r/NuclearRevenge I WAS A DOUBLE AGENT FOR AN ART GALLERY! - Reddit Stories

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today we've got a great story of convincing  somebody to sabotage their own potential profits   we'll get into that in a bit but first how I gave  my ex something he couldn't get rid of for as long   as I can remember I've always had the biggest  crush on this schoolmate of mine but never could   I have ever imagined that the kind of way that I  was feeling for him was way different from how he   felt of me one would think that after the time we  spent with each other things would at least take a   turn for the better one way or the other but when  I eventually got to realize how he truly felt of   me and also listening to the particular words  he had used I was completely broken humiliated   and practically it was at that very moment that I  thought to myself that we were truly and obviously   over I guess the next thing at that juncture was  to move on from what had just happened and at   least find peace in knowing that for a fact things  weren't meant to be between the both of us but   not this time for this particular time or rather  instance I was not willing let up not one single   bit and I had even sworn to issue the same payback  in the same way I had inadvertently been wronged I   was set out on a personal mission my story goes  way back to when I was still in my late teenage   years I was overly hyper about the fact that I  was now legally an adult obviously as this was   quite normal for individuals my age at the time we  were still in high school and the norm back then   was to fit in or be left out and you could tell  with certainty that being left out was not a good   thing as there was quite a lot of downsides first  off there were the kids that were being given the   loser quite literally every area and aspect of the  school's social order but this wasn't the case for   me I had just turned 18 first off and I must say  I was the definition of perfect glowup or rather   the perfect transition to adulthood right when I  was in my penultimate year in high school I was   already receiving countless compliments from  various guys some of which actually caught my   fancy until the moment they unintentionally ruined  the Perfect Image I'd built of them inside my head   by speaking and acting in an unintellectual  manner I soon realized that things weren't   going to be smooth sailing for me and at some  point I'd already given up as the only thing I   wanted at this Venture was just to be able to have  someone I can call a friend and then that was when   everything practically changed as there was a  new transfer student who had just moved in from   a whole different District and in the middle of  the term at that this was quite unusual as it was   quite known throughout the entire school that this  kind of thing usually only happened to special   students or students of special circumstances  and by this kind of thing I quite literally mean   students transferring in at the middle of a school  term anyways the student that transferred in was   the topic of discussion for quite a while and this  was due to various factors the most predominant of   which were one he was a tall Australian na ative  who was perfect in the aspect of good looks two   he had one of the most pleasing accents to listen  to and whenever he spoke every single person that   was around would listen to him regardless of  whether he was speaking to the general public   or not and three there were instances where  he was placed alongside myself as people often   wondered what kind of a cute couple we would be  I originally wasn't all for those kinds of talks   as even though I was tempted quite a number of  times to make my move on him it just didn't seem   appropriate and I didn't want to come off the  same way the other girls had come off and so I   just respected myself and decided to be on my own  for the meantime and one would think that this was   going to be enough to allow for things to flow  normally however it wasn't I would most likely   guess that things escaped quite quickly because  of some of the friends he had come to associate   himself with and this is what prompted our first  conversation the time was just a few weeks prior   to the Winter Dance for the seniors and nearly  every single student that was present in the   school at the time was out in search of a partner  for the dance it was quite a scene to behold for   wherever you placed your sights there was always  a couple or two in sight who were most definitely   being all chummy with each other for the entirety  of the school to see for the sake of the Winter   Dance that was coming up in a few weeks and this  was something that was apparently of no concern   to me because for one thing I was particularly  uninterested in the dance not like I hated or   disliked the idea of the dance but I just didn't  fancy the hype behind the dance and the way every   other student was making it seem like this was the  final event we were going to attend as high school   seniors and all and so as I was getting proposals  from different guys who were all asking if there   was a possibility of them taking me to the dance  and myself being their partner for the dance and   all I outrightly turned every single one of them  down right then and there on the spot and this was   because I didn't like some of the guys that did  come to me but simply because I was uninterested   from the get-go and it didn't seem like any of  the guys had noticed this then the one thing I   had never imagined not even in my wildest dreams  had happened I finally came face to face with the   one person I had a silent crush on let's call him  Charlie Charlie approached me one day right after   school activities were concluded for the day and  he spoke to me in the gentlest and calming manner   almost making me lose my mind and all he basically  told me that he didn't know how he wanted to   approach me but he just decided to go with  anything that came to his mind Argo winging it   the way he approached me the mannerism in which he  spoke to me in fact quite literally every single   thing he said to me right then and there had  captivated me fully I was already eager to say yes   to him even before he was done speaking and all  but I had to stay composed and focused I was just   looking like I was actually keeping keeping my  cool at the time and when he was done introducing   himself and attempting to ask me to the dance I  couldn't take it anymore and I told him yes right   then and there and it was official this was the  first person I would have ever said yes to or ever   been this eager to say yes to we exchanged contact  information on that day and for the next few weeks   we were quite literally Inseparable he was perfect  regardless of the fact that we were complete and   total strangers to each other as at a few days ago  it was almost unbelievable at this point because   we were always together we had practically grown  on each other in the coming weeks and just as you   would expect the night for the Winter Dance was  already upon us and this was the night I'd been   dreaming of for the past few weeks if not months  in fact there was quite literally nothing that   was going to dissuade me from rightfully enjoying  that night to its fullest then almost randomly all   of a sudden he popped a question that caught me  completely off guard he actually asked if we could   be in a relationship like an actual relationship  together I was so surprised by what he said that   I couldn't answer right then and there I had to  think about it as everything seemed too good to   be true naturally there was no demerit to saying  yes in the scenario but I just didn't feel like   I had much of a choice considering the fact that  this was what I'd always wanted in all but still   it wasn't something I was too keen on saying yes  to right then in the there on the spot so I just   told him that I would give him a response within  the next 24 hours I don't know why but this just   seemed to tick him off greatly in fact and looking  back now I think I get why he felt that way but I   honestly just needed some time to resolve myself  so that everything would eventually work out fine   for me but unfortunately for me I had no idea  what he was planning behind my back as he had   already resolved himself to make me apparently  pay for rejecting him even though I clearly stated   that I just needed to think on it and greatly  resolve myself later on the next day literally   we met again like we usually did for the past  few weeks if not months and things were really   seeming quite different and I could already guess  why this was the case it was simply because of the   fact that I hadn't given him an answer to what  he asked me the day before and since I'd already   decided and made up my mind as it relates to his  question I immediately told him my stance on the   question he proposed the day before and although  he showed how excited he was in all honesty he   really didn't seem like it anyways after that day  things between the both of us became really tight   as we were already exploring deep parts of one  another the exploration even got so heated one   time during one of our makeouts that things were  on the verge of getting physically intense and I   didn't want to make it seem like I didn't want him  or anything and so I just went with the flow and   on that very day I was no longer a virgin this is  where where things start to get really interesting   a few days after that lovely moment we shared with  each other his mood had completely changed and so   did his attitude towards me I didn't know why and  just assumed he was going through stuff but when I   got wind of the information that was going around  school that I was as trampy and nasty as they come   there were also private details of myself that I  hadn't told or shown anyone that was circulating   too I began to wonder who could have said such  a thing about me I couldn't place it at first   but after spending sleepless nights trying  to figure out the source of said information   I finally did and I was surprised truly when I  found out that it came from none other than my   supposed boyfriend I was devastated I didn't even  know the next step to take from here and the only   thing on my mind was trying to get why he did  what he did and then I also got to have a peek   on his phone there was a conversation tagged  the boys and this was where he told them about   the moment we shared and how he had gotten what  he wanted from me and also how he was planning   on dumping me right after I lost it right then and  there but I wanted him to feel what I felt at that   moment and so the only thing that came to mind was  to give him something that he couldn't rid himself   of an infection and not just any infection a  terminal one the process of how I got what I   needed is quite long but the bottom line is I was  able to get it I got to nickim with the sample   I got on me one day while we were hanging out  and that was all it took I only got to find out   a few years later after we had broken up that he  was seriously ill and needed support for medical   bills and all I just smirked as I knew right then  and there that I had succeeded with my payback are   you telling me that op just easy Eed somebody I  don't know how op can share a story like that and   then gloss over the fact that they got some kind  of sample or needle or something that had some   kind of terminal illness sample in it and gave  it to that guy if there was ever a detail to   elaborate on is Opie like afraid of implicating  themselves that said our next story is jerk boss   harasses my girlfriend so I get him fired there  was a time when I 29-year-old male used to love my   job I'm talking about a time when I'll wake up on  a Monday morning with a smile on my face because I   was excited to go to work okay that never happened  but you get the idea back then I never felt a   sense of dread at the thought of going to work  that was during the time when we had a good head   of Department Mike 49-year-old male Mike was a  cool guy he was the head of the sales department   and everyone loved him he wasn't your typical boss  he was literally one of the guys he never made us   feeling furier because he had a higher position  during lunch breaks he would sit with us and make   jokes sometimes he'd even go with us during our  cooworker Hangouts which we do on Fridays and we   would drink and have a fun time together he  was our friend and the best boss I ever had   but then something happened in the department  the accounting department found out that some   money had been going missing over the course of a  few months when they did their investigation they   discovered that some guys in the sales department  had been doing some shady deals and they were   promptly arrested and fired Mike was also fired  because he was the head of the department and he   hadn't caught wind of that error for so long after  he was fired the company brought in a guy named   Kevin Kevin 35-year-old male was the exact oppos  opposite of Mike he was everything our former   boss wasn't arrogant egotistical and an allaround  jerk he always did everything to remind us that   he was the boss I mean on the first day he started  working with us he fired our department assistant   he said she wasn't as efficient as he wanted  so she had to go the next day he fired William   the office clown and one of my close work friends  we were having a very boring meeting and William   said something to lighten up the mood Kevin said  he spoke out of turn which was disrespectful to   him and the company this wasn't the first time  William would make jokes during meetings I mean   that was how we earned the title office clown  within a short period of time everyone in the   office had grown to hate Kelvin he turned what  used to be a fun Lively workspace into a prison   where no one wanted to be in my perspective  I'd say Kelvin was greatly insecure about his   position as head of the department and he felt  like he had to do all that to show his power   I guess it'll make him more respected in the  office but instead it just made everyone hate   him I personally didn't have any problems with  him I wasn't the type of person to speak out of   turn I prefer to blend in the background instead  of standing out because I don't like being in   the spotlight I also did my work on time and made  sure to be as efficient as possible so he wouldn't   have problems with me but blending into the  background only worked for so long on the day of   the company's 15th anniversary we had a party in  the CEO's mansion the invite said we could bring a   plus one so I decided to invite my new girlfriend  Penny 25-year-old female I'd been talking to my   co-workers and friends about her so I decided that  the party was the best time to let them meet her   officially when we got to the party I introduced  her to my friends and after talking for a while   I excused myself to go get a drink for both of us  I wasn't gone for up to 5 minutes but by the time   I got back my friends were no longer with Penny  instead she was in the company of Kelvin from afar   I could tell that she was uncomfortable and so I  walked over to meet her I asked if everything was   okay Calvin looked at me for a moment and asked  who I was this was the man I'd been working under   for the past 3 months that's one of the downsides  of blending in I guess I introduced myself and he   laughed saying he didn't recognize me he made  a comment about me not standing out and even   though it was meant as an insult I decided to let  it slide I passed one of the champagne glasses to   Penny and I tried to excuse ourselves from Kelvin  but he asked what the rush was then he asked me to   get him a glass of champagne since he was still  getting to know Penny I refused and pointed to   where he could get a glass for himself I did this  as politely as I could but he still took offense   he accused me of undermining him and said he could  fire me but I immediately told him that we weren't   at work so I could refuse his request besides the  work description never said that I had to get him   drinks at parties he was still fuming when I left  his sight Penny asked if it was to infuriate him   that way but I told her not to worry about it I  could do anything to stay in the background and   away from his sight but I'll never allow him to  harass my girl not in my presence anyways I soon   learned that Kelvin didn't take my refusal to get  him a drink lightly the next day he came into my   office and looked around till he set his eyes  on me he dropped a heap of files on my desk and   told me to attend to them before the Days end this  was the type of job that he would share with four   people and even then it's almost impossible to  look through all those reports and properly work   on them before the Days end I knew he was trying  to punish me so I decided that I wouldn't give him   the satisfaction of seeing me break besides I'd  cleared out my task for the day the previous day   which was Sunday so I could spend all my time on  the report documents he gave to me by the end of   the day I was done with 70% of them I went over to  submit them and told them that I would do the rest   the next day but he refused he made some flimsy  the excuses about needing the report that day and   that I should spend the entire night working on  it if I had to but I should make sure I finished   it I expected that already and that was why I had  my phone on record before I went into his office   I pleaded with him that I had to go home because  I had a medical condition and I left my pills at   home he said he didn't care and that if I couldn't  finish the job that night I was fired I decided to   stay back and some of my friends also decided to  join in and help me finish within an hour we were   done that wasn't the only time Kelvin bullied me  because of our altercation at the party sometimes   he'd resort to sending me on errands meant for the  office assistance I didn't complain as long as it   was during my work hours this went on for some  time and I'd already gotten used to his Antics   but one day Kelvin decided to step out of line  the day before this fateful day I got home late   because I encountered a little traffic on the  way home so I got to bed late and woke up late   I rushed to prepare for work and when I got in my  car and drove to work I realized that I forgot my   lunch on the kitchen counter I couldn't go back  for it because I was already late and I was trying   to avoid being more late anyway I got to work and  Kelvin had a field day ranting at me about not   taking my job seriously he even threatened to fire  me but he decided to pardon me he couldn't fire me   because if he did his revenge would be over and  he'd have to find a new person to pick on which   could be very tiring anyways as usual he gave me a  bunch of work to do and after a few hours of being   buried with work one of my co-workers called me  and told me that Penny was looking for me she had   texted me earlier about forgetting my lunch and  even though I told her not to bother bringing it   she did I left my table to go look for her when I  stepped into the hallway I saw her walking toward   me with fire in her eyes at first I thought I'd  done something wrong but when she got close cl to   me she told me my boss Kelvin harassed her I was  taken aback I asked her what she meant and she   told me that when she walked into the office  she saw him and he stretched out his hand to   shake her when she took his hand to shake him he  pulled her in and hugged her but it wasn't just   an ordinary hug he pressed her chest against him  and his hand brushed against her butt more than   once she tried to pull away but he didn't let her  I told her to show me where it happened and when   she did I realized that it was the one blind spot  that the office floor had I was so pissed that   I wanted to confront him immediately but I knew  it wasn't smart he would just deny it and since   there was no evidence nothing would be done so I  decided to make a better plan I'd been recording   all the times Kelvin had been mistreating me but  I didn't think it was enough so I decided to push   him to do something stupid in the few months I've  known him I knew how fragile his ego is and I was   sure he would react if his ego is BR cruised so  the next week during our strategy meeting he made   a suggestion on how to drive sales for the next  quarter and I opposed him I made his idea sound   stupid I'd already told my co-workers my plan and  so I told them to laugh when I undermined his idea   when they did he got so Furious that he walked  over to me grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me   to the ground I fell and faked an injury I made  it seem so serious that I had to be helped out   of the meeting room I went straight to HR and  made my complaint my case went straight to the   disciplinary board and I told them all that had  been happening I gave them all the recordings I'd   made and when they listened to it they called in  kelvin of course he denied ever mistreating me but   then they called in 10 of my co-workers to testify  they all said the same thing that he was a toxic   boss and a bully and he had gotten physical with  me on different occasions after hearing all that   they decided I was telling the truth and they put  Kelvin on an indefinite leave after a month or so   they fired him and brought in a new sales head  we all celebrated when we heard that he'd been   fired it was a joyful moment for the entire  department I'm just confused why this guy was   put on an indefinite suspension for over a month  I'm hoping it was more for just until they could   find somebody to replace them and not a let scour  to try to find if there's any way we can salvage   this and still retain this guy that said our next  story is I convinced a client not to show her work   at my boss's Art Gallery one morning I woke up  early dressed up nicely and left for the airport   I had registered my car with Uber the year before  but I hardly ever had any time to work my driving   job on that day I dusted my ID and got to work I  knew about the woman I wanted to give a ride to I   had read extensively about her and I knew she was  more likely to use the services of a young female   driver let's call this woman Mrs P I parked at  the airport hoping that day was my lucky day and   that somehow the person I was looking for Finds  Me Fortune smiled at me when after two hours of   being at the airport my phone beeped it was her  assistant trying to book a ride I quickly accepted   the ride before any of the other drivers at the  airport beat me to it and drove to the side of   the airport they were in one thing I learned from  my online customer service course is this an okay   service will not get you noticed but an excellent  service will ensure sure that your client never   forgets you I decided to do what I'd always  done provide excellent service when Mrs P and   her assistant spotted my car I immediately got out  to help with the heavy luggage they had with them   I'm quite small so it was a funny sight seeing me  trying to carry the heavy luggage into the trunk   of my car Mrs P was amused but from her expression  I could tell that she was impressed that I could   carry that luggage then it was time to carry  the last piece the reason I was there a large   piece of art belonging to Mrs P's late cousin  careful dear it is fragile she said as I lifted   it her assistant helped me we got into the car  and I began the ride while in the car I heard her   assistant berate her for not letting any of the  art curators they'd spoken to pick them up from   the airport she said she knew they would have a  special vehicle for moving artworks and expressed   her worry that the artwork in my trunk would  be destroyed in the process of transporting it   from one place to the other I smiled sweetly and  assured her that nothing of the sort would happen   my trunk was safe and clean I then asked her if  she would be needing a driver all through her   stay in the city and offered to drive her around  whenever she needed me she thanked me and asked   her assistant to take my number when I took her  to her hotel and she tipped me heavily I knew I'd   made a good first impression I could have chipped  in that I knew about art or asked about the   artwork sitting in my trunk but I didn't want my  little pre-planned event to seem planned I either   got lucky again or made a great first impression  the next day because her assistant called me that   evening to ask if I'll be available to drive her  boss to an art gallery the next day I told her I   would be available the next morning I got dressed  in my office attire I worked at an art gallery and   my boss was very specific about us looking good I  also took care to do my makeup properly and make   sure it flattered my face when I went to pick her  up Mrs P looked pleasantly surprised by how good   I looked she asked what the the occasion was and I  told her it was just my regular job her assistant   eyed me curiously and asked what my regular job  was when I told them I worked in an art gallery   they asked which one and then they both exchanged  glances Mrs P then mentioned that she was going   to be showing her cousin's art and hour Gallery  later that month I pretended to be surprised but   I already knew of course she then complimented  how good I looked and we talked a bit about art   and her late cousin who was the creator of the art  artifacts she would be showing in our Gallery I   dropped her off at the art gallery she was going  to and drove away after driving Mrs P and her   assistant to the gallery I went back to my job  where my boss hadn't paid me for 3 months she'd   traveled briefly to a new country and that was the  only reason I had free time on my hands to drive   Mrs P around my boss was a self-absorbed woman she  was only concerned about her success and looking   good she never just did anything nice for anyone  whatever she did was to make her look better or to   promote her image she was also for very strange  reasons jealous of all the women who worked for   her and for some even stranger reason she was  meaner to me than she was to the other ladies at   work she gave me so much work that many times I'd  have to take my work home my ex used to be very   confused about what exactly I did for a living he  didn't understand why working in an art gallery   had to be that demanding I tolerated my boss for  a very long long time because I wanted to become   a curator in the future too I enjoyed being around  art I always have when I got the job there I was   excited I was just certain that I had gotten the  job that would change my life forever my boss's   Studio was a reputable one and everyone knew she  was a smart woman who knew her business however   after my first interview with her it was almost  as though she hated me yet loved me she wanted   me to come and work for her because she valued my  intelligence but she also seemed to be intimidated   by me or just annoyed that someone else was good  at what she did I resumed work at the office and   I've been miserable ever since my boss yells  at everyone at work she yells at me even more   she criticizes my work clothes all the time even  though I'm the kind of girl to dress nicely and   wear heels she just had a problem with whatever I  wore at first I was terrified of my boss I feared   her criticism and loud voice but I soon understood  that she was that way because she felt smaller   around me and was trying to compensate for that at  first I felt ridiculous for even thinking that but   it became very obvious after my boss I was the one  who was most knowledgeable about art at work yet   she never promoted me she kept me close enough to  use my ideas and knowledge but she never promoted   me or gave me a raise I worked very hard at work  but she never acknowledged my contributions the   more valuable my contributions were the more  she resented me the last draw that broke the   C camel's back was how she treated me when I fell  while carrying a molded pot in the gallery she had   told the gallery staff that the gallery needed an  uplift and asked us to get rid of some art pieces   and replace them with new collections the pot was  one of those pieces usually we save the old ones   in the store and bring them out during auction  sales or they could come back in style and we   put them back on display but my boss thought that  that pot was uninteresting and wanted to get rid   of it she even told her assistant that she was  willing to sell it for a cent just to get rid of   it while I was carrying the pot down the stairs  I heard her yell my name so I panicked and fell   the pot fell too and it chipped a bit at the top  my boss was mad she told me the pot was worth 5   months of my salary even when I just heard her  talk about how she was willing to sell it for   literally any amount I thought she was bluffing  until my paycheck didn't come in for the first   month I was frustrated but I decided I would  work hard and earn from the sales commission   then that was going fine for me until I learned  that my boss had sold the pot not only did she   sell the pot for a good price but one of the  reasons the buyer was so interested in the pot   was because of the chip at the top yet my boss  kept this to herself and deducted my salary for   that month that was when I told myself that I was  going to get back at her in a big way I contacted   another gallery and told them I could help them  become the major Art Gallery in the City and they   asked what I could do I started to tell buyers to  check their Gallery but I was very careful about   it I was getting commissions for sales I made at  another gallery while in the gallery I worked at   when I found out that Mrs P wanted to show her  late cousins art exclusively at our Gallery I   decided that I was going to get her to change  her mind one to get revenge on my boss losing   Mrs P was going to be a huge loss for her and  the gallery especially since she had bragged to   everyone that Mrs P had agreed to an exclusive  and the art was highly sought after secondly I   didn't even think my boss was so passionate about  art she knew her art well enough to slap a price   on them but she was really all about money for  a week I drove Mrs P around the city we talked   about art culture and work it was nice she told me  about her late cousin and how he had a stroke at a   very young age she also talked about how despite  his illness he still painted we talked about how   some people are all just about the money and not  the message that art passes and I told her that   my boss was one of such people she nodded and said  that she'd noticed that my boss had a cold stare I   told her I understood what she meant and left what  I'd said to marinate one evening Mrs P asked me to   drive her around the city again and I obliged her  she asked if she could ask an honest question and   I told her she could she asked if I thought the  gallery I worked at was a good place to show her   lady cousins art she said his ghost would haunt  her forever if she sold his work to someone who   just wanted to make a business transaction we  had a long conversation about it and I convinced   her to use the other Gallery I had been secretly  working for when my boss returned and found out   that Mrs P was no longer interested in showing  her cousin's art at the gallery she was upset   she flipped and got mad Mrs P even told me that  my boss had threatened to sue her but of course   that wasn't possible see as no formal contract  had been made and Mrs P sponsored her trip to   the city the curators at the other Gallery were so  impressed with my hard work that they offered me a   significant position in their gallery and I took  it my former co-workers told me that my boss went   red when she found out about what I'd done but it  was too late and I stopped caring about how she   felt I mean I'm willing to bet that op stopped  caring how their boss felt a while back I mean   to go behind their back and start getting clients  to the other Gallery let alone the fact that the   boss was doing something clearly that had to have  been illegal by holding those checks back trying   to get away with not paying op for what 5 months  makes it pretty easy to start selling clients to   a different place but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want to   hear another crazy Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest video   check out that video on the right that said I'll  see you all next time with some more stories is
Channel: Storytime
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: 67jqQJdYyps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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