Robert Morris Worship Update November 02, 2017 _ His Entryway _ Living in His Presence TBN

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and first samuel 18 first Kings chapter 3 and first samuel 18 and we're in a series called living in his presence i have a burden that we live in his presence we don't just enter his presence on sunday and then try to make it through the week but we live in god's presence and so the title of this week's message is his entryway and you'll see in a moment the exact passage of scripture that i chose that title from his entryway now we all know that God asked I mean Solomon asked God for wisdom we all know that you can ask even many people don't attend church regularly what did Solomon asked for say wisdom okay but do we know why because he actually gives a reason 1st Kings chapter 3 this is that conversation beginning verse 5 at Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon and in a dream by night and God said ask what shall I give you and Solomon said you've shown great mercy to your servant David my father notice he brings his father into this because he walked before you in truth and righteousness and uprightness of heart with you you've continued this great kindness for him and you've given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day now O Lord my god you've made your servant King instead of my father David but I'm a little child now watch this statement and I do not know how to go out or come in he goes on to say your people are numerous therefore give to your servant an understanding heart okay so here's the reason my father David knew how to do something that I don't know how to do I don't know how to go out or come in the first time I saw that phrase I had no clue what that phrase meant so let me explain something to you when you see if something in the Bible you don't understand what it means the Bible always defines itself as a matter of fact where we get into trouble is when we try to define the Bible or not let the Bible define us but the Bible will always define itself so let me show you this phrase is actually in the Bible many times but I can only show you a few but let me show you if you're right so just if you want to go over the first samuel 18 that's where we're land in a minute but let me show you a few other scriptures where this phrase is this passage I'm about to show you is when Moses was praying to God about his successor the next pastor to lead the congregation of Israel and he says to God for my successor I I just want to make sure that he can do one thing just one thing watch what he says numbers 27 15 through 17 then Moses spoke to the Lord saying let the Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh set a man over the congregation who may go out before them and go in before them who may lead them out and bring them in that the congregation of the Lord may not be like sheep which have no Shepherd then when he makes his retirement speech to the congregation this is what he says Deuteronomy 31 verses 1 & 2 then Moses winds spoke these words to all Israel and he said to them I'm 120 years old today by the way that is not the standard retirement age for pastors but if you make it to that age you probably should retire so I I'm 120 years old today watch that watch why he tells he said here's the one reason I'm retiring I can no longer go out and come in Deuteronomy 28 verse 6 blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out does that mean leaving your house and coming into your house no it does it even Jesus in the New Testament refers to this phrase John 10 verse 9 I am the gate whoever enters through me will be saved he will come in and go out and find pasture well what's he talking about well again I told you the Bible always defines itself right so I took this phrase and went through the whole Bible to see what it meant and I found it in Joshua chapter 14 I'm gonna get to first samuel 18 in a minute but joshua 14 caleb is talking to joshua and this is what he says in verse 11 as yet i am as strong this day as on the day that moses sent me just as my strength was then so now is my strength for war that's what it means both for going out and for coming in coming in and going out we're military terms well everything the Old Testament represents represents something spiritual to us right okay just ask you a simple question are we still in a war oh yeah do we have an enemy yeah so we need to know how to go out to war against the enemy and we need to know how to come in from war so 1st Samuel 18 is a passage that talks about David now remember Solomon said David knew how to do this my father knew how to do this watch first samuel 18 verses 12 through 16 now saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul therefore saw removed him from his presence and made him his captain over a thousand and he went out and came in before the people and David behaved wisely in all his ways and the Lord was with him therefore when Saul saw that he behaved very wisely he was afraid of him but all Israel and Judah loved David because because he went out and came in before them okay so we talked about it refers to war but I want to just deal specifically with the coming in part not to going out part why did they come in form or what did they do when they came in and I want to show you to you in Scripture right but let me just tell you they came in to worship no matter what the war was no matter where the war was in its battle over lost or won they always came to the house of God first now I want you to think about church on the weekends plus your quiet time when we come to church if you've just lost a war or lost some battle in your life in an area of your life we come in and repeat if we've won some war or some battle we come in and rejoice and if we're still in the middle of it we come in to God's presence and we're refreshed are y'all following me okay so we're talking about worship living in his presence so let me show you three things about coming into God's presence our worship all right here's number one worship brings God's presence in our lives and we'll take all these points straight out of first samuel 18 all right worship brings God's presence in our lives look at these two verses that we just read verse 12 Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him the Lord was with him First Samuel 18 verse 14 and David behaved wisely in all his ways and the Lord was with him David wrote songs and he sang songs to the Lord he was a worshiper what made him a great King was he was a worshiper what made him great when he went out was he knew how to come in and you got to understand here we're talking about when we go out we don't go out from the presence of God we go out with the presence of God you have to understand that and if you don't come in to the presence of God you have nothing to go out with it's like going to work or go into a meeting without the anointing of God on you nomads what your work is you want God's presence that you want God's anointing you know people say many times the last words of Jesus were go they weren't they were not the Great Commission those were not the last words of Jesus those were said in the 40 days he was on the earth before he ascended but those were not his last words his last words were staying until you're indeed with power because if you go before you stay you have nothing to go with you follow me his last words was yes I want you to go out but wait before you go out come in so this isn't just something we do on the weekends this is something we do every day every morning before think about this way before you go out to war come in to the presence of God and get filled up with his presence and then don't go out from the presence of God go out with the presence of God I probably many of you grew up if you grew up going at eating the church you might have attended a church like this for till I was in about the fifth grade we were attendant we attended this real small church so there was a front door to two doors that opened up every time we got there the pastor was at the front door how you doing good to see you come on everything go well this week come on in come on in good to see you hey how you doing okay then when we left the pastor was at the door hey good to see you see you next week god bless you good to see good to see you you know except oh I remember one time if we would like the last ones to leave and after he said bye to us he closed the doors I thought he lived there he was there when he got when we got there he was there when we left I just figured he lived there for seven days okay here's what I'm saying I think a lot of people have that image in their mind that that's Jesus and that he lives in the building and when we get there there's Jesus at the front door and then when we get Rayleigh we said well Jesus yeah do you want to come with us no no I already been out there one time it didn't work out so well for me God doesn't want us to go out from his presence he wants us to go out with his presence and worship brings his presence our life here's number 2 worship brings God's fear in our lives watch these verses in 1st Samuel 18 verse 12 now Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul and we know that an evil spirit had come home solved at this time verse 15 therefore when Saul saw that he behavior wisely he was afraid of him so I want to talk to you about fear the Lord in a way maybe you never thought about for now what I'm not talking people now I want you to think about this God had left Saul and an evil spirit had come on Saul so you know why Saul was afraid of David let me put another way God was on David and there was an evil spirit on Saul it was the evil spirit that was afraid of David say it another way it was the evil spirit that was afraid of God see think about walking around we're in a war but think about walking around with Jesus right there with you do you think a demon's gonna attach you mean God's right there they think about you've seen this in a movie or television show where you know some bullies are about to beat up a guy you know and maybe you know he's got this tough friend all right here so here's a good example Richie Cunningham and who the Fonz and so they're about to you know they got Richie by the coat like this and they're about to beat him up you know and then the Fonz hey shows up you know what's going on here and here what do they do nothing Fonzie we just straightening his coat you know just I'm telling you Satan comes and he's about to beat up on you and you had your quite time that day and Jesus comes around the corner and says what's going on here Saiki says nothing nothing just backs off can you imagine the fear of God listen God's presence being on you so much so that wherever you go the enemy fears you because God's right there with you that's what I want you to catch so worship brings God's presence worship brings God's fear in our lives and here's the third thing worship brings God's wisdom in our lives worship brings God's wisdom you remember first samuel 18 verse 14 and David behaved wisely in all his ways and the Lord was with him okay Solomon why is this man that ever lived why was he wise listen because he asked God to teach him what his father knew yes his father was a warrior which means he knew how to go out but his father was also a worshiper which means he knew how to come in Solomon learned how to come in to the presence of God David behaved wisely in all his ways because the Lord was with him if you want to know what to do about a situation why not have Jesus right there with you when I have the presence of God with you if you will know how to respond when something comes up that's tough for you or difficult or something comes out of left field one day you don't know what was that what's happening at the office right now when you rather respond with the wisdom of God and the way you respond with the wisdom of God is God's right there he's right there with you I I want I wanted I want all of us to go to a whole new level in living in the presence of God where it's something we do every day we live in his presence for Solomon was we know the wealthiest and the wisest man of his generation someone came to visit him called the Queen of Sheba and some people don't know why she came I'll explain it to you in just a minute let me let me read that to you second chronicles 9 verses one through four now when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon she came to Jerusalem now watch this because many people miss this to test Solomon with hard questions and I'll explain to you in a moment about that having a very great retinue that just means a lot of people with her camels that more spices gold in abundance and precious stones and when she came to Solomon she spoke with him about all that was in her heart so Solomon answered all her questions there was nothing so difficult for Solomon that he could not explain it to her and when the Queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon remember wisdom comes from the presence of God the wisdom of Solomon now watch this and think about a church that really has the presence of God think about that but I could I could kind of go through each of these and explain some things from some analogies but I won't but just think about this when she'd seen the width of a solemn the house that he had built in other words the order of his house and it goes through lists of this the food on his table good food when you go to church where God's presence is you get fed the Word of God the seating of his servants the order that you see there the service of his waiters and their apparel the excellence in which they do things his cup bearers and their apparel now watch this and his entryway this is where I got the title from this is when it sparked in me his entry way by which he went up to the house of the Lord there was no more spirit in her or no more argument they actually the word spirit here means a breath it just took her breath away when she saw this so she saw all the excellence and all the wisdom but when she saw the wisest and wealthiest man in the world bow his face to the ground and worship God all the arguments left see she actually came let me tell you why she came they love proverbs not not the book that the book they didn't know about the book she actually heard the guy that wrote proverbs proverb into her you know so they loved riddles and it came with all these riddles all these hard questions and Solomon answered all of them and she came with an abundant and she saw all the things and she heard all the answers but what got her was when she saw his entryway when she saw him do what he had asked God to help him do which he said my father knew how to do this but I don't know how to do this when she saw Solomon go into the presence of God there was no more breath left in her that's what we won't we won't for the world when they come with all their hard questions and God gives us wisdom to answer then but what we want them to see is the presence of God in their lives that's what she saw in Solomon's life was the presence of God so let me show you this phrase one more time in the Bible and and just give you the closing and algae with this Christopher alright he's equal 46 verse 9 says but when the people of the land come before the Lord on the appointed feast days whoever enters are comes in it's actually the exact same word it comes in and the other other passage I read where it says come in and go out this is the same Hebrew word okay whoever comes the under enters by way of the north gate to worship to worship shall go out by way of the south gate and whoever enters by way of the south gate shall go out by way of the north gate he shall not return by way of the gate through which he came but shall go out through the opposite gate all right let's think about this I'll bring it up to modern third time all right let's say it's in the winter in Texas and we've had an ice storm and God says if you come in if you park on the west side of the church you come into worship do not go out the west door even though the sidewalk is icy even though it's cold you go out the east north you come in the East door or if you go come in the north you go out the south come on let's think for a minute that's crazy isn't it why would God who knows everything why would God say when you come to worship whichever door you come in you leave out of the opposite door why we got to remember everything in the Old Testament this is first Corinthians 10 that says it's everything in the Old Testament is an example to us that's what first Corinthians 10 says okay it's real simple here's what God's saying every time you come into my presence you will leave differently from the way you came in that's what he's saying it is so simple he's saying if you come in sad you'll leave blad if you come in hurting you'll leave healed if you come in tired you'll leave replenished however you come in if you come to worship whether it's on the weekends or in your private time if you will come into my presence however you come in you will go out a different way every time we enter God's presence we can leave differently we can leave more like Jesus and here's the great thing we come into his presence but we don't leave his presence we leave with his presence and I want to encourage you today tomorrow the next day every day in the morning just for a few moments however much time you have enter the presence of God come into his presence and then go out with his presence because God wants to go with you everywhere you go today and tomorrow God wants to go with you we can enter his presence we can fellowship with him and then we go out with his presence I'm going to continue this series next time [Music] turn to Ezekiel if you know where that is in the Bible Ezekiel chapter 14 and we're in a series called living in his presence and my burden for this series has been that we would not just inner God's presence once a week at church but that we would live in his presence all during the week and so this message is going to be a little tougher than some of the other messages because we're gonna talk about what is it that pulls us away from the presence of God and if you remember back in Genesis chapter 3 we'll be in Ezekiel 14 event of Genesis chapter 3 just just once you notice after Adam and Eve sinned how clear this is verse 8 says and they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees the garden they hid from the presence of God so obviously what pulls us out of God's presence it's sin but I don't want to just think about it in the way that we all make mistakes I want to really talk about how Satan will begin to form a stronghold in our life and us serving that stronghold is what takes us out of God's presence so it is easier 14 we're gonna read a lot of verses here but you'll like it alright it's really good but just watch Ezekiel 14 verse 1 now some of the elders came to me and set before me and the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man these men now watch carefully have set up their idols in their hearts they've set up their idols instead of wooden images they've set up their idols in their hearts and put before them that which causes them to stumble into iniquity should I let myself be inquired of at all by them therefore speak to them and say to them thus says the Lord God every one of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart and puts before him what causes him to stumble into iniquity and then comes to the Prophet I the Lord will answer him who comes according to the multitude of his idols that I may seize the house of Israel by their heart because they're all estranged for me by their idols therefore say to the house of Israel thus says the Lord God repent turn away from your idols and turn your faces away from all your abominations for anyone of the house of Israel or of the strangers who dwell in Israel who separates himself from me and sets up his idols in his heart and he puts before him what causes him to stumble into iniquity then comes to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me I the Lord will answer him by myself I will set my face against that man make him a sign and a proverb and I will cut him off from the midst of my people and then you shall know that I am the Lord and if the prophet is induced to speak anything I the LORD have induced that prophet and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people i watch verse 10 and they plural this is the person who acquired in the Prophet Mel and they shall bear their iniquities the punishment of the prophet shall be the same as the punishment of the one who inquired and then verse 11 I read you this verse in a string of verses a few weeks ago that the house of Israel may not no longer ghost astray from me nor be profaned anymore with all their transgressions but that they may be my people and that I may be their God says Lord God okay this is the Old Testament and he's talking about idols in the heart here's what I want you to know that maybe you didn't realize this but God has always been concerned about the heart not just the New Testament Old Testament and he says they have idols in their heart now you might not know what an idol is because you might have an idea of what it is let me tell you what an idol is the word idol actually means image image as a matter of fact many times in the bible it's translated image not idle if I ask you what the second commandment is you'd probably say something like this not to have any idols let me read it to you though and see show you how it translates it Exodus 20 verse 4 you shall not make for yourself a carved image so an idol is an image and idolatry is worshiping that image but before you think about again something that's made out of wood or stone I want you to think about in your mind he said these men have set up idols in their hearts think about this image is the root of the word imagination in other words if you're thinking about something more than you're thinking about God it's very possible you have an idol in your heart and let me show you some ways to determine if you have an idol in your heart here are some things that it will cause number one is presumption presumption look back at verse three we're going to say X is equal 14 this whole time verse three son of man these Ben have set up their idols in their hearts and put before then that which causes them to stumble into iniquity see if you have an idol you'll actually begin to cater to the idol you'll actually begin to make plans of how you can see in Romans 13:14 says make no provision for the flesh to fulfill us but many times we do make a provision for it we begin to make up a story and begin to cover because we have an idol in our heart I can remember one time counseling with a woman and I said to her very clearly what you're talking about you understand this siani right this is what she said to me well I'll ask God to forgive me after that's presumption and that's presuming on the grace of God we went to Israel as I said about a little over a week ago and we went way up we went north south east and west to for prayer altars to pray over the Land of Israel and in the North up at Dan where the springs are Jeroboam built an altar there he actually built a replica of the temple and an altar when rheya Boehm took stupid advice from his friends that's what split the northern and southern kingdom but split Israel the ten northern tribes and then split Judah and what happened was Jeroboam then began to leave lead the kid northern tribes and here's what he did he built an altar and Dan which is where at the north and bethel which is ways to sell and he built a replica of solomon's temple it had it we saw we saw the ruins of it outer Court inner court you know a holy place and a most holy place most holy holy of Holy's so we saw this here's what else he did though he also built idols for other gods because he said a couple of things first of all say I'm gonna put one in the North and South because it's too much trouble to go to Jerusalem three times a year so instead of having to go to Jerusalem three times a year you can come to Dan or to Bethel and I have a temple here and then if you come here and you need something else we've got some other gods you can worship he made golden calves and he said these are the gods that brought you out of Egypt so there was there were golden calves there he had the God of Mammon which in other words he was saying if you have a if you need money and you can still worship God but you oughta also worship Mammon here's the problem of that Jesus said really clearly you cannot worship God and Mammon II you know that and I'll tell you why and I'll just give you a simple analogy tidy God says bring the first 10% to the house of God Mammon says no you can't make it if you do that do something else you can't do both that's what he's telling us here so first is presumption here's the second estrangement now I know this isn't a word that we use a lot in our vernacular today but estrangement let me show you where this is verse 5 that I may seize the house of Israel by their heart because they're all estranged from me by their idols so what does this word estrangement mean in the Hebrew this is actually referring to a woman who is married but living with another man in an adulterous relationship that's what this means now remember Jesus is our husband we are married to God here's what he says the of Israel because the house of ebbs remember would represent God's people the house of Israel because they have idols in their heart they're having an affair only they they're married to me but they're sleeping with an idol they show you a few verses Jeremiah 3 verse 6 the Lord said also to me in the days of Josiah the King have you seen what backsliding Israel is done she's gone up on every high mountain and under every Green Tree and there played the harlot verse 9 so it came to pass through her casual harlotry that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees okay how do you commit adultery with stones and trees it's very simple this is not a complicated text stones are what you build an altar out of and trees are what you cut trees to take the wood to burn a sacrifice on that altar it's very very simple they've built altars to other gods and they made sacrifices to other God but here's what God says he said they've committed adultery by doing this Jeremias Regan verse 14 return o backsliding children says the Lord for I am married to you now I understand this is a tough message I argued with God about this message I said God you know I'm going along and this is a real tough message on seeing here's what I really feel like the Lord said to me there are some people on a precipice right now and they're about to go over the cliff and I want to stop them the only reason God brings a word as strong as this is for your good you need to remember that God is saying don't go off that cliff don't do that so I'm gonna say some tough things all right if you've never heard this it's so clear in Scripture and I just read you a few other scriptures but seein is spiritual adultery sin is leaving God going and committing adultery and then coming back and slipping in bed with God as if nothing ever happened that's what seeing is and that's what an idol will do it will cause you to be estranged from God let me say something else about sin sin will not affect God's love for you they won't he'll still love you it will not affect God's love for you what it will do is it will affect your love for God because your heart begins to go out to that thing it's an idol in your heart here's the third thing that it calls this spiritual deafness spiritual deafness now when you think about this these were elders in Israel they were elders and they went to the Prophet to see what God was saved why did they go to the Prophet to see what God was saying really simple they couldn't hear God why couldn't they hear God because they had an idol in their heart sin brings a separation in our in our intimacy with God Isaiah 59 verse 2 your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear he will not hear nor will he speak when we begin to go away from God we came here god I just shared it this past spring the series own frequency tune in here God well if you want to know the number one thing that will cause you to not be able to hear God it's sin and let me tell you something else that will happen you begin to think that the voice you're hearing is God but it's not God it's the idol talking to you it's the demonic spirit behind the idol I was talking with a man one time who was having an affair and he said to me talking about this woman he's having the affair with he said but we pray together and we read the Bible together and God is speaking to us and I said that is not true you are deceived there is a spirit speaking to you but it is not the Holy spirit and here's the fourth thing that it causes consequences consequences look at verse 10 and they shall bear their iniquity now notice the word iniquity because I'm gonna come back in this moment to the punishment of the Prophet shall be the same as the punishment of the one who inquired now we're gonna talk about it moon but let's just I want to go back and look at one more time here's what I need to tell you before we read this one more time the word punishment here is the exact same word that's translated iniquity it's the same word so it says and they shall bear their iniquity which could read and they shall bear their punishment and then the punishment of the Prophet could read the iniquity of the Prophet shall be the same as the iniquity of the one who in part okay so why is God saying this because if someone's in sin and he goes to a prophet to get counsel and the Prophet doesn't call the sin out then the Prophet has the same idol say I career pastor ol eNOS here a pastor Roland shared one time about he was having lunch with a pastor and a and something just came up about a pastor that had left his wife and married someone else and was still going on in ministry like nothing had ever happened and this other pastor he's having lunch was all of a sudden got real defensive I mean just like well what about grace and what about restoration and what about this and I mean he has started being real defensive over this it came out just a few months later that that pastor was having an affair with his secretary at that time his assistant see here's here's why he came out that way because he had the same idol in his heart see so God says so if that prophet says something if he doesn't take a stand against the seein he's going to have the same punishment and here's why because God's just got because what God is saying is he's got the same I know I know he's got the same idol otherwise he would say something it says the punishment we'll be the same I told you it's the same word for iniquity the word iniquity literally means the consequences of sin the punishment of sin that's what iniquity is and that iniquity then if you don't know this can be passed to your children and to the third and fourth generation that's what God says so there's an iniquity are bent toward that sin the consequence of that sin and all sin has consequence that's the only reason I think that God takes such a stand in the Bible against sin it's not because he doesn't like people it's because he loves people and he knows what the end is of seeing there's a way that seems right to man but the end is death so he's doing everything he can to try to stop us people who have idols in their heart we'll pretend we as I said we went to Israel about a week or so ago and we went to Caesarea there's the Hippodrome where they had the chariot races and all and then there's a it's just like a huge amphitheater and a pledge stage where they had place and most of these plays came out of Greece do you know the word for it comes from Greek two Greek words but it's literally what they called actors you know what the word is what they called actors you ready Hippocrates HIPAA Crete it comes from two words and Crete means to speak HIPAA means underneath underneath now I mean they explain to you you'll remember this you've seen this because actors back then all wore a mask so they put a mask on their face and then they would speak underneath the mask and they would pretend to be the person of the mask are y'all following me so so hypocrite literally means one who speaks underneath he's underneath a mask and he speaks underneath that mask and he pretends to be someone that he's not he's an actor that's a hypocrite that's what we all become when we have an idol in her heart when we begin to serve something other than God this is what Jeroboam did Jeroboam said listen it's too far to go to Jerusalem so I'll build an altar here and then I'll give you some other gods but let me say it this way the three steps to idolatry or it's inconvenient to worship God I'll give you something convenient and let's include some other gods too it's inconvenient to worship God it's inconvenient to get up early and have a quiet time it's inconvenient to go to church it's inconvenient to read your Bible so let's just make it convenient to be a Christian and then let's also include be inclusive and worship some other gods also instead of the number one commandment you shall worship the Lord God and him only shall you serve you'd have sure you shall have no other gods before me I remember one time I wrote this in my notes and then I put something in parenthesis beside it because where's what I wrote I remember one time that God convicted me of having an idol in my heart and then I thought about it and I thought it's it hadn't just been one time I know it's been many times but I'm referring to one specific times that makes sense so I've been in a Bennett listen if you feel like I have something in my heart and I've never thought about this way that I'm committing adultery on God that I'm beginning to love this thing and and go toward this thing and okay I'm saying to you if that's what you're thinking right now I understand and all of us understand if we're honest we've all at some point worship and serve someone other than God all of us have we've had an idol in our heart so I remember one time God used this scripture Ezekiel 14 to speak to me about the idol in my heart and never really seen it as an idol in my heart I never really seen that it was idolatry that it was adultery committing adultery on God and I remember repenting and the joy that came and now the victory in my life because I know where that thing would go I know what would happen to me to my family to the church if I were to continue going down the wrong road so all of us can relate that's what I'm trying to say to you if there's something that that you're being convicted about right now don't don't feel bad in the sense that I just feel bad I'm a bad person that's what Satan wants do Satan ones come and say you're just a bad person you're a bad person no you're not a bad person you're a child of God you've been redeemed you've been bought with the blood but you're still in a war and you still live on a fallen earth and Satan is doing everything he can to set idols up in your life to get your attention off of God and on to them and it's really really simple see we think so many times the Old Testament is just full it's just full of legalism where is the grace where's the grace when we just show you verse 5 says that I may seize the house of Israel by their heart see the only reason that God is speaking to you right now about this Idol in your heart is so he can bring you back to himself that he can bring you out of this adulterous affair that he can bring you back because you got to remember Sana's Craig creates a distance but it doesn't create a diminishing of his love for you does it change his love for you at all but it does create a distance you can't live in his presence you can't live in his presence if you have an idol in your heart I want to encourage you if God is putting his finger on something right now in your life that he's not doing it to make you feel bad he's doing it because he wants you to give it to him and he's the only one that can take care of it so if there's something that's trying to be an idol in your heart trying to
Channel: Robert Morris Sermons
Views: 12,352
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Keywords: robert morris free indeed, robert morris frequency, robert morris love expressed, robert morris prayer, robert morris healing, robert morris testimony, robert morris worship, robert morris lust, robert morris spiritual birth, robert morris exposed, robert morris
Id: G3q-2TsGrWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.