24 Hours With Robert Pattinson | Vogue

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ready ready [Music] beautiful beautiful coffee a beautiful view it's just parents decision today I am meeting with Francois who is the as they said nose for deal and we're going to be discussing them you to your home yeah um fragrance is the best job well if you come to Paris in Fashion Week okay I hope delicious dinner can meet some interesting people it's not exactly a job it's like it's the you know I should be paying to do this very excited we talked to you about the new formulation of the fragrance it's interesting to see to look at a culture changing and people changing and then try to imagine what sense they would like I mean it's it's quite an unusual skill to have I mean I literally I would not know what what smell anybody would like at any point something quite close is is a food right now you don't eat exactly I'm sure exactly the same thing that we is that you use to tweak let's say 10 years ago you still liked it but now you try something else for the perfume is exactly the same thing yeah also top note that we used to say the top note ranch and women also sit down would it's fine it's a really so it is very familiar a lot of pencil yeah that we use are made with the cedar wood and so the smell it's a school snack been taken in this context it does smell really delicious when I was a kid I did you see my pencils all the time saying maybe I'm that kind of guy it's delicious if the world likes a bergamot and then you have an ex-girlfriend who used to wear burkha mud all the time when you passionately hate it and you're like there's no more bergamot it's things you've always good you have to live your life carefully as to avoid hazardous sense it is very delicious thank you yeah thank you very much nice to see you again I hope I'll go to the show and see what's up sure thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I've seen the picture the class I know it's really cool [Music] I did no more strangers car came in the moment she got all riled okay and then there was all they to an airliner to scream [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after the show there is a tentative caveat Kasbah to launch the new variant which comes up now I really really like King James it's a fun guy it's really cool for me Lulu it's very very fun very upset I have to be working today after the show because it's a party's gone very late officer I probably really embarrass myself but it's nothing out of the ordinary
Channel: Vogue
Views: 10,385,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert pattinson, robert pattinson interview, robert pattinson 24 hours with, 24 hours with robert pattinson, 24 hours with vogue, vogue 24 hours with, robert pattinson funny, robert pattinson twilight, robert pattinson 24, robert pattinson dior, robert pattinson model, robert pattinson paris, robert pattinson scent, robert pattinson perfume, robert pattinson cologne, robert pattinson actor, robert, pattinson, vogue robert pattinson, vogue
Id: 91U7PoPutuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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