r/NuclearRevenge ft. r/SupernovaRevenge | fresh | STORY TIME ep. 27

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what is on my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another storytime episode with the most highly requested revenge subreddit out their nuclear revenge with a dash of supernova revenge destroy my mailbox how about I end your football career so I lived in a small suburb in the dallas-fort Worth area of Texas most of my young life in the 80s and 90s in this town high school football at it American football where everyone smashes into each other like a bunch of savages was like a local religion and the Booster Club was like the Mafia even going as far as buying off the cops to let their precious football star kids run amuck across town usually pinning the blame for their shenanigans on bad kids like myself I wasn't popular in fact I was quite the opposite because in a small town in the mid 90s a nerdy grungy metalhead with no interest in sports such as myself stuck out like a sore thumb my home and property was often the subject of vandalism much to me and my dad's annoyance the most annoying thing was having to buy a new mailbox like every few days because it would be smashed to bits one day me and a couple pals were poking around a scrap yard when I found a metal pole with a flat piece of metal across the top ideas started churning in my head I dragged it home along with some other metal scraps and welded together a 100-plus pound invincible steel mailbox and cemented it into the ground where our flimsy stainless steel one used to be my dad high-fived me for the ingenuity and the welding skills I learned in shop class over a week went by and no mailbox incidents happened but at school there was a huge buzz because one of the star football players seriously messed up his shoulder he had a football scholarship waiting for him when he graduated but that was ended as his injury left him unable to play ever again I never put two and two together until my dad got a summons to court for the malicious injury of jockey mikdash bag it turns out this jackass was the one destroying my mail boxes he would have his friends driving past my house in his car at a high speed while he smacked it with a baseball bat why he leaned from the passenger side window when I installed the solid steel mailbox he tried the same thing and well bye-bye shoulder bye bye football career the lawsuit against me and my dad never got off the ground the parents dropping it when my dad's lawyer successfully wrangled a change of venue due to threatening answering machine messages from the local Booster Club I felt a little bad at first as I never intended to destroy this guy's dreams for the future but now that I look back on it he brought it all on himself for being an entitled piece of scum well here's where the judgment call comes in on the intent of this revenge really I think that Opie was simply trying to protect his property financially and that there is no case against him this wasn't a trap and the football star was entirely at fault but the results were relatively cataclysmic losing a football scholarship is no joke especially in a town like that how would you guys rate this revenge EK tries to get me arrested enjoy your own criminal record background info this happened when I was in sophomore year and was a bit of a nerd but in a weird phase where I was actually starting to get some confidence I spent the last two years thinking about launching an online business back when Shopify wasn't as popular in prominent and finally started to keep on track so I spent several weeks going to wholesale websites gathering products designing the websites etc once it launches I decide to start small and only use my school district as the target market of course there is mistrust with the system because no one takes a high school kid with an Amazon esque website seriously but after a while and some small purchases I had a decent customer base with around 10 to 25 orders per week this was first when the school found out about it and the assistant principal person designated to watch our specific graduation class for all four years we were there calls me down to his office and basically lectures me on the importance of the legality and on how I need to change the name of the website basically I named it after the school which was named after a well-known politicians family and they didn't want legal issues I did a lot of homework involving this and legally checked everything especially since I was a minor and I didn't want to cause any issues from my own family I didn't care that much I had been meaning to reboot the site and make it more lighter and modern anyways I changed the name and moved on issues begins now ek was a highly manipulative kid he was one of those unlikable and bratty people who made up stories to attract girls and popularity he always bragged he was gonna be rich because of how rich his parents were girls would be obsessed with him he was gonna be in movies basically all sorts of delusional claims I started out being uneasy friends with him meaning I just talked to him in class but I slowly drifted away from him because he would constantly flirt and harass these two girls even though they told him not to and I tried to stop him most of our entire grade didn't like this kid but then he claims he owned the website and ran it and if anyone knows marketing an unsavory person with ownership is bad for business so I confront him and he apologizes saying that he'll retract his claims and say the truth the next day he did the exact opposite and spread rumors of how the situation happened in the opposite manner this angered me and he forced my hand I went straight to the site and made a notification post an email to all of my customers saying that due to several circulating rumors about our business we would like to remind our customers that DK does not own the website nor is he connected with us in any way shape or form thank you for your service please be sure to check out our Easter Sale embarrassed entitled kid makes the most insane claim that I have ever heard that I'm using the website to launder and sell drugs and weapons through school post Columbine this was taken very seriously and I was called down to the office where I found my AP and three police officers waiting for me they questioned me the web site etc while patting me down and searching my backpack jacket and belongings they freaked out when they saw a condom and credit card knife yeah it's my own damn fault for having a blade at school but I was an EDC guy who never did anything honestly I wasn't as embarrassed as I was worried for the optics on this they considered this plausible intent and cause and I was handcuffed and put into a police cruiser a pretty comfy Dodge Charger to be honest as they headed over to my house and called my mom telling them the situation they asked to let them search my room and only my room and my mom obliges with us being immigrants she didn't want any trouble and she probably couldn't think straight from seeing her son in tan cuffs it entered me for a cop to hold me against the wall while I'm restrained while two more turned to my room upside down looking for something that didn't exist while my mother cried her eyes out as this was happening they didn't find anything of interest except this out of school project I was working on it was a fire gloves project to search it up I had three of them and parts for at least three more the officers asked me what it was and how it worked I told them the basics and it was for science fair they took them in his evidence and questioned the legality of the gloves while taking pictures along with the single canister of butane fuel I get suspension for three and a half days the rest of my school day was in school suspension aka isolation but no criminal charges since there was no evidence well no dahhh I checked the offices sign-in sheet whenever we talked to an AP or assistant principal they keep a record of the time name and date of when someone comes in as I signed out to I see one name before my own entitled kids parent my anger doubles as all I can think of is ways to kill him but I calm myself saying that his time will come the next three days allow me to plan for my revenge revenge time one of my friends had a recording of how ek said he wanted to push a girl off a balcony at a party they both were at because she rejected him maybe somehow that recording was emailed to the police department teachers and several students threw a throwaway email I recorded him stalking this girl from school and all the way to her house and peeking in through her windows this didn't happen once twice but four times this was edited almost like a montage and emailed as well once every five weeks the school brought in drug dogs I saw canine police car in the parking lot and quickly texted my friend that was a pothead I told him to bring a weed brownie and put it in a Ches bag when during second period which was at the other side of the school so he wouldn't get caught this one swimmingly as hallway banter was filled with ek being caught with drugs in school and result ek was expelled had a restraining order filed on him by the girl along with two others who came forward and had a court case the next month the second girl had a boyfriend who was a classmate of mine and I let him know what he was doing somehow the guy found out where he lived and him and his friends keyed his car slashed his tires stole his shoes and jumped him he was found guilty for possession of marijuana I don't know the real charge but the state I live in is very strict with weed this resulted in several months of juvenile detention where he was beat up even more where he is now I don't know but I doubt he succeeded like how he bragged he would I spent the rest of the year in a very peaceful mindset clearly Opia enacted the revenge that he saw fit and while it was about as cool and calculated as any that I've seen part of me feels like it shouldn't have been necessary with ek visit - the assistant principal on the books it should be clear to school and local law officials that he was making both dangerous and slanderous accusations about Opie planting drugs on him effectively destroyed his immediate life but was it supernova worthy I wanted my father to understand I wasn't coming my parents divorced when I was in first grade not only did my dad disappear like Houdini he stole my mother's ATM card to her personal account and drained her drop my mother being the saint she is didn't even bat an eye she still was cordial to him and never said a negative word about him to me my dad albeit abandoning us was still my hero from 1st through 5th grade I had the usual abandoned by dad stories maybe one or two visits in a year and fifty times of me waiting by the front window with my suitcase packed to go to his house and him never showing up my mom through all of this was supportive and never said an ill word about him so he still stayed my hero when I was in sixth grade my mother finally remarried and my father who only had a picture of me at eight months old in his wallet went ballistic did I mention he never paid child support he would use his father's social they had the same name to get away with it after my mom remarried he let it be known that I was now my stepdads responsibility he cut off communication with me until I graduated high school he didn't attend my graduation or send a card what he did do was write me an email thanking God he no longer had to pay child support he didn't anyway what really broke me was his ruthless and brutal attack on my mother attacking her wait looks teeth and blaming any perceived negative traits that I had on her for the first time I realized what a cowardly piece of trash she was I responded in kind he told me I was no child of his and that I was a waste after that I vowed that I would hurt him ten years later my father not interested in my wedding or my son reached out to me you see he's a diabetic and one of his organs was failing and he didn't have long he's too far down on the wait list and he needed someone in our family to donate nuclear revenge activated I answered his email I met up with him and pretended that I didn't hate his guts I went and got tested to see if I was a match I was did the therapy and met with doctors and his therapist we scheduled the surgery the day of the surgery we met at the hospital I smiled in his face and let him know that I wouldn't be going through with the surgery I watched the confusion line his face I just wanted you to know that you're no father to me and you're a waste I left the hospital and drove home my mom was pretty annoyed with me that I took it that far my father is dying and I will be attending the funeral out of spite and I will let everyone know what a piece of trash she was TLDR father abandoned me and called me a waste later in life he needs an organ I agree and match with him and abandon him at the hospital the day of the surgery after calling him a waste he will die and I will ruin his funeral I absolutely hate to see such a kind woman be taken advantage of like this and I can see why Opie snapped when his father so blatantly failed to return the honestly undeserved kindness respect and restraint that his mother had shown was it going too far to fake him into thinking his life would be saved with a donor organ I'll leave that up for you guys to decide be sure to vote in the poll Park in our disabled spot enjoy selling your home so my little sister who is the sweetest girl in the world is 12 years old but can't walk or communicate her mental age is around 6 months she obviously cannot attend a regular school but since we live in a big city there is a wonderful school for kids like her even though we don't own a car since we don't need one we got the city to put up signs in front of our house designating a 4-meter spot for wheelchair pick-up and drop-off for her school bus every morning and afternoon the signs went up perhaps two years ago and after the first week we never really had any issues since most of our neighbors are wonderful and totally understanding of our designated spot for some context we live in perhaps a poorer community though were well-off but in our nine years here we've had nothing but great interactions with everyone sadly the neighborhood is gentrifying and we're getting more self-centered people with their own Mercedes Benz or Audi x' honking while my sister gets loaded onto her school bus which takes around four minutes but does block our little street this really pisses us off as well as the other sane people that witness it naively we thought this would be the extent of our unpleasant interactions in September we woke up like on any other Monday morning to find a shiny BMW parked in our disabled spot it wasn't just partially in it it was positioned perfectly to take up the entire spot to make things worse there were about a dozen open spots on the block and it's not like they were all vacated that morning since we woke up at 6 a.m. we were baffled I had seen this car many times since last July and it was definitely the same car since there aren't many burgundy sports cars in our neighborhood it was usually parked about 20 meters south on our streets so we knew it belonged to a neighbor a few doors down we did all the basics in this type of situation we took a picture took down the license plate and called the police to report it the cops came by within the hour and wrote a big fat ticket I believe it was for $700 but don't quote me on it anyways it was a significant amount at around noon a smug angry guy came knocking on my door I had the day off from school and was home on my own it was obvious that this was the owner of the car so I made a quick decision to record the conversation or screaming match on my phone I opened the door and before I could say a thing the douche lays into me I'm a 16 year old guy and he's in his mid-40s midlife crisis maybe he accuses me of all things ranging from putting up those signs this morning to frame him to being racist he was East Asian I believe but we have a really diverse community he goes on to say that disabled spots shouldn't even be a thing that it's always empty totally shooting himself in the foot based on his previous comments that we should pay for his undeserved ticket that it wasn't even in inconvenience in the spot next to his was free and my sister could just get on the bus from there bla bla bla once he finished I said ok and shut the door on his furious face he rang the doorbell another five times before storming off to my satisfaction the recording caught everything fairly clearly in the evening I told my parents what had happened and gave my dad a copy of the recordings we have a pretty tight-knit community for the most part and there is a neighborhood Facebook group with around 3,000 members my dad decided to post a summary of what happened along with the recording and a picture of the car in our spot on the page there was an immediate uproar with people saying they would fight back or whatever we were humbled by the feeling that our community was standing up for us but we didn't think anything would come of it the next day I leave the house and go to school and walk by the guys car back in his normal spot and noticed that the front right tire was deflated upon closer inspection it was slashed as I said our community is tight-knit but I can't say I expected anything like this to happen the guy must have seen the Facebook post because he didn't come back to our house to complain or accuse us of anything the following weeks were sweet whenever I saw him in public people would go up to him and remind him that he was a horrible human being a bit harsh in my opinion but they weren't my words in November his house had a for sale sign in the window the house market had also gone down by a bit I'm always kind of curious about how much houses similar to ours are selling for compared to how much we paid for ours in 2011 so I knew what he paid for it in July once I saw that for sale sign I rushed home and checked the local house listings and lo and behold he was selling for ninety thousand dollars less than what it was going for in July he really wanted to get out of our neighborhood while his crime wasn't nearly worth ninety thousand I must say that I don't feel bad worst case scenario he sells that obnoxious car of his which would easily cover the lost money let's just say that we haven't had a single car parked in my sister spot since this right here is a fantastic one-two punch of revenge and karma karma was gonna do its thing but it needed a bit of a push in the right direction and once that Facebook post gained enough traction that he felt the immediate need to move his monetary fate was sealed call it karma for his greed or entitlement but this is definitely a special kind of stars aligning just right revenge be sure to let me know what you guys think thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily reddit content drop a like if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow
Channel: fresh
Views: 940,659
Rating: 4.8895941 out of 5
Keywords: fresh, reddit, fresh reddit, f r e s h, revenge, reddit revenge, r/revenge, r/nuclear revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, r/supernova revenge, supernova revenge, nuclear revenge, revenge stories, r/pro revenge, story time, reddit read, reddit cringe, fail, cringe
Id: kR2EkmUldEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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