Rob McElhenney on Getting High with Snoop Dogg & Ryan Reynolds Sliding into His DMs

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you know our first guest tonight from 14 seasons of what's always sunny in philadelphia now he has taken on another very funny show season two of mythic quest premieres friday on apple tv plus please welcome rob mcelhenny [Applause] all right well happy uh happy cinco de mayo thank you you too wow look at that you came prepared i did well you know i make a show about a bar mm-hmm that's right is cinco de mayo and i thought this is my first time on the show i know that's crazy i it really surprises me that's your first time here well it's the first time you invited me yes and i took i took that possibly be true but uh so i thought if you would i would love to start off the the show with a shot of well you know i never i don't yes yes yes let's do it right yeah did you know there's no there is no word for no in spanish there is no word for no no they have to use our word because they don't have a word for no so yes it's the answer all right or c is the answer right guillermo yeah yeah yeah we have the other one on your lap or is that a coveted unfriendly no he can't come on yeah okay all right guillermo all right all right very good oh it's nice and icy yeah salute salute salute to you guillermo happy cinco de mayo and gracias as they say yeah you want any lime or anything like that come on look i thought [Applause] i didn't mean to offend you by the way you know when you're a co-star firm it's always sunny danny devito is here usually he will bring a bottle of limoncello and honestly i the last time i remember being genuinely hammered on this show was when danny was here with the limoncello because you don't realize it sneaks up on you and it snuck up on me for sure yes yes well i mean maybe we can recreate let's see how it goes it is cinco de mayo after all okay all right guillermo all right we can get rides home no problem right people at disney will love this happy cinco de mayo oh that's lovely for the people at home that assume that that's water not water you zoomed in correctly it was water at one time but it ain't water anymore no so you are have you ever worked under the influence like have you ever had a situation where you've been genuinely uh intoxicated or under the influence of anything at work well sure on sunny we we we've been on the parte yeah however um this season of mythoquest we had a snoop dogg as a guest star yes uh now snoop does not drink alcohol um he he smokes marijuana as we all as we all know so wait there's no gin and juice for snoop at all well i don't i think he i think he passed that time in his life yeah he's evolved yes and here we are yeah and so [Applause] and so snoop um so snoop agreed to come on the show and which was a surprise to me but um was we were so happy about it and and his call time was 7 30 a.m and i assumed okay well i don't know what time he's going to show up but he can show up whenever he wants he snoop and i'm there around 7 15 and i get a knock on my door from the wardrobe department saying hey snoop's wardrobe is here you want to take a look at it i go into his trailer and i see it hanging in the closet and it's this skin tight six foot four mo-cap suit i think we have a picture of him yeah snoop in his mocap suit and i'm like he's not going to wear that but sure enough he did yeah he did he was game so i'm like well at the time i don't know he's going to wear it and and it's like 7 15 7 20 and i think okay let me figure this out and all of a sudden i hear the bus his bus is rolling up he's early and now i'm thinking oh oh no i i got to get him a new wardrobe because you know what i just got to get out of here so i get out i go to my trailer about 15 minutes later i get a knock on the door snoop wants to see you okay i'm assuming he's unhappy about the wardrobe i walk in he's already wearing it and he goes what's up man i said hey what's up snoop because you wanna smoke a joint [Applause] and i was like well seven yeah it's 7 30. [Laughter] [Applause] but if snoop comes to your place of business yeah asking if you want to smoke a joint you say yes right so i said yes right so being a responsible apple employee we couldn't do it on the premises we went to his bus and he had pre-rolled joints and i don't usually partake especially on a work day especially not at 7 30 in the morning however again when snoop asks you to smoke you say yeah so uh again we're being very responsible normally i'd love to share a joint with snoop but it's called it's a coveted time right so again we want to be responsible employees i smoke an entire one myself it turns out if snoop asks you to smoke at 7 30 in the morning on a work day you say no because by 7 46 i was i was hurtling through the atmosphere at 30 000 miles per hour directly towards mars and if yeah because in order for snoop to get high whatever he's smoking has to be of the highest possible level available yes and we have i think we have the clip of that scene that you shot with snoop yeah now let's watch it very closely together see if we can detect anything in your eyes okay here we go uh mr doug hi i'm a huge fan oh thanks little girl i'm not a little girl i'm actually an adult woman yeah what's up snoop all right what's good man when you're releasing that new expansion when you release our new album hey i'll see you gl first show i had a porsche hey you were able to talk and walk and everything like that yeah it turns out that acting first of all acting is not that hard let's be honest i know you have a lot of actors on here but i'm just gonna here's the secret it's not that hard and walking is not that hard either yeah [Laughter] i started when i was two the problem for a lot of actors is walking and talking at the same time but now and usually i can handle both of those things at the same time but now you throw in whatever snoop smokes and walking and talking and acting at the same time and it becomes very very difficult very very difficult you know i had this identical experience with snoop dogg and probably every single member of our staff has had that experience but many years ago snoop was on the man show and i had never really smoked anything before in my life and i walked into his house and he's like you want to smoke and i didn't want to offend him it's his religion after all and i did smoke with him and then almost instantaneously i said to the director i am of no use now yes i need you to help me and i went right into snoop's refrigerator and started eating whipped cream right out of the thing and then we had lunch and snoop had ordered chicken and i was just mowing through a whole bucket of it and snoop was standing in awe off to the side with his friend and i overheard him say my nephew done ate six pieces of chicken already yeah you got off easy you got off easy because i had to go back to work so only one of my jobs is is being an actor and again oh because acting is not that hard you're the executive producer of this house so snoop leaves he's like goodbye little boy i'm like again i'm like now i'm i'm i'm well past neptune i don't know where i am but now i have to go back to work not on camera where you can kind of fake it now i have to go be an executive producer and i had a call scheduled for noon that day which was lunch to go over a line item budget with the studio and my assistant came up and said you know should we reschedule and i was like [Laughter] we're having that and i apparently i had a blast because i was just like sure yeah spend whatever don't worry about it no problem yeah no problem rob mcelhenny is with us his new show is mythicquest his latest show i should say we'll be right back with rob after this hey rob rob mcelhenny is with us the show is called mythic quest season two premieres friday on apple tv plus everything all right uh yeah i made i messed up what happened i made a bit of a mistake i well taking the shot of tequila i i i'm not contractually allowed to to drink tequila on television oh yeah oh i didn't know i got sorry about it i got a guy i got a call from my partner um ryan reynolds and his lawyer um i'm only allowed to drink aviation jim oh which is his he's the genius which is america's gem engine it's the most delicious jen on earth oh so you've oh so i don't know what happened man look i bought a football team with this guy that's right and the next thing i know it turns out i don't read the fine print in the contracts and now i have to hock this gin are you now an owner of aviation gym i don't get anything you get nothing i get i get i get nothing so you're contractually bound to endorse it and drink it in public but you do not get anything from it wow yes unfortunately well all right look i think i have to drink i think i can make it better if i drink this you think if we well we had two shots of tequila should we have three shots a [Applause] baby now just so america thinks that we're this is water i'm gonna i'm gonna sit i'm gonna break the seal guillermo what a coincidence that you would have um these empty glasses i always ready jimmy you know i know you haven't i'm assuming that these are the uh these are this is my glasses you're gonna get sued by the lime people too because i'm sure they do not like that you keep discarding oh yeah okay all right heavy shots how heavy how happy oh wait wait wait wait wait yeah i mean we're yeah like hospitalization type of heavy yeah but okay all right okay okay now happy happy cinco de mayo happy cinco de mayo ryan wherever you are it's very good actually yeah it's actually really good yo there's nothing like celebrating cinco de mayo with aviation gym america's again maybe that'll become a new thing people celebrating cinco de mayo with gin of all things yeah well um i yeah do you mind if i put it down here because i think uh and if i put it up there it's gonna be you do whatever you need to do if he texts me during this i have to put it back up on the top i read by the way this is not this is something i happen to read on my on my own and it had nothing to do with the fact that you're booked here on the show uh you did an interview with ryan you guys kind of interviewed each other for men's health magazine there you are on the cover of men's health magazine stronger than ever and um ryan and you you guys did something that is um i'm guessing maybe your wives were wondering why you would do something like this but you bought as you mentioned a football team when i say football in america we say soccer but this is in wales as i know understands the third i'm starting to get drunk okay first devito now me i love it this is great you by football team yes what's the name of the team that you bought the name of the team is uh the wrexham red dragons how did you meet ryan reynolds i meant i met him uh via social media okay one day i got a a a direct message from him he slid into your dmm look this tall handsome gentleman slid directly into my dms and said i'm a big fan of yours and i said this is intriguing he said um uh and we just became friends that way and then um i realized i'd known him for years but we had never met in person we just kind of we're just text buddies and um i had this idea to buy a a football team uh over in in the uk and i thought well ryan's pretty entrepreneurial maybe he might be interested in that so i texted him and asked him if he'd be into it and he said yeah and this you'd never you'd not met at this time no so you buy this team with this guy based on this in non-relationship really let's be honest i mean you have no relationship and then you met him when i met him for the first time two weeks ago two weeks ago that's not a joke no no that's not a joke we just met when we shot a promo uh for the for the club and how did it go between you meeting after all those dms if i'm honest i'm a little disappointed you know he look i got sold i got sold a bill of goods i i was told that he was one of the nicest people in hollywood he's fine he's fine he's that's fine you know i had a dm from ryan reynolds once um who i don't really know i met him once many years ago and he said i'm looking forward to seeing you next week and i thought oh i didn't know he's on the show next week and i looked at our schedule i thought he's not on the show next week what's going on and he was confusing me with jimmy fallon so yeah that was my we didn't buy a team together [Applause] he was confused yeah so yeah he look at you though oh wow oh god i mean what have you done here's what's great about this like actors we can pretend to be anything i can pretend to be tough look how tough i am i can box but you can't pretend to be muscular well no yeah no you really can't yeah and are you using a clipper on your chest that's a that's a great that's a great question i i don't know i i was clearly groomed for this yeah i think it's a clipper i think i took it down but not off you know i got to tell you something and maybe it's just the alcohol talking but when i see you in these pictures and then i think about like kumail and like chris pratt and these guys who didn't start out you know these funny guys it puts a lot of pressure on me oh well is that something you've got it's interesting i mean it is your show so i guess we can talk about whatever you want but i thought i thought was the guy well it's very good to see your show is hilarious by the way it's uh it's on apple tv plus it's called mythic quest if you haven't seen it season two premieres on friday uh that's rob mcelhaney i can barely read but rob mcelhenny everybody we'll be back with uzo if you like that video click subscribe and we'll be together until one of us dies
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 554,025
Rating: 4.9167056 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Rob Mcelhenney, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Mythic quest, Apple TV, Actor, Danny DeVito, Smoking Weed, Joint, Acting, The Man Show, Snoop Dogg Stories, Snoop Dogg, Producing, Aviation Gin, Ryan Reynolds, Soccer, Football Team, DM’s
Id: joKpcx5hRJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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