Spice Girl Mel B | Full Episode | Sherri

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[Applause] 3 2 1 it's show time good good love and joy and all over the place we're going to have a good time we're going to have a good [Music] time and now your host Sherry Shephard hey hi everybody hello we got to go home got to go hey whe oh my God hey oh my goodness there we got a get all of that together Hey familyy Oh What a Day John muray what a day what a wonderful day and we got a lot of great show to get into today we do so I I always wanted to do this on TV It's Time today is a big day for Mariah Carey it's her birthday but don't call it a birthday because Mariah does not celebrate birthdays she has anniversaries because she prefers to celebrate the day she came into the world not celebrate getting older okay I actually I like this I guess because I guess this only works if you're a hypnotist okay because you you got to keep saying because most people sayy happy birthday but I guess if you keep saying no happy anniversary happy anniversary if you're hypnotist people will get it um because I I just I remember how old uh Mariah was when she started so I count all the way till now but you know like Mariah you can't get mad at me if I say happy birthday because I I'm used to saying happy birthday is kind of like a habit but U however you choose to say it if you say happy Ann you want to say anniversary and celebrate that or you want to say happy birthday as long as people go damn you look good you got to make you feel good so I'm all for what Mariah whatever you want to do I am so with it now sus Mariah that's your sister okay you're always on tour with Mariah Cary so what do you text Mariah do you text her happy birthday or happy anniversary no no we not birthday okay you I don't want happy anniversary and I always show her my love and all that it's always anniversary though okay it's always happy anniversary okay so Mariah who it's it's her anniversary um what like she is the woman who has it all what what are you getting her for her birthday I haven't decided yet cuz I don't think I'm going to see her till April but till April yeah till April but I owe her a lot so we're going to figure it out okay yeah yeah we're going to figure it out like what did you do what did you get her last year like what do you get the woman who has everything um I tried to just show her a lot of love and make sure that um I text her I post her I can't buy her anything she hasn't bought herself so I just try to make sure that she understands by words how much she means to me and how much she's done for me oh s not the sound sweet do you have that on your dating profile sus I you oh my gosh you know that's a hard thing because I always tell people you know really don't give me gifts don't give me anything because I'm so blessed to have so many things I you know I'm not into flowers they die cuz I forget to water them balloons I don't like you know like anything you get me it's it's you know I probably have it already and I always tell people the best thing you can do for me is say a prayer for me like pray for me or write me a little letter of what what I mean to you cuz I I said this before one of my besties Kim Whitley wrote me a letter um that is still above my mantle and it means so much to me because she'd be having arthritis in a thumb so she so she for her to write this long letter meant a lot so um but I do want to say to my family and I hope they watching this dog on show y'all better buy me something for my birthday every every year I tell 17 members of my family you know over I start and I say if y'all just put in something and get me something for my birthday I don't even care what it is it would mean so much to me every year I don't get nothing and so I want my family to know I I there's a fendy wallet that I want if all of y'all put if y'all put some money together you I I still I've been asking that fendy wallet for the last 6 years so I need my family to know I hope you looking would you please buy me a birthday gift that would be mean so much to me just my family nobody else so y'all but happy anniversary Mariah I'mma say I'mma save this clip Sherry because people always say I want to send Sherry flowers what can I send Sherry and I tell them she don't really like gifts now that you said it on TV I'm just going to text this link and say I'm telling you the woman don't want any gifts yeah like just except her family except my family I want all the gifts from my family yeah so yeah cuz you have everything and I just feel so blessed so I usually give the flowers to somebody here when I get flowers and um unless it's a man if you want to if you have a gift like for my birthday you want to introduce me to somebody then I'm quite open quite open um y'all an audience member at the view learned a big lesson yesterday so whoopy abruptly stopped the show to call out somebody in the audience who was recording the show with his phone take a look I will say this and I think it'll surprise people um the fact that his hold on sir what's I have to I have to stop you with the camera cuz I can see you so do me a favor don't pull it out again I'd appreciate that thank you thank you what was he doing um so as I was saying you know I think this will surprise people o that you know I don't know what I would do if I saw whoopy Goldberg walking towards me okay that is like you you just know you you don't irritate whoop be like that taping the show while they're talking but here's the thing nobody really reacted crazy like oh my God what just happened you can tell all these ladies are used to whoopy doing something like that calling somebody out they Sunny hon didn't miss a beat she was like okay anyway and she kept going back to what she was saying then Joy was the only one who was like what is going on she I loved it because Whoopi is now host and security over at The View and I know you know and you like you just got to you got to let whoopy be I remember when I was on the show there was always a fly that would fly around and we got used to this fly it would drive whoopy crazy cuz everybody would be talking and whoopy would be like this this fly no we never saw the fly we just knew it was there because it was Bugg and whoopy and um but this is a lesson for the audience you can't record I think a lot of people want to know if it's a live show like we're live right now if it's a live show why can't I record so I think people really getting confused we don't want you to record during um a live show because number one if your phone is already on and and it goes off then it distracts everybody then the people who are watching you know on TV they don't know what the noise is also God forbid you get an amber alert or anything like that um then you know we don't want you recording during the commercial breaks because for me I'm adjusting my wig during the commercial breaks I'm fixing my bra I'm rubb my feet because they hurt that's when I usually notice during like right when I go we got a great show I'll look down and go oh my ankles is ashy so somebody's got to run over with lotion and put it on my ankle so I don't want you recording all of that and putting it on Facebook live I don't you don't need to see me lotioning up my ankles so um that's why we don't like you to record during a live show and and most performers even if they're on stage they don't want you recording Wanda Sykes uh did some standup comedy for a was for Jeffrey school and I was trying to raise some money and she was doing her act and all of a sudden she stopped the show because she saw somebody recording and she said stop recording and they did not and she said I will stop my show and walk off the stage and I was mortified going what parent is recording Wanda syes when she just said and Wanda was mad and uh I remember I got home with my family and my sister goes I don't understand why she wouldn't let me record the show and she was going to stop the so when I tell you I could have fallen through the floor that it was my own family one of the Shepherds who was recording Wanda syes and I apologize I still every time Wanda sees me she goes put your phone down so everybody y'all got to leave Whoopi alone and to the control room cuz sometimes if y'all watch The View you'll see Whoopi she'll be like I know we got to go to commercial I know we got to do cuz she she has that that thing in her ear and they'll be saying we got to go to whoopy knows go to commercial she has been there a long time so y'all got to stop talking to her in her earpiece cuz she not listening to your hand signals if Whoopi hasn't done it by now she will not do it so I and y'all leave the in the fly stop messing with Whoopi everybody leave whoopy alone whoopy got this [Applause] okay oh my go so popular twitch streamer Kai sonat is that am I saying his name Kai sonat he had a cringe moment in front of 9 million followers okay so Kai was streaming live with a popular singer Tyla and you know her song make me sweat make me hotter so that's my karaoke version when I'm drinking too I cannot sound like Tyler but Kai asked Tyler out on a date all right so she was speechless and she friendzones him in front of everybody take a look Tyler would you like to go on a date with me are you asking for real yeah don't do that what you mean why not don't do that I'm serious whenever you get some free time would you like to go on a date with me you can't do that on a whole live thing why not it's it's trueu for there yeah um but we friends though you right yeah we friends you're right all right uh next one oh my gosh Tyler could not find enough ways to say are you kidding me like look anytime you ask somebody on a date and they go oh like it's I think it's one of two things either Tyler has a man that we don't know about or she's just not that into Kai and you know the kai is known for being really funny and silly so that typically works for women when you're funny and you're silly but I don't know if she was attracted to him in that way she liked the funny she liked the silly but not like in an intimate kind of thing cuz if you look at Tyler's body language she couldn't get far enough in her chair oh my gosh and then when she put her hand in front of her mouth I was like don't do that don't don't do that like she looks like she wants to get out of there she's looking for somebody going nobody told me this was going to happen so you know when you ask somebody out you got you know you have to look them in the eye and I say you know kai if if you really cuz it looked like he was serious if you really like Tyler you got to like warm her up like you can't just do it on the slide you got to do it like I did it with Lenny kravit okay that's the way you have to do it you got to you see do you see how he's smiling right there like I could not say all I could I couldn't just lay all that out if Lenny had come on as a guest and lay all that it would have shocked him it would have just like he might have been like oh my God like he never would have gotten down on one knee if I hadn't warmed him up you got to warm somebody up like you know because and I learned because when I was on The View I blurted out my love for Prince when he was on The View and like he was sitting at the table and I just knew like I did I got three seconds to say this to Prince and I said to Prince I wanted to make love to you my entire life when I tell you Prince couldn't get up fast enough and run whoopy was like she what whoopy literally was like I can't take you nowhere cuz that was her friend and she was nobody got to finish asking their questions because Prince ran off the stage and I was like and so I I realized I said sh you got to butter people up you got to let so you know kai you got to let Tyler know what to expect when she comes on your show so send her some flowers like warm her up so that when she comes on let her see you're funny and silly if you keep campaigning so she can see that you're serious but the real story is even after all of this the real story look at that girl's stomach oh my gosh ladies look at Tyler's this is what I'm looking at it is flat even when she's sitting down oh my God not a roll to be found unless it's a body roll Okay Tyler you look absolutely amazing and Kai likes you Tyler you might want to give him a chance he's a sweetheart oh my gosh now y'all Tracy Morgan uh Tracy Morgan loves food so much that not even OIC can stop him so last summer Tracy one of the few celebrities admitted he was on OIC now he said it cut his appetite in half now he only eats half the bag of Doritos all right and last week Tracy revealed that he's gained 40 pounds because he's learned to out eat OIC so I just want to know did Tracy's OIC come with a two-piece and a biscuit first of all like Tracy obviously they did not explain to you how OIC works okay or maybe Tracy didn't listen so I I just want to say to people who take the OIC the we goie all of that originally it was created for diabetics I'm a diabetic so it was made for people like me to regulate my blood sugar but I have not been able to get it CU everybody is on it so I haven't a I've not been able to get it um it's just it's and so when you use OIC Tracy when you do the little I call it the Click Click when you use OIC what it does it's a the mind telling the gut that it is full so people are only really truly supposed to lose only two to four pounds a month at a very low dosage but so many people who don't know how this works they're taking these high dosages and they're getting very very skinny like a little bobblehead you you yeah it's like a little bobblehead you're losing your muscle tone and I there's no judgment because sometimes you need something to jump start weight loss because it has been approved for as a weight loss drug but the thing about it is when you take these click click injections you've got to change your lifestyle you got to start eating differently you got to start working out because you're losing muscle tone and then because you you're not supposed to stay on this for a long time so when you get off of it then your brain wakes up and goes wait a minute I'm hungry and if you have not adjusted your lifestyle Tracy you're gonna gain 40 pounds or more so I I you know Tracy played my husband on 30 Rock he was my TV husband on 30 Rock and I still struggle with I you know that weight loss thing it's a hard thing I struggle with it all the time cuz just like stress and and I ordered 12 cookies to come to the house the other day and I'm going to tell you that there's bakery that makes these amazing cookies and I thought I thought everybody was gone from the house and I thought I was ordering it in secret cuz that's what you do you order it in secret and so when the doorbell rang I did not know my assistant Edie was even at the house so I was running down the door and I saw her and I said I'll get the door and she goes no I work for you I'll get the door and I was like I'll get the door you ain't got I got the door like I don't want nobody to see me doing this so I ran back upstairs and I'm peeking over the the rail and she she opened up the door and it's a box of cookies and she looks at him really slow and she looks upstairs and I did like this cuz I don't want her to see her and she looks up the stairs and she goes and she puts the cookies on the counter now Jeffrey sitting there Rodney John my makeup artist every everybody's at the house when you want to do wrong and I walked down the stairs and I saw the box and everybody turns and they're looking at me and so I just I just kept talking I walked quietly over to the box I grabbed a cookie and I just was talking and I gave everybody a look that said all y'all getting fired if you say anything to me so Tracy I understand you out eating OIC but you can't out eat it you got to do it the right way I had to get my butt in the gym this morning and walk and I walked yesterday after ate the cookie I did the guilt Walk of Shame oh my goodness but y'all we got a great show for you today because up next singer and author Mel B is [Applause] here Jerry will be right back have a good time a good so 30 years ago my first guest helped uh create the bestselling girl group of all time and she has been spicing up our lives ever since now she is revealing even more of her powerful journey and the new edition of her Memoir brutally honest would you give it up for Scary Spice herself melbe hi look thank you I you going to be good you know what I'm so excited you're looking fabulous by the way thank you so much girl oh my gosh you you know I'm so glad to see you and I know that you have fun when you can't when you were here last time so it's really nice to have you back thank you for having me thank you I love you I and um I want to congratulate you on the re-release of your book brutally honest this is so great because you've added more like can you tell three extra chapters so what are the chapters well you know I released the book in 2017 so A lot's happened to me since 2017 till 2024 you like a on a triumphant walk now girl and you know I'm patron of women's age so I support survivors that have been through abuse you know I would I was in a 10-year marriage that was not very nice to say the least and I wanted to speak openly about about it and help other survivors and let people know the 15 signs of what abuse can look like so it's a bit of a dark topic but I think it needs to be spoken about because three women a week die either from their current partner or former partner so we need to take a stand and you know Al we need to get together got to get quite emotional talking about this is like a big thing and abuse can happen to anyone literally you say you say uh uh the 15 signs like what are some of the 15 signs well when they're talking derogatory to you when they kind of separate you from your family and your friends and it happens it doesn't happen overnight it happens bit by bit by bit right and it's something that we you know we need to be aware of more okay I and and you know this I have to put out this the legal note that uh Mel's X has previously Deni the allegations of abuse so I you know I had to say that well he he is convicted for domestic violence from a prior relationship from a prior Rel that's a fact and so I just have to say to you I'm team male all day every day you know all day and I know it is a bit of a dark topic but it can happen to anyone but yes it is a dark topic but we you don't want it to happen you as much as you can I prevent it to to try to prevent it from happening to somebody else so thank you for coming out and adding those three chapters and you know letting us know that we don't have to stay in that um situation CU I think probably if you ask a lot of people out here you know I was in that kind of situation so this is something that we need to be reading brutally honest to see and we need to educate ourselves and educate our kids what healthy relationship looks like yes absolutely absolutely and thank you for that Mel okay now on a lighter note Spy Girls are we got that out the way but I love but I love that you're doing this because people see this the other side of you the fun side and you know it's like but there's other things that are going on that you and your advocacy is amazing because you were just at Buckingham Palace for your advocacy work so to I look really shocked I'm like what am I do I mean I can imagine like being in front of being invited by the queen I know and I got an MBE and I got an MBE not for being a spice girl but for advocating about domestic violence for women yeah absolutely what was that light though just the queen being in front of her I'm tell you feel like I mean you either meant to do a ctsy or a bow I did both I went boom because it's very you know it's very strict with protocols but but yeah man it's an honor your your daughter Phoenix this your oldest daughter did you take her with you did take her with you how was she feeling oh she loved it she absolutely loved it cuz she does she just talks in school in schools for kids about what a healthy relationship looks like she does a lot of advocacy too oh so she's carried it on she's like a mama advocating I love it now you've been through so much and we've seen your journey and I am so excited because you found love again it's somebody who adored you not looking for that you were not looking and not only did you it's always nice to see someone whose eyes light up when you walk in the door mail now you know what there's good people out there so I found yeah abely and so good that you are engaged is that the ring on their finger you are engaged your fiance Rory oh you know he's a hair stylist he got my natural curls back and full see he got so so this is a per cuz he he does your hair and he got your hair together so can I find somebody to lay my edges and lay some um there you go yes all right I'm happy so y'all are happy together huh yeah it's lovely oh my my gosh girl and now you know it I'm thinking about this the Spice Girls this marks 30 years since you auditioned for that group that became the Spice Girls 30 years 30 years so now like when you when you think back 30 years like what what stands out to you the most oh my God it was just us five girls Conquering the world singing dancing and just celebrating each other and supporting women with our girl power message even then it was just like it was like girl power all the way yeah oh my gosh and I would say 30 years is a big deal it's a long time it's a long time so like are you guys all the ladies are y'all going to celebrate together this 30y year Milestone I think so yeah yeah we've got something planned privately oh what you got planned can you tell I'm not going to tell you oh well that's a good thing that's a good thing cuz y'all keep your secrets and everything so like oh my gosh so are y'all in a because I know with my girlfriends I'm we have a WhatsApp group chat yeah we have I've met up with all of my girlfriends a WhatsApp group chat like but I heard that you were kicked out of the I'm always getting kicked out because I'm always going on TV saying yes we are going to tour again and the girls go what are you saying I'm like I we are going to T we are at some point at some point at some point okay if I say enough it will happen that's why you got to put it out there you got to put it out there so when are they going to let you back in the in the group chat well I just got back accepted on Friday okay you got back ex I don't want it's all good for now okay so I don't want to get you kicked out of the group chat but have y'all been at rehearsals are you learning the same dance not that and I'm not going to say anything more no I'm not say anything more but like do you have anything choreograph like are y'all like are you singing new song okay stop cuz I don't want to get you kicked out but are y'all harmonizing or anything okay I know I know please take mail back in the group chat it's not on I'm in it for now but I might not be after this it's not male it's me y'all M I want to thank you so so much for being here thank you for having me for advocating for women and and blessing other women to see that they are not alone you know you can look one way but you are not alone so thank you so much for coming and y'all pick up a copy of brutally honest it is in stores now and we'll be right back Mel [Applause] be Jerry will be right [Music] [Applause] back it's time for animal crackers where I show you funny animal videos that just crack me up so first up is a French Bulldog who like me has a lot to say would somebody get Hollywood on the phone and get this dog his own talk show that's what he needs so this next video shows what a golden retriever retrieved from the laundry basket when his owner wasn't [Music] [Music] looking [Music] I like that that's a little small this is what would have looked like if he dug in my laundry basket before the reduction yeah that's what it would have looked like now y'all our next video is from social media star agador also known as at Pooch of NYC now agador is the Rico Suave of dogs and if you're not looking he will steal your girl take a look [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god when I tell you I could to sh does love the ladies and he also loves our show because he watched when I broke up with Lenny Krav and agador sent me this video take a [Music] [Applause] [Music] look all I can say is I adore you slide dog you know you can slip into my DMs anytime up next a woman who gave up everything to start her own business keep it right [Applause] [Music] here Jerry will be right [Music] back my next guest jalila Tillman placed a major bet on herself when she quit her job and she put her home on the market to open a 24-hour gym DC's Mission slim possible so four years later she's continuing her mission to help women reshape their mindset about the gym and build confidence please welcome jalila Tilman jalila let me this is very scary a lot of people go do this you quit your job you sold your house to start a business like how scary was that oh my God it was super scary so um at the time I was only Fitness parttime and I had a good old government job y'all N9 to five so steady income benefits yes oh my God I was soing up them benefits honey so I just I felt in my heart that God was telling me to go you know sometimes you get to a point in these jobs where people start talking to you like you crazy yes like you're not a grownup um um and you just you hit a wall and I'm not good in those spaces where I feel like I can't grow or I can't contribute so um I feel like God was telling me to leave so I did um I just listened and had faith and I stepped out and I knew that I could do it and I knew you know even if I failed it wouldn't matter because you can always begin again absolutely When God says do it you better do it yes and I love the fact that you are on a mission to get people to feel comfortable in the gym because I'm going to tell you the one thing I hate is going to the gym cuz sometimes it's intimidated you scared to put stuff on you you're scared to just like intimidation is real really is so was that your experience um going gy um so I yeah I'm not like an avid gym goer either okay um so I wanted to create a space and when I worked at a gym um because I did previously I just didn't think it was like a friendly gym right the trainers were mean the staff was not like um accommodating to our needs as Trainers for our clients it was just a lot of things that I felt like just were not going correct um so when I decided to open my space I wanted to make make sure that the energy was good it was a safe place women felt safe um and that you know it wasn't like a gy intimidation so we make sure that we show up for people we make sure we greet you at the door we make sure that we go above and beyond to be like the cheers um of a gym so that you're super comfortable and we help you with so many different things okay cuz that's the part that's so hard and intimidating but I love it because you are a naturally Curvy Girl which is what I'm loving you know and normally you know that's what intimidates me you get these fitness trainers and I go there's no way I can look like you but like you are changing the look of what fitness trainers are looking like yes so when I first started I actually was like a slow starter took me about six months to get out of my own head because I was like oh this is a little intimidating everybody's a stick figure or they've had their bodies done and you know I've always been like this so I I went from like a girl's 14 16 to like an eight I just rolled over that way um so I was really worried about the judgment and I talked to a couple of friends and family and they were like you know what I think that it's a great thing but you're nothing like the rest because it makes you relatable so women will want to come to you abolutely so we service two types of women at our space so um my Niche is the working woman that needs to lose weight because it's about your health so maybe you've got high blood pressure A1C levels that are too high right so now it's health or death that's it yes um and then we also have the woman that is a my season ladies um that need mobility and strength because they want to be able to pick up their groceries or run after their grandkids and be here for the Long Haul absolutely and I I love it too because you also offer virtual workouts for people who are outside of DC correct yes so we have in-person and virtual personal training that we offer via Zoom which is super easy everybody loves Zoom I know we also have a eight-week program and in that program um you get 20 for workouts so it's a strength tone weight loss program and we work out with dumbbells medicine balls kettle bells so things you already have sitting around at the house cuz everybody has Fitness stuff sitting around right yes that we don't touch so we encourage you to pick those things up with us um and they also get an accountability group chat so in this chat I drop health and nutrition tips and kind of guide you in the right direction to make healthier habit changes for for to make it a lifestyle um it's also great because the women in the chat they encourage each other so if you miss a workout they're like um excuse me ma'am hello where were you yesterday do your workout and you don't want to be the one in that chat quiet cuz Cricket get you nowhere with this group okay so if you need accountability that's I love that this is such community at your gym and I know that within the area like yours is the only small gym over there so how is it being a small business owner it's rough oh man um it's hard because we compete with the big glamorous gyms that have a larger budget than we have they have larger spaces newer equipment um so you know and they constantly are trying to figure out what we're doing to take our customers um so but we pride ourselves on being a community a community that brings you back wanting more we make it fun um we keep it vibrant um and we do a number of things so this year we're hoping to have our own 5K and um you know we just do a lot of things in the community together and we're hoping to do way more so so I love this and then I just want to know how do you keep your passion alive and what message do you have for other women who want to go out and fulfill their dreams but they're little scared yeah so um there was a lot of sacrifices that I made um you guys already heard that I sold my house and I quit my job um but also like my dating I had to shift my priorities so like being a single girl in a DMV I had to put my dating aside you know I don't have time honestly and then somebody has to also understand my lifestyle so if you're passionate about something what I would say is number one um always listen to God and get in tune and an alignment because the moment I was in perfect alignment with what he told me to do everything just fell into place I can't explain things it literally just happens for me but we know yeah but so that's number one number two I would say if you are working um and you don't have to immediately quit because I've done that a couple times get your finances in order right talk to your partner um start saving now 6 months to a year so because you never know what happens once you're in it that's it like that's it you know we don't have a magic portal to pull money from a tree right so you definitely and if you have a family it's going to impact your family life yeah so yeah and then the third thing that I would say is block out all of the distractions all of the naysayers I'm focused on the path that God has laid out for you so um make sure that you're feeding your brain daily with positive things um podcast and I literally my Instagram is full of fitness videos I like literally that's that in comedians I love y'all oh you you follow me I follow you I love to laugh you know what jalila we so love what you're doing so we reached out to our friends at Windom hotels and resorts because they understand the importance of supporting women own businesses and they even created a program called women own the room which helps women overcome the unique barriers that they face on the path to Hotel ownership so we thought you know what you need just a little vacation so W's giving you a seven night getaway of your choice to any one of over their 9,000 locations oh my God and with so many luxurious places to stay I'm sure you're going to enjoy some much needed relaxation when you're not in the gym at the hotel look let me go hire some help for a week okay cila I just hope I want you to enjoy your vacation and self-care and take care of you for seven days all right you make me cry Sherry girl no cry when you the beach right when you at the beach up next jelina is sticking around and play Fitness fact or fake keep it right [Applause] here Jerry will be right back we are back with fitness trainer jalila Tillman and it is time to play Fitness fact or fake so I am here with Kristen from Florida hey Kristen hey Kristen okay so I am going to read three statements now two are facts about Fitness and one is fake you have to pick the fake one so if you can guess two correct you win okay here is the first statement all right statement one doing chores around the house gets your heart rate up statement two exercise is only helpful if you do 30 minutes every day statement three staying active is good for dealing with straight a stress so the statement that is fake is what um two two all right it's number two exercise is only helpful you do it 30 minutes a day it's false because exercise is helpful when you do it just in general so we want you to just keep it simple focus on moving three to four times a week okay got it all right now the next statements statement one exercise can relieve body aches such as headaches statement two exercises include walking running makes your heartbeat faster statement three ab workouts are the only way to flatten your tummy now the statement that is fake is three three so the ab workouts are the only way to flatten your tummy no incorrect so everybody knows abs are made in the kitchen so you want to eat fiber filled Foods you want to make sure that not only are you doing those workouts but the food is key to getting that sto that stomach flatter okay no chocolate chip cookies or nothing replace that with veggies please veggies veggies veggies all right thank you so much Kristen for playing and you are getting a $200 cash gift card so jalila thank you so much for being here and we will be right [Applause] back Jerry will be right [Music] back it's time for one last laugh and today's laugh comes from randelle in Queens New York whose dad joke videos have gone viral so here's R randelle tries to make his daughter Nyla laugh with the dad joke but her reaction is not what he was hoping for take a look question why did the coffee file a police report because it got mugged so sometimes your kids are your harshest critics now randelle and Nyla are here today and I have to ask you so Renzo does your daughter Nyla ever laugh at any of your jokes oh uh no okay so can you try to make Nyla laugh can can you tell us a dad joke okay let's do this Budd what do you call it when James Bond takes a bath bubble [Laughter] O7 okay not happening randelle well thank you so much for the laugh and Nyla hopefully this will make you smile cuz Nyla we're going to give you a $100 cash gift card for toys we'll be right [Applause] back Jerry will be right [Music] back check out my comedy show at the star dome in Birmingham Alabama on April 5th and 6th and for more info and tickets go to sherow tv.com and I hope something on today's show put a smile on your face tomorrow award-winning actress and my bestest friend ni Nash vets will be here so join us then for the best time and daytime [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sherri
Views: 62,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talk show, daytime talk show, celebrities, entertainment, pop culture, music, sherri shepherd, sherri
Id: PirICF7aWhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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