Robert Morris - Liberty University Convocation

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as you're having to feed can we thank all of them for just coming to lead Carrie and Cody and team thank you so much by the way they're gonna be here with us tonight to kick off our campus community all right so you're gonna want to help my staff will be in here we start around 7:15 we call a 714 based out of a pastor's in Scripture but then really by 7:30 we're cranking all the way so make sure you're in here ready to open God's Word and go after the Lord we're gonna kick off an eight-week series tonight they promise you you do not want to miss and I'm just again thankful for Carrie and Cody agreeing to bring their whole band and to be with us tonight as we start a whole new year in campus communities obviously we have two guests today we don't just have a worship team that's come to lead us this morning and tonight but we also have really one of the highlights of last semester coming back last semester we had so many great world leaders that came our way but one of the highlights as I look back of someone who just unpacked God's word for us and God used him in him in a major way was pastor Robert Morris if you don't know about pastor Robert his television show is televised all around the world he's one of the most sought-after preachers of God's Word and honestly trainer of churches in church planning he's a best-selling author of 14 different books we have several of them available for you today right there at the resource table but more than anything else when he was with us last semester the way that the Lord used them just prompted a conversation of when can you come back again and not that he has the Holy Spirit in a duffle bag and he brings it it brings him with him everywhere he goes but God just used them in our lives and our students really resonated with you Pastor Robert and and I asked them I said would you be able to come back soon and he said I'd love to come back every year I really love Liberty and and have a relationship with Liberty and and it was amazing that he not only said yes but he brought his worship pastor from his church Carrie and Cody and their team with them as well and so we have him and his wife Debbie to thank for them being able to come in a period when obviously you saw that right Cody and and Kerry are expecting another baby congratulations on that and even though they're taking a bit of a break from being on the road all the time because they're just getting ready to be you know parents for the second child they said yes to this day we don't hold that lightly we're grateful that you've come but pastor Robert we love you miss Debbie we're glad that you're here with us can we say hi to pastor Roberts beautiful wife miss Debbie thank you so much for being here honored to have you here they were they were in DC the other night at the White House for an intimate dinner with about a hundred of Angelica leaders our own president was a part of that wasn't Falwell and Becky were part of that but they were a part of that dinner and then from there they just came down and as soon as they're finished this morning they'll go home but then of course Kerry and Cody will be with us for tonight but can we put our hands together and show great honor for this brother come on everybody pastor Robert Morris hey everyone I'm really really really really really really did you catch the word really glad to be back Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes have been worship pastors at our church for years and then they there now in Nashville and they record with Capitol Records and great but I knew just want to tell you a funny story about Carrie because Carey's parents and Debbie and I are real close friends and we her father and I used to travel and do revivals together and so Kari Jobe and her sister Chris used to come down to our house and play with my son's Josh and James who were about the same age and she told me one day at a staff chapel she said I want to tell you something that that happened one day at your house she said my sister and I used to always try to get your boys to play with Barbie dolls and so finally your boys agreed that we could bring our Barbie dolls with us so we brought our Barbie dolls your boys took our Barbie dolls and they put them in a little G they sent the Jeep out about 20 feet and they blew it up with an m-80 she said I had took our Barbie dolls home with cinch hair you know no clothes all burned off you know all that and so so I called my son Josh on the way home and I said Josh Carrie just told me an interesting story I don't know what this is true she said that you and James blew up her Barbie dolls and my son said yes that's that's true I did that and I said to him son I just can't express this to you enough I have never been more proud of you than I am right now and they're so proud of you son stuff all right so I want to share with you something called God's greatest desire now you may be like me you may not be like me about half of you are in this area about half of your art I'm a bottom-line person now bottom line people we we want you to get to the bottom line when you're talking to us when you get married you will if you're a bottom line person you will probably marry a beat around the bush person and it will frustrate you but God did it to or character in your life so you beat around the bush person just takes a long time to get to the point you know and if you don't know if you're a bottom line person or a beat around the bush person you're a beat around the bush person because we know who we are so when I'm talking with people I'm thinking to myself dear God please help this person to get to the point and then after a while I think dear God please let there be a point to this conversation so because of that I'm always thinking what's the bottom line what's the bottom line and a few years ago I started thinking what's the bottom line of the Bible I mean what's the bottom line and what's God's bottom line you know what I mean my bottom line what's his main thing you know why do you even create us why did he create us with a free will I don't have you ever thought about that I'll just tell you very briefly because the only way you can love some with a free-will that's the only right you have to choose to love them you you can't you know strap someone to a chair with duct tape and say thank you for spending this quality time with me you know they have to they have to choose to and so God gave us the free will so what's what but what's his bottom line what's his greatest desire so that also got me to thinking about what about Satan he's my enemy what's his bottom line what is he trying to do so that's what I want to show you I want to show you first from Scripture satan's bottom line Satan's greatest desire and then God's Grace's are so we Satan's greatest ire is Express the most in Isaiah 14 and I'll read you the scripture this is called by theologians the five I wheels of Satan and the word will by the way means desire when you say when someone says hey do you want to go to the show with us the movie tomorrow night we're going to see the latest movie and you say yes I will be there okay what you're saying is I desire to be there you might not be there though you might remember you have a test the next day you might have a flat tire you might not have any money you know yeah and if something might happen you might not be there so but you're saying it's my desire to be there when you say I will do this you're basically saying that's my desire when you leave your last will and testament this is what you're saying this is my desire your will is your desire for after you die where your $42.00 will go that's what your desire is okay so what what so when we see these wills where Satan says I will I will here's what he's saying this is my desire all right so Isaiah 14 verse 12 says how you are fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning if you don't know Lucifer was an angel in heaven and he fell how you're cut down to the ground you have a week in the nation's for you said in your heart notice this heart that's where your desires come from your heart for you said your heart here's the first of the five I will statements alright but I want you to notice something about each of these statements they all all of them have to do with going up going up be high being lifted up being seen alright so here he says I for you set in your heart I will ascend of course that means to go up beast in would be to go down I will ascend into heaven I will exalt that means to be lifted up my throne above not below the stars above that's to be high above the stars of God I will also sit on the Mount the word mount means the highest part of a mountain the highest part on the Mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the North North is up on a mount map verse 14 I will ascend up above high again the heights high again of the clouds clouds are high I and then witless than this I will be like the Most High notice he doesn't call him most holy or most loving he says the Most High and then watch God's response I love God's response verse 15 yet you shall be brought down to Sheol which is the old test that worked for hell to the lowest depths of the pit so Satan wanted to be like God that's what he wanted let me say it just give you the bottom line he wanted to be worshiped he wanted to be exalted he wanted people to see him now every one of us are born with this nature in theology we call it an Adamic nature which is like Adam we were born with the nature like Adams I hate to break the news to you we were born with satanic natures we were born with a nature like Satan's we want to be seen we won't be lifted up we want to be exalted we will be noticed for what we do I can hear a little bit of disbelief in my spirit I just feel this right now so let me just prove it to you okay I just asked you one person I'm gonna prove that the most important person in your life is you even as you're growing in Christ Christ becomes the most important but this is the way that this is the way we naturally are let me prove it to you who is the first person you look for in a group picture and if you don't look good the whole picture is bad that's a bad picture that's a bad that's a bad picture don't look at that picture that's a bad picture that's the way we are we want to draw attention to ourselves until we get saved and become like Jesus and of course we have to renew our mind and grow notice though Jesus was the opposite totally opposite Jesus drew attention to the Father the whole time he was here they said to him we'd love we love the miracles that you do you know what he said I don't do anything unless I first see the father do so they kind of went hmm okay that didn't work okay oh we love your teachings we love your teachings he says I don't say anything unless I first hear the father say it everything they say well you know we even we even love that you came he said my father sent me he just continually draws attention to his father Satan's desire those to draw attention to himself now let me show you something else about Lucifer that you may or may not know Lucifer was the worship leader in heaven I'll show you how we know we started in Isaiah 14 at verse 12 if you look at verse 11 Isaiah 14 verse 11 says your pump is brought down to Sheol and the sound of your stringed instruments your string instruments most people have never seen this in the right one Lucifer was created with instruments in his body strained in instruments so he could lead worship now I'm going to show you another pastor passage in Ezekiel 28 it's speaking to a man but it's addressing the spirit behind man by the way Isaiah 14 is a prophecy to the king of Babylon but it's addressing Satan you might think well well how do you know it's safe well it's it's very clear because it says elusive calls in Lucifer but the other thing is this is this happens in the Bible several times as a matter of fact there's a very famous time it happened that all of you know Jesus spoke to a man and addressed Satan remember he said to Peter get behind me Satan of course right before that he said your name is no longer Simon which means little pebble it's now Peter which means strong rock I was think I think you when he said you know get behind me Satan I'm not thinking he was thinking hey what happened to Peter you know I like Peter better call me Peter don't call me loose Seifert Satan anymore you know but he addressed Satan so Ezekiel 28 the Bible is addressing Satan but he addresses the prophecy to the king of tyre and he's addressing the person motivating the king of dark and I'll prove it to you you will see it as clearly as day it is clear so Ezekiel 28 verse 11 says moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man take up a lamentation for the king of tyre and say to him thus says the Lord God you were the seal of perfection now he's talking about Satan before the fall watch full of wisdom and perfect in beauty now this is even even either toll not Lucifer as the angel or the key guitar was one good-looking dude okay but the next statement will tell you for sure it's talking about Lucifer watch this you were in Eden the garden of God okay let's stop for a moment there were four persons in Eden God Adam Eve and Satan the kiev tower wasn't in Eden he wasn't even born nobody ever even entered Eden again after the fall because God station angels there so nobody could even go in but it says you were in Eden the garden of God he's addressing the spirit behind the king of Tyre which is the spirit of sake okay you were in Eden the garden of God listen this every precious stone was your covering and then it lists the star - Topaz diamond Beryl aunts Jasper sapphire turquoise and emerald with gold the workmanship now we'll come back to this statement of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created okay next verse tells us again that we know it's talking about Satan watch this you were the anointed cherub who covers a chair of as an angel you were a rouille angel you I established you you were on the holy mountain of God which is referring to heaven you walk back and forth in the midst of fiery stones you were perfect you were perfect in your ways until from the day you were created you until iniquity was found in you that's Lucifer by the abundance of your trading I need to come back to the word trading and understand and explain it to you alright so will understand by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within and you sin Lucifer sinned therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God Lucifer fell from heaven Jesus said he saw him as lightning fall from heaven and I destroyed you O covering cherub or ruling angel from the midst of the fiery stones okay so let's first of all let's talk about his sin it says you see and because of trading okay that that word is called merchandising and here's what it means from the Hebrew okay let's say that Pastor David Oh worked for me and let's say I owned a suit store a men's clothing store and I own the store but pastor David he just works for me and so you come in and you want to buy a suit and it's the 50% time sale you know and it's $300 and so it's a hundred fifty bucks and you think you know I need one once a year you know for my sister's wedding or whatever it is I I got to get a suit so you buy a suit for any $150 then let's say you give him cash and let's just say that David puts a hundred dollars in the cash register and fifty dollars in his pocket that's merchandise see that's what the hebrew word means right there it means that money passes through your hands and it's supposed to go to the rightful owner but you keep some of it that's what Lucifer did Lucifer was the worship leader in heaven and the worship would pass through him and go to God the rightful owner and one day when Lucifer was leading worship he said I'm going to keep some of that and God said you're out not because God's an insecure God but because no one is worthy to be worshipped except God no one and Lucifer was kicked out let me show you again how we know he was the worship leader in heaven all right we read it but I want to go back to it it's the second part of verse 13 it says the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes remember those two words timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created okay the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes timbrels this word in the Hebrew and nearly every time in the Old Testament it is translated except here it's timbrel but you can see but it's translated tambourines pipes are translated in other places in the Bible as flutes so think about this I say a14 this says the sound of your streamed instruments this says the workmanship of your tambourines and your flutes was prepared for you on the day we created now I don't know if you realize this but we just covered all three categories of instruments right there there are only three categories of instruments strings tambourines which would be percussion and flutes which would be wind and we divided wind in the brass and reed okay but it takes wind to make it happen so Satan had strings percussion and wind instruments created in him in him why because he's the worship leader in heaven I don't know if you've ever thought about this but you were created with all three of these instruments in you all of them strings you have strings or cords in your throat they're called vocal cords do you know how you speak or sing wind passes over those chords and you say well what about percussion you have percussion are you go y'all follow me you have all three instruments now please catch this God created Lucifer with instruments Lucifer fell and then he created us with instruments so it's possible that a conversation like this happened after looser FL it's possible that Lucifer said something like this who's going to be your worship leader now who's going to give you glory now who's going to be your praise leader now who's gonna be your new worship leader and God reach down grabbed a handful of dirt squeezed it blue in it and said that is my new worship leader that's my new worship leader right there and furthermore that is gonna crush your head I'm gonna show my glory through that dirt right there see worship is more important than anything you may not be the best musician or singer in the world but worship you let me give you the most practical definition I know of worship worship is love expressed it's not just love it's expressed when you get married try not expressing your love to your spouse see how that works out for you will work out it's love Express and what gets me is guys are the worst guys are the worst guys will tell me they stand there in a worship service in there like this they stand there and I'll say to them I remember one guy in our church I even said to you no you don't see more expressive during worship he said well it's just not my personality a few months after that that guy and I went to a Dallas Cowboy football game [Applause] he had the most unbelievable change in his personality you've ever seen he shouted he clamped he danced whoa he did all this stuff and I thought you're not expressive listen to me if you can get excited about a big stupid ugly guy carrying a pig across a chalk line you ought to be able to excited about being redeemed from eternal hell to eternal heaven that should excite you and there's a possibility and I really don't mean this wrong cuz we're all learning and growing as a possibility it's some of you haven't been redeemed yet there's a possibility but your parents believe in God but you haven't made an adult decision to follow God yet and that's why worship doesn't mean anything to you but when he saves your soul and forgives you of your sins you're gonna worship God so we're told much Satan's greatest desire saves grace desire let me boil it down to you it's to be worship much as Grace's are before the fall even when Jesus was on this earth oh by the way I just have to tell you this there there are three Archangels mentioned in the Bible Lucifer who ruled passed since over worship Gabriel is an archangel he rules over the word anytime you see Gabriel he is bringing the word of the Lord Michael rules over prayer when you see Michael he's answering prayer prayer worship and the word these are the that's every church service we're going to do those three things we're gonna worship we round the word we're gonna pray every quite time should have those three do you know why sudden quiet times are boring because they pray they read and pray and read the Bible and they don't worship worship is what was lost worship as to what God created us do so it's worship is Satan's traces are let me just another scripture when Jesus was on this earth you if you want to know if its worship is his great desire Matthew 4 says again the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain that's Jesus the devil took Jesus up showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory and he said to him all these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship Me well if you don't think that's his greatest desire he tried to get Jesus to worship Him by the way you know what's cool is that we have the end of the book we have the end of the book right ok did you know that Satan's desire in the end times is still to be worshipped revelation 13 four so they worshipped the dragon that's Lucifer revelation 12 says that old dragon the serpent called death the devil and Satan so the dragon is this Satan they worship the dragon who gave authority to the Beast and they worship the Beast saying who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him now you might not recognize that but they took a scripture and sang it about Satan this is from Exodus 15 when they cross the Red Sea Miriam we think Miriam wrote the song but we don't know for sure but she led all the women in a dance with tambourines and one of the lines in that song is who is like our god and who is able to make war with him and in the end times they are seeing that about Satan who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him now here's my personal opinion here's what's going to happen one day Jesus is gonna be sitting on his throne and they're gonna be singing on earth who is like the Beast and who is they'll make war with him and Jesus is going to say but what would they say and Gabriel you know he's safe they said who's able like who's like the Beast who's ever made war with him that's what they said Lord because he's been looking forward to this day for a long time and Jesus is going to say Gabe he calls him Gabe because you know they're close he's gonna say Gabe get me my sword and revelation 19 says it this way revelation 19 says and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he said apartments called faithful and true and in righteousness he the judging weight swore in his eyes are a flame of fire and on his head are many crowns and he has the name written which no man knows of he himself and he's clothed with white linen and no farm EES fight clothed in white linen finding clean follow him with white horses and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that he should rule the nation's and he rules and treads the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God and his name is king of kings and Lord of lords - who is able to make war with safety okay so savings graces ours to be worshipped I'm gonna tell you God's grace society doesn't take very long at all so we're almost finished right the in order to know God's greatest desire let's go back to the beginning for a minute why do you even create us alright so I've got to say something I can say it grammatically correct I can but it's it's easier if I use incorrect grammar if you don't mind just for a moment and I'm see things some of you are thinking listen I won't know anyway just just say it okay it won't matter to me when God will need something he spoke to what he wanted it to be made out of and to be dependent upon so let me say it again well let me tell you this first God created some things look very closely at Genesis 1 he created some things and he made some things here's the difference to create something it's to form something out of nothing by the way none of you can do that if you take me to your house and you have a clay thing that you that you did pottery and you said look at what I created ok you did not create that because create is to form something out of nothing make something is to form something out of something else so you started with clay you did not say let there be a vase and there was a vase so we can't do that I've tried it I said let there be a red Corvette in my driveway there's no red Corvette ok see ok so you make some stuff and you create some stuff when God made things see he created light let there be like ok well but when he made some things he spoke to what he wanted it to be made out of or made from come from and what he wanted it to be dependent upon for its life and then to return to give you some examples Genesis 1 verse 11 God said let the earth bring forth grass plants herbs and tree in the Hebrew this is what that actually says earth bring forth earth he speaking earth earth bring forth trees and grass here's why he did he wanted trees to come from the dirt to be sustained by the dirt and to return to the dirt verse 20 he said let the waters abound with fish fish are sustained by water you take them out of water do they die verse 24 let the earth bring forth animals birds of the field beasts there he said earth bring forth animals animals come from dirt there sustained by dirt they go back to dirt so you saying that's a lie why is this so important pastor let me tell you why because when God wanted man and woman he spoke to himself verse 26 let us make not create make man in our image God created us to come from God to be sustained by God and to return to God as some people some people will say no no God formed man out of the dust of the ground no no God formed man's body out of the dust of the ground my body came from dirt its sustained by dirt and goes back to dirt but my spirit came from God is sustained by God and goes back to God I came from God okay but what would happen if a plant said to the dirt I'm pulling out I'm going to make it on my own what would happen it does right man said to God I'm pulling out I'm gonna make it on my own God said the day you do you'll die man's body didn't die her bodies came from dirt man's spirit died Ephesians two you were dead in your trespasses and sin good God may child kick so I'm triggered trying to figure out what God's greatest desire is think about this just really think about this this will blow your way hopefully you can think about it all week I'm trying to figure out what God's greatest desire is and God made someone just like he is in His image after his likeness just like and the person that he made think about this now the person made had a desire I want to know what God's desire is he made a mirror image of himself and the person he made had a desire now I'm talking about Adam before the fall and before he was created because Adam went to go and said hey love the garden love all the stuff love the animals but I'm lonely and I want a companion and here's what God said to him well I did everything in six days I didn't really have time to name all the animals if you could name the animals that would help me and while you're naming the animals once you just see if there's anybody you like naturally what he said because read it it says and it's out of name the animals there was not found for him a companion so he's looking for a companion and so you know that you know that he looks at you know like you know the bear and he thinks you know well you know she's fat but she'd be warm in the winter you know he looks at the giraffe she's probably a little too tall for me you know doesn't find anyone but while he's looking for a companion he falls asleep right read it and when he wakes up there's this new animal there naked and he says whoa man that's how she got her name in case she though no so you have to it's telling you you have to go to seminary to learn that that's pretty deep theological E Wow no what he said was bowing on my bone and flesh from my flesh you know what he said she looks like me let me stay another way she's in my image she looks like me okay so how do we know what Jesus is and God's greatest azarius I mean why didn't God make Adam a football I mean like footballs what why didn't he make him a remote control man like remote controls how did God know that the only thing that would satisfy Adams heart was a bride let me say it one more time just make sure you're getting this how did God know that Adams greatest desire was a bride simple because it's God's greatest desire you will know what God's graces are is you you are God's greatest desire you're God's greatest desire now let me tell you one more thing right if you were if this has happened we know that when when Adam sinned Eve when Eve see and Adam was right beside him we know that okay but what if Adam had not been with it I'm just giving your what if well I know he was but what if he had not all right if Eve had seen and Adam have been on the other side of the garden God would have had to say to Adam I'm so sorry son but your bride has sinned and she's going to die now that didn't happen we know that but let me tell you what did happen God had to say to his son one day I'm so sorry son but your bride has sinned and she's going to die and Jesus said I'll die for I'll die for that's how you know that your great God's radiuses are I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes and I want to pray for you then turn it back over to Pastor David lord I pray that you would put such a knowing in us that you love us beyond even our human comprehension and I pray Lord that when we come into times of worship like tonight with Keri and Cody I pray that we will express our love to you in Jesus name Amen god bless you guys we thank pastor Robert for opening God's word for us and such an honor to have you here sir we love you sir great job
Channel: Liberty University
Views: 4,388
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: Liberty University, LibertyU, Liberty, Jerry Falwell
Id: qhwOuyssmYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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