Robert F. Kennedy: CBS News - Live Coverage of His Assassination - June 5, 1968

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this is a CBS News special report on the California primary here is Walter Cronkite good evening the polls have just closed in California's presidential primary and a special CBS News survey of voters leaving the polling places indicates that Senator Robert F Kennedy is leading solidly in the Democratic race with almost 50 percent of the vote he's ahead of senator Eugene McCarthy by about six to ten percentage points governor Ronald Reagan of course is unopposed on the Republican presidential ballot but a surprisingly tight race is developing in the primary for the Republican Senate nomination a special CBS News survey shows incumbent senator Thomas Kegel locked in a neck-and-neck battle with conservative Mac rapper T with each of them getting just under 50% and in the South Dakota primary senator Kennedy won easily over a slate to running under President Johnson's name and pledge to native son vice president Hubert Humphrey and also over the slate supporting senator Eugene McCarthy running third now for direct results on the big battle in California let's switch to the Kennedy and the McCarthy headquarters first Roger Mudd at the Kennedy headquarters Walter this bedlam that you hear now is the result of your announcing that Kennedy is running was just under 50% of the vote we've just begun to start here and obviously the mood is a lot different than it was in Aragon good crowd here in the embassy room back over my left shoulder is a pierre salinger in a little dark room of dark corner counting ballots obviously a happy face last week he was saying there was going to be a long night there's a blue blow-up and over here that is playing when the saints go marching in the senator is on his way into the hotel he spent the day in Malibu and obviously he's got better news tonight than happened a week ago now the david icke kept mccarthy headquarters just a little while ago they opened the doors of the Beverly Hilton Grand Ballroom and the crowd pushed in carrying McCarthy signs wearing McCarthy hats the girls wearing McCarthy campaign dresses and plenty of balloons to go around red white and blue this crowd tonight seems apprehensive it has heard the reports of the polls showing McCarthy trailing candidate but the McCarthy supporters keep coming in with anticipation and with hope tape will be back in less than half an hour over most of these stations with a special report on the California primary now let's get direct reports from the Kennedy and McCarthy headquarters in California first roger mudd what's the mood of the Kennedy people out there Roger the only other thing they need here Walter is for Don Drysdale to pitch his sixth straight shutout for the Los Angeles Dodgers we've got all the enthusiasm here that failed to ignite after Oregon jumping shouting clapping snake lines and Congo chains the Kennedys predicted victory margin holes at 49 or 50% the adrenaline will be pumping tonight roger mudd CBS News Los Angeles and now to McCarthy headquarters David Shumacher how would you describe the mood there David Waller the celebration is let us say tentative they're still hoping that somehow the momentum that McCarthy was building in the last four days of his campaign might yet pay off but McCarthy's supporters especially his younger supporters have been around too long now to really believe that the feeling here is that they ran a good race but not good enough the guest that there was just too little time and too little money to make the Oregon victory pay off in California David shoemaker at the McCarthy headquarters as we said a moment ago the count may be rather slow in California tonight the voting out there offers unusual complexities not only in the manner of counting this year for the first time but in the very process of balloting CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace at our studios here can perhaps give us a little explanation of that voting and the way it's being tallied the actual of vote tabulation Walter is going to be extremely slow tonight in California a large part of the state including the 7,000 precincts in Los Angeles County are using new automated voting equipment where the ballots are counted by computers no although on the face of it that would seem to indicate a faster count the fact is if the new voting system is going to be slower in the count after the polls close the ballots must be shipped by truck from the precinct to the computer center in Los Angeles that means that ballot boxes from 7,000 precincts have to be trucked to a computer center in downtown Los Angeles and then fed into the computers one at a time one precinct at a time until all 7,000 precincts have been counted however in spite of the slow count and the count is going to be small the entire state it's possible for us at CBS News to provide an estimate of the final outcome soon after the polls closed and here's how that CBS News estimate works after researching past voting information for every precinct in California we chose a representative sample of 89 precincts which together represent closely the way the state votes as a whole as soon as returns are available from those 89 precincts there phone to us here at CBS News election headquarters where they're processed and an estimate of the final statewide outcome is made thus we can report quite clearly on how the race is likely to end up we can also categorize each of those 89 precincts by where they are and what kind of voters live in them giving us the ability to analyze the vote by areas by income groups and by ethnic breakdowns and my colleague Joseph Denny will be reporting the results of that analysis later in the broadcast Walter and we'll be back in a moment with more on campaign 68 they California primary a slow count in the California primary crucial to both senators McCarthy and Kennedy and there is still less than one percent of the vote counted at this point I think we ought to bring up some of the major questions raised in this California campaign and we'll put them to the correspondents who've been covering this campaign throughout first roger mudd Roger how important is a victory in California to Senator Kennedy the man you've been covering his future voter you can't believe how important it is to it he said if he loses here or is indicated if he loses here he'll drop out it does not look like you lose here and if he goes over 50% which his distinct possibility tonight it will give him a momentum that he lost in Oregon and that he never picked up in Indiana that was a marginal win but this would give him an impetus that good at least for the time being a whole dog Hubert Humphrey till he got to Chicago it's crucial for Roger at at the moment according that CBS poll of out leaving the polling place he's joined to come out with a victory there but if he does not what about this this threat to possibly withdraw from the race if he were defeated in California they could carry that on well if that was a strange statement he gave us the Los Angeles Airport Wednesday after Oregon he said he would abide by the results he never said gladly he would drop out that was the widely held assumption if he drops out it would mean that he's in effect he would be handing the nomination to Hubert Humphrey if he is profitable to speculate that even if he loses tonight it is not automatic that he would drop out if he stays in he is contributing to holding off the nomination Gloria Humphrey so I don't look for an automatic dropped out it could mister can be used to McCarthy people might debate that point that that he dropped out or automatically be handed to Humphrey what about that David shoemaker you've been with the McCarthy campaign from the cold winds and New Hampshire out there to the balmy California it's a it's a little too early in the evening yet for nostalgia I think Walter Walter Senator McCarthy has been in the position all along and an enviable one really for a politician no one expected him to do very well anyplace it's almost any showing is a moral victory I guess of some sort but it's getting pretty late in the primary races now to count moral victories he did have to win here to generate the kind of momentum he was going to need if he was going to start to break loose those delegates this undoubtedly is a setback what do you think he'll do if the final result shows he's lost in California Walter I'm sure he'll do what he said he's going to do all along and that is stay in it right through the convention and he'll make another try there he points out whenever he can that he is the Democrat still in the polls who runs strongest against a Republican candidate and he will try to emphasize that he also according to other polls is everyone's second choice so it is not inconceivable that if Robert Kennedy goes in against Hubert Humphrey and and is able to let's say shake him but not knock and long that it could get fall to Eugene McCarthy House McCarthy going after those delegates what can eat what can he say to them now after the campaigns in the primaries well Walter I think he says just what I said the the polls showed that is that he's the strongest Democrat against a Republican nominee he feels that these are practical politicians they want to win he thinks too that the delegate count is of people who favor Humphrey but are not pledged to him that is not pledged to Humphrey in blood and that they might come away meanwhile his young supporters are going to a mount a sort of nationwide canvass New Hampshire but on a larger scale hoping to make McCarthy with to one of the young people called a folk hero and is to see if the combination of the two efforts McCarthy's and the young people's effort can't yet pull this one out for him like your gentlemen two percent of the vote in in California we have Kennedy with forty percent of the vote Senator McCarthy sleep with forty six percent of the vote and a slate for Thomas Lynch attorney general the highest elected Democratic official in California who leads an organization slate officially unpledged but basically for Humphrey it is believed majority for Humphrey with only thirteen percent we have a call here from the book profile analysis at CBS for Senator Kennedy that Senator Kennedy will win in California when all of the votes have been counted based on our sample precincts and the results in those precincts projected to the state as a whole Senator Kennedy will be the victor in California we believe that the final totals will be Kennedy 48% Senator McCarthy 41% and the slate of Thomas Lynch the Pro Humphrey slate primarily 11% 48% for Kennedy 41% for McCarthy a 7% spread according to our first vote profile analysis projection of the final results in California I'd like to go now to back to our correspondents who we have standing by and we're asking about the results of this race in California and the effect on the candidates Martin agronsky is there in our Washington studio and he's been following the Hubert Humphreys campaign throughout Martin what do you think this result in California will mean to the Humphrey campaign well I think that they're going to be rather disappointed that Kennedy is winning as big as he appears to be winning they would have been ecstatic obviously if there'd been a standoff and it hasn't come up I think that they feel that they're still in a race and I remember so clearly couple days ago flying with the vice president I think we were coming going to Gettysburg and talk to him about the prospects in California he said he didn't in any sense count out senator Kennedy and that the way he felt about the whole prospect that he saw in the future was if he would believe that he'd have the nomination the day he got up there and made the acceptance speech well Martin with Humphrey but with this with this result in California tonight apparently of Senator Kennedy coming out strongly from the California race how does this how does vice president Humphrey think that Kennedy could put together a serious threat to him well he doesn't really believe that practically it's going to be possible for senator Kennedy to take away the delegates that Humphrey thinks that he has and he feels he already has a sufficient number to win the nomination nevertheless he doesn't count out the prospect that a bad turn in the war in Vietnam or real trouble in the streets of these cities a bad outbreak in the racial riots throughout the country could turn adversely against him that Senator Kennedy might well be able to exploit that that he could conceivably start the kind of a popular movement that he could run into a bandwagon perhaps and still present a real threat he simply will not count senator Kennedy out Martin has vice president Humphrey expressed any possibility of putting together a coalition with the loser of the California race the vice president's been very careful not to make any expression about that particular prospect but certainly the Humphrey people have long felt that the best thing they could possibly do the dream ticket is for their concern with a ticket in which Senator Robert Kennedy would be mr. Humphreys a running mate now that has not been proposed I don't intend to indicate that it has been in any way but certainly it's what they think about think about very seriously and there has also been proposals from some of mr. Humphries closest the southern advisors and experts of in fact Governor Connally of Texas and Senator long of Louisiana have both made the observation that the ideal running late for mr. Humphrey could be Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts rather than his brother because of the animosity that Robert Kennedy arouses in the South like the Martin we'll be back in a moment with more on campaign 68 the California primary let's take a closer look at a new padded bra by Playtex it's the closest thing to you yet see gitex put a new softer fiber inside it's just like natural softness stays soft can't ship can't bunch up even after machine washing so it always stays soft and natural if the closest thing to you yet you Playtex soft line padded bra that's the hard way to be firm and flattered the easy way the firm and flatter lycra girdled by Playtex firms and sliders is no other girdle can the exclusive deconstruction exercises to firming flattering forces these elastic V bands missed your tummy in these elastic bands keep your waistline since you're firmer your flatter in the Playtex firm and flatter girdle made with lycra CBS News vote profile analysis believes that by the time all of the votes are counted and they've just begun counting in California tonight senator Kennedy will have won the California primary with 48% of the vote senator Eugene McCarthy slate will have 41 percent of the vote and a slate unpledged officially led by Tom Lynch the state attorney general 11 percent of the vote now let's return to Senator McCarthy headquarters for a report from David shoemaker David well Walter here they're analyzing just what went wrong and I guess we could sum it up this way that after Oregon was pulled out of the fire there was just not time nor money enough to exploit the victory here scheduling in California was bad too much time was spent in the Los Angeles area which McCarthy had no chance of carrying the organization in California was spotty effective some places not so effective in others there was not enough money available for the young people's canvass they reached only about 30 percent of California's registered Democrats and McCarthy's television only 1/4 of Kennedy's until the last days of the campaign just didn't start earlier finally California is a big state and McCarthy just couldn't get their attention particularly on a Memorial Day weekend view from the ballroom now David dick is there with the McCarthy supporters David the mood of the crowd down here in the Grand Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton is quite different from the one in the Elks Club ballroom up in Portland Oregon one week ago victory was in the air in Portland Oregon but here in Beverly Hills tonight there is uncertainty and one that is missing as spontaneity there's a conscious effort tonight to create excitement as television star Carl Reiner told the crowd a little while ago we're going to try desperately to make a long evening seem short I read some selected returns favorable to McCarthy and the crowd snapped alive so now there are acts upon the page Le Mans ban TV star Pat Paulsen movie star Donna Reed lots of balloons and of course McCarthy signs McCarthy dresses and Walter will go back to you now and I think Senator McCarthy will be here in just a few moments well come back when he does David Shue made sure let's swing over right now to the Kennedy headquarters for a report from Terry Drinkwater Walter just like the television people the Kennedy men have their own anchor control position this is it back there in the crowd someplace Pierre Salinger on the phone he's running the show getting returns from all over the state and talking with the candidate who's upstairs in the hotel now in the Royal sweep waiting like everyone else even with all the happy commotion mrs. Obama has organized a victory cellar as a victory celebration can be television sets cheers chants VIP treatment for everyone people here are already congratulating each other a fine example of the efficient Kennedy style in California all of the candidates closest advisors are wandering in and out and at this point they seem about as happy as they could possibly be one of those advisers is Theodore Sorensen who is here backed up against a hotel fountain mr. Sorenson if you'll accept the CBS projection that the senator will win in California by something around 50% can we proceed from there and ask you why he did as well as he appears to be doing I think the returns in California if your projection holds up combined with the returns in South Dakota demonstrate as nothing else could that Senator Kennedy's appeal is to all segments of the Democratic Party I think the debate and his showing in the debate helped add impetus to these last few days of the California campaign well I thought the general feeling after the debate was that that it was inconclusive is something going to change your mind about that the returns are changing my mind if they hold up because as you pointed out earlier this evening the undecided vote usually goes heavily against the senator candidate because he's already well-known if they haven't made up their minds for him already they're not likely to make up their minds favorite place but I believe they debate if we are getting around 50 or 48 percent of the vote must have shifted a lot of undecided voters toward senator Kennedy well everybody now agrees that this win is a great shot in the arm and it's crucial and he had to make it but just what prospects are there that your man can go into Chicago strong enough to hold off for Hubert Humphrey prospects are very good now Roger if we win here in California the next big test is New York but that is Senator Kennedy state the enlarged delegates will certainly be for Senator Kennedy and the great bulk of the district delegates should be elected for senator Kennedy it's interesting to note that in the history of modern politics no candidate ever started out on the first ballot in either convention that both New York and California and lost and on the other hand the vice president Humphrey ought to realize the candidate ever started out and failed to get both California and New York and then went on to win the nomination well you're a great reader of history mr. Sorenson but do you now expect that this win in California will result in a further delay of the big city politicians waitingwaiting you you're sweating out mayor Daly aren't you I think mayor Daly and the others are properly going to wait until the convention itself that's my best guess Bob Kennedy has now demonstrated that he is the choice of rank-and-file democrats all over the country since presidential primaries first began in 1912 in all the two instances our party has nominated the man who did the best of the primary level I think we're going to do that again this year senator Kennedy had claimed earlier tonight that his victory in South Dakota over a slate pledged to President Johnson but that had swung over to vice president Humphrey in Humphreys native state but his victory there was a victory over Humphrey in the first straight confrontation he claimed since Humphrey had campaigned for votes in South Dakota and he claimed that showed also that he would win in the convention there are the South Dakota returns as you see them Kennedy the winner with 48 percent Johnson's slate the Humphrey slate that is 32 percent then McCarthy 20 percent will return in just a moment with more on campaign 68 the California primary champagne 68 the California primary continues after this pause for station identification ed sullivan invite you to share his twentieth anniversary celebration this Sunday on CBS in California is important perhaps crucial Democratic presidential primary today they vote profile analysis CBS News indicates that Senator Kennedy slate will win with now some fifty two percent of the vote an increase as more of our sample precincts have come in lengthening his margin that we believe will be the final figure over that of the slate blood by Senator or for senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota with thirty eight percent the slate for attorney general Tom Lynch to believe to a favor in large part perhaps vice president Humphrey some 10 percent Governor Reagan who was alone on the presidential slate from the Republican side watched the returns tonight from his home in Sacramento CBS News correspondent bill stout is with him again as he is so often well let's hear from you well here the governor has been following the returns and listening as all of us have to be particularly to the Kiko Rafferty race where the CBS figures give the max Rafferty an edge over senator ki Cole what do you think that means governor well I don't know I I know that it's going to be a close race and there was no question but in the polls next Rafferty was coming up in recent days the question was whether that rise would continue and would and would reach the proper point at election time of course my feeling is that in this race regardless of which one wins and the party better get behind them because we want to retain that seat for the Republicans do you think it means anything about a conservative vent for the months ahead for the convention for the election well I don't know in this particular race in California whether that one race could be taken as a as a trend although I think there's greater evidence than that of a conservative trend I think you only have to listen to what some of the Democratic candidates are saying senator Kennedy for example he's been he's been a little bit to the right of all of us in his campaign here in California I think he'd quarrel with that but you know the raw numbers are interest at this point early as it is Keiko and Rafferty between them have something like 28 thousand votes counted your unopposed presidential favorite son Slade has 18,000 indicating more Republicans voted in that race than voted for you does that bother you at all well not at all I think everyone has it has to expect that you look at the history of balloting in California whether it's for a judge or anyone else in our long complicated balance people just have a tendency to not bother with an uncontested a spot on the ballot they let it go by and I didn't been expecting that time a couple of times have suggested it would be nice if they did it some other way but that's normal I understand from some of our people close to Richard Nixon that he and his advisers are beginning now to worry more about other people than Nelson Rockefeller do you think that means you are you thinking that way about Miami no I'm exactly in the same position I have always been in I would think that mr. Nixon's mind is probably on the campaign that governor rockefeller is waging right now for delegates thank you very much governor early in the evening but we're beginning to think about the numbers already Walter well miss very beginning this campaign 68 has been one which has defied the experts is an understatement and unpredictable sequence of political surprises here briefly is a look at some of the highlights so far to fight for and win the Republican nomination and elections of the presidency of the United States I intend to enter the Democratic primaries in four states Wisconsin Oregon California Nebraska I will test my ability to win and my ability to cope with the issues in the fires of the primaries and not just in the smoke-filled rooms of Miami I am a candidate for president of the United States and so the first thing I would do is the president the United States is to show the communist capitals that we are determined to stand with our servicemen whether we had differences in the war not if the overwhelming voice to the Republican Party at the convention said that we want Nelson Rockefeller to run for president against Lyndon Johnson what would you say to that what is that's what you would call a draft and that's what I don't think will happen and that's what I told you I if it came and I played it now I've just informed Republican governors by letter of my decision to withdraw as a candidate president as president of the United States the big surprise of the first primary of campaign 68 has been the strength of senator Eugene McCarthy the Republican ballot former vice president Richard Nixon the only active campaigner ran far in front even farther than expected I am announcing today my candidacy for the presidency of the United States I have decided today to reiterate unequivocally that I am NOT a candidate campaigning directly or indirectly for the presidency of the United States I shall not seek and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president CBS News estimates that Richard Nixon will end up with 79 percent of the votes governor Reagan 11 percent Stassen 5 percent and the Rockefeller on that right in some two percent CBS News estimates that the final returns will show Senator McCarthy with 55 percent President Johnson 36 percent and none of them 2 percent senator Kennedy 6 percent on the right end and that scattering for Humphrey I shall seek the nomination of the Democratic Party today I announce my active candidacy for the nomination by the Republican Party for the presidency of the United States Senator Robert Kennedy has won the first primary test in his attempt to secure the Democratic nomination for the presidency well I just say that I never really accused senator Kennedy of buying the election here Roger there may have been some who did but I didn't do that and the other point is we could appear together on television we could save half the money anyways we're worried about time and money and if we could get there vice president and Humphrey [Music] [Applause] a long way today for our simple pose home but now the winner democratic California primary [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much thank you very much I want to I want to take that you hear this you can't hear we hear from any of this just one moment but every can hear can you hear an Oni of thee can you hear on that can you hear I want to first express my high regard to Don Drysdale [Applause] we'll pitch this a fixed-rate shutout tonight and I hope that we have as good fortune in our campaign [Applause] could i express my appreciation to a number of people first to adjust Unruh for all that he did first getting me into the express my appreciation to him for his friendship and his help during this campaign and for his continued to perseverance and his effort and for all of those who have been associated with him I'll always be very grateful and if I could also express my appreciation to a number of other people if you just bear with me for for a moment I'd like to express my appreciation to Steve Smith who was very who was ruthless but but it's been effective and I just want to say how pretty much how grateful I am to him to his wife my sister Jeanne to my sister Pat and my mother and all of those other Kennedy [Applause] I want to express my gratitude to my dog freckles who's been the line I don't care what they the Franklin Roosevelt said I don't care what they say about me but when they start to attack my dog and I it's not I'm not doing this in the order of importance but I also want to thank my wife Ethel [Applause] and her patience during this whole effort is thank you very much rekkles has gone home to bed he had thought very early that we were going to win so he retired I also want to thank Tom and point out Tom Reiss who is here who was an early supporter and I want to thank a number of other people if I may all of those of you who work so hard in this campaign all of the students to work across this state the members of my delegation are our delegation who also work so diligently and with such unselfishness across the state on my behalf and on behalf of this cause that we're involved in I want to thank Cesar Chavez who was here a little earlier and and Bert Corona who also work with him and all of those Mexican Americans who were supported tonight and Dolores Huerta who was an old friend of mine and his work with the Union to thank her and tell her how much I appreciate her coming tonight we have certain obligations and responsibilities to our fellow citizens which we talked about during the course of this campaign and I want to make it clear that if I'm elected president of the United States with your help I intend to keep [Applause] I want to also thank all my friends and all my friends in the black community we [Applause] make campaign voting today I think really made a major difference for me I want to express my appreciation to them [Applause] [Music] to my Johnson is dear and to a rosey Grier who said that [Music] they said that he'd take care of anybody who didn't vote in a kind way because that's what we are in our smile and I want to also if I may just take a moment more your time to express my appreciation to Paul Schrade who from the UAW who work so hard and all the other members of the labor organization two members the labor unions I'm very grateful for it to him and for what he's done and the effort that he's made on behalf of the working man here in the state of California I'm very very appreciative I'm very grateful for the boat that I received in the furrow that always you worked on behalf of us in the agricultural areas of the state as well as in the city I think it indicates quite clearly as well as in the suburbs I think it indicates quite clearly what we can do here in the United States the vote here in the state of California the vote in the state of South Dakota here is the most urban state of any of the states of our Union South Dakota the most rural state of any of the states of our union they're able to win them both I think that we can end the divisions within the United States [Applause] what I think is that what I think is quite clear is is that we can work together in the last analysis and that what there's been going on within the United States over the period of the last three years the divisions the violence the disenchantment with our society the divisions whether it's between blacks and whites between the poor and the more affluent or between age groups or in the war in Vietnam that we can start to work together we are a great country in that selfish country and a compassionate country and I intend to make that my basis for running in over the [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen if I can just take a moment more of your time because everybody must be dying from the heat but what I think all of these primaries have indicate if I can just take a minute or two minutes more of your time but all of these primaries of indicators and all of the party caucuses have indicated whether they occurred in Colorado or Idaho or Iowa wherever they occur it was the people in the Democratic Party and the people in the United States wanted change and that change can come about only if they those who are delegates in Chicago recognize the importance of what has happened here in the state of California what has happened in South Dakota what happened in New Hampshire what happened across the rest of this country the country wants to move in a different direction we want to deal with our own problems within our own country and we want peace in Vietnam [Applause] [Music] like I congratulate senator mccarthy and the those who have been associated those have been associated with him in their efforts that they have started in New Hampshire and carried through to this to the primary here in the state of California the fact is that all of us are involved in this great effort and it's a great effort not on behalf of the Democratic Party it's a great effort on behalf of the United States on behalf of our own people on behalf of mankind all around the globe [Applause] and I would hate I would hope I would hope now that the California primary is finished now that these primaries over that we could now concentrate on having a dialogue or a debate I hope between the vice-president and perhaps myself on what direction we want to go in what we're going to do in the rural areas of our country what we're going to do for those who still suffer within the United States from hunger what we're going to do around the rest of the globe and whether we're going to continue the policies that have been so unsuccessful in Vietnam of American troops and American marines carrying the major burden of that conflict I do not want to and I think we can move in a different direction [Applause] no way so I think I thank all of you who make this possible mattad [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right here [Music] everybody I'm not keep me plugged in keep me plugged in let's roll some videotape on this out here [Applause] please please say that we need a doctor here quietly the best thing everybody can do here is in an orderly way ve we do that just in an orderly way clear the room if we do that please quiet please [Music] best thing the most helpful thing that everyone can do here to leave the room in an orderly way that would you please do that for us would you please do that when you move out quietly please we don't know what's happened but all of this noise and confusion is not going to help so when you please to clear the room would you please clear the room in an orderly fashion thank you I'm right here would everyone please clear the world otherwise nothing can be true there's an exit on this light in the room would you please please leave really fast and leave the room would you please leave I'll go get another side all right here you just you operate with the sympathy we've got a dime ladies and ladies and gentlemen we have a doctor now will you please clear the room and offer your prayers at this hour that is please clear the mirror your greatest helped for me to clear this room will you please clear the room but everyone please clear the room you can help us most by clearing the room please everyone leave will you please clear this room so that we can get medical aid senator if you do not leave the room we cannot get medical aid to the senator now would you please leave or would you rather stand and cause confusion for medical aid for the senator are there any more diners to help clear this room are there any more doctors will you please clear the room the healthiest medical aid for the senator right here please in the other room proceed to the exits please clear the round so that we can get medical aid are there any more doctors in the house ladies gentlemen I would like you to clear this room would you pay the room please please leave the room let me uh this is drink water around there you saw what happened what what happened I'm sorry I coming any comments right I know legitimately it's in the wrong place so that we can bring medical attention to the center please clear the room please clear the room vacation now that the senator senator Kennedy himself has been wounded the repeated calls for a doctor the room now is still about half filled with the supporters were so enthusiastically cheering the senator a short time ago two doctors have been moved into this ante room behind the ballroom where senator Kennedy made his victory statement already they are inside now with the senator repeated appeals for we're a fillip to you the please clear the room the very best thing that you can do is to leave the room and find you indicate to me what happens I'm sorry I can't give any information out the besides the senator was appalled I really don't know I was out back there I know nothing the king and of course my way into the backroom to find out there is people coming out and empty ladies and gentlemen who are asking for your corporation an ABC guys then they will please please clear this room and we certainly appreciate it please clear the room are there any more doctors in the house if there are not could you leave the room and find some ladies of Joey were asking for the Lord I wasn't isn't this is Terry Drinkwater of this is Terry Drinkwater CBS News we've had an indication of clarification of exactly what has happened back there senator Kennedy was involved in a shooting that the newsman was involved and that one other man was involved there are now three doctors back there carrying for them there's a large amount of blood on the floor this ante room ice is now being brought back brought into the room into the back what do you understand happen from what I understand there was several shots five back there of course tonic immediately wrote they were locked up the whole place now the back day of a Nuffield madhouse people are screaming a shot in the Kennedy cache are all just in panic was just absolute madness like they're screaming and shouting and fighting for you back no not it is not clear at this time the condition of Senator Kennedy or any of the two other people who were reportedly ended who are back in the anteroom here now or at least three doctors there two of whom were out here in the auditorium this victory celebration only listening to the Kennedy for just a few minutes ago [Music] what is the immediate what is the immediate the there now more doctor right now doctor how many are back there now I don't know just in this room just beyond I don't know thank you very is ladies and gentlemen if you will please clear the auditorium we certainly appreciate it there's absolutely nothing that you can do at this point except clear the room and give us some place to work please very little information ladies have a LeBeau those people who were back in this area are still in there most of them not information is very scanty this gentleman has just looked look back in there where the this apparently occurred what what is it here now oh just a lot of piss it's good most of the people are out of here now if we could get a few more people out of here do a lot more good there was quite a bit of confusion at first but I think that most people I did our right hand alone one of the wounded one of the wounded has been brought out now it appears to be a woman a lady who was standing and was lying under one of the table claws it was here she does not appear to be severely injured there is some blood on her hands she's being tended to by two doctors now the area being roped off how to push a few spectators who remain and the newsmen Morais has been brought in here and still from this position we cannot see any of the members of the Kennedy party it's impossible to know whether any of them is involved at this point beyond the report that we do not have any identification of the woman injured here or attempting to get at a identification of the one woman who we do know for a fact is injured and who is being treated here in the ballroom which less than a half an hour ago was filled with about a thousand supporters and Senator Kennedy were much happier thing I saw them put Kennedy in the ambulance what condition was Senator Kennedy well he wasn't I believe he was unconscious he was not moving I could not see any room this is Peggy Ferrara who was one of the witnesses to Kennedy's the removal of Kennedy's the senator Kennedy from this building he was taken out in an ambulance correct can you tell me whether he appeared to be conscious or not no I I could just see him from his head I couldn't see any wound any blood but he wasn't moving I Oh terrible it really was did there appear to be any blood on senator Kennedy's body at all no now he might have been resting but he wasn't moving did you see the man inside the shop I left here I left as soon as the speech was over to go down the back way and I came back up here the truck sent me up to look for roger mudd and i couldn't find them and I came back downstairs just as they were putting him in the ambulance and that's what I thought was anyone with the senator at that time any his wife anyway no no all I thought were attendant put him in the ambulance and then the crowd converged and that's all I thought could you see that he appear to be conscious no what he didn't appear to be conscious now he might have been he was he was not hearing I gave him a pair of rosary beads which are from Island I told him and he looked straight up and I was wondering what this meant I got a little frightened to see him looking straight up but he looked at me I said the acts of contrition I'm a Roman Catholic or on the Catholic is trained to do this in a case of any serious accident I said to the president the act of contrition slowly and audibly and he heard it I'm sure of it he was breathing he's alive please God and I said to him Mary Queen of Peace pray for us and with that he took my hand in the rosary beads and tightened where was this at what stage right after he was shot I heard a balloon pop and I said to some woman I said what a terrible thing to have around hear these sounds I said it's not good for another Kennedy and the woman said don't be silly and that's when I realized it wasn't a balloon when you left him he was conscious I was pushed away from him I didn't need to do it do any thinking about his consciousness I did what I could you see where he was wounded if he was wounded the blood came from his hand and from his ear I believe he was shot in the rear of the neck I'm not sure his blood game senator are you certain it was the senator Kennedy you definitely saw that I know it was Senator Kennedy there was someone else shot you I did not look at because I looked to see senator Kennedy what does the person look like was it a man or woman who shot him I really cannot tell you III didn't I didn't take notice I was looking for the senator I'm a Catholic do you know how many people were a little sanctimony I guess but I want to go there do you know how many people were shot I don't think more than two was said I don't know about the one who did the shooting well I know I they had him up on some bins allowed them it was right I saw curly hair yes it was a male I don't know about anyone here black hey I don't I just did what I could write it down affordable spoken I came to the aid of Paul Schrade II who was hit right behind him and the people did not see mr. Schrader and we're starting to step on him and I straddled him and stayed there for the duration and he had a head wound that may be very serious however he was conscious we did a locally known afl-cio North American what was his condition was he was he conscious he was conscious and he had a good pulse but he had the bullet went in here and came out at the back that was not senator Kennedy senator Kennedy it's been you can you you know once you learn instead of his wound I didn't pay much attention to the senator because he was immediately taken over by some doctors and I wanted to see that mr. trade was taken care of because he was about six feet away and then his life ever got - and they did quite a bit of talking out apart from Kennedy and trading who else was injured well there's two other people and they just carried one young fella and I don't remember his name but he had a leg wound what makes you believe that it was not a pistol or revolver because there's more than five shots fired and a revolver at most would have six and there was more than six shots fire was there just one man doing the shooting differently I didn't did not see the man but I understand that they have caught him can you describe the scene in there in more detail well absolute pandemonium broke out because it was a real narrow passageway probably four to five people abreast is all we could get through so with the crisis of newsmen and TV in back and those that preceded Kennedy why they turned around and everybody was trying to get in there and it was it seemed like an awful long time before any ambulances got to the grounds or there wasn't any stretchers available in fact we carried trading out on a table and you described the size of the room but very small oh it was just a passageway it was not a room at all it was just a passageway between the dumbwaiters and were dishes and things were stored in the in the hall senator Kennedy was taken out on a stretcher he was taken out first was there any warning whatsoever that no warning no no yells no anything there was no yelled or anything preceded this first shot did the gunman say anything did you hear any shouts after I didn't hear any shouts after a drayman because absolutely everybody really couldn't believe it at first they thought most people like to always think it's firecracker you know a celebration and then they did and then you heard the shots of my god my god he shot he shot and then then everything it really started pandemonium really broke loose thank you very much that and eyewitness to know transpired here now about 40 minutes ago just outside the ballroom here at the Ambassador Hotel again to repeat not know here at least the condition of Senator Kennedy at this time do knew he know he was wounded that several witnesses state that when he was taken from the hotel on his stretcher he was conscious he did say a few words to several people on the way down in the stretcher on the way down to the ambulance Joe do you have more details where you are now thank you very much Terry uh as is obvious we are in our California primary studios we had just finished covering the California had won an impressive victory over Senator McCarthy but that victory soon turned to tragedy as the senator appeared in the embassy room of the Ambassador Hotel naturally to meet his cheering fans there was quite a bit of commotion as might be expected many of the people there thought that this was merely another display of the ardor of the Kennedy fans who had followed his campaigning all the way along and they were dumbfounded when it was clear what had happened shots had rang out the senator had been wounded several other people on the platform at least three at last count had also been wounded in an exchange of gunfire not an exchange an unknown assailant fired at four people Mike Wallace apparently you have some later information Oh Joe I have just talked to Roger Mudd who was at the central receiving hospital now you're familiar with that place out there evidently senator Kennedy has been taken now is on his way from the central receiving to the good samaritan hospital because there are evidently better surgical procedures available at the good samaritan hospital according to roger he was shot four times once in the head once in the hip they think that they are sure but his color was good he was alive shirt open and he appeared as I say to be hit in the head in the hip there had been taught that Rafer Johnson had knocked down his assailant it turns out that it was Rosie Greer from Los Angeles who knocked down the assailant who appeared to be 25 years old and white he fired all of the shots from a six-shot revolver and hit not only senator kennedy but according to roger mudd an unidentified man a woman and a boy that's about all that roger has right now yes from the report that correspondent Terry Drinkwater was sending in just a short time ago Paul Roddy who's with the United Auto Workers a young dynamic Union leader was also on the platform and apparently was wounded along with Senator Kennedy it is important at this point as they open the hippity pop I think he was taken to the central receiving hospital which in Los Angeles is a special Hospital in addition to serving the public that is set aside for police and firemen who are emergency cases leave yes I write I I should hasten to add now that Senator Kennedy has been moved from central receiving hospital to Good Samaritan Hospital they have an intensive care unit at that particular Hospital so it I am sure all of us can be certain that he is going to receive the best of care by going to central receiving hospital the immediate emergency steps were taken Good Samaritan Hospital has an intensive care unit and Senator Kennedy should be getting the best medical attention at least five doctors were on hand at the Ambassador Hotel and I'm sure that more doctors now are standing by the senator apparently is in condition enough good enough to be moved to another hospital correspondent Terry Drinkwater who was covering the Senators appearance at the Ambassador Hotel when the shots were fired tonight is now at the Ambassador Hotel Terry what's your latest report Joe I'm with mr. green one of the supporters of Senator Kennedy here and active in his campaign will you describe what you saw at that at the moment the shots were fired well precisely at the time the senator was shot I was walking through one of the side kitchen doors the senator was coming down to greet the car the crowd there was one individual standing on top of a table he was of Filipino Mexican American or that nature of descent he was on the table and there were approximately five or six shots the revolver that was used was a small caliber revolver I had looked I examined the revolver very closely rosey Grier had it in his hand after he apprehended the salient rosey Grier at Kennedy rosey Grier apprehended the Athena along with several others there were five or six people who had him it was a small caliber revolver where did senator Kennedy appear to be hit he appeared to be hit in his side and possibly grazed and the temple here now it it's very hard to say because when individuals are hit they spread blood throughout the body however he was definitely hit more than one round at that time he fell to the ground his a showed very little emotion he was cognizant that he was awake when they picked him up and took him to central receiving hospital as I can remember yet he said nothing his wife came to his his side and she spoke to him however I could not see whether he responded one way or the other who were the others who were injured can you these there was one other individual tall individual dark blue suit he was either an FBI man or Kennedy aide seems as if he was hit more critically this witness clearly more specific on the situation with Senator Robert Kennedy the new him not to specific those others were injured no on his report senator Kennedy was conscious right after they shot or shots were fired at a but beyond that not too much clear from here Joe Terry Roger Mudd who has also been covering the Kennedy campaign is standing by now at Good Samaritan Hospital we have a hospital put on a stretcher in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel his color appeared to be good he was on the floor he the only treatment applied to him in the hallway was a packs of ice there was absolute turmoil and shrieking in all the memories of 1963 swept through that assembly hall pandemonium and cameramen and photographers who had been with now for three and four months crying some of them bezerk finally the senator was removed and taken here to central receiving it appeared that he was hit twice once in the hip one hit as I say though his color was good and he is alive there's been no medical report issued on his condition but obviously the switch appeared something for receiving the Good Samaritan indicates that serious surgery will be required for Roger as my recollection of Los Angeles is that central receiving is equipped to handle immediate emergencies and as I recall Good Samaritan does have an intensive care unit I think the only reason we would mention that is that Senator Kennedy chances are very good given that kind of available the hospitals Joe your explanation makes more sense than my snap judgment as to why I'm moving there were in addition to the senator three other persons hit I was told that Paul rowdy and Jesse Unruh were hit now I remember Paul freight official of the United Auto Workers recognized for by the senator before this cheering happy proud is one of the great movers behind the Kennedy campaign in California I have not heard that Jesse Unruh was hit well that was an early report we had and apparently no one has yet confirmed at one point that I finally got into the this kitchen corridor and mrs. Kennedy was standing all alone she'd been abandoned for the minute and I went up to her and put my arm around her waist and she recognized me and off me as if I were just an oak tree - something to cling to and he petered there not knowing whether her husband was alive or dead she bumped into someone who was sitting in a chair just behind her and this seated person muttered something about Kennedy and she turned and said how dare you mentioned my husband and this young man looked up at her and said ma'am I've been hit - and she suddenly realized how what an awkward thing it was for the young man and her and he she leaned down and kissed him on the face he was the fourth of the victims he did not appear to be serious quite conscious but sitting down and showing some blood the the person who did the shooting is as-yet-unidentified he appeared to the cameraman who were close by to be about twenty-five years old wearing a blue sweater did all six shots from that he carried and when the explosions went off or finished firing Roosevelt Grier the big football player with the New York Giants who's been serving as a Kennedy bodyguard through the California campaign immediately Candace this suspect to the floor and he was quickly moved out in a police car it took some time before doctors could get through to the senator and about 10 minutes the ambulance came Roger let me just interrupt a moment the late report now that the press aide to Senator Kennedy Roy ringer one of his California press aide said that the senator was hit at least twice in the head analyst side he said one another witness said Paul rowdy as we've already reported the United Auto Workers was wounded also in the head at the time the senator was shot the one in the dark blue suit with the striped tie who was following as they were making their way out of the embassy room the senator had waited you know some time before appearing before the crowd because he wanted to be sure that he had a victory he didn't want to come down and make Tom Dewey statement as he said upstairs the hotel and they were just leaving and it was a happy moment Roger our US central receiving now or am all right I assume that you'll be on your way to Good Samaritan and we'll be standing by for further reports from you all right Joe thank you report from Roger Mudd CBS News correspondent who has been covering the Kennedy campaign in Los Angeles who was with the senator at central receiving hospital senator Kennedy has now been moved to Good Samaritan Hospital which has an intensive care unit and if medical attention is what he needs at least there's that assurance at this time that he will get as much as he needs he at last report was hit twice in the head once in the hip and another man paul roddy of the United Auto Workers was also wounded CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace is standing by here in our New York studios Mike what's your report at me when it all took place the before he was removed from the hotel a priest to Roman Catholic priest said that he attempted to give the senator final rites of the Roman Catholic Church but the four surging crowd pushed him away the police said I gave him the rosary and he clenched it tightly and I was pushed away there was blood on his head the arrested man was hurried through a lobby throng still yelling and screaming at the news of the shooting Lincoln bribery right like we can see the diagram of tamra is now here's the speaker stand from which senator Kennedy spoke just behind it is this small anteroom there are some dumb waiters in there it's an area where speakers wait before they come up to the platform or or after they've finished talking to where they go this is where senator Kennedy was wounded it was taken out this door here down this hallway to these steps and out to a waiting ambulance outside very quick trip fortunately very quickly to the hospital as you learned from the project they drink water CBS knows the Ambassador gel do you have anything present there well they I think the main obligation we have mike is to I imagine across the nation more and more people who are hearing of this news are tuning in now to find out exactly what happened tonight let us quickly bring you up to date Senator Robert F Kennedy appeared in the embassy room of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles which was his California headquarters for the California primary it was a victory celebration there was a very large crowd crushing in at the speaker's platform the senator mounted the platform several persons spoke it was a mood of jubilation it was obvious that he had won the victory he had sought and according to his political fortunes needed so desperately to stay in the race for the presidency at some point then a man standing apparently on a table it's still not clear exactly how it happened or at least it isn't clear to this reporter many conflicting reports a man just like appearing to be Mexican descent and took a pistol and fired at the senator if the senator twice in the head according to our last reports once in the hip and also hit Paul's rowdy who is the United Auto Workers Union executive in Los Angeles the two men senator Kennedy and mr. rowdy were then taken through a kitchen exit as Terry drink water just showed you rushed to central receiving hospital which in Los Angeles primarily for a treatment of emergency cases especially police and firemen of the city who are injured while in the performance of duties that assured that he got immediate treatment the reports from eyewitnesses said his eyes were open there was blood on his face he was breathing he had color roger mudd reported that at least he was conscious at central receiving hospital in a few moments apparently it was decided that the senator would then be removed to good samaritan hospital which is also nearby the Ambassador Hotel there an intensive care unit is available and the obvious entourage of doctors which began with at least five doctors at the Ambassador Hotel apparently built up and included more doctors assuring as we said that Senator Kennedy is at least getting the best medical treatment available at the moment he is in the good samaritan hospital in los angeles the victim of gunshot wounds mike the one thing i think everyone is interested in which we have now is videotape of the event as it as it actually happened recorded by CBS cameras in the Ambassador Hotel [Music] [Music] that was the exact moment that the shots were fired at least six shots according to the reports we have fired at senator Kennedy false rowdy other people on the speaker's platform obviously pandemonium erupted the door on the side I leads out to the kitchen and apparently that was the way a senator right here [Music] this was moment shooting of Senator Kennedy and at least two other person pendulous ambassador hotel serving as the Senators headquarters for his California primary battle the senator was taken through a side door apparently he was on his way out of the decide when the shots were fired Walsh rowdy of the United Auto Workers also hit we have just received a report that Senator Kennedy was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church at about 1:00 a.m. the Reverend Thomas peach' said he administered the rights to the wounded senator in the emergency room of the central receiving hospital we should caution you that that is an alarming report the senator has been moved to the good samaritan hospital this is the scene as immediately after senator Kennedy had been shot everybody please stay back please stay back we need a doctor here this is Steven Smith senator Kennedy's brother-in-law beside him Jean Kennedy one of the Kennedys sisters mr. Smith's wife Smith is trying to respond and to calm the pandemonium helpful thing that everyone can do here to leave the room in an orderly way now will you please do that for us you please do that when you move out quietly please we don't know what's happened but all confusion is not going to help so when you please clear the room would you please clear the room in an orderly fashion thank you I'm right here now that man you just saw being rushed off apparently is the 17 year old boy who was also near the senator when the shots were fired three persons at least at this point have have been reported as wounded in the wild shooting that erupted senator Kennedy apparently was stepping between a speaker's platform and about to leave through a kitchen door of kitchen serving as an entrance exit in that crowded embassy room we got it down ladies and ladies and gentlemen we have a doctor now will you please clear the room and offer your prayers at this hour that is please clear the air your greatest help will be to clear this room will you please clear the room but everyone please clear the room you can help us most by clearing the room please everyone leave will you please clear this room so that we can get medical aid to the senator there's a report that he's been given the last ride circulated here in a couple people [Music] this is Trey drink water in the lobby of the Ambassador the report that Senator Kennedy had been given the last rites has now been circulated here on the other side of the lobby two or three women are painted and you can the report of the last rites being administered as reported by Joe Benny does not indicate that Senator Kennedy is dead a very common practice in the Catholic Church to administer the last rites when there is a question of serious injury but you can see by this news passing through here what it's just hysterical women could hear me simply indicative of what has happened here tonight but this is not a report that Senator Kennedy is dead it's not at all that report yes Jo I can tell you yes we were trying to point that out in order to be very precise and to not alarm unnecessarily any any of our viewers who are listening and watching this work as you pointed out the last rites have been really a formality of spiritual necessity for a Catholic in this kind of a situation the senator from all that we can tell and through as a result of experience in Los Angeles as the best available medical attention being treated now the good samaritan hospital a neurosurgeon is standing by which would apparently confirm the earlier reports that the senator was wounded in the in the head and also according to those reports hit three times once in the hip Joel in the lobby the ambassador here who fallen to their knees in prayer for Senator Kennedy around the fountain which is in the middle of this hotel lobby moment ago it was a very hysterical situation here as the reports of the last rites and the erroneous reports of senator Kennedy's death circulated through here but now that most people understand that the last rites do not mean that Senator Kennedy is dead or indeed that he necessarily is in terribly critical condition so at this point many people falling to their knees in prayer for Senator Kennedy's recovery and for the recovery of these others who were wounded you Terry yes we're still trying to trace down the assailant all that we have so far is an identification of a man approximately 25 years old and according to one of the eyewitnesses you talked to who appeared to be dark-skinned for perhaps mexican-american have you any other confirmation on the assailant it is essentially that piece of information that witness and six or seven others to whom the authorities are now talking inside the main ballroom the man who did the shooting has apparently been apprehended but the police in Los Angeles have not released his name he has been taken into custody we understand and has been taken away from the Ambassador to the police station and presumably in downtown Los Angeles I I'm gathering from the picture that I see there that apparently there there is some kind of a shift now in the in the crowd and people are kneeling down beginning to pray for people in the center of the lobby here Joe there are about 300 here have knelt in prayer behind me more kneeling at every moment around this fountain which is very moving and very change scene from what it was just a few seconds ago when the erroneous reports of Senator Kennedy's grave condition were circulating here these are primarily young people who remain here to listen for any word of Senator Kennedy's condition these are the loyal supporters recognized several places if one saw in the very early part of Senator Kennedy's presidential effort people who followed him all the way through and worked all along and are now here waiting just like the rest of us forward of his condition at the time that the shots were fired the impression I have from reports received here through the wire services is that the senator had just stepped off the speaker's podium and was about to leave the hall what exactly happened or or could you tell from where you were back from the podium waived number of times of the crowd shaken perhaps 30 hands people crowding on the stage the stage which should hold maybe 50 people but there were 200 all on it and then slowly he moved towards the back of the stage down the small flight of stairs and into this small room which we showed you on the diagram a short time ago and it was there that it occurred he did not come down into the milling crowd that was in front of the podium but simply walked out the back there was no indication no special security of any kind indication that anything like this was envisioned that the police that had any tips of any kind it was completely unexpected as much so as the assassination in Dallas and he actually was he about to make his way up is I would have appeared to be at the concept from the embassy room into this aunty womb which leads from the room and then he was going to go down a back hallway and up to his suite on the fifth floor here instead of course the shots were fired and his wounding he was carried out the opposite way again away from the embassy room to the ambulance one of Kennedy's bodyguards and also a well-known professional football player apparently is the man who captured the assailant what what happened to the assailant at that point piecing together what witnesses we've been able to talk to the indication is that he was taken the opposite direction from Senator Kennedy back inside the hotel by first by Greer and then by a number of other Kennedy aides and supporters who were proud of there and then a few seconds later by some security guards who were at the other end of the corridor where he went from there we know he undoubtedly then is in custody at some point whether it's in the hotel or somewhere else our understanding that he has been taken from the hotel and we presume he is in custody at a police station you have not yet heard any reports as to whether the man said anything screamed anything what three witnesses have indicated that he did not scream anything or either before the shots were fired or after he pulled the trigger he apparently stood on this table may have been a table it may have been some type of can which was used for a large supply of food being brought up to the ballroom is a rose rather high maybe maybe four feet standing on top of that and in fire the shots do not yell anything at all made no comment to the senator is not clear that the senator even saw the man fired the shots was apprehended by Greer and pulled from the top of this table or this barrel arrangement the only report that we've had Terry which is again from a wire services from one of the eyewitnesses said the man was captured and was yelling something about saving the country this again is an eyewitness who quoted the the gunman is saying something like and this is the quote I did it for my country these late reports now on the condition of Senator Kennedy and aide said today senator Kennedy's condition is stable after being shot at least twice there are conflicting reports here twice in the head and once in the hip was the first report and now apparently this later report says senator Kennedy was shot just twice while leaving a victory celebration of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles which had been serving as his headquarters in the California primary this is a direct quote from Frank mankiewicz that's senator Kennedy's press secretary quote he is breathing well and he has a good heart I do not think he is conscious although again another conflict in early reports from eyewitnesses who said they noticed the senator his eyes were open he was saying something and he appeared to have generally good color as he was taken from the Ambassador Hotel mankiewicz ed Kennedy who was transferred to Good Samaritan Hospital after a brief stop in the emergency room of the central receiving hospital was wounded twice in the head in the front forehead and near the right ear that is Frank mankiewicz his report is Senator Kennedy's press secretary we have not yet had an official report from either central receiving hospital which is as we have told you in the emergency hospital for Los Angeles fire and policemen nor have we had a report from Good Samaritan Hospital the only indication we've had as to the nature of the wounds is that a neurosurgeon is and was standing by Senator Kennedy undoubtedly is at Good Samaritan Hospital now which does have an intensive care unit and a very highly professional staff which should give them at least in media of top-notch care which I'm sure is the major concern at the moment our stage manager the Kennedy headquarters Dave Fox was one of those who witnessed the shooting we now have a videotape of his report this is Terry drink water this is circuit he had an indication of clarification of exactly what has happened back there that Senator Kennedy was involved in a shooting that the newsman was involved and that one other man was involved there are now three doctors back there caring for them there's a large amount of blood on the floor of this ante room ice is now being brought back brought into the room into the back what do you understand happened from what I understand it was several shots five back there of course clinic immediately wrote they were looked up the whole place now the fact that the Nationals madhouse people are screaming and shouting the Kennedys are oh just in panic this is absolute madness but they're screaming and shouting and fighting back it is not clear at this time the condition of Senator Kennedy or any of the two other people more reportedly amended who are back in the anteroom here now there at least three doctors there two of whom were out here in the auditorium the victory celebration just a few minutes ago mojo of Benny I've been sitting here with some of these new service dispatches trying to get some sort of a compilation out of this thing of both this chronology of events and also as to how many other persons possibly were injured seem to be a great deal of confusion which is understandable at time of such a shocking tried to do this you have reported of course Paul shreddy the head of the UAW for the western area of the country there seemed to be at least two other persons wounded abcs stage manager Fox's counterpart there at the Embassy room a bill Wisel is listed in one of the News Service dispatches as having been injured apparently and not too seriously it seems to be a abdominal wound and a 17 year old Los Angeles boy Irwin stroll injured not too seriously it also seems the reports that a woman was wounded have not been confirmed further than that original report and several of us have seen on television there Steve Smith that's quite all right and those early reports that he was wounded are obviously erroneous also Walter I think I should add that we were reporting based on immediate eyewitness reports which as we all know can be very erroneous that Jesse Unruh had been shot and wounded apparently that is untrue best we can figure now is but the senator false rating the ABC stage-manager a 17 year old youth and possibly a woman the only condition report we have is and it's not even a condition report is on senator Kennedy and all that is said which I imagine is encouraging that his condition is stable he was seen leaving the central receiving hospital with an oxygen mask on his face and a plasma bottle being carried beside him and appeared at that point to be unconscious but when when the shots were first fired Roger Mudd and Terry Drinkwater said that he did appear to have a crawler and was a lot quite possible by that time he's under sedation - there is one interesting discrepancy it seems to be here possible one they say that this 25 year old curly-haired Halle skinned assailant emptied the six shots from a revolver well we have four persons listed as injured and and three bullet wounds with Senator Kennedy himself either either single bullets did an awful lot of damage in that room or there is a rather wide discrepancy in these reports as you know better I think than anyone early reports tend to be very erroneous from what I can gather now senator Kennedy was hit just twice the report that he had been hit in the hip apparently is not confirmed by any of the later reports twice in the head according to Frank mankiewicz his press secretary you
Channel: Joseph Hewes
Views: 515,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assassination of john f. kennedy (event), assassination, assassination of john f. kennedy (crime), john f. kennedy (us president), robert kennedy, president of the united states (government office or title), assassination of robert f. kennedy (event), as the world turns, cbs, assassination of jfk, assassination of president kennedy, state funeral of john f. kennedy, as it happened, Walter Cronkite, CBS News Coverage, RFK Assassination
Id: QtG4VmIEvpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 33sec (6153 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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