Isley Brothers | Sherri Shepherd

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[Music] I've got time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now your host Sherry Shepard laughs foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what James Brown say I feel good we have a great show for you today because and every day all right what is uh does that you don't sing it we'll have to pay for it I know we got to because that's an expensive song The Isley Brothers are here you remember the Isley Brothers Listen Ron Isley revolutionized gray beards during the pandemic everybody was like I'm not dying no more I'm tally but just the music I remember all of the albums yes baby making music that's the my little sister's here because of the Isley Brothers foreign actor and my friend Steven Boyer is here is he trying is he trying to take my Joan Rivers table this one right here I love him oh my gosh good morning John Murray good morning listen it's a wonderful Friday in New York City it's been a great week and all I have to say is TGIF TJ it has been a good week and there's so many people y'all look so good I have to say wonderful look at this I am so happy that everybody showed up despite the Terrible Weather we have been having here in New York City it has been raining almost every day since last weekend and it's windy and over I just I I come back from Chicago and it was rainy and Jeffrey wanted it's always when I come home off a plane and he wanted to go out uh to get some art supplies because he wanted to do some stuff so we were walking and I had and I didn't feel like getting dressed up so I put you know you put a hat on but I don't have my wig on so I put the hat on and we were walking and I had this cute little umbrella that I had bought at some store and we were walking John and it was so windy because we were trying to go to Red Rooster and it was so windy and every I should have known everybody's uh umbrella went up you know the reverse way and I was like I think we all right Jeffrey but then my hat flew off [Applause] my hat flew off and all the way across the street I remember everybody was just looking at me and I because I I have my Set It Off braids on like like it was horrifying because one thing if your wig is whipping back and forth but when you don't even have a wig on and then the hat is like in the middle of the street and it wasn't like I had the cute braids like I had these braids in for a month so it was you know I had that so it wasn't even fresh and so Jeffrey was complaining and I you know and because it was getting wet and I said go back and get my hat so we had to run in the street and my hat was all soaked and then I I didn't want it he said don't even put it on and I said you don't understand they're not gonna let us in the restaurant so I had to pull the head down on my head and water was running down my face and oh my God no no no you'd have been glad that I kept that hat on because if you oh my gosh just so it but we made it through the rain and it's okay I just want to thank everybody for showing up today in the crazy weather oh my gosh this is a woman in Utah and she's on Tick Tock she likes the fact that other women find her husband sexy so Rachel's post of her husband Antonio have gotten millions of likes he is good looking so Rachel post photos of him doing ordinary husband chores the dishes and mowing the lawn I mean if you see the way he snapped that towel at her oh I like a good towel Snapper but you know women have been leaving comments like damn your husband is fine and Lord have mercy oh my goodness so Rachel says that she enjoys seeing women thirst over her husband now if he looked this good it's all it's one thing oh okay I I understand why Rachel is posting her husband because this is a woman she is very secure you know and if you look at Rachel she looks good too so she knows she knows she looks good I think they are a beautiful match made in heaven but you know here's the thing when your man is too hot because everybody's looking at him now I think you know it's one thing Rachel you letting the world know because you know you know Rachel wise lips too big one two three four is not in from Idaho is not going to get to your man but you know you but everybody else like your friends might be too close to your man you don't want your friends knowing that he looked that good having a man that's this fine is a problem you want him to be just a little bit ugly just a little bit because this right here that's gonna be trouble you letting everybody know you want a man that got a little bit of stink on him just a little bit because getting a fine man it's cute when you first get with a fine man but that gets old quick because when you get a man that's too fine you got to keep yourself up too you do let me tell you what happens when you get a Man Too fine you can't go out in the rain with no wig on you can't be wearing that one t-shirt it's got that little taco stain it just won't come out if you got a man that fine you got to be up on level 10 as well so this after a while you just gonna be like I couldn't he just be ugly good grief because you know this woman can never come out of her house with greasy hair because all the women that you didn't posted we all ready to pounce the one the one time we see your weakness and everybody saw the way he loads that dishwasher and mows the lawn it's something sexy about a look at that towel snap oh my God it is something about a man that can mow a lawn it's something about a man that could get that dead squirrel from under the house Rachel I commend you because he is great and he is fine just don't ever have a day off girl because we'll be right here waiting [Applause] so there was this woman that went to the LA Philharmonic Orchestra and she had an especially good time so she had a loud and a full body orgasm and the middle of Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony so everybody turned around to see what happened and one eyewitness said that when she turned around she saw the woman breathing heavy and her partner was smiling and looking at her and I just want to know who has an orgasm at a concert can you think of the last time you had an orgasm at a concert I think I did when I saw Tankian concert when I saw you y'all did tank got their prison body tank got that tank got that I'm serving 30 years the life body that right there I mean you know and I I did John I looked at tank and tank made me grind a little bit on that chair he did but I you know and I I felt a little bit orgasmic when I was at print a princess concert because Prince had that you know friends remember Prince and Prince brings out their sexuality plus you know you can wear his clothes too I could have an orgasm I would be embarrassed to have an orgasm at a concert that just gives new meaning to music that touches your soul right there so you go ahead La Philharmonic play that Tchaikovsky Fifth Symphony and here's the deal ER Van Zant they have very different opinions when it comes to dating men on their level so while on the Grio Ayala asked ebony if she would be open to dating a bus driver and Ebony was very honest with her response take a look would you date a bus driver you would you date if he owns the bus if he owns it if he owns the bus no that's a problem but the standards and the criteria that we use to measure men is off for who we are as women and who they are in this Society I would date a bus driver if he was if he loved driving the bus if he was a man of integrity if he was good to his mama if he treated me well I'm gonna date a bus driver [Applause] did you see Ebony's face I love ebony but ebony face is like you can see Nintendo clap if you would data bus driver now I understand both points because ebony is a lawyer and she's she's gone she it took her a while she got her degree she's at a financial level she and she wants somebody that's on the same level as she is uh financially she put out a she put out like a statement uh defending her position and and you know and I say I think about my parents who did jobs that they didn't even want to do because they had a family they had kids they I think my parents were always looking at the big picture of we want a better life for our children and I think if my father didn't work at the gas company and manage a McDonald's and he sold Mary Kay Annie so Amway it didn't yeah my daddy it did not take away from his intelligence but I think he always dreamed that maybe his daughter would be having a talk show of her own because he did these things for her so that's my opinion but and he he sort of he hated working at the at the you know he worked at a waiter at a at a restaurant called sambos and it was like it was babies with big lips and he hated I remember he he got harassed all the time but he kept I think he kept his eye on the prize which was his children but I would say to you Ebony and I love you girl but I would say don't sleep on Daytona bus driver don't sleep on here's the thing ebony we could do without actresses talk show hosts and reality stars and lawyers but you cannot do without a bus driver and those essential workers you cannot bus drivers make the world go round and here's the thing bus drivers have ebony they got benefits girl when I tell you bus drivers got date and not just health insurance they got 401ks there are benefits to dating a bus driver because let me tell you something if you did in the Practical if you are dating a bus driver and you ain't got no car you tell all your girlfriends girl my man gonna pick us all up [Applause] miss the thing I say ebony you will never get lost with a bus driver that's your navigation system a bus driver know exactly where to go and Ebony have you ever tried to do a little something something on them buses at night with you man and I suffice to say ebony you haven't because I saw the way your lips kept getting pursed when I yell and was talking to you but I'm telling you get on that bus with your man at night time maybe he'll let you touch his will that's what I'm doing would they say Ebony Ebony you ever heard that song The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round so don't get a twisted girl driving up we're dating the bus driver got its benefits and you know Ebony I love you we gotta maybe we'll take do a date you go out with with the high earning man and I'm gonna bring my bus driver friend let's see but we'll just have a good time y'all don't go anywhere because up next legendary group The Isley Brothers are here thank you since the 50s our first guests have been making women all around the world say it again and again Brothers amazing musicians and they have a sound that continues to transcend Generations please welcome Ronald and Ernie Eisley AKA easily brother oh my God come on out here there you go hey oh my God oh my goodness have a seat gentleman have a seat Ernie not only are you the feel good y'all the smell good oh you smell good every oh my god look Ernie the ladies love you too thank you with or without your guitar they just love you but you know did y'all have swag from the very beginning yes yes look at this this is all six of you all of the brothers oh yeah in this picture and y'all would come out everybody had their own style and it was always a chest showing you're right yeah yeah so when you when you how did Ron like how did y'all come up with your looks uh you know uh just just trying to be just special uh-huh you know and uh every everybody wanted to wear what they wanted to wear so we say hey we reached the time of the year that we could do that okay and so what made you like Ernie when you came out did you say today I want to show my stomach the little ABS or I'm gonna do my chest what what kind of mood were you in I was just in the mood to be playing my guitar ah that's the best way to go about it the best way to go about it okay now I'm looking at you Ron and I'm like this fly suit you have so many suits what is going on in your closet here you know I gave it up for for so many years and let my wife just pick the things that I was gonna wear oh candy was over there this is your beautiful wife candy okay now how do you manage to look this sexy at nine in the morning is this is this what you look like when you're waking up that was their idea now I want to thank you both I've got to tell you me and my bestie Kim Whitley we had so much fun thank you for allowing us to be in your friends and family video we were sitting there we had the best time and what I really loved about friends and family you guys you make such feel-good music was that your the music was that always your goal that was always I go to make people happy and you know wanted them to enjoy themselves you know and yeah it was always a goal yeah what about you also uh also as far as our love songs go we were always deliberately trying to compliment a woman [Music] um so if you listen if you listen to uh listen to or make me say it again girl or For the Love of You Between the Sheets say good night don't say good night yeah so we were always trying to compliment women so when you were trying to compliment the women like when you came up with the music did you say Okay we want to make a woman feel this this kind of way you know well you know that would be uh dealing with the lyric like you know like hey girl ain't no mystery at least as far as I can see I want to keep you here yeah yeah like in bed yeah don't say good night don't say good night so you know we we were always uh trying to compliment women oh and you did it so well you sure did and Ron I was listening to you you and Kim Whitley were on The Breakfast Club and you called Aretha Franklin one of your girlfriends that's right you did you want to read the date yeah we're about going on 17 then yeah yeah and she you know we just made the Record Shop okay and we used to talk all the time yeah that kept all the way up for 60 some years really and you were that good friends then huh that's right she was my best friend really so I'm just you know I'm thinking because this is something we never knew about Aretha Franklin I'm thinking are there any other uh R B Divas that may be in the that you might have dated or talked to well I know I knew a lot I knew a lot I know you did I know you did I bet it zip up foreign [Applause] you know make me say it again girl like were you thinking of anybody in specific you know when you were doing those kind of lyrics wow that that was Ernie's that's my song uh-huh Ernie and Ronald and I were talking you know as we do bouncing ideas off of each other he was saying that was this particular song he was trying to sing that he hadn't sung yet yeah and I picked up my guitar and started playing make me say it again girl he said that's the one that's the one yeah well congratulations because you're I think he was talking about mother then you talking about your mother no no that one [Applause] [Laughter] congratulations y'all because your 33rd album dropped last year you're 33 Rd and with this one you got a lot of younger artists on it Ernie that you know these younger artists love your music how why do you think it transcends the generations you know we wanted to do something with a lot of rappers we did with Rick Ross a Snoop Dogg two chain uh take off and uh and and cuevo you know and you know we just just had a ball doing it that way you know uh-huh and we wanted to make it you know 2023 you know right so we came up with some songs like the plug we just we had a fellow uh the wrote that song his name is Pooh Bear okay and he's like very talented a lot of songs from Justin Bieber oh okay okay and uh we did something with Earth Wind and Fire and with Phil DeBarge for The Elder virus and we even did a song with uh Trey Song you were with so many of these artists I know you recently worked with the queen queen Beyonce on a duet well that was the that's that was a masterpiece yeah that was that was the Nugget for the whole entire album and uh she is just so wonderful man it's just she's so I can't even describe how wonderful well I remember Tina Lawson her mama said that the duet made her cry when she when she listened to it me and her mama and and Candy cried together uh yes we did you know because y'all two are the your songs are the most sampled out of any any artists out of all of the artists okay so this is so exciting because Ernie you are going on to it y'all going on tour this summer how you you have such a catalog of songs so how are you gonna organize everything uh in the show uh that's mostly uh Ronald's decision but you know we're gonna do uh It's Your Thing fight the power yeah Footsteps in the dark Between the Sheets shout wow uh we're gonna do some of everything you know from uh from the beginning you know up till the present day is it the same every time every time you go no it's different no we look at the audience say oh we got to do this so hard of mine this time yes okay we gotta do this this you know just everything you know whatever the audience is doing you know you know I was talking about Ron and one of my topics uh the LA Philharmonic somebody had a full orgasm when they were playing Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony they ever have orgasms all the time [Applause] I knew it so when you're looking out there and you're seeing and you and Ernie talking and y'all like these women that they is the orgasmic audience which what would you start with sometimes I take a break and say hey I'll be right back I'll be right back go change my clothes [Applause] Well Ron look I know that you have you have a new Brandy out here Ronald Isley you got new Brandy on tour can you tell us about this Brandy container we'll be out tomorrow they can order that uh for my uh what whatever the website yeah this is the Ronald Isley contagious and if you didn't have an orgasm before this is going to make you have an orgasm now boy I am one say I I just I can't wait to go back on tour I am so excited to see you and thank you so much for being here Ernie and Ronald oh my gosh for info and tickets to see The Isley Brothers on tour go to up next we're going to learn how to keep our skin glowing my skin is going right now I'm telling you right now being next to Isaac don't miss it Ernie and Ronald Isley thank you as you age your skin starts to change and it can be really hard to find a skincare routine that can keep up so here to show us the skincare line designed for maturing skin is the founder of I know Jermaine bold's left Ridge you may thank you for having me on I appreciate it well I'm glad you're here because I just want people to know I use the I know skin care line and I love it so much it has brightened me up now and light light-skinned it but it has brightened up my skin so much and I love it but you say that your mom inspired the skin care line yes she absolutely did you know for many many years my mom mourned her mom and I didn't understand that level of loss until it happened to me but the word says that even in my drought he would allow me to bear fruit and that's what he did he helped me to create this amazing line because my mom you know when she would make us oatmeal she would take the remnants of that oatmeal put it on her face let it dry while she was doing her housework and she always said take care of your skin now so to take care of you later so in 64 I think I'm doing okay oh yeah now I know that you're not a you're not a fan of the term anti-aging why is that because everybody uses it I know I've never subscribed to mark that marketing position because when you're anti you no longer exist I think you you're not evolving you're not developing and anti-aging you want to age you want to age it's a blessing to get older right so yes yes they don't even know what we bring at this age they don't know they don't know now you brought some products with you today so which you can find at home by scanning the QR code on your screen so you got to tell us what we have here okay the first item that jump starts the the glow the hashtag real age is the me first yes and it is a cockadoo plum enzyme that helps to really exfoliate that skin really a cock-a-doo plum enzyme is something that helps to really penetrate and exfoliate that skin yes it's apple and we have apple banana and the cockadoo plum and that is a trio that really exfoliate that skin oh it goes beyond the clean it's amazing and most people have never used the powdered powder right yeah so that you can activate it with water or the second item this is an amazing you a amazing item you will immediately see the difference okay and then now we have and we have do we put the cockadoo bum down we have what is this oh that is immersed a Neroli aromatic uh mister and what it this does is a toner access a toner and what it does is purify and and makes those pores tighten and it really without stripping the skin it's amazing item and you can also activate the powder cleanser with the immersion yeah because I use this also with I also spread in my hair yes yes all right that immerse I love this now what do we have here the third item is eyes matter in in Cova taught us that eyes do matter yes but with this item you a little a little will do you just put on the top of your cheekbones you will instantly feel the tightening of the product and it brightens the area it's an amazing item and it really helps before you put on your concealer to put on Ice matter all right now how do we go to a serum yes cause cellular Retreat is a multi-purpose item it is uh it helps to with the production of collagen it helps with Hyper pigments because we lose a lot of our collagen as we get older yes we lose a lot of a lot of stuff you know it's unfortunate so you know we we don't like the term anti-aging but you accept it but fight it all the way that's what I know products do it helps you to really get that glow on naturally and it's a great source of vitamin C it really you will immediately see the difference I put it on my cuticles my elbows a lot of people don't focus on the elbows but have you seen people in the back you see them black market yes cellular retriever they'll help you lighten it up I need to put my elbows my knees the back of my feet I mean all of that I will love it and what what do we have here very necessary put a period on it okay I don't care if it's snowing outside you really need your very necessary it is a broad spectrum SPF 40. it really helps the UV level is higher than it's ever been you want to block your skin from that that strong sun rays and so we it hydrates and it protects at the same time this is an amazing amazing item and so I just love very necessary period I said if you have to get one item definitely get your very necessary do not leave home without it I love it because when I put on the very necessary it just feels like it locks everything in and my skin feels so I feel like a little baby booty it's so soft it makes it soft and shared we thank you so much for allowing us to come we have a gift in here for you and to really talk about it was just here he could fit in there but your hat and some uh t-shirt says talks about hashtag real age all right because we like our real age welcome to the neighborhood welcome to the neighborhood Jermaine I want to thank you and for more info on everything that you have seen here scan the QR code or head to and studio audience you're going to enjoy glowing skin because you are going home quitting oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta tell you I had so much fun working with my next guest on the show trial and error so I am so happy that he's here he is now starring in the Tony nominated Broadway musical Kimberly akimbo please welcome my friend Steven Boyer [Applause] oh man Steven I tell you when we worked on the show trial and error the first season was was with John Lithgow the second was with Kristen Chenoweth yep we played best friends in this crazy town but what do you have any favorite Memories of Us yeah I mean it was it was a great show we got we got to improvise a lot make up a lot of jokes but I I learned your superpower on that show which is you're able to fall asleep anyplace anytime all the time all the time we'd be like we had these long days where we were in you know a courtroom scene it'd be like 12 14 hours and we'd be like so they're serving lunch is anybody want to share because you would be a sphinx you just I can't wait I can't I can get out of nowhere and it would just deep deep sleep and we and it's still the same to this day I would sleep right before you came yeah but you did I love this because you've been acting for years and you're so well respected as an actor but like what was the craziest job that you had while you were a struggling actor uh well I I was a I was a stand-up for a while yeah you you do uh you do a lot of stuff to you know make money when you're a stand-up and one of the things was a friend of mine was like you could wake up early call into a radio show and act like uh your girlfriend's cheating on you and you get paid for it so yeah so I would do these radio you know these radio calling shows where it'd be like BJ and the Bear in the morning you would call in and and be like okay you're gonna be Todd and she's going to be Jessica and we're going to catch her cheating on you and so I'd have to like tell my wife at like 5 30 in the morning I'm like I have to to go scream at a stranger on the phone I just try and sleep okay and then I'd be in the Next Room being like you ruined my life I gave you everything and uh and then afterwards they'd be like great great job and I'm like 50 bucks oh man I'm not saying all of them are fake but the ones I did definitely in the Broadway musical Kimberly akimbo and I was blown away blown away and I want to congratulate you because Kimberly Kimbo has been a nominated for eight Tonys including best musical yeah like it's so good can you tell us about it uh Kimberly Kimbo it's about Kim a 16 year old girl from New Jersey she has a rare genetic disorder where she ages four to five times as fast as she should so she's played by the the actress Victoria Clark and uh but you know she she's also dealing with other stuff she has an alcoholic father she has a narcissist mother she has a career criminal aunt and yeah and but so she's trying to figure out we meet her on the eve of her 16th birthday and the life expectancy for someone with this disorder is only 16. so she asked to figure out what to do with the time that she has and here's the kicker it's hilarious it really is and you play her father I play her dad she's an alcoholic yeah so I know that you take your characters very seriously you you're drunk most of the time in the show so how did you prepare for this uh lots of research I uh there was no you know I I feel like we've all seen people play Drunk and it's like super cringy because it's just it's just bad yeah and so you know most of my acting choices are made based on fear of embarrassment so I I one night I I set up my phone and I recorded myself and I just did shots you did I just did some shots and then I'm like I'm gonna see what I really look like and I like walked around my apartment and ran around and bumped into stuff and you know tried to talk and was slurring all over the place and I'm like this is hilarious and then I watched it the next day and I'm like oh no that is sad sad and kind of gross and then I took that and that's kind of the basis of you know because I have to be different stages you know at the beginning he's like he's feeling it but then later on he's like totally blackout drunk right and uh and so you know I had to be able to tune the dials absolutely so I I kind of leaned on that video and you were you were awesome when I saw you uh also awesome I want to know your wife Emily like you guys are a parent of a four-year-old four-year-old uh how are the fours going now look at the face yeah like Emily was pregnant when when we were working together now four years old how is that I remember I told you you were one of the first people I told that Emily was pregnant yes because we're in the makeup trailer and you were on your phone and I was like Jerry I I have some big personal news and you went what are you pregnant and I'm like Emily is and you're like and so now four years old four years old four years old a lot better than three years old yeah um you know they say terrible twos and I'm like twos are great yeah I think that's just a phrase they just like they're like they just like the alliteration of it but threes it's like negotiating with a terrorist it's bad and he like would find the stuff to say that he knew would push our buttons and he just thought it was the funniest thing in the world like one day he I don't know where he heard it but he said the phrase he goes I'm gonna kill you and we're like no no no no no no don't don't say that and he's like and then from then on we'd be like you know he'd meet strangers we're like this is Robin he'd go I'm gonna kill you and we're like no no that's just he's so funny that's him that's just Robin oh my gosh well you got a four-year-old and now you're expecting a new baby you're gonna have a new baby oh yeah no sleep no sleep and you will never get any sleep no with another baby that's true I mean I don't I don't really sleep now with a four-year-old yeah and with this new one I just want to say I don't remember the name of the movie that you were in with JLo what was it when she was this Hustlers you they took Stephen Boyd was the one they took all his money he was with the FBI and it was so sad the only redeemable man in that movie you were so wonderful in Hustlers and I just wanted I never told you that he was so great in the movie but Stephen I want to say thank you so much for being here I'm so glad you came I'm coming to the baby shower and I'm here I live here so I can babysit now a great way to call you except I don't want the baby saying I'm gonna kill you there's no guarantees I don't know what's gonna happen I want y'all to go see Stephen Boyer on Broadway and Kimberly at Kimbo you can take the kids it's so good at the booth theater in New York we'll be right back [Applause] let's play sherry Showdown so I am here with Paula from New Jersey so Paula here is your question we celebrated my birthday with the legendary Patti LaBelle who said she would often cook for this legendary lady is it Michelle Obama Gladys Knight or Diana Ross saw that show it was Diana Diana Ross Ross Nexus Amadeus from Maryland amancia's from Maryland thank you so Amanda's here's your question I know I heard your mama going to Mandy all right at 83 years young Smokey Robinson's new album is still giving the ladies what heartbreaks gasms or the green-eyed Blues [Music] [Applause] playing and you are both getting a 100 gift card to Katsuya restaurant [Applause] thank you guys having a good time come be a part of my studio audience go to to sign up for tickets we'll be right back [Applause] I hope something on today's show put a smile on your face on Monday Taj Mory and Lily Singh will be here plus comedian Marsha Warfield until then be intentional about having a good time [Applause] [Music] nice
Channel: Sherri
Views: 111,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talk show, daytime talk show, celebrities, entertainment, pop culture, music, sherri shepherd, sherri
Id: qPUwa1tmWtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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