Robert Pattinson on Twilight Saga Fame (Season 7)

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ah Just Dance the whole time okay it's incredible [Applause] yeah carry around the Oprah mask um but they scream for her too all right so so Robert I I mean I can't even imagine what see look what that sounds like do you ever hear that I mean it must be amazing when you're by yourself because you must hear that all the time you can't possibly ever get used to that screaming can you it's still in your ears yeah yeah because you just had the premiere and and you're traveling you're getting on a plane after this and going somewhere else you're traveling the world right now right um yeah we've done five or six countries in a week and really just over a week yeah and then New York tonight they're closing down Times Square which is going to be uh it's insane what's happening right it's insane you were here a little over a year ago almost exactly before the the first one came out and obviously no one had any idea I mean the books were successful but no one had any idea that this would happen I don't think anyone did I don't even think the people who owned the rights to the to the books that knew that would happen yeah and it keeps getting bigger as well I mean I've seen the book sales have gone up so much since the films have gone out come out and uh and the kind of fan stories get more and more passionate yeah I know tell me I heard the story about a mom that asked you to do something oh yeah oh don't go well yeah um no that was a while back I had a somebody gave me a a baby on the uh to keep and I've kept it and I've renamed him um it was on the set of the of the first film and they just freely handed a baby to a PA and they brought they brought it round to be a to have photos taken with the cost just handed their baby over yeah it was a nice there's a nice kid as well yeah yeah but that's that's frightening to that somebody would just hand their baby over and and uh well it's like the premiere yesterday the old security people in a lot of interviews are saying like what do these parents think about their kids camping out for a Premiere and I was just like it's fine Twilight will take care of them it's like it's like we are always there for you now and your family is here is your family traveling with you or is your family just here right now no they just came now and uh we haven't sequestered on the island over there I think your mom and dad were dancing last time they were I like how they corralled now that's the way I like to keep my family in a pen we just move them around like that with a little island welcome everybody all right and so and a woman just recently undressed for you as well in public just took her clothes off I know immediately I was doing the prayer interview for this and I immediately regretted saying that I was like God I sound like I'm actually just abusing my my position because you told her to take her clothes off I I it was after a period of signing 500 signatures and uh and one of them just came you always had kind of 10 seconds with each person and you never really say anything and I kind of got a little bit bored of just saying like yeah hey how you doing in an American accent for some reason uh yeah and she she said in her 10 seconds like what can I do to get your attention I was just like um just take your clothes off and and she uh and she stood there and like frantically started taking her clothes off and got dragged out of the room by security I've never felt more time yeah you've got to be very careful because I wouldn't imagine that uh too many things will will uh stop anyone from getting your attention so we saw the we saw the film we got a screening on the lot so I saw it it how what has changed since the first uh the first one to the second one as far as I I guess you'd have to be worried about security like finding locations did people find where you were shooting they did occasionally but I was much more so on the first one I mean really I don't know why but there seemed to be there were days on the first one where we'd have hundreds of people outside the set and I think we were just so remote on on New Moon like when you're shooting in the the scenes where you're in the woods with all the huge trees is that a set or is that actually location that's that's location it looks like a set though yeah it's beautiful and that was in Canada uh yeah but it looks very very similar to the I think it's the same Forest perhaps I have no idea about geography but I think it's the same one which goes down you should play the know or go game then if you don't know it's Oregon just below Canada yes yes yes no kind of sure it is it's it's South Vancouver Vancouver not Toronto but Washington and then you know it's close let him um he's our guests don't correct him yes it's right below Canada Robert um so when you have time off what do you like to do do you because you can't really go anywhere can you um yeah we have to kind of wear that Oprah mask yeah um yeah it really depends if there's someone waiting outside your little place where you're staying and then if they're not it's generally fine I mean I don't think most people are looking out for for someone from Twilight to just be walking down the street in most places so it's people would recognize you I think I know it's annoying I think so now what where would you go if you could be invisible what would you do what would your perfect day be if you could get away with it yeah I was saying okay because I really want to try and get a house and uh it's very very difficult I always think um I always think just the actual process of looking for a house right if someone's following you and it defeats the entire purpose of trying to find a secret house right where do you want to live What area in in Los Angeles or somewhere else maybe I mean because I'll find your house I love looking for houses I just being told this yeah it's my favorite thing to do in the world is find houses I know and I'm tired I'm absolutely awful at it just tell me what you're looking for I'll find your house no seriously I'll find your house and nobody will know they'll think I bought it and they don't care [Laughter] back more with Robert after this so this is huge you have uh a doll did you know that I did I was showing it yesterday yeah oh I haven't seen that one this is the you haven't seen this no I haven't no I didn't realize I came on a stand that's just a little bit awkward yeah and look you're wearing the Ellen underwear I love that yeah that's nice now you have always been adorable so this should not be a surprise to your family that that you end up being as as good looking as you are I think we have a picture of when you were a child that is precious look at that oh nice and wild since I've seen that I just realized my my milk teeth look exactly the same as my teeth now which is really strange cute look at that and a good dresser yeah really cute and then you did you model it all did you start modeling um I know exactly what picture is coming modeling picture that now here's the question uh if you do another film and uh and they uh they needed you to be naked in the film would you because you've got a great body we see obviously your chest would you be naked in a film Maybe I don't know maybe there's a it's definitely a risk it's definitely a risk especially it makes a present foreign I saw an interview the other day which was it was it was a fictional it was a fictitious quote saying that I was proud of my abs and I would never say that in an interview and I actually I saw the film yesterday and I was like yeah that's just the first time I've been proud of my physical appearance in my entire life the screen makes it too much because if you know you have to shoot a scene like that you know for the movie you're reading the script and you know you have to do that I would think that you would start working out like to unless you just are made that way oh no I'm not at all I mean I still like the modeling picture [Applause] you look you look great you look great all right um I know you have to get on a plane you're just fantastic and and you just uh thank you
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 72,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: tXL1Tbc0bW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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