ROBBING A BANK in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (Secret Units)

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oh hey they're humble it's welcome back to totally accurate battle simulator that's right we've got an update oh look at the watches killing all the poor little camp dudes Clubman guys oh it's so glorious there oh I actually kind of feel bad for him they had no chance if they were to spread out a little bit more and flank him it would have worked well like do they not have brains there they're just little pixelated dudes or polygonal dudes yeah I'm sure they would anyway we have something interesting today a new map has appeared in our playlist and it's called the Wild West map look at this look at this place is so cool I'm looking for the man who shot my paw in this place I love it oh cool there's a bank in here check that out oh and the music whoa this place looks cool I like it is there any I guess there's probably a secret units in here I wonder how many there are should we find them should we search for them is there any move anything in here that was the pickaxe is there a pickaxe man no that that isn't one at all Oh secret units where are you what's in here is there something oh oh look it's like a ball and chain this must be the marriage unit hey oh it's just ball and chain okay now what sounds cool is there anything else around I'm thinking there's like three secret units what's this oh there's a Gatling gun this will work dectective Gatling gun plus cheerleaders that could be fun and I've heard rumors that inside one of these buildings there is a unit that is trying to heist something it's in the bank there is a unit inside of this Bank so we're gonna have to breach it we're gonna have to get in there and steal whatever is hidden inside I wonder if I can clip my way in can I clip my way in somehow is that a little horse are you oh it's so cute anyway let's try out some of these new units and see what we have ooh there's a dynamite thrower a miner a cactus what was that noise super Papa okay oh that's it that's a lady one throw in the dynamite okay we got the cactus look at that thing ha dang that's cool-looking oh yeah the ladies look like all the gunslingers that looks awesome okay what else we have we've got the last show oh that's on a horse we got Deadeye what I wonder what Deadeye does sure we should we put all of these guys against an ice giant I just want to see an ice giant ice tried to the Old West here comes the last soman less so lady less so er Oh Deadeye is spinning around in circles oh that's cuz I have the bug mode on whoopsies let's turn all these up and we'll try to turn the wings on a cactus of the wings that's kind of scary I swear all these are I want them off I'm a dork there we go this'll do it okay we're gonna see what this last Somen does oh you just missed dude with your guns you clipped on oh we got it I hit I think the lasso guy is not the one to go against an ice giant the miner the pickaxe miner is kind of cool it's like Minecraft in tabs there's dynamite at your feet like literally at your feet why can't you throw the dynamite any further well that was friendly fire of yourself a team huh the cactus is stuck whoa cactus bro is just hanging out wait a second cactus is dead we got a sniper here took a POW pow-pow I don't know I don't think we're gonna be able to kill the ice giant wait wait hold up your your dual wielding pistols dual wielding them how do you hold them between your fingers that's weird this guy's turning red or orange too nice take him down Oh defeat the blue team defeated the red team okay that was near - I haven't seen that before maybe we can find the Gatling gun in here there it is the Gatling gun and then these guys will destroy it for sure and a ball and chain we'll see what this guy does what if the ball and chain robber dudes can break open the bank kind of fun okay Gatling gun oh wow it's a jumping unit here we go Gatling gun get link gun I love that cactus that is so cool oh we got knocked back here there you go Chuck your ball Adam nice oh the Gatling guns are so strong the Gatling guns are so strong like that okay you know what we're gonna do now we're gonna clear them I shouldn't have cleared him I want a Gatling gun and I want ten cheerleaders to buff this man who looks like dr. Robotnik with that amazing mustache attacked my friends why are they got like good is this gonna work oh they're buffing them he's getting super buff here are you ready this is gonna be like a laser here we go it's hitting your knees used to be an adventurer like you if it was hitting your chest smashed oh that sucks for him what happens if we use the cactus what is it we got to figure out what this cactus actually does I'm thinking it throws spikes no I think it just hugs it literally dies okay we need a lots of them a hundred cactuses versus an ice giant if it doesn't kill it it will melt it with their loving amount of heat oh oh they do do damage they do do damage okay [Applause] you know what we need we need to make giant cactuses versus the ice giant oh that's so cool looking it's just grabbing onto its arm okay these things don't do much damage they must have some armor to him though like aren't on the arms and stuff because the cactus they're climbing him they're trying to take him down look at this derpy eye - he's got one of them cactus right Oh they'd lost when the going gets tough you add more cactuses okay my computer's gonna cry but that's okay it's for science purposes the cactus invasion is complete oh they're gonna get oh he fell down that's not good for him I need to slow it down I don't think I'd like to be hugged with a cactus I think it would be painful I also don't think I'd like to hug a cactus that would also be painful my army of cactuses it's probably gonna lose these they're not very strong they don't have good offense they got good defense whoa would you see all those spikes fly up hey do it again ready get set oh they did it they've killed the ice giant it only took how many 279 of them neat now I just gotta keep clearing there we go finally got rid of it so we need to figure out a way to get into this Bank we do we have to blow it up let's try to make oh you know what we could do we could probably change where this line is and then have a big battle that happens right on it okay we have a swap team we can edit the line and I want to turn it there we go there we go we're gonna have like a battle where they're just gonna chuck a whole bunch of grades and stuff at it I think that's a good idea what's the most explosive unit in the game that's my question oh we can use we can use cheating mode can't we dlc bugs we can do the big fireworks would that do it wasn't there another one we're like all projectiles explode make range units fast and big fireworks cool big chunks now we're gonna get every single explosive unit in the game and we're gonna just have this big melee battle thing that happens I don't even know if it's gonna be fun but we're gonna try it and we'll pretend it's fun dynamite thrower at times a million and we'll do some over on this side because why not might as well get some regular cannons in here too on both sides of course I had some bomb throwers because why not oh we can put them on top oh that's kind of cool we'll just put all of them on top I didn't know we could put things on top of the buildings there we go the firework archers as well as I say don't know thing put things on top of buildings we have some over here I did no it's just been a long time okay watches for days watches for days I don't know we got to figure out a way to blast open this building it might work okay there's a lot of explosions already whoa with that that's the big fireworks oh we got bombs flying down from the roof oh there's so much explosions happening already we have to crack open the bank maybe we'll get the front of the bank open can we crack open the front of the bank there's a lot of arrows in here there we go there we go pray and spray that's right we just need it to extend those aren't exploding I thought those exploded I guess not whoa oh man wait what they did they cracked it open big well there's a safe inside we got it what is that noise though I don't know what that is that the safe grinding like that it might be we've broken into the bank oh man this is this is a nasty fight look at this thing look at that we have a lot of things happening okay if I let go of slow mode they did it we have cracked open of the bank and there's still a lot why don't the watches die where is everyone at why are the watches running out of arrows that we're pretty good actually Oh like this oh that dynamite dude just get rocked okay weird is there anyone else left who's alive still oh it's watching battle these guys are dumb we got derpy derpy and derpy coming through with a cannon oh it's a surprise attack just kidding we have watches to stop them and let's just walk through the volume arrows oho headshot what if I made it too she made it through you're good you can do it I have faith in you I have faith in you oh she's taking cover finally a smart tap suited this would be something amazing to go against ready she's gonna do it she's gonna peek around the corner and lob the grenade here comes wait what why are you walking on it why did you do that for really you're just gonna walk over it and then just pass it and then you're gonna hit it you had dynamite and you just want to smack it with your fingers you aren't the brightest bulb on the tree are you oh it worked why would it who am I to question your your ways I just like all the hwacha arrows we get all the money here yay and she just decided to lay down and take a nap for a minute because she can't figure out how to get up there that's cool so we're just gonna end that battle okay that safe is still making noise is that a secret unit it is a secret unit yes look at us go we got it is this gonna be like coughing men coughing men death it is kind of is yeah there's dudes carrying this safe that looked really heavy we need to test it out for science purposes the bank robbers will see what robbers one and robbers to do to each other I'm guessing they throw it oh yeah they throw the same and big stocks fly everywhere now what are you guys gonna do you're going to try to lift it again really are not the smartest are you you're not the smartest Bulba on the boat that was cool I already use that joke once this Marissa bulb joke what happens if you hit a nice giant with with a big safe okay this will work here one ice giant versus a thousand bank robbers oh boy I don't actually have faith in them because they don't even know how to walk let alone through a safe properly oh yeah right at the right at its feet there you go yeah we should try making a rotate that would be fun make it a safe flying tornado they just they all killed themselves what are you guys doing why why did you kill yourselves Oh somebody just hit him really good or you tripped I'm gonna go with the tripping there you go yeah he tripped these guys are carrying it upside down another not the one in the back is just pulling them what a neat unit it has no purpose other than role play but it's still a neat unit yeah they're really bad at throwing it wow we're safe from the air all right we got to hit every one of these with the powers of cheerleaders fight okay that was really cool okay we got to do what we got to do all of these the dynamite thrower I think that's probably gonna commit sudoku here okay do you only get one you do you only get one TNT and it blows you up cob boom right at your feet it didn't do very well the miner could be really cool I like the miner because I've been playing Hydra near a lot lately Wow and minecraft oh yeah then didn't work well wait you're still alive oh no you're not we've already learned that the cactus has no attack other than hug mode and Huggy time and dietary but the gunslinger has lots of projectiles I don't think so because this was the double barrel really whoa it shoots air or bullets from the sky that was unique I didn't see that before do that again game attack okay ready oh yeah shoots bones way up in the air and they come down from space that's kind of cool there's no way to defend against that or is there can the samurai do the defense here no they blocked normal projectiles just not space projectiles okay I'm not so sure what the last so a guy does either it might be better against one unit rather than a giant really cool I love this it looks like the horse bullseye off of Toy Story a little bit this is cool or confusing the ice giant tie him down oh and till it trips one of these times we're gonna get a hit oh oh no no no don't go between the legs no whoa he just got thrown off the map I think there's a good chance of Deadeye doing the deed cuz it's a sniper oh yeah that's a good shot right there nice dead eyes really strong and I'm guessing quick draught we already tested Oh quick draw yeah quick draws really strong too if he can stand up and ball-and-chain men we need to turn him and do a tornado oh yeah that didn't really do much I'm feeling a strong tornado vibe with him though we boost him and we give him the tornado mode I think he'd be deadly do you see bugs all units spin and it won't place you down I think that'll work the rest of them won't spin yeah the ice giants not spinning we have a tornado mode haha take that ice giant it's gonna work it's gonna work it's gonna work maybe he is spinning giant spinning I can't tell if he's spinning or if he's just oh he's not oh he is yeah well you killed it anyway how does this work oh it doesn't can we make a spinning Gatling gun of death oh yeah a Gatling gun tornado is one of the worst students in the game so I guess that will wrap it up for today's Tabs video I hope you enjoyed our adventure today and let me know which of these units is your favorite we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 400,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator game, totally accurate battle simulator gameplay, TABS, tabs game, tabs gameplay, tabs sandbox, tabs new units, totally accurate battle simulator update, totally accurate battle simulator new update, blitz tabs, tabs update, blitz totally accurate battle simulator, TABSS02, TABS Simulation, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Simulation, TABS Black Hole, Black hole, may2020
Id: s_ShA6-PHnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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