r/maliciouscompliance | My Workplace got ROBBED because of my New Boss!

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hey guys before i get into the stories you might have noticed that i haven't uploaded for the last week if you missed the comment on my last video you might not have seen that i was banned from uploading for a week for what i believe to be a bug in youtube's community guideline spot i've been back and forth with youtube so hopefully the issues get fixed and no other creators or myself are banned again in the future either way i should be back now permanently so let's get into our first story today's first malicious compliance story is by interstate 15. workplace gets robbed of thousands of pounds of stock after my new boss tells me i'm not the supervisor and i must comply with my contract so around 10 years ago i worked for a small independent construction supply store we sold various things from measuring tapes to power drills plumbing fittings to sheet timber and paint to roof tiles i had been there for three years by this point and got on well with the whole team there were around 12 employees in total and everyone helped everyone the atmosphere was always happy and cheerful the boss let's call him jeff was a star i loved him he was laid back as heck and we had a lot of mutual interests sports teams bands movies etc he would bring in stacks of donuts every friday for the team jeff was just the best boss ever we had the supervisor len who had been with the company a good while then would come in early and open up in the morning before anyone else arrived and would stay back at night to lock up and close the gates when len left the company to move to his wife's home country about two years into my being there i agreed with jeff that i would take over from len with regards to opening in the morning and closing at night the verbal agreement with jeff and hr slash payroll was that i was not promoted as supervisor i was happy with that as i didn't want the extra hassle plus the soup had to work every third saturday where i didn't jeff took on the extra duties that went with the roll jeff took on the extra duties that went with the roll but i was to be paid an extra two hours per day for the added duties in the morning and at night things were normal for a good while until jeff went on long-term sick leave he was a huge loss in and around the place and naturally we were all worried about him i visited him regularly while he was absent and kept him up to date with the goings-on and gossip in the meantime the firm hired a temporary replacement manager rick the tick to fill in for jeff this guy was a complete buttock of the highest order no one liked him he was smug and arrogant he would say crude things to the females and had this top dog tough guy attitude mess with me at your peril kind of guy it was to the point where the donuts on a friday were ordered to be stopped signs up the lot with the extra overtime money i had taken over the buying of the friday donuts so as to keep the morale high but no it had to stop soon enough rick was assessing the time sheets and noticed my daily two hours overtime claim he called me in to speak about it and i informed him per the agreement with jeff and hr payroll he asked me if i had it in writing and i said no it was a verbal agreement that people from hr slash payroll would back me up on rick was this typical arrogant smart jerk self and told me i don't give a freak what you agreed it ain't in writing so you ain't getting the freaking ot i know it doesn't take two hours per day to lock and unlock a freaking door or two i have good reason to write you up for falsifying timesheets for this it stops now you work your stated hours and you do only the stated duties as per your contract thing is the silly jerk confirmed what he said to me by way of an email just so i had it in writing so i was perfectly clear as to what my place in the company was fine by me rick that evening i hung the shop keys in the key cabinet and went to wash up i wasn't the last out but i left at 505 pm instead of my usual 5 45 or thereabouts i walked out while all the lights were left on the doors were unlocked and the gates were left open even the roller shutter door in the warehouse was left half open the next morning i arrived little after 7 15 instead of my usual 6 30. some colleagues had already turned up by this point the place had been done over good style all the power tools were gone loads of woodstock gone pipes all gone paint all gone it had been ransacked good and proper an estimated 30 to 40 000 british pounds of stock was gone and as the store was now a crime scene we were all sent home until further notice we all had to give statements to the police and a few days later i was called into a meeting with hr and rick the tick i was well aware of what was coming and was well prepared he went to town on me he accused me of being in on it as i was the only key holder i wasn't and that i was facing years in prison i sat in silence as he fired me six times in that meeting dereliction of duties breach of a verbal contract apparently that's a thing the lot he was coming after me like wildfire because i had failed to ensure that the building was secured as was the ongoing agreement put in place by my previous boss after what seemed like forever having this irate lunatic scream at me i asked hr if i could log into my emails on her computer surprisingly sarah agreed imagine the absolute poop eating grin as i pulled up the three day old email from rick reminding me of our conversation and confirming that i was to stick to the duties and times as stated in my contract and smugly and innocently told sarah i just did what my boss told me to do and the best part was the sheer horror on rick's face when i pulled out five printouts of that email and handed them to him and said i have more of these at home just in case you feel like destroying these ones and removing the emails from the system now is there anything else can i get back to work or am i still fired rick resigned that day i definitely don't disagree with what op did here but that would be a hard moral choice for me to be able to just go home knowing that most likely nobody is going to lock things up would you be able to consciously go home knowing that nobody's going to lock the gates or the shutters or anything in that the entire company would probably be very liable to being outright robbed without any problem let me know if you would be able to after getting reamed out by the boss in the comments down below i'd love to hear your guys's thoughts and our final story of the day is by uk lost cause 18 take direction from a 19 year old deputy shop manager in a role literally revolved around handling cash because it's cheaper to pay their wage than an adult with more experience okay enjoy your losses background so in the uk bookmakers or betting shops are notorious for their illegal employment antics and it literally just gets ignored probably because the billion pound industry is able to pay it way through any legal obligation or serious allegations staff turnover is incredibly high as most will just stick it out until they manage to get a better offer a lot of experienced staff that stay more than a couple years develop gambling addiction not a nice place to work you are the most basic of low-level vessels the company drives through slave labor for minimum wage they will hire literally anyone that is old enough 18 plus here in the uk and the usual progression is from cashier to assistant manager to deputy manager to shop manager now the goal of the company is to have one shop manager one deputy manager and the rest assistant managers cashiers are basically assistant managers in training and it's imperative that cashiers are trained up to become assistant managers as quickly as possible usually within three months though this can differ slightly dependent on the company the reason behind this is because assistant managers and above can manage a shift and are trained in all aspects of cash handling banking profit reports etc and therefore able to work alone a cashier has to work with a superior they give the most common role an attractive title assistant manager probably to make young naive workers feel important it looks good on a cv or resume for american redditors and it also gives the company an easy scapegoat when money goes missing bets are incorrectly settled and subsequently paid out bets are taken for above the allowed amount etc you get the picture it's usual practice to work a 12 to 14 hour shift without a break despite this being illegal it is also usual practice for someone to work alone even at night unless it is a particularly busy shop i have witnessed on multiple occasions pregnant staff members being forced to work alone until 10 pm despite this also being illegal so you can imagine that the absolute main priority is for the company to make as much money as possible from open to close there are a lot of corrupt aspects to the role way too many to get into but basically you're trained to follow hundreds of different security procedures to avoid losses that could potentially be avoided if anything ever went wrong like a bet was incorrectly worked out no matter how many correct procedures you follow you will always be to blame there is always some way to twist it to make it your fault too many mistakes and you're out that's it multiple rules and practices that contradict each other to a level of corruption i didn't know existed in the uk there was literally a rule that you can never leave the counter unattended when there are customers in the shop yet it was regular practice for an assistant manager to work an open until closed shift 8 am to 10 pm alone during which time we are of course expected to manage any busy periods at the counter restock batting slips and pens offer hot drinks attend to customer toilets empty the machines of money towards the end of the night etc forget toilet breaks or lunches oh and there of course was a rule of no eating behind the counter anyway the systems they use settle 95 of bets automatically after you translate them into the system five percent of bets need manual translation or calculations either because the bet was put on early before we had the info in the system the bet was too complicated or didn't make sense the bet was on something foreign or the odds differed from what the customer wrote on their slip to what was in the system at the time of placing the bet etc when a payout is over a certain amount like 500 pounds plus or lower if manually settled you have to check it with a security team we have a phone number to call give them the slip number they double check it give the go ahead to pay out likewise when a customer places a bet if the potential returns exceed a certain limit different limits depend on what the bet was on like horse racing football boxing etc you would need to get permission before placing in 2015 i at 24 years of age was taken on by one of the companies as an assistant manager as i had already had three years of experience at another bookmakers as an assistant manager from being 18 with another couple roles in between so i was told the plan was to fast track my training from cashier to assistant manager fined by me it was only an extra 20 pence per hour but it meant i could get more overtime the starting wage for me as a 24 year old cashier was 670 an hour which went up to 690 per hour as an assistant manager after training in the uk workers between the ages of 18 and 20 are entitled to less of a minimum wage at the time i think this was 5 30 an hour so as a company that exploited every possible avenue of saving money the younger workers were often made deputy managers and shop managers very quickly due to cheap labor the younger workers again were obviously favored for overtime etc this came with its problems of course experienced staff could easily identify a dodgy or ambiguous bet manually settle quite easily and work out returns in their head whereas the young superiors made lots of mistakes leading to losses of course the malicious compliance my first week i was being trained by my 19 year old superior then a monitored customer wanted to place a large bet monitored customers were bigger spenders that are given nicknames and their bets flagged in the system to keep track of wins and losses this bed was a four-fold accumulator on foreign sporting events so the details and odds weren't in the system the bet was for one thousand pounds with the potential returns of sixteen thousand pounds i was able to quickly work the returns out in my head but as my superior was about to immediately place the bet without getting security clearance i quickly exclaimed that the bet would exceed the security limit and asked why she wasn't calling for clearance she looked at the slip laughed and said oh no don't worry the returns are only about four thousand so that's fine if he's betting a thousand the customer hearing this jumps in to say she was wrong and double check it as he didn't want it settling incorrectly i advise deputy manager that i worked it out to be more like 16 000 pounds and offered a call through for her but she places the bet anyway so when it came to translating the bet i wasn't going to translate it in my name without getting security clearance so i called them anyway gave them the slip number and advised of the potential returns after a couple of minutes the security agent asks who took the bet without getting clearance and i explained it was the deputy manager of the shop they instruct me to contact our area manager to discuss as by this time two of the selections had already won i hang up and explain this to the deputy manager who says she will call the area manager huffing like i'd obviously created a fuss over nothing so she gets through explains that she took a bet from monitored customer bob and that even though the returns were only four thousand pounds off a one thousand pound stake the new girl me had phone security who then told us to contact him as two selections had already won after a few seconds the deputy manager passed the phone over to me with a victory smile on her face the area manager comes on and patronizingly advises me to listen to deputy manager and explains that i only need to call security when the payout limit exceeds those noted on the red chart like how hard can it be it's right there on the red chart op i obviously pissed and knowing full well the returns way exceeded the 5 000 limit just obediently replied oh i thought the returns worked out higher than that sorry to bother you and the security team the final two selections weren't due to play until around 3 a.m hour time so the next morning on my way to work i check out the results on my phone both one never have i ever walked into a room with such a crap eating grit on my face as i did that day the deputy manager wasn't in but the shop manager was instead same age as me at the time a look of thunder on her face i join her behind the counter and she immediately starts to interrogate me on this bet asking why i took it without getting security clearance obviously not noticing that the bet was actually taken by the deputy manager and assuming it must have been me being the newbie such satisfaction came from the following events i am yet to match this level of satisfaction i felt to this day i gladly explained it was in fact the deputy manager that had taken the bet without clearance despite my warning of the potential returns exceeding the security limit i went on to explain that i was worried enough to call security myself upon attempting to translate the bet as the odds weren't in the system and that they had directed me to contact the area manager getting more flustered the shop manager demands to know what the area manager said and i again happily explained that i didn't know as the deputy manager called him to explain before passing the phone to me and then that the area manager made it clear i was to follow my deputy manager's instructions and that i only needed to contact the security team if the payout exceeded the red chart limit and that i had apologized at that time that i must have worked it out incorrectly adding on at the end that so my initial calculations must have been right after all i got it to 16 whatever only a hundred pounds off so turned out the deputy manager got disciplined final written warning was sacked within a year the shop manager got a telling off the area manager is still there apparently and i left within eight months ignoring how exploitive this job is i'm already counting myself out from ever getting involved in this business to tell you guys the truth i personally hate math so imagining having a job where you constantly need to be able to do all these calculations in your head i think i'd probably go insane but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 25,594
Rating: 4.9415631 out of 5
Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: 1G9E1t36UOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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