r/MaliciousCompliance - You Are Not My Boss! - Ok, Then You Will Be Fired

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request and the first story is seriously over a candy bar I have two part-time jobs as a library assistant for two separate libraries in my area the first one is one of the best jobs I've ever had it's a small library but super fun I love my co-workers and my trustees are usually pretty cool the second one well it's a larger library my coworkers are super nice but one of my trustees does not like me I've been here almost a year and she seems like she's out to get me well yesterday kind of proved it so one of our most frequently broken rules is that you're not allowed to eat in a library you can have food in the conference room if there's an event or your staff here's the problem I only work solo shifts and the conference room is on the exact opposite side of the library seriously the front desk is in the front left side of the building and the conference room is in the back right so if I go to eat my dinner in there and a patron how we refer to customers because they don't really purchase anything comes in then it takes me a minute to reach them or I risk them having to come find me because I didn't hear the bell on the door so typically I eat my dinner at the desk for maximum customer service my boss head librarian understands this and has no problem with this as long as I clean up well yesterday one of my favorite patrons came in he's super nice and owns an old-fashioned candy shop up the road now he's tried to tip me before but I have told him I can't because I'll get in trouble so the last couple times he's been in he's given me a candy bar as a thank-you sometimes it'll be one he made his caramel pretzels are amazing but sometimes he just brings me his Snickers or something he'll only bring me the pretzels and homemade stuff if they're fresh seriously he makes the pretzels by hand and everything well yesterday I helped him out and per usual he gives me a huge crispy heart chocolate because Valentine's is coming up and he knows I'm quirky and loved holidays I come to work every day wearing a crocheted burger hat that my mom made me and typically a nerdy dresser shirt I'm not the kind of person who hides my geekiness so he leaves and I sit at the desk to eat my candy one happy little nerd when in comes my trusty who we will now refer to as entitled woman I've just taken a large bite of my candy when she comes in and turns to the desk where I'm sitting and levels me with her glare and a smile worthy of a Batman villain because she thinks she's got me entitled woman what are you doing me after swallowing my chocolate oh I finished putting the books away and I was just about entitled woman you can't eat out here you have to eat in the conference room it's policy me internally going WTF it's just a candy bar entitled woman are you arguing with me all food must be in the conference room it's policy me but I eat at the desk all the time sooo head librarian not a real name said it was okay because I work alone and that way I'm not running from the other side of the library entitled woman you've done this before me yes sue knows entitled woman well then she sounds totally offended and walks off to find a book and I think it's over if it were over would I be here I come in the next afternoon to find a written warning from her and Sue sue apologized and said she has to sign its show it's been seen and dealt with and tells me not to worry much about it oh no I'm not worried about it I'm so mad well I began to sit and stew about this until I saw the note about the trustee meeting tomorrow night sue leaves me a note to remind me every month so I know that I can't get to the microwave in the conference room and to bring a sandwich instead of something hot I'm fairly mischievous and my dad is the king of malicious compliance so I know exactly what I have to do so last night before I come in I get all the fixings from the grocery store to make a loaded nachos for dinner chilli cheese the works so I get into work and the trustee meeting has just started and I know entitled woman has a big presentation for the meeting so I sit and wait when I start to get hungry I politely knock on the conference room door and enter entitled woman had just started her presentation me sorry to interrupt I just need to make dinner since I'm not allowed to eat at the desk sue immediately clues into what's about to happen and shakes her head with a smile I take it as my go ahead for what I'm doing entitled woman whatever just hurry up so I go to the microwave and start my work you heat up the chilli first and while that's cooking in our very loud microwave I start fussing with the chips making as much racket as I can Annie I have my back to her I can feel the glare once my chili is done I put the nachos in and microwave those next while mixing in some chopped peppers from the supermarket with the chili for a bit of extra crunch nachos beep loudly and I take them out whoops not enough cheese and not melted enough add more and in they go this goes on a bit and I'm finally done with my nachos entitled woman is fuming at how loud I am and it doesn't stop there I sit in their vacant seat next to sue who is red in the face trying not to laugh and I then start eating my nachos so they're loud and crunchy as it is but I typically don't eat crunchy food because I'm a loud chewer due to a click in my jaw from an old injury so it's extra loud and annoying entitled woman is red with anger and I just sit happily eating the sweetest nachos I've ever tasted until entitled woman's presentation is over and my plate is empty I clean the dishes and go back to the desk with a smug grin fast-forward to today when I come in and Sue tells me that from now on the trustees would prefer me to eat my dinner at the front desk victory edit talk to sue she told me that the food policy was going to be updated and wants to sit down with me to work out the food bit with her and my co-worker so that we can all make sure the new policy is to all our satisfaction I know you guys aren't too happy with Sue but who do you think explain to the trustees why quiet little local anime nerd was so rude and chomped through the meeting because as we all know with karent's it certainly was an entitled woman I'm also totally dreading the fact that I kind of forgot that once the next trustees meeting comes up I'll be requesting a small amount of money to do a Dungeons & Dragons program and it's something they have to vote on or else I'll have to go to our friends if the library group a group of patrons who donate a large sum of money to help our librarians fund programs they believe in that the trustees do not so potential part 2 and perhaps I'll update when I find out the second story is you're a dishwasher wash down these dangerous kitchen knives Thanks our slash for introducing me to this subreddit first time post this story comes from one of my previous jobs when I was a dishwasher at a local Convention Center because it was a convention center many different events were held during weekend nights the event always involved 300 plus people and that meant the server team had to wait until they all clear out to start cleaning up everything and the dishwashing team had to wait for them which meant our jobs went until 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. when our shifts were supposed to end around 12:00 to 1:00 a.m. most servers understood what we were going through and were nice enough to clean up huge food scraps off the plates and trays so all we had to do was run it through the dishwashing machine once now as dishwashers we were supposed to wash down pretty much everything except for kitchen knives servers used kitchen knives to cut cakes or cook meat and it was their job to clean them down the water that we used to soak kitchen wares got murky really quick and you can guess how dangerous it was for someone to try to grab sharp knives I even heard one of the ex dishwashers sliced his wrist open almost to the tendon plus the water was really dirty so any cuts you make on your hands had a high risk of infection as such dirty kitchen knives weren't allowed at all in the dishwashing area it was clearly stated in the company policy book almost every server didn't mind washing down the knives as they were simple tasks as opposed to the number of stuff dishwashers washed down inter GA cm the jerk catering manager he joined our convention center about two months after I started to work there and he immediately made clear he wasn't there to make connections he was so business oriented and profit focused making the server team do all the heavy lifting while he casually talked with the event planners he was one of those people who smiled and laughed with the other guests while going all gung-ho to the servers and even dishwashers we were part of kitchen staff which was a separate department from the catering group meaning JCM had no jurisdiction over us many complaints were made from both the servers and dishwashers to which JCM completely denied and said they're just being lazy and don't want to do their job I have the hardest job of managing both the guests and the staff one night it was particularly busy and both the servers and dishwashers were busting their ass it was so busy to the point where we had to wash down the dirty plates twice so they can be used again I was pretty much the dishwasher team lead and was running back and forth between the dishwashing area and behind the curtain area collecting dishes and managing temporary staff I am really not the type to multitask so I was flustered JCM comes into the dishwashing area while holding a dirty kitchen knife JCM hey I'm gonna need you guys to watch this down me but I thought that was service job JCM well we're a little too busy I'm gonna need this wash down me do you need it immediately JCM no me then why don't you guys wash it down when everything is settling down JCM i'm the catering manager here if I say this needs to get washed down this gets washed down me and why exactly should we listen to you JCM because I'm your boss me no you're not executive chefs name is JC M just leave it soaking in the dishwater then me if you're the manager then you should be following the company rules did I mention he was swinging the knife around while talking as in wall pointing at me while standing really close JCM did not like my response and he slammed the knife into one of the waters JCM I do not want to see that knife brought back do it or all of you are fired and he stomped his way out of the kitchen all of the dishwashers were stunned to what they had just witnessed I calmly told everyone to wash everything that we're supposed to wash down except for the knife in the end as we were cleaning down everything I decided to leave the unwashed knife in the pit as I was told I told the rest of the dishwashers and servers to do the same the next day I wrote a profound email to my boss other leadership figures servers and the parental company of the Convention Center I told them about all the SH that went down how I decided to comply with J seams violation of company policy and if he tried to deny everything I told them to check CCTV it may not have recorded sounds but it certainly should have caught him in the act on my next shift there was an envelope in my cubby the envelope contained a letter and a $50 Amazon gift card the letter stated how grateful the company was to me for standing up to JCM JCM was given a choice of voluntary leave or face disciplinary actions with termination and he chose the former they asked me to accept the gift card as a sign of appreciation which I did and the last story is go to our manager when you screw up sure thing so I used to work with this guy let's call him Billy at first Billy was an okay guy when he started and was getting trained up Billy decided that this department wasn't for him and transfers out to a field position Billy decides two months later that he wants to come back and there's an opening for him Billy is no longer an okay guy at this point Billy became very very bad at the job he was doing he only had about a month's training in the position before he left and when he came back he refused any further attempts to train him he figured that since he was with us three months that his training period was over even though two of the three months were in another department he was big into one-upsmanship and lied through his teeth to seem cooler than other people at anything example one of my co-workers was big in to see us go so Billy said he was a professional at csgo and played in tournaments so he was asked his csgo rank he gave some BS answer like Diamond this attitude bled into his job where he pretended he knew what he was doing when he clearly didn't on to the good old MC Billy screwed up a customer had an issue that Billy handled while he was the only one here he did not do it right and inconvenience the customer for later when the customer called me not a huge deal but caused by a lack of following procedure from good old Billy boy I fixed it have proof that it was him and shoot him an email as I work nights to his days and never saw him reminding him then he needs to make sure to do it properly from now on his response via email I did it right who do you think you aren't telling me what to do do you think I did something wrong then you need to go to our manager don't come to me about it you're not my boss hey I do have every right to point out your mistakes mr. traini B I do have every right to tell you what to do while you're in training I am your boss for all intents and purposes you've been in the department for a total of a month and a half to my two years I know what I'm doing far more than you if I tell you you did something wrong trust me you did it wrong see tell our boss oh you got it so begins my quest I don't even have to try hard to find things that Billy is really effing up constantly failing to fill out information in a critical log check failing to follow procedure and screwing over customers check failing to do something that were required by our contract with our client to do check so every day my manager gets an email about him and all screw-ups I find after about a week my manager takes me aside before I leave and asks me why I'm emailing her and not helping to train him by pointing out his mistakes so I show her Billy's email showing that he's refusing help and Informer that everyone else is getting the same attitude from him he got written up for unprofessional behavior and one more for failing to follow our procedures he was told he needed to improve quickly he did not improve quickly and before he could be fired he quit claiming he had a better job and we never heard from him again we don't even have a hard job sure it's a little procedure heavy but it's a desk job where he answer a few phones and radio calls he had no college education and had kids to support this job was about the best he could hope to find in this city thank you for listening have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 105,971
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, funny, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, maliciouscompliance, Malicious Compliance Stories, /Start, malicious compliance, reddit MaliciousCompliance, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, reddit true stories, reddit story, funny reddit stories, storytime, reddit top post, best reddit posts, r/MaliciousCompliance boss, boss, r/MaliciousCompliance fired, fired, Will Be Fired
Id: Hvhd0qf-H1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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