Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

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one of my favorite things in the whole world is roasted tomatillo salsa I just loved that the Tang eNOS oven the spiciness and that a little bit of sweetness that you get by roasting the tomatillos I love the stuff so much I even use it as a pizza so so when you want to make roasted tomatillo salsa the first thing you have to do is take your fresh tomatillos and take the husks off of each one of them I have a kind of sticky substance on the outside of it that you'll want to rinse off I'm going to put them onto a small baking sheet so they can roast them under a broiler now the chiles that are going to go in here are serrano chiles and all you have to do for those is to take the little stem end off you can pop that off easily put those onto the baking sheet along with those tomatillos and then I'm just going to run it under the broiler you want to make sure that your oven rack is at its highest position about four inches away from that broiler after about four or five minutes they'll be softening and blotchy black on the top pull them out turn them all over run them back under the broiler and let them roast for another four or five minutes on the other side then let them cool to room temperature now the cooled tomatillos and Chile's I'm going to combine in the food processor into that and add a little fresh cilantro so we've got a fresh element in the salsa to combine with those roasty elements of the tomatillos and green chile I get to be the consistency of a kind of course you're a scrape that into a bowl and check the consistency of it and some salt stir that up last ingredient a little white onion I'm going to cut the top and bottom off and chop it into very fine dice add that to the bowl give it a stir and you've got one of the best roasted tomatillo sauce is in the world
Channel: Rick Bayless
Views: 151,748
Rating: 4.92173 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Bayless (Chef), salsa, Rick Bayless salsa, roasted tomatillo salsa, Tomatillo (Food), Salsa Sauce (Food), Food (TV Genre), recipe, Mexico One Plate at a Time
Id: ccF5KWp6hwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2015
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