly Chicago yeah you interview so many people you just oh my gosh and I love it because you interviewed my crush a regular Jean page oh I just want to know one thing oh how did he smell oh how did this man what did he smell like I like people's Sims yeah tell me um she smelled good you know what I can also say about him such a nice nice guy I told him that like you my sister's crazy about him yeah okay so I say this to him in a commercial break we finished the segment he's walking off he comes back and says would you like to take a picture to send to your sister oh that's so great so it's not only just fine he's also [Applause] you attract these kind of people to you Robin you really do well look at you I mean you know see the energy is that thing the energy that's what it is I love your hair thank you I think I will give it off and give it to you because that's what friends do I would let you I will let you borrow it girl now you're making me think of your friend Lonnie a lot of love would do that she would do that in a heartbeat my girl we do this all the time with long wigs out to eat each other but I have to say um I want to say I love your relationship I remember when you introduce your partner Amber to the world right and you guys have been 10 years strong 18 years that's when you're introduce him it was 10 years and congratulations and kudos to her because she just finished her breast cancer treatment oh Amber yeah the love of your life yeah 18 and actually it's still continuing her she finished one phase of the of the treatment her I get him she's gonna be fine she's gonna be great yes but she she didn't get through radiation um but yeah she gets me we give each other a hard time 18 years that's a long time 18 years y'all have seen so much together yes and this is what I love because you started taking uh the pictures of her sleeping don't do that and she didn't know and this is the most comfortable I'm laying there with the dogs I love this one right here so do you do this all day oh yeah I do that and got her again you know that little hashtag you know yes yes yeah she um when she wakes up she's not that it's kind of not too much fun around the house when she wakes up and she goes did you post it again I'm like I'm sorry it's just so cute oh she got you back [Applause] [Music] this was great [Applause] and I was so tired and that was my son Jeffrey decided to come in the room he knows better than that he decided to come in a room and I said oh my God I did not know I look like Marge Simpson my wings on imma get him that's what the kids do I asked I had to ask girl I'm never going to show that he better not post it I know that but to say I love it because uh you went undercover uh recently well you gave away a million dollars yeah [Applause] this was your undercover outfit yeah okay girl so as soon as you smile we know who you are you don't want to do the beard or the Mustang oh they wanted me to put that little mustache on you can you still recognize me I know did he know it was you no he did not know and it was it was a doctor o who is from the University of Michigan he has done so much for people who are in wheelchairs and he to give him a million dollars because the way he is helping and the way that he talked about how we have different abilities that it's not being disabled it's just different abilities that we have but he did not recognize me so see I I got to be able to surprise him with that million dollars how did that feel it felt well first of all I wasn't my my million dollars but you know let me just be honest here I want my money but great it felt great it's kind of like how Jeff Bezos just gave Dolly Parton 100 million dollars yes for charity it's a great feeling because you know these people that you're giving this kind of money to even the greater good that they're going to do and Dr o is going to do just that oh I'm so glad you got to do that yeah so you didn't like mind the cover look I just think you should do the little the little beard because I know y'all know their smile like as soon as you start smiling like that's Robin Roberts right there but you did it you did the job I know thank you very much another job you did you just won an Emmy for yourself so you you produce and you produce this show turning the tables do you you have a production company do you like producing I love producing I love you know making the calls not taking the calls and just being able to be our own boss especially as we get to this age but turning the tables which I love just had our friend Lonnie Love she was on the new episode and I didn't realize that we were even nominated for an Emmy but what I love about turning the tables is what we do is we sit down with a group of dynamic women such as yourself and we turn the tables we talk but you know what we don't just talk we listen to one another and that makes such a huge difference I love it too because oh oh shoot because I wanted to ask you will you stick around yeah okay because Robin Roberts is going to stick around we're going to play a fun Thanksgiving game I don't want you to miss it [Applause] so I was just friending it up with Good Morning America co-host I just you know we had talked about this you are one of the most trusted you were voted the most trusted uh face out here what does it feel like to be the most trusted gosh it is such a it's an honor first of all because it was voted on by the people yeah and to um if there's a responsibility that goes along with it but because like you I have surrounded myself with such a phenomenal team who keeps me in check and it all goes down to your intentions and I know my intentions are good I know my intentions are pure and that's really me so much do people ever come up to you Robin and they're like you know I got to tell you this girl because oh yeah yeah really you're like a doctor I know I wouldn't go that far but they do but they do they share their Story and there's something that my mama taught me and it's so it's so helpful because people come up and they it might be a story that I've heard over and over again and I remember one time I was my with my mom and I I was kind but I could have been Kinder and my mama I got back in the car and and she said honey what's the matter I'm like well mama you know people are coming up to Sharon and she said two things is only a mama could do one oh it must be so terrible to be loved you don't have the mom could do without saying yes ma'am and she said two she said Robin Renee that is that person's first time to tell you you may have heard that story countless times but that's that person's first time you act like it's the first time you're hearing it and that happens again change the way you think wow change the way you think [Music]
Channel: Sherri
Views: 230,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talk show, daytime talk show, celebrities, entertainment, pop culture, music, sherri shepherd, sherri
Id: RyTmpwWNHsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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