Roast Pork Butt | Kitchen Daddy

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alright guys welcome to kitchen daddy this week we're making a wonderful slow roasted pork butts or pork shoulder we're gonna serve that with an incredible gravy and huge chili garlic rosemary and fennel seeds so all the wonderful flavors that you find in a spicy Italian sausage but served as a big Sunday roast joint so guys this is so easy to do on let's get into it right kick things off let's grab our pork butts and guys to thinking pork butts no no that shoulder that's what you got so sometimes the you know the shoulder is called the butt so we've got a shoulder of pork here it's probably about half actually so that's about four and a half kilos four and a half pounds so about two kilos of pork butts and it's a great cheap cut you can barbecue it so smoke it slow cook it and that's what we're gonna do today so we're going to do a mixture of roasting with a little bit of water in there in the bottom of the tray so we also get some steam so we get a beautiful juicy tender pork but that's just gonna fall apart so anyway before we do anything let's get a pan on a nice medium high heat we're going to add a good splash of oil now let's get the pork butt in there [Music] we want to add a good pinch of salt and we're gonna take about five probably actually probably ten minutes here guys and we're going to brown this all over okay now to help that along this is that in a knob of butter as well so just like cooking a steak let's grab a spoon and we want to base that all over and guys what we're looking to do is just render out some of that fat on the top of it and we just want to get lovely good brown color all over this pork bun [Music] okay that's looking really good I've got our roasting tray over here and I've just chopped up some root vegetables so we've got some celery carrot onions I think we've got some sweet potato there as well we want to lay them completely flat and this is going to be a trivet for the pork butt to sit upon so let's add in some rosemary a good pinch of fennel seeds and guys pork and fennel seeds absolutely classic combination so definitely add these in we're on a good pinch of chili flakes as well and a few cloves of garlic which we've just not loosely crushed now I've still got the skin on you don't actually have to add these in if you don't want to if you know if you just want to keep it plain salt and pepper bomb get them in but if you do and I add a few more aromatics here here those are gonna be fantastic okay let's get the pork butt on top of the vegetables now I've got a pint of water as well let's pull that in and then all we need to do is just grab ourselves some foil let's wrap that over it now let's get that in the oven 250 degrees Fahrenheit 125 degrees Celsius we're gonna cook that nice and slow for about four and a half to five hours right here we go guys and trust me this smells absolutely incredible beautiful here's what we're gonna do I've got a frying pan on here let's get the pork butts in there and then we've got all of this lovely liquid which is just packed full of flavor so let's pull that into the frying pan as well and then let's just start bringing that up to a boil and you guys you've seen this so many times before on Kitchen daddy works every time what we're gonna do we're gonna start basting the meat with all of that liquid and there's that reduces down it's gonna start building up this wonderful sticky glaze on the meat and then that sauce is gonna really intensify the flavor and it's just gonna be stoic but you know what there's actually probably a little bit too much liquid in here so I'm just gonna get the pork butt out we're just gonna let that probably reduce down by about half now and then we'll get the pork back pork butts back in there and then we'll start basting it okay that looks great so let's get the pork butts back in there they're using a big spoon Lister basting all the way over that and I'm just gonna do that here can't avoid every three or four minutes or so just keep on basting that over and all that lovely fat in there and all the lovely flavors just going to stop clinging to the meat so this will probably take about ten maybe 15 minutes but trust me guys that is so worth your while doing that little technique [Music] right guys look at this and I can tell you now this is spectacular it really is the meat is just perfectly perfectly cooked and then I'll gonna be really careful I've got an umbrella over there pre curiously balance oh whoa hang on one second guys it's gonna fall this okay we're back are we gonna do this really really quick so the wind doesn't take the umbrella and fall on the camera over there so long short this guy's that tastes absolutely amazing and that gravy is sensational honestly sensational it's almost it's really hard to describe because you've got that lovely kind of like friendly flavor but so you're there aniseed coming through and then you've just got this lovely bit of chili as well absolutely knockout and where it's kind of like caramelized and not caramelized where it's thickened up oh my god it's like boom smacks in the tops so good right before they goes thumbs up get in the comments check out the new website and I know hold on I'm updating the website don't check out the website just yet get in the comments give us a thumbs up good to be back outside do some proper cooking see you next week guys bye [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Daddy
Views: 114,097
Rating: 4.8584299 out of 5
Keywords: Roast Pork Butt, Roast Pork Shoulder, How To Cook Pork Butt, How Long Do you Cook Pork Butt, What Temprature For Pork Butt, Slow Roast Pork Butt, Pork Butt Recipe, Kitchen Daddy, Huw Mainwaring
Id: FVRrpazxu2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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