3 REASONS WHY THE CROW 2024 WILL FAIL | Double Toasted

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the early days of the The Goth movement this this was huge yeah it it it really touched on man between that and the Cure and the Sandman it was all coming together oh yeah and when somebody and I'm not making a joke here I'm just saying when somebody dies on a set in a movie and the movie is up having this huge following probably because of the of the Lord behind it that's a hard act to follow within itself right there I cannot and good conscious talk about Double Toasted live in LA without showing that image right there Double Toasted live in LA that's from the art of moss he did that art right there some of y'all be getting that on a t-shirt but I'll let you know about that in a little bit but that show will be April 27th 8:00 pm at the elportal theater for a night of Comedy games and that Afterparty get your tickets now by going over to DT merch.com there's a banner in the center of the page click that it'll take you to X1 entertainment or you can just go straight to X1 entertainment.com you can also get tickets by going over to doubletoasted.com so a crow movie has been in the works for years since the uh original and we've had other Crow offshoots after the first one you know we've had some straight to to home video movies uh there was a TV show MH at one time but the last attempt at a theatrical version of The Crow was a huge bomb believe in the power of another now get pop they uh that was the crow to City of Angels uh they you know I mean they tried to replicate it so much that they picked the dude that looked like Brandon Lee yeah he does look like Brandon Lee who is that oh he's a french actor do you know no I thought it was the kid from uh the the Terminator movies I thought no no no that was another one okay that was another offshoot uh yeah no that's a french actor I forgot forgot his name but yeah they gave him the jacket and everything he had the hair so apparently the only way you can come back with a crow is if you got long hair you're a goth person you got a leather jacket somewhere in your closet yeah uh so because of that you know a lot of people said listen it's one thing to have these you know these TV shows and these straight to DVD movies and whatnot but as far as a theatrical version of something just being you know big like it was before you just ain't going to top that first Crow people once believed that when someone dies a crow carries their soul the crow could bring that soul back so everybody knows the story of The Crow out there you know the movie was became a huge cult classic probably argued that could even be more but uh a lot of people said listen it's just no way you gonna do that there's a lot of uh there's a lot of history behind this movie we'll talk about that a little bit to where you're just not going to be able to do another theatrical Crow at least not unless you just try to do unless you just have an idea that they're doing something kind of different and something that's going to resonate with these fans that's not going to piss them off they hold that movie dearly yeah it was a Zeitgeist when this movie came out I mean timing was everything and and and you know how it inspired so much yep no you're right you're right about that even Julian was saying like you know this one of those early movies that God people forget it's comic book movie you know it was successful but here we are you know somebody did finally make it happen uh we have a new Crow coming out and the trailer came out and here we have Bill scars guard putting on some different clown makeup now he before boy he stays in the clown white he's down the Clown uh so listen let's go ahead and watch this trailer we're going to have a discussion I'm going to tell you right now there's a lot of people out there who are hating on this movie before it even came out and I'm GNA tell you right now we'll talk about this a little bit more um I can kind of understand what they're talking about but let's go ahead and watch this trailer first and then we'll come back with our discussion on why I think that this movie is just not gonna be very successful and we'll have some other opinions from these guys in here on probably why they disagree or agree what you become you know that love promises only pain not a post Malone fan I didn't say I was a post Malone fan but I'm GNA tell you why that is laughable right there now I'm G let you know right now that uh after this trailer premiered up to this point right now I think it's received 50,000 dislikes oh wow and after watching the trailer myself I got to say I'm not surprised and now let me make one thing clear I'm not jumping on a bandwagon right here and I'm definitely not want to align myself with angry fandom out there as we all know fandom is toxic it can you know it gets out of hand people have judgments you know just just based on Nostalgia or what they want are you ruining you know there's a sense of entitlement a lot of times with with the with phandom so I'm not aligning myself with angry fandom but I I'll just be oh and that's another thing with this with the crow I'm not against the Remake the movie as popular as it is is still a lot different from the comic yes it is cuz I I I was already a big fan of the comic before they made the movie and so to watch what they did I was like well okay I mean it's the story essentially but you know they've movied it up yeah which you know they had to do it's okay it's fine yeah there's a lot more that they could tell like if you really so if they want to go and do a remake where they want to be more like the comic more true to the comic because there's some story lines in there that they leave out there's characters like the skull Cowboy that they leave out if you know anything about the the the comic you know they could they could do a version that's probably closer to that and the fans would probably appreciate that and then it would be something new that they're doing here uh and who knows this movie right here it looks like they're doing some things that that are kind of different that we didn't see in the first movie but man the crow is such a classic film you know uh one could argue that the crow is actually a a a true classic you know uh let see if I can find it here it could be argued that you know it's it's exceeded cult status that you know and has such a strong following you know a lot of that has to do with the you know some of the again the history of this of this movie right here we all know the story of Brandon Lee and how Brandon Lee died making this movie a piece of shrapnel came out from a gun shot him he died and it took this movie to a whole mythical level a movie with about a character that dies well especially considering that the story itself even the comic book was inspired by James obar who's the uh the writer artist his girlfriend being killed yeah and you know he fell into a depression and a drug problem and doing the crow the comic was his therapy to kind of pull himself out of it yeah um so is it's this this whole story this whole property has been mired with with tragedy with death yeah but for the you know like I said the mainstream mornings out there this made big news when Brandon Lee died it made big news because first of all it's the death of a celebrity his father Bruce Lee died and you know this is a character that dies in the comic and you know this like I said it just takes this whole thing to a whole new mythical level where you know it's it's solidifying this goth fan base who let's let's admit they got obsession with death anyway sure sure yeah and this in the early days of the The Goth movement this this was huge yeah it it it really touched on it man between that and the Cure and the Sandman it was all coming together oh yeah and when somebody and I'm not making a joke here I'm just saying when somebody dies on a set in a movie and mov up been having this huge following partly because of the of the lore behind it that's a hard act to follow within itself right there that's why I'm saying it looks like the slightest thing is subpar with this it's not going to be successful and I'm looking at this this movie right here this remake that they're doing and I you know I don't want to be I don't want to be a judgmental I want to be biased I would reserve my judgment for the movie when I see it and I will happily change my mind if it's a good movie and I hope I do I really hope I do but if I was to be honest to come to the defense of these fans that are saying that they you know they're giving all these dislikes and and just not feeling this right here uh I can kind of see what they're talking about I can understand what they what they're what they're feeling and so that's why I'm going to give you some reasons right here why this to me looks like it just cannot live up to the original to the point where I don't know how successful this is going to be hey everyone sorry to interrupt the flow of the show but I do have to give a word out to our sponsor right now and I want to thank betterhelp for sponsoring this portion of the show and this is a good chance to talk about therapy you see I'm concerned about all of you out there and your well-being so let's talk about therapy real quick you know therapy has this stigma against it where people think it's for very severe mental issues out there such as severe depression or thoughts of harming yourself and while it is certainly for those things therapy can also be used for something as simple as just organizing your mind Hey listen you organize your mind to achieve those goals in life maybe for your career or certain life goals relationships you want to improve those with your friends or your partner therapy can certainly be used for that think of it this way you go to the gym to take care of your body so therapy consider that as going to the gym to take care of your mental health and there's no better place to start with therapy 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you save 10% off your first month again 10% off your first month if you put in betterhelp.com doubl toasted Hey listen I want to thank betterhelp for sponsoring this portion of the show and I want to thank all of you out there for your constant support hey you give me peace of mind love you all thank you so much and now back to the show I mean I I think that it looks kind of interesting I think that you know the the campy style of the original Crow is a really tough act to follow and when you're remaking it you should have a different spin on it so my reaction to this was like all right I'm not blown away but really great actor as the lead you know there's opportunity for cool shootouts they're clearly John wicking this character which is the the popular thing to do I don't think action Art House has you know been overdone that much yet but I'm I'm open to it I'm I'm not mad at it yeah and I like I said I'm not mad at it I'm not even s up here hoping that this does that that that that this fails I'm just saying man I'm looking at this and I'm seeing things that I've seen from other similar movies that I've tried to do a similar thing and they went down this similar path of not getting the success that they thought they would simply because the movie was a remake and I'm going to start with the first one right here it's about three things that I have to talk about here not not a lot but I'm gonna say this uh so number one I don't think that this this new Crow has an original look to it you know I'm looking at this right now and if you want my opinion of this this this is why I'm feeling this way this get this reminds me of remakes like Robocop and Total Recall you know where they they were remaking these films and you know the their remakes of movies that have huge followings have left huge impacts and the remakes just came across as standard Hollywood studio stuff and that's kind of what this looks like just a little bit um and I think it's part of it because of something that you said see the thing with the original Crow is that the original Crow I'm I'm going to tell you right now and no offense to the people who like the movie because actually I'm a fan of the original Crow I really like that movie a lot but I never thought I liked it because of the story I think you know in the movie I think the story is just pretty straightforward and kind of weak but there's so much going on in the original crow that up up uplifts this movie Beyond its story you know we already talked about Brandon Lee's death and and the history behind that but the production and the art Direction on the on the original Crow was amazing Alex pryes who's who directed this he gave the movie A really a a a a unique Vision man yeah the goth version of Detroit in this world that became a character in its own you know we're talking about like the way Gotham City and Batman becomes a character you know and this and and really like I said man this it was almost like this didn't even take place on Earth really it was just it was its own world within itself um when you look at this new Crow right here and it's something that that that you said that I that I agree with uh when I'm watching this and let me see if I can find a point here you know I'm I'm looking at this and I'm thinking yeah a lot of this looks like it's just kind of a regular action movie you know it does look like John Wick the the crow was something that looked entirely original to upon it on and onto itself you know this is already resembling other movies out there and I think that's why some of these other knockoffs didn't or these spin-offs or whatever these sequels and straight to video things didn't work because they didn't have that originality they didn't have that look and that's what this feels like it feels like those DVD knockoffs of the crow you know are all those DVD straight to DVD sequels uh that they tried to do instead of looking like the actual spin-off from the crow the production looks a lot better than those looks like what better than those those sequels no it no it does it does I mean it doesn't look cheap I'm just saying that those movies didn't have any real originality to them uh where Crow that's one of the things that really stood out that movie was had had such style that a lot of people fell in love with that right that's one of the things I fell in love with I could look at this and not even consider this to be taking place within our Dimension our time or whatever this was a whole other space all its own so you know I think that's one of the things that people are already kind of kind of taking a a little uh uh taking to complain about here that you know this just doesn't look as original which if you can't really do that then you're missing the point of what they did with the first Crow which is one of the things that kept this from being made for such a long time now here's another thing that that really I think works against this is that this was made in the early 90s and this is the time when movies you know they promoted soundtracks as much as the films yes and this movie had a soundtrack that elevated it to other level Beyond just a story right here along with the production and whatnot uh that soundtrack they they were they was put together so carefully I know this because I love that soundtrack to This movie The you know for the the soundtrack for this film what they did was is that they they picked artist carefully to fit the mood and atmosphere of the film and and if you listen to that soundtrack from song to song it actually feels like it's telling the story of this movie right here it was one of the better put together soundtracks that were out there you know some sound just thre people together who's popular right now you know we just want to sell some [ __ ] not the not the crow uh not The Crow soundtrack um and with a movie that picks songs to carefully tell the story if you just listen to the music that music was used well in the film uh one of the most memorable parts of the movie is when Brandon Lee officially becomes the crow and they play that cure song Burn I was like now when I saw the movie I had the soundtrack before the movie came out that's how much I like it and I like damn they use that song effectively I can't say I had nothing to do with this I don't know those I told him to leave tried to help oh you yeah I got I got lightning you know I'm man yeah man uh you know to to to watch that man it's like wow you know that soundtrack and if you watch the movie if you listen to the soundtrack and know the soundtrack they did put the soundtrack in in spots that were very good now that was a big thing back in the early 90s yep now you know looking at this and and I bring this up because knowing how popular that soundtrack is and how that's a big part of this movie it's a very unfortunate way to end this new trailer right here alone yeah I'm sorry man listen you going out of tune that [ __ ] come on man you just aged the movie right there that's true I actually thought that the cuz that song is post Malone and Azie Osborne and I thought that it was used pretty effectively for the trailer but maybe that's just me The Crow soundtrack is you know for for say what you will about the genre maybe you don't like rock maybe you don't like goth music or dark rock or whatever but for some reason somehow it fit that movie so well it's Timeless and you know this [ __ ] right here it's like n please don't put that in the movie y may maybe it could that happens all the time it does it does so yeah but it but being that it is in the trailer it's not selling it very well that's how you got some of those 50,000 dislikes right there and I was man and and you know some people might be okay with this I'll be one of those people who who uh is complaining about the look of the character well you see he wanted something different he cut his hair man listen it's more than that it cuz the problem with the character it looks it looks like they trying too hard to be edgy he's got a jacket with a werewolf on it he got tattoos on his face uh and like I said that mullet man look he's it looks like he's going to see Insane Clown posi more than get revenge he looks like a jug some people even said and I wish I hadn't got this man riled up I wish you hadn't but he but listen a lot of people have been making the comparison and they listen I can't really argue with you they man they they put that out there and they upset one person and and it's because y'all were making those comparisons for the Florida joer GTA 6 GTA we don't got to talk Crow the movie Crow we got to talk y'all upset the Florida Joker again he was mad at GTA 6 now he like hey I got some other [ __ ] I got to talk about I I won't get that money anyway Crow I'm coming after you now pay pay me my money you must be out your goddamn nuggets if you think you'll get away with this stealing my likeness my man asked him what you what tell him what you try to get intervie yeah I I saw that guy streaming on Tik top Tik Tok I was like Hey do you do interviews he's like yeah I do paid interviews I can work within your budget this is man I'm sorry ain't nobody paying the Florida Joker to do to talk all right how about a ham and cheese sandwich with two pieces of cheese the wi some potato chips we might have a deal I need a soda I got to wash it all down hey this fool is not happy boy boy I y'all make no clown related nothing out there cuz you going to be trying to sue you at the DM talking about y'all stole my likeness for your upcoming movie I want to be compensated we got to talk look at this look at this look at this you telling me that that's not me that's not you yeah say I'm telling you right now to your crazy ass eyes that is not you sh I mean man you you by the way you stole he ledg just look yeah exactly you better be glad he ain't a lot time about hey Florida Joker we gotta talk we gotta talk T these people BL up my D time about you stole my likeness Chris vanola should we've got to talk we have to talk we must speak Florida Joker we must talk it's not me I will wait okay you gonna be waiting a long time I know man that looks more like a Jared Leto thing he he might be the one to come after him yeah that no a lot of people made that comparison too that he looked yeah a lot of people say he looks like the Florida Joker they say he looks like a cross between the Florida Joker and Jared let's Joker yeah a lot of people that and and even I'm sorry I meant the Florida Joker looks like Jared let's joker well Jared people have been comparing uh they they did a match up of Leto and Florida Joker said that's what you that's what your new crow looks like I I don't see it personally yeah I don't really see that yeah like he does like I guess he basic Joker you know but I I don't think he looks like the Joker at all I see Florida joke in there with that mullet in face tattoos a little bit not like not enough where he needs to get paid to cut that [ __ ] out H make smear some [ __ ] on his forehead then yeah yeah uh that is what I'm talking about where you know you can't you can't come in looking like a generic action film even if your production is slick you can't come in treating his character half ass I'm not saying you can't do a crow remake I'm not saying at all but I think it feels like right now they're missing the mark uh for me and I just don't think it's going to be that successful what if I'm throwing it out there what if the goal is not to be the original Crow and please those fans but to go like different direction more John Wick new fans like because John Wick has become a language like you said John Wick in it so they're always trying to do something that if it's not a copy at least it's familiar like people who don't know the original Crow can go like oh this looks like a cool action movie like John Wick I will want to watch this yeah I I I still don't think it's going to be that successful because again it looks like something that they you know we've already seen John Wick you know we've already seen a lot of these action movies it might do well you know but again I think what you're G to have here like I said Robocop and Total Recall came out and yeah those movies didn't even understand what made the the original movies great they didn't and I think but again they came across like they didn't come across what made those movies special and by the way you know they again if they had something that was was really going to be uh inspired over the original that's cool but those movies came out they made a little bit money but not enough money to justify it to the studio and that's why I'm saying I'm not hating on this I'm just giving you a scenario of what I think will happen I don't think that this is enough originality I don't think it has enough of of the you know enough there for for new people I think it's and definitely not enough there for the old people the old fans that love this so what I think you're going to end up with I think you have a movie that's going to come out just you know be out for a little while and then be gone yeah I I think so you heard me say that they could make a remake they and they might do this they'll probably bring in some stories that we uh story lines in the comic book that weren't in the original uh I know that the like the female the girlfriend is getting more uh attention she's got a bigger role here uh you know in the beginning she was just a flashback uh here you know she's got a whole storyline of what got her in trouble and but it could also be argued that that again that's what made the original great is because the Crow's past was mysterious yes you know they didn't give a whole sometimes telling too much kind of takes away from things it does Ru mystery yeah yeah cow is very mysterious like even when you read the book you you were like wait is he a ghost is he a mortal what's is he the spirit of Vengeance yeah and that's what I love about it I like they just focused on one thing his character in The Moody World behind him and his mission everything was mysterious and the less asked about that character the more lure he had so you know just again I'm not hating I'm just giving you an argument of what I understand what these fans are feeling because I think some people you know they say oh these fans out here complaining I was like yeah probably so but I understand because I've seen this kind of stuff before I can see where they're coming from where it the crow does kind of feel like one of those movies like Back to the Future where it's like why are you trying to remake this like that that is just a constant uphill battle but uh one more thing that I wanted to point out is the guy who's talking to him at the beginning of the trailer you think that maybe that could be that that cowboy guy that could be way that they can incorporate that character yeah that's a good observation yeah I was wondering if they would uh if that's who that character is and not you're talking about this this guy you only really see him from behind no you talking about this this guy right here the mysterious he looks like the dois guy he does stay thirsty my friend he's drinking a beer he's talking to advertising dois yeah you know I wish they would make him a skeleton because in the original Crow they actually filmed that they tried to and they just said itn't they cut it out you I don't know why but this is again that's a new element though but again we have a movie that's not trying to be the same as Martin said uh regardless of my opinions they could be doing something with this film that is uh that is different enough to separate it as his own thing I I hope it does I honestly I doubt that but I'm saying it's possible well you know I doubt it too but I'm not a hater I hope that it I hope I wish it all the success in the world I don't see it but hey whatever happens with it happens with it I mean I think to you know to to think you might catch lightning in a bottle again is foolish you just like you have to just know like it's not possible to do that and considering that the the sequel the crow 2 was so bad then you know this could only be a step a step up yeah well they already did a step up those home dvd versions were better than that movie cuz I remember I was waiting I love the crow so much I was waiting on that second movie to come out I was like godamn I like I was hurt I like wow y' y' y'all really didn't try to expand or explain okay this Crow remake has been in production hell for a long time like you remember like five six seven years ago they were talking about Bradley Cooper casted as a crow Bradley Cooper and then who's the winner soldier uh Sebastian Stan I think they talked about was hey y'all was they talking about Sebastian Stan I thought so being in yeah I think that I think they talk him no it's not a bad uh not not a bad choice all but uh didn't happen so so scar C's a good actor I I'm curious I think that he'll be able to bring something to the table with this but I don't know if it'll be enough yeah no he's he's a great actor there nothing against him nothing against anybody in this I'm just saying H just you big big shoes to fill and whether we want to stand on his own or not and appeal to the mainstream it does have the original looming over it the whole time it does I wish it was more artsy I you know yeah I just wish it had more of an original look to it you I really do but hey you know we'll see what happens we'll see what happens from the trailer I'm hoping that like his bullet holes don't fill in so by the end he just has like holes in them thought that would look really funny you know something that was making me laugh watching this is like when he was like oh I can be shot and not die so he's just letting them shoot like [ __ ] this still hurts though that's what I was thinking yeah godamn godamn godamn godamn godamn okay stop shooting me please well you made it to the end of the video that must mean you really like what we do so if you do check out these other videos just like this one check out our other YouTube channels and subscribe to join our wonderful toasty community and as always stay toasty
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 50,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Crow, The Crow trailer, The Crow trailer 2024, The Crow 2024, The Crow 2024 trailer reaction, The Crow 2024 trailer, The Crow 2024 bill Skarsgard, The Crow Bill Skarsgard, Bill Skarsgard, Bill Skarsgard The Crow, Crow, Trailer, Trailer Reaction, Reaction, Funny video, Double toasted, Double toasted podcast, Doubletoasted, Doubletoasted.com, Double toasted bites
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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