Robert De Niro and Capitol Officer Harry Dunn speak at Biden campaign event outside Trump courthouse

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[Music] I grew up here and feel at home in these streets I feel comfortable the Twin Towers fell just over here just over there this part of the city was like a ghost town but we vowed we would not allow terrorist to change our way of life and we started the Tribeca Festival to bring people back I love this city I love this city I don't want to destroy it we New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby real estate Hustler masquerading as a big shot a too bid Playboy lying his way into the tabloids pretending to be a spokesman a spokesperson for himself he was calling it as himself for himself to fool the Press into inflating his Networth a clown but this city is pretty accommodating we make room for clouds we have them all over the city people who do crazy things in the street we tolerate it it's part of the city it's part of the culture but not a person like Trump who will eventually run the country that does not work and we all know that anyway we make group of clowns to each his own but no one takes him or took him really seriously they take him seriously now of course but around the country people who didn't know him as we did started to support him Trump bought their votes with outrageous lies and empty promises he got the most religious evangelicals to applaud a sinner who bragged about sexual assault and just a couple of blocks from here a jury found him liable for sexual abuse somehow he even got self-styled Patriots to support a man who called for terminating the Constitution and on January 6th rallied an angry mob to threaten democracy leaving death and destruction in its wake that's why I needed to be involved and wanted to be involved in the new B Biden Harris a because it shows the violence of trump and reminds us that he'll use violence against anyone who stands in the way of his Megalania and greed but it's a coward's violence you think Trump ever threw a punch himself or took one this guy who ran and hid in the White House bunker when there were protesters outside no way he doesn't get blood on his hands no he doesn't he directs the m to do his dirty work for him by making a suggestion an inference and his gang gravels and follows his obvious order it's no surprise that the murder rate and other violent crimes peaked under Trump and are falling under Biden and now he's promising to use our own military to attack US citizens that's the tyrant that's the Tyrant he's telling us he'll be and believe me he means it when Trump ran in two 2016 it was like a joke this buffoon running for president no never could happen we'd forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious dictators with Trump we have a second chance and no one is laughing now this is the time to stop him by voting him out once and for all we don't want to wake up after the election saying what again we can't have that happen again yesterday was Memorial day it's a good time to reflect on how Americans fought and died so that we may enjoy the freedoms guaranteed to us by a democratic government a government govern that as President Lincoln said of the People by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth under Trump this kind of government will perish from the earth I don't mean to scare you no no wait maybe I do mean to scare you if Trump returns to the White House you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted and elections forget about it that's over that's done if if he gets in I can tell you right now he will never leave he will never leave you know that he will never leave what does that mean is that the country we want to live in do we want him running this country and saying I'm not leaving I'm dictator for life I hope this new ad campaign campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives this is not a threat this is a reality and that's why I've joined the Biden Harris campaign because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president really do we don't have a choice on January 6th while Republican lawmakers despicably tried to keep the loser Trump the loser Trump in the White House and Trump inspired insurrectionists stormed the capital brave men and women from law enforcement put their lives on the line to defend this country our democracy they are the true heroes these guys are the true heroes they stood and put their lives on the line for these low lives for Trump they lied under Ro they lied under the road who lied under the road what are you what are you telling me those excuse me those two Traders behind you they lied under Ro that's right what are you saying they're Traders they're they're Traders you got a I don't know I don't even know how to deal with you my friend I don't even know how to deal with you [Music] they stood there they didn't have to and there were other ones in there who probably were in with them a little bit too and they found a way to get around not these guys they stood there and fought for us for you for you well they weren't fighting for me no yeah no they fought for you buddy you're able to stand right here now they are the true heroes I'm honored to be with these two Heroes today from former capital police officer Harry Dunn and former metropolitan police officer Michael [Music] fenon I want to bring in ABC News political director Rick Klein for a bit more on this uh Rick why do this the Biden campaign has been fairly silent on Trump and the cases the various cases against him so why now hold this press conference with these surrogates outside of the courthouse on the day of closing arguments yeah I think this is a a significant strategic shift by the Biden camp cign instead of ignoring this to try to take advantage of the media presence outside the courthouse recognizing that uh Trump himself and many of his surrogates have been out there at the microphones almost every day as the trials been going on they see the same opportunity Robert dairo and New Yorker and the two Capital former capital police officers in fenon and Harry Dunn um seizing this opportunity as well it comes uh just a few days after a new ad January 6 themed ad highlighting the the former president's actions and inactions on January 6 was voiced by uh by Deno one of the most famous actors in the world quite obviously and as these two officers are part of a group of of of capital police officers who are planning a tour around the country to highlight these actions so the the Biden team wants to make this campaign very much about the Battle for democracy about what happened on January 6th to put that back into Consciousness they have ways to do it that don't involve showing up outside the courthouse this though is a is a shift and I think it just taking advantage of the geography and the opportunity to do it is part of it um the honking horn made it quite a New York scene I should note and the fact that um that dairo was Eng engaging with um some very pointed questions I don't know the questions were from but they were pointed and I think misleading questions about the officer's conduct in around January 6 but I think it's notable uh that they'd be looking to to seize on the news in this way and we now have a nominee for a Libertarian running for president that went to chase Oliver not RFK Jr and not former president Trump he Trump says he would have won if he did run as a Libertarian do you see this having any impact on the election I think if Bobby Kennedy Jr had won the nomination it would be a huge impact it would put him on the ballot in enough states to to make the the debate in a couple of weeks almost automatically I think it was a big strategic error by him in his campaign not to get into this race until very late he ended up only getting about 2% of the vote eliminated very quickly in the voting the Libertarians have historically not been much of a factor we'll see if Chase Oliver is different he's much younger he's a millennial he's in his 30s he's openly gay um he's got some opinions on the libertarian side of things that might cheat a little bit toward more toward the left but I think the Libertarians um thought about the idea of going with Kennedy but they only thought about it very briefly uh notable also that Donald Trump was at that same convention uh and he was he was heckled uh he was booed he was Jered he sort of taunted them about the 3% he said they get in elections every year I think that the Libertarians made a choice to to to stick with their principles as opposed to having more of an influence and I think Kennedy might regret not engaging in this earlier because I think he had a chance here to Vault his candidacy into a into another realm if he had uh secured that nomination we're now just under a month until the first presidential debate that's lated for June 27th what are you watching for as we get closer to that day and what do you think the candidates are doing to try to prepare yeah Diane I mean I think it's crazy to think because it's so early U the beginning of of the summer but we've seen a lot of the groundwork being laid I think even events like this morning trying to get that out there uh and put put out uh with these officers as well as dairo front and center change the terms of this conversation there's a bunch of stories just in the couple days about how Democrats are worried about the trajectory of this campaign the debate is a chance to highlight some differences obviously whatever verdict we get in this case will be huge it's probably the only trial that's going to go all the way to a verdict before the election and then we're going to see what the candidates do on the road we're going to see President Biden and vice president Harris in Philadelphia tomorrow on the campaign Trail I think what campaigns try to do in this phase is just kind of establish a bit of a different a different storyline get people talking get the Press covering a little bit of a different story I think this morning's outside the courthouse is an attempt by the Biden campaign to do just that all right our political director Rick Klein Rick thank you
Channel: ABC News
Views: 37,572
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Keywords: Biden, Capitol, De, Dunn, Harry, Niro, Presid, Robert, abc, abcnl, and, are, arguments, at, campaign, closing, courthouse, event, former, in, officer, outside, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-110612569, police, speak, spoke, the, trump, underway, where
Id: YEjc8in3hbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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