Robert Pattinson says he learned how to speak in a Queens accent in a tattoo shop

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and I gotta say you hear the crowd they're excited because it's great to have Robert Pattinson here everybody good time he played the conman looking out for his brother let's take a look how would you like it if I made you cry how much like that no I would not back it up it is they told me as I do this let's go let's go but everybody says oh Michael my job my warrior this is Michael che might be the time on it you're not going on you game on you well yeah welcome man thank you and I want to talk about your Queens accent in a moment but when you I had a chance to watch the moving you burst into the room you look so different in his movie I had a Boston son yeah well kind of what was the transformation like for you physically for this movie I mean well we're shooting a lot of it just on the street and stealing shots and stuff and I kind of and also with a lot of first-time actors and I didn't really want to seem like oh I'm an actor playing a part really so I had a lot of time to kind of just basically convince people that that kind of was that and kind of is the one of the first times I've really stayed in characters a significant period of time but it's very satisfying just kind of wandering around shooting movie and no one noticed it's like no one in it looks recognizable at all sir but I tell you what watching the movie you definitely were that character you embody that character the entire way through and you had this accent your agnya you're speaking of English accent now which I'm used to but it's not a Queen's accent you've mastered it how did how did you master that I mean I've always kind of liked doing accents I mean it's kind of it's a holdover my mom it's one of those people who she'll be talking to so on the phone with an accent and by the end of the conversations and that how strong their accent is fully imitating that and I guess it's a kind of hold over I find it really I find it really fun but I mean that's spending I spend a lot of time in Queens and queens Center Mall I was in the tattoo shop there for ages and ages you got many people going I wish I want to win today long sigh get walking in on people getting here I wanted to talk to the tattoo go to the piercing guy uh-huh and I would get interrupting him when he'd be in the middle of like a tongue piercing or whatever and just be like so just say this line but I heard this movie was essentially written for you so what drew you to this to this movie I mean I really like the Sassy's Brothers what one of whom was in that clip the disturbed coda writing at the same time I really like that previous movie and it just feel I felt very wild and out of control and it kind of thought it was almost a documentary and I just wanted to do something like that I wanted to make a thriller which felt like it was on the cusp of cops just by singing it anymore and hopefully hopefully I felt that that should feel like kind of wild yeah you did it actually made me say I believe it past my bedtime I heard about you last night but this is quite a different experience you said no one recognized you as you were filming this movie quite a different experience when your twilight days where I read you have to do some crazy stuff like hire multiple ubers you were hiding in trunk to get away from people yeah those so I used to do that with my assistant all the time I mean the most embarrassing thing you kind of you get to a point where you you have no idea if any computing follow you or not is like everybody drop those wish so my father not get in the truck uber driver freaked out when you got in the trunk I think is a drug very but I mean that would be kind of incredible I was going to do that just with fun you know I thought there's another project you did I want to ask you about you did something for GQ in search of a hot dog tell us about that that was I mean you have to I guess for every single magazine cover now you have to do these little videos or whatever and the we're initially going to do it just dicing normal questions on like some roller coaster and eventually I didn't have time to go to adventure languages in the movie and so I basically wrote this thing in like ten minutes specific and in the back of it in the back of an uber where this air is better yeah and so yeah we wrote this thing and it's kind of just the thing about being crazy I guess and in pursuit of a hot dog I tell you what something you and uber man seem always come back together again hey I appreciate you being here man it was a great device in the gym you're awesome it is good time it hits the lectures tomorrow they can check out Robert everybody well hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here thanks for checking out our YouTube channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on GMA
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 448,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA, Good Morning America, Robert Pattinson, actor, thriller, Good Time, live, interview, Twilight, abc, abc news
Id: rERXvb9Dxkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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